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Prince of Cats

Page 4

by Susan A Bliler

  As she stood at his table awaiting his arrival she listened to the other Cats discuss the Honoring of Osiris Festival. Some Cats were to be honored for their bravery and service to the Gods, while others were to be ‘bound’.

  Neomee had no idea what they meant by the term ‘bound’, but it couldn’t be too bad as the Cats seemed to be looking forward to it.

  She bristled when her Prince Cat arrived. He claimed his seat at the table, but she felt him look at her. She didn’t meet his gaze.

  “And you Bray, are you to be bound at the Festival?”

  Bray…is that his name?

  “He has not earned the right to be bound.”

  Neomee peeked up to see a large sinister looking Cat glaring at Bray from the table opposite theirs.

  “Hondo, we have all earned the right.” The Cat sitting across from Bray chastised.

  The Prince Cat, Bray, did not respond as he turned his head so his eyes could follow Neomee as she passed with her pitcher of water.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Neomee saw Bray’s eyes following her, so she quickened her pace when she was close to passing him. Too late. Bray sprang from the table and grabbed her around the waist. Neomee gasped as the pitcher she carried slipped from her fingers.

  Bray pulled Neomee back tightly into his frame as he spun her to face the room full of Cats. He held her arms extended out at her sides.

  “Perhaps I shall be bound!” he declared loudly. “What do you think of my options?” Bray spoke to his fellow Cats and a loud roar went up as they all rose and crowded closer.

  Neomee’s pulse raced while she tried to control her breathing and squirm from his tight grip on both her wrists. Her breathing was frantic as she struggled against his strength, but she froze in place at the looks on the faces of the Cats greedily staring back at her.

  Instantly, she was released as Bray spun her to face him. The look of confusion on his face terrified her as his eyes traveled down her slight frame.

  “Amon!” Bray growled, “Get behind me!”

  As Bray shoved Neomee behind him, she was shaking her head in confusion as she too looked down at herself. What on earth could have caused… Neomee gasped in shock as she realized what had happened. When she’d dropped the pitcher of water it spilled down the front of her white linen gown. She wore no under garments. The soaking wet gown was now completely see through and clinging to her lithe frame like a second skin.

  She heard a feral growl before she was shoved back by Bray’s massive frame. The force sent her crashing into the wall then sliding to the ground.

  Her eyes darted over her shoulder and she discovered that Bray was fighting one of his brethren Cats. The raucous shouting that filled the room sent chills down her spine.

  She crawled to the far corner of the room, using her arms as best she could to cover her breasts. Watching Bray fight, Neomee couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if he lost.

  What are they even fighting for? What does this mean?

  Bray had just finished besting the first Cat when a second attacked.

  Fear clouded Neomee’s eyes as she watched in shock. She was never so glad to see the Slave Master in her life as he ran to her, ever present whip in hand. The distress on his face lent urgency to his tone, “Are you mad? Would you have them tear themselves apart to get to you? Away! Away with you now!” The Slave Master hauled her up by her arms and ran with her from the room.

  Neomee heard a familiar massive roar shake the room as she flew out the door.

  Back in the slave quarters, the Slave Master ordered the other slaves from the room, “Out! Go! Find work. Stay busy! And for the sake of your lives stay away from the dining hall. STAY AWAY FROM THE CATS! Hide if you must!”

  Neomee turned to the Slave Master. She couldn’t control the tremble of fear that shook her limbs. “Wh-what just happened?”

  The Slave Master slapped her, drawing blood from her nose. “You stupid fool! Parading around in front of the Prince and calling his attention to you. Do you see what it has wrought? You could have died today, should have. Probably still will!” He slapped her again.

  Neomee’s cheek stung more from anger than from the Slave Master’s assault. Her adrenaline was still coursing too quickly for her to have felt any pain. “I did nothing wrong. He toys with me!” Tears of anger seeped down her red cheek.

  “As is his right! As is any of their right! You are a slave. Only a slave!” The Slave Master pushed her hard and Neomee stumbled backward and fell to the ground. “You with the eyes always looking around. Don’t think I do not see. Everyday where the other slaves keep their eyes where they belong, you look about as if you are better than them. That is how you brought this on yourself. You sought out trouble and have now found it. If the Prince or one of the other Cats does not claim you or kill you tonight, the Priest surely will. Do you think he can allow a mere slave to cause a mutiny among his Cats? Even his most favored of Cats? No, I think not.”

  Neomee sat on the floor glaring up at the Slave Master as he unfurled his whip. He cracked it in the air once, making Neomee flinch as he quickly lashed it down and wrapped it around her neck. Neomee’s hands went to her throat and pulled at the whip as she gasped for air.

  The Slave Master tugged the rope tight and began slowly dragging her from the room. “I’ll save the Priest the trouble and take you to him now.”

  Neomee’s legs flailed as she tried to gain purchase. Pebbles dug into her arms and tore at her skin as she was drug toward the door. Then, just as the Slave Master crossed the threshold, the whip around Neomee’s neck instantly loosened and she sprawled on the dirt floor coughing and gasping for air. Crawling to her side she looked up for the Slave Master, but saw only the handle of his whip lying in the dirt in front of her as dust clouded the air. She scooted herself back from the doorway, still dragging in great pants of breath.

  Her back hit the far wall, and she sat watching the doorway, terrified at not knowing what happened to the Priest. She nearly cried out in relief when Bray entered.

  Still clutching her throat, Neomee slumped against the wall as he approached.

  “Are you alright?” Bray asked as he bent and grabbed her hand. He had bloody claw marks down the front of his chest and on one forearm.

  Her relief quickly turned to anger and Neomee glared up at Bray as she jerked her hand from his, “If you are so determined to see me killed, then do it now, but do it yourself!”

  Bray stood and glared down at her, “I meant you no harm.”

  Neomee rose, trying to wipe what was now a thin coat of mud from the front of her gown. She approached until she was inches from him as she peered up at his concerned gaze, “Perhaps you could mean it a little more.” Neomee made to pass Bray, but he grabbed her arm and jerked her back to him.

  “You forget your place. You are still a slave. And I am a Cat. Prince of Cats!”

  Neomee dropped her eyes to the floor. She made no attempt to pull from him as she bit through clenched teeth, “My apologies…Master.”

  Bray stood holding her arm in his vice-like grip as he glared down at her. She didn’t look at him and remained motionless, submissive.

  “If I may be so bold oh Prince. Perhaps whatever it is you seek from me, you should take it now so that we may be done with it.”

  “And what is it you presume I seek from you?”

  She couldn’t control the anger and resentment that flooded her. “My only guess could be humiliation. As it is all you’ve given me for the past few weeks…Master.” The last word dripped with sarcasm and too late Neomee realized she’d gone too far.

  Bray’s hand was around Neomee’s throat in an instant. His fierce grip crushing her warm flesh until stars danced before her eyes. She struggled to breathe as the warm liquid pools of his eyes that she was now so familiar with transitioned to a neon yellow with black slits down the center. His face rippled before her transitioning from flesh to fur than back.

  Did I just see..?

p; It was the last thing Neomee saw.


  Neomee’s hand went to her throat as her eyes fluttered open. Between the Slave Master’s whip and Bray’s chokehold it was a miracle her slender throat hadn’t snapped in two. She warily eyed her surroundings from the cushion of the bed on which she lay.

  One window on the far wall revealed that it was late at night. The sky was black as pitch, dotted by the winks of numerous distant stars. Letting her eyes travel the wall she saw that the room was barren. No curtains covered the open window; no art decorated the brown stone walls. It appeared that the only thing in the room aside from her was the canopied bed on which she lay and the low divan seated at the foot of the bed.

  Looking for an escape route, Neomee found Bray’s massive form standing in the doorway with his back to her.

  She rose unsteadily from the bed and dropped her eyes to the floor, rubbing her neck before she dropped her hands and locked them together behind her back in the proper slave stance.

  “M-m…,” Neomee cleared her scratchy throat, “Master?” The word came out on a harsh whisper.

  Bray turned to face her, sadness in his eyes as he noted her posture. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Master, please forgive me for my transgressions. I truly meant you no dishonor.” Neomee bowed her head in submission.

  “Please don’t do that.” The pain in Bray’s expression trickled into his voice.

  Neomee bowed her head even lower. I have got to get out of here. Please Amon, don’t screw this up. Just be what he wants. Just be a damn slave.

  “It is I who must beg forgiveness.” Bray crossed the room to stand before her, “My apologies. I should not have sought you out so soon from a fight. My Cat was too…well, he is often uncontrollable. But that is no fault of yours. I should not have toyed with you these past few weeks. Now it would seem my Cat cannot go a day without your scent.”

  Neomee’s mind raced for the proper response. “As is your right Master. As is any of your right. I am a slave. Only a slave.” Neomee repeated the words the Slave Master had spoken to her earlier, only this time she believed them. Her head still bowed submissively, Neomee licked her parched lips, “Master, may I be excused?”

  Again, a pained expression crossed Bray’s face, but was lost on Neomee as she refused to raise her bowed head. Moments passed before Bray whispered, “Yes.”

  Neomee calmly walked from the room without ever having looked up.

  Chapter 7

  The following day, Bray made an effort to get to the dining hall early in hopes of conversing with Neomee prior to her work shift. Dust billowed up from the floor as his sandaled feet paced back and forth just outside the door to the dining hall. He knew the slaves would be streaming down the hall any moment.

  Guilt over his actions had prevented any real sleep during the night and even now he still cursed his lack of control. He wasn’t accustomed to dealing with females so his natural instincts overrode good judgment when she’d challenged him. She should have known better. And not because she was a slave. In fact, her status didn’t matter at all to him, what did was the fact that she’d brazenly disrespect one of the guardian Cats.

  For what felt like the hundredth time in the past day, anger bubbled to the surface. What in all the temples had she been thinking? He knew for a fact that had she dared to address any of the other Cats in such a manner she would have paid dearly. He cringed when he thought of the likes of Hondo getting his hands on her. She was small and fragile looking and that fact brought forth his protective instincts. His eyes darted to the mouth of the hall when he heard muffled voices.

  Why he felt the need to apologize again made no sense but it was still something he felt compelled to do. He knew she could never understand his need for dominance, it was the animalistic part of him that he couldn’t control. He was neither ashamed nor proud of what he was, but he wanted Neomee to understand. For some strange reason it was important to him that she not fear him.

  He caught sight of her near the end of the line. When her bright blue eyes snagged on his, she quickly bowed her head, her feet stuttering to a halt. Bray watched as slaves behind her nudged her out of the way to walk past.

  Even with her head down he could see her eyes shifting from side to side in indecision. Over the scent of the processional of slaves he picked up the all-too familiar scent of Neomee’s fear and it angered him. His lips pulled back to reveal sharp canines that had elongated involuntary when his Cat became displeased. The slaves parading by took notice and it only took a moment for their quiet talking to cease as they dropped their heads to pass in silence.

  Bray stomped toward Neomee who still stood motionless near the mouth of the corridor. He tried to control his angered response at her reaction to seeing him but when his words burst forth he realized too late that he’d failed. “You will not avoid me!” His eyes dropped to her full lips as they parted but no words came out. He inhaled a calming breath and tried again more slowly. “Are you well today?” He lifted a hand to touch on her throat where it was bruised from his assault a day earlier. Neomee jerked back at the action and Bray’s brows speared down before his expression softened along with his tone. He dropped his hand to his side, “I meant you no harm.” Drawing in a deep breath he took a step back when he noticed her trembling. “I wanted to apologize again for my behavior yesterday. I lost control and if I hurt you…I am sorry.”

  Perfect teeth dented Neomee’s lower lip for a fraction of a second before she offered tremulously, “Please do not apologize to me Master. Whatever punishment you see fit shall be mine to endure.” She jumped when Bray roared.

  Two thickly corded arms braced on either side of her, pinning her against the wall. The scent of her fear spiked but Bray couldn’t control his reaction. He wanted her to look at him, talk to him…smile at him. Instead she cowered submissively. He’d remembered the challenging glint that typically burned in her eyes and he wanted to see it again. “Do not play submissive with me. I know you better than that.”


  Neomee couldn’t take it anymore. Everyone demanded she be more slave-like and now that she was finally playing the role it was obvious that Bray was displeased with the display.

  Perfectly manicured brows knitted over her thin nose as steady eyes leveled on his. “My submission is required. I am a slave.” She’d foregone the use of the word ‘Master’ since every time she’d used the term with him he’d clearly been displeased.

  What does he expect me to do? Perhaps this is a trick to get me to slip up so that he may punish me. The thought had her second guessing her tone. She forced her head down, “You sought me out. Is there something I can do for you?”

  “There is a lot you can do for me,” Bray murmured not even attempting to veil the innuendo.

  Looking up, Neomee studied him for long seconds before she lifted trembling fingers to the strap of her gown. She slid one strap off her shoulder and was reaching for the other when shock registered in Bray’s expression.

  “What are you doing?” he growled.

  Neomee’s hand froze in place. “Giving you what you seek.”

  Bray stepped closer forcing her back against the wall until she was crushed between his massive frame and the stone at her back. “And who else have you given this particular gift to?”

  Her cheeks flamed in indignation. “No one!” Her tone was too harsh, but she couldn’t help being offended by the insult. “I have lain with no other man since I’ve been assigned here.”

  “And before you were assigned here?”

  Aqua blue eyes slid down to study his chest. “No. None in my prior service either.” She knew her entire body flushed with the admission. She silently prayed that he’d leave it at that.

  Instead, he stepped closer; his groin pressed against her belly as he gently grabbed her chin and lifted her face until her eyes peered up at his.

  “You have never experienced a man’s touch?”

  How humiliating
! She tried to jerk her chin out of his grasp but he held her firmly. Her cheeks actually stung with embarrassment over the topic. “Of course I have Master.” Since he refused to let her go she focused her gaze over his shoulder. “Men hit me all the time.”

  Her admission evoked contradictory emotions in Bray. While he was relieved to discover that her virtue might still be intact, he was simultaneously enraged at the fact the only touch she’d ever received from a male was that of pain rather than pleasure.

  She stopped breathing when he leaned down and brushed his lips across hers.

  “Never again my sweet lily.” Then just as quickly as he’d approached her, he turned and stalked away.

  Chapter 8

  The day of the Honoring of Osiris Festival had finally arrived. No one knew what Bray had done to the Slave Master but the day the Slave Master attempted to drag Neomee to the Priest was the last time he’d been seen.

  The Priest had the Slave Master replaced quickly enough and the new Slave Master was just as ruthless as his predecessor. Luckily, this Slave Master knew little of Neomee and had no cause to think she were different than any of the other slaves, which is exactly how she wanted it.

  She did assume however that Bray had spoken to the new Slave Master for she was permanently removed from her station at the dining hall and placed on the garden station. Her new assignment saw her working alongside the slave women who tended the temple’s numerous garden plots and harvested the crops there for the Cats—and slaves—consumption. It was a slave’s most desired station, as the fresh air was as plentiful as the food, and practically no interaction with the Cats or the Slave Master was required.

  The garden was centered in the middle of the temple square and was surrounded by towering walls, which served to keep critters and thieves out while keeping the slaves in. Regardless, while the slaves tended the garden, Cats were always posted on the wall to ensure no escape attempts or intrusions were made.

  Usually the Cats on guard ended up dozing in the noon day sun or sneaking off with a willing slave for more adult enjoyments. Luckily, none of the Cats propositioned Neomee. She couldn’t help but wonder if the incident and Bray’s reaction in the dining hall had anything to do with it.


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