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New Year's Kiss (One Night in New York)

Page 2

by Wilde, Jayn

  She handed her overnight bag to Mack, who had secured them a storage locker at Penn Station. Apparently he had a friend there, who had saved one for him. Well, that and a generous hundred-dollar tip secured the locker. After he tossed her bag in, he shut the door and nodded at his friend. She’d never had to use a locker before, only carrying on her what she’d need for the night. She wondered how she’d get to her stuff if they got separated overnight.

  “You’re getting first round!” Jake hip bumped her as he walked between Haylee and his wife, Melissa. He slung his arm around her shoulder and with both women in his grasp, he pulled them ahead of the rest of the group. Laughter permeated the air as they made their way to a tavern on 44th street. Most of the people around them veered off towards Times Square, but Jake steered them past ritzy hotels and on to a pub called Jimmy’s Corner. The music thumped and the crowd was heavy, people pressed up against the door.

  Haylee grinned. Yep, this was a place where she could let loose and meet some fun guys. Pushing their way through the crowd, the group of friends headed towards the bar. A bench opened up and Krista pulled Haylee towards it. The guys came over with shots and a pitcher of beer, excited because they’d be getting free chicken wings too. Haylee looked around the small pub.

  Bodies filled every corner, some on stools and even more standing close by. There were a few other benches fully occupied and a couple of small tables around the support beams. She spotted what looked like the edge of a pool table, a couple skeeball games and even an arcade game tucked away from the crowd. She mused at the idea of coming all the way to NYC to play a video game. This was the kind of place you’d go to as a local, after a hard day at work. A dimly-lit dive-style bar that makes you feel like you can kick back and relax.

  “Did you see the wall of beer?” Mack was definitely warming up. “It’s like, huge, man.”

  “Good thing we already know our favorite or we’d have been standing there for an hour.” Logan laughed.

  Haylee smiled at her boys. These guys, once they got warmed up, quickly became the life of the party and could make her laugh all night long.

  “Check out that outfit!” Logan pointed across the room at a skinny guy wearing an enormous red, white and blue hat. “That’d fit at least three or four people in it.”

  “What you think he’s got under that kilt?” Krista giggled. Haylee looked down and sure enough, Mr. Hat was wearing a kilt. It clashed horribly with his headgear, not to mention the fact that what little bit of leg she could see was way too thin.

  “Maybe you can ask him.” Melissa pointed to another kilt wearing skinny guy. They all let out a moan when the two guys started kissing.

  “Geez, get a room guys,” Logan muttered.

  “Please.” Mack added.

  “I think it’s hot,” Cara was rocking on the bench as she watched the two kilted men fondle one another. “Wonder if they’d like a little company.”

  Kyle choked and beer flew out of his mouth. Haylee covered her face, counted to ten in her head and then swallowed the gulp of beer that was stuck in her mouth. She glanced over at Kyle, who looked embarrassed, his face a bright red and tears glittering in his eyes. He smiled and Haylee felt her stomach flip. He had a sexy smile. She adored it.

  “What’s the matter, Kyle? Not used to Cara yet?” Jake laughed as he pounded Kyle on the back. “She’s a naughty girl, you gotta watch out for her.” The group all shifted their eyes and watched as Cara sauntered over to the kilt-wearing couple.

  Haylee couldn’t help but watch Kyle’s reaction as he watched Cara with the guys. Haylee had gotten quite used to Cara’s kinky ways over the years; something that blossomed while Cara was off at college. Haylee knew the show was going to get more interesting, and she felt bad for Kyle, so she explained, “Cara is way into all kinds of kink. Even if those guys have no interest in her or a threesome, she’ll simply do her own thing while she watches them go at it.”

  And, there it was. The reaction everyone had when Cara claimed her target. Kyle’s mouth hung open and his eyes were as wide as dishes. Haylee couldn’t help but laugh out loud as she turned her gaze across the pub. Cara had one hand under each kilt while the guys kissed again. They seemed to be interested in her, too, since one had a hand on her breast and the other was palming her ass.

  “Anyway…” Niall broke the silence. “…you guys wanna hang here or walk around?”

  Conversation resumed and they tossed around ideas and names of bars they could stop by throughout the night. Haylee would occasionally glance over at Kyle, who had gone completely silent. His eyes were still on the scene playing out across the bar and Haylee couldn’t help but grin. Their group had become desensitized to Cara’s antics, although it always seemed to up the ‘horny factor’ among them. Usually, within an hour of witnessing a Cara scene, the group broke up to find their own fun for the night. Haylee sipped her beer, wondering if she might find someone to share some fun with tonight. Perhaps Kyle would be interested in a little fun? It couldn’t hurt to hope and worst case scenario, Melissa and Jake would be heading home to their own bed and she knew they’d take her along with them if she wanted.

  Shaking her head, Haylee tried to find a way to bring back her confidence. She’d had plenty of it when she left her house, but something changed along the way. Kyle. She had caught him staring at her a few times and she couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking. Did he find her attractive? What if he made a move on her? How would she handle it? After all, there was the ‘no friends’ rule. But, he was not included in the original group of friends, so did that rule even apply?

  She shifted on her seat, causing her thong to rub against her sensitive skin. She needed a distraction. The smell of chicken wings made her stomach grumble and despite the noise level in the bar, Melissa heard it from her spot next to Haylee. “Hungry?”

  Haylee nodded. Her body required food, but it also sought something else. Something more carnal. And, if she played her cards right, perhaps she could scratch that itch. After all, she’d never met Kyle before. What’s to say she’d see him again after tonight, anyway? She turned to say something to Melissa, but found her lip-locked with her husband. On the other side of Jake, Kyle watched her again. He glanced at the kissing couple then back at her, winked and smiled. Haylee’s heart skipped a beat. What did that mean? Did it mean anything?

  Shit, I need to get drunk.

  “What’ll it be then?” Kyle had shifted off the bench and was suddenly standing beside her. Had she said that out loud? And why, oh why, did his crotch have to be right in her line of sight. She could easily just reach over, unbutton his pants, pull down the zipper and get a closer look at the bulge hidden within. Licking her lips, she groaned deep in her chest. “Haylee?” The voice was husky and came from somewhere north of the crotch in front of her. The pants tented just a bit and he snapped her head away from the temptation before her.

  “Just Jager please.” Keeping her gaze on her hands balled in her lap, Haylee didn’t want Kyle to notice how turned on she was or be able to read her mind. She’d always been told her eyes and her facial expressions gave away her thoughts. Right now, she couldn’t take a chance that Kyle would figure out she was fantasizing about helping herself to a taste of him.

  “We’re heading out. I’ll check us in at the Double Tree.” Cara appeared on the other side of Haylee and she let out a whoosh of breath. Thankful for the interruption, she focused her thoughts on Cara and her boy toys for the night. Unfortunately, that didn’t help when she looked up and noticed that hat boy was quite handsome up close. He did have a lean body, one of a swimmer, but toned all the same. So the kilt didn’t do him any favors, but Haylee glanced down and caught the way the man-skirt lifted. She giggled when she realized why it was higher in the front than on the sides. The other boy toy also seemed to have the same affliction. Cara gave her a kiss on the cheek, a tweak on the ass and wished her a Happy New Year as she left with the kilted guys. Cara called out a farewell to th
e group, saying something about not letting them cool off.

  “She’s very touchy-feely isn’t she?” Kyle sat down on Haylee’s other side, passing her a shot glass. “To a happy New Year, good friends and an interesting 2012.” Kyle held up his shot glass and Haylee tapped hers to his before they both slammed back the amber liquid. It burnt all the way down her throat, but Haylee welcome the sensation. It kept her mind off the fire that ignited between her legs when Kyle spoke.

  “Yeah, Cara’s always been a hugger. She also cops a feel every chance she can get. Doesn’t matter who you are, how old you are or what gender. She loves to touch people. Seems to work well for her.” Haylee gulped her beer, chasing the shot and calming her throat. “She has a heart of gold. People think she does it for attention, but I really just think her time in college brought out a different side of her. A side that most people ignore or deny exists.”

  “Well, that was a hell of a scene before.” Kyle sipped his own beer, his eyes on his fingers as he played with the mug. He glanced up at Haylee and continued, “Isn’t it a bit frustrating to watch that kind of shi….er, stuff, all the time?”

  “Frustrating? No. That shit is entertaining.” She smiled as she said the word that he apparently was trying not to. “She has her fun, she stays safe and she never plays with her friends.”

  “So you don’t find it, I don’t know…like watching a porno?” Kyle shifted his gaze away at first, then quickly pulled them back to Haylee’s face. She saw they’d gotten quite dark. Almost black instead of green. Her heart started to beat faster. He obviously thought the Cara shit was a turn on, because he compared it to a porn movie. So, that must mean he’s frustrated like…oh…that kind of frustrating. Haylee couldn’t help the heat that traveled to her cheeks or the Jager induced giggling that followed. He cocked his head, watching her.

  “I thought you meant, like an angry kind of frustrated.” Haylee giggled again. “Um, yeah, that can be a bit hard to handle sometimes.”

  “Hard. Hard to handle. Hmmm.” Kyle shifted a tiny bit closer to Haylee, his thigh now flush against hers. The hem of her dress had hitched up at some point and was now barely covering her crotch. She shifted and crossed her legs, but made sure to keep contact with his thigh.

  Haylee moved her leg ever so slightly, causing friction between their two bodies. She felt sinful and sexy and decided that if he were game, she’d play as long as she could. Maybe it would go somewhere, maybe not. The delicious sensations vibrating through her body right now were worth the later disappointment when she was home alone.

  “And what about you, Haylee? Do you feel frustrated?” The emphasis he placed on that last word tickled the back of her neck. No, actually, that was his hand. Somehow, he’d managed to sneak his hand around her back and his fingertips grazed the side of her neck. She had unconsciously flipped her hair over her right shoulder, exposing her left shoulder to his touch.

  “Mmmm,” was all Haylee could manage as her eyes drifted closed. Yes, indeed she was feeling frustrated. Even more so now he was touching her, running his fingers from the base of her neck down its curve to her shoulder. Despite the sheer material covering her skin, it was no barrier to his searing touch. She felt the small circles he traced on her shoulder as he leaned in towards her ear.

  “Tell me, Haylee. How do you feel?” Kyle’s voice was barely a whisper, his breath hot on her neck. His lips grazed her ear lobe, causing goose bumps to travel the course of her body.

  She turned her head in his direction, her face coming next to his, their lips almost touching. “I feel very frustrated right now.” She also felt ridiculously turned-on and couldn’t bring herself to look in to his eyes. That close, there’s no way he could miss her desire; it surely burned bright in her eyes at that moment.

  “Can I help you with that, beautiful?” Thump. Yep, that was her chin hitting the floor. Did he really just say that to her? In the middle of a pub, with their friends only a few feet away?


  Oh shit. Haylee began to panic. Not only was she acting like a wanton in front of her friends, but Kyle was one of them now. And, he was off-limits. Damn. Haylee bolted up from the bench and caught Krista’s eye, then tilted her head to the side. The unspoken, “Come with me to the ladies room,” message sent and received.

  Krista followed Haylee to the bathroom and into a stall. She started to laugh, until Haylee looked at her. The women stood on either side of the toilet, each waiting for the other to speak.

  “I should go home, Kris. I can’t stand being around Kyle.” Haylee glanced down at her hands, surprised she twisted them together without even thinking about it.

  “What? What do you mean?” Krista reached over and grabbed Haylee’s hands. “Lee, what did he do? Did he something to you?” Krista’s voice rose and her face was etched with concern.

  “Oh gosh, Kris. No. I didn’t mean it like that.” Haylee rocked pace and forth, in lieu of pacing. “He’s hot and he’s been very nice to me. It’s just…it’s just that he’s a friend.” Haylee looked up at Krista, searching for understanding in her best friend’s eyes.

  Krista stared at the wall for a minute before she busted out laughing. “Shit. You like him dontcha?” She put an arm around her waist, holding herself as she continued to laugh. “You like him and you’re afraid to break your ‘no friends’ rule, right?” Her words came out broken by laughter. “Lee, listen to me. He is hot. He’s single. He is here alone, tonight. And, from what I saw, he is into you. Go for it. It’s just one night. Live a little.”

  “Kris, look, you know this isn’t easy for me. I’ve never been the one guys go for. Which worked out fine back in school. But now, I really want to find somebody. Somebody who wants me just the way I am.”

  “And, you’ll find that. We’re young. Come on. Just have fun tonight. It’s almost midnight. You stick by his side and I bet you’ll get one hell of a kiss from those sweet lips he’s got.” Krista was calmer now, only giggling here and there as she gestured wildly with her hands.

  “Fine. Okay, fine.” Haylee straightened her back. Then, she slumped again. “I’m not a very good kisser, Krista. You know I haven’t kissed many guys.”

  “Want me to practice with you?” Krista’s face was serious.

  “Fuck you.” Haylee busted out laughing. Krista joined her. “Okay, I’ll give it a shot. What’s the worse that could happen? I kiss like a fish and then go back home on the train with Melissa and Jake. Not like I’ll see Kyle again any time soon.” Hashing it out with Krista had Haylee convincing herself and her confidence soared. They left the stall and garnered a few strange looks from others in the bathroom, causing them both to giggle their way back to the bench where everyone else sat.

  “Where’d everyone go?” Haylee asked when she realized only Kyle, Melissa and Jake were still seated. She glanced up at the clock behind the bar and noticed it was almost midnight.

  Kyle stood and handed Haylee and Krista each a glass of champagne. Haylee shuddered, she hated the drink and only tolerated one glass per year. Then Kyle handed each of them a tall shot glass.

  “What’s this?” Krista held the glass up to the light over the bench.

  “Cocoa Passion. It has passion fruit, dark crème de cacao, tequila, and champagne. It’s something tasty to wash down the regular champagne.” Kyle looked at Haylee the whole time he spoke then winked at her.

  “Five.” The crowd roared. “Four.” Kyle stepped close to Haylee. “Three.” They all turned towards the TV. “Two.” Everyone in the pub raised their glass. “One.” A thunderous “Happy New Year” echoed through the bar, making Haylee’s ears ring. She tipped glasses with every person within reach, friend or stranger, then chugged back her champagne. Choking a little, she wiped the tears from her eyes.

  Kyle’s body was pressed against hers. The room had suddenly become very small. He held his shot glass up and she tapped hers to his. “To new friends and a wonderful new year.” Kyle leaned down and whispered in her ear. Sh
e could only nod. The champagne and his hard body leaning against hers was overwhelming. He braced a hand around her back as he tipped his head and drank his shot. She did the same, closed her eyes and let out a groan. It was sweet, chocolatey and took away the champagne taste in her mouth. Now, that was the way to drink champagne, she thought.

  Kyle snatched her glass and placed them on a tray that mysteriously appeared near them. The waitress wished them a happy new year and went on to take other glasses. Kyle put his other arm around Haylee’s waist and drew her close to him. She looked up into his eyes and everything around her faded away, except the drunken singing of Auld Lang Syne.


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