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New Year's Kiss (One Night in New York)

Page 4

by Wilde, Jayn

  “I want to hear you, Haylee. You need to answer me when I ask you a question. I want to hear every moan and groan as I tease you until your body explodes.”

  Haylee opened her mouth to answer, then sucked in a deep breath as Kyle’s naked, hard, hot body pressed against her back, pushing her flat into the cold glass.

  Everything culminated into one great stroke of pleasure. His strong body and hard erection pressing against her as his hands stroked her; her hot, sensitive skin flattened against the cold glass. It was all too much and she felt her body tighten and coil and before she could stop it, an orgasm ripped through her causing her to buck against him.

  Another slap to her ass barely registered as Kyle whispered in her ear, “Naughty girl. I didn’t give you permission to come.” Despite his words, he had yet to stop stroking the sensitive flesh between her legs. Suddenly Kyle pulled away from her, but she didn’t know whether or not to move. His smacks to her ass were delicious, but she didn’t want to mess up whatever he was doing, so she stayed perfectly still, knees still shaking from her orgasm.

  “Keep your hands on the glass.” Kyle pulled her back, from the waist down. She heard a foil wrapper crinkle and then a second later felt him rub against her slick folds. He went slowly, stroking her gently and she was going mad.

  “Please, Kyle.”

  “Please what, Haylee?”

  She was too frantic to be shy or to feel embarrassed. Hell, her naked body was on display for the world. She just wanted him so badly that all of those filters shut down. “God, Kyle, I need you inside of me. Now!” He chuckled as she practically yelled the last word.

  A single movement and he was buried deep inside her. They both groaned. Neither moved for a minute. Then, Kyle slowly pulled out and she whimpered. Again, he chuckled and slammed himself deep inside of her. That was the beginning of the end of Haylee. Every thrust brought her higher and higher until she couldn’t think, couldn’t speak; her whole mind completely blanked out. When she exploded, this time she went down.

  Kyle caught her though and carried her to the bed. “I want to see your face this time.” Kyle placed her gently on the bed, positioning himself between her wide-spread legs. Haylee lifted her hips up in expectation and Kyle hooked his forearms behind her knees, lifting her lower body off of the bed. He entered her again and this time, he went slowly. Kyle softly stroked her with his hard shaft. He went deeper, circled his hips and pressed his pubic bone against her throbbing nub. She writhed as she again climbed to the heavens.

  “Again?” Haylee breathed out.

  “Come on, baby, one more time. That felt so good before, I need to feel it again.”

  Haylee closed her eyes and let every sensation wash over her. Kyle leaned forward, bringing her knees to her chest, pushing himself deeper than she thought possible and hitting that elusive g-spot that she didn’t think she had. It was too much. She writhed even more trying to reach something. Kyle brought his hands around and firmly squeezed both her breasts, kissed her lips and ground his hips into her and there it was. The first two had been amazing, but this time…lights exploded between her closed eyelids and she screamed out Kyle’s name. He grunted and moaned out her name as he followed her with his own orgasm.

  Panting, still lightly moaning, Kyle released her legs and let his body cover hers. They were still joined; neither one able to move. They were both covered in sweat as Haylee traced his arms. She hadn’t known he had tattoos. He had an intricate tribal design that went around his bicep, over his chest and crept behind his back. Her fingertips tracked the lines, memorizing them for future reference. She brought her hand back down and touched the smooth planes of his chest, making sure to flick each nipple as she passed by. He groaned in to her neck.

  “Let’s order room service.” His voice was muffled by her hair.

  “It’s three in the morning, Kyle.” She couldn’t help but giggle as he nibbled along her neck.

  “It’s New Year’s. They expect to be serving food all night long.”

  “I can’t move,” Haylee murmured.

  “Me either,” Kyle replied.

  “Well, how are we going to get any food like this?” She laughed.

  Kyle lifted his head slowly and his gaze captured hers. He shifted his body so he was lying alongside her and cupped her cheek with his hand. “You are amazing, Haylee.” She opened her mouth to say something, but Kyle brushed his thumb over her lips and stilled them. “I mean it. Your friends adore you. I know so much about you that I don’t feel like I’ve just met you.”

  Haylee scanned his eyes. Could this man really, truly be that interested in her? She would’ve doubted his words, had she not seen the sincerity in his eyes. “Haylee, I want to get to know you. I mean, really get to know you. What you like, what you hate, what are your favorite foods and movies and all that shi…stuff.”

  She grinned at him. He was freaking adorable. Trying to censor his words, even after what they had just done. He kissed her on the nose and slipped away to the bathroom. When he returned, he carried two robes, offering her one. “I’ll call room service. What would you like?”

  For the rest of the night, they joked, they talked the laughed. They made love a few more times and dozed off in each other’s arms. It was the most wonderful night of Haylee’s life. It was a shame that it had been only one night, and barely seven hours at that. But, before she dozed off, she decided to be happy with what little time she had. After all, it was the most explosive night of her life.

  Haylee stirred and pulled the heavy comforter over her naked body. Stretching, she couldn’t help but grin at the delicious memories that accompanied every sore muscle. She’d never experienced such pleasure in all of her life and she now understood the phrase “thoroughly fucked.” She reached over and felt the empty side of the bed. It was cold, as she had expected. Glancing around the room, she wondered if Kyle had left her a note or something. She saw nothing and couldn’t understand the emptiness that washed over her.

  She knew it was a one-nighter, but she honestly thought they’d made a connection the night before. Enough that would warrant a kiss good-bye and a phone number. A phone number. Haylee felt nauseated suddenly. She didn’t even get his phone number. Now, she really felt empty and alone. Had it been just another night to him? She knew better and yet she chastised herself anyway.

  “Fuckin’ A,” Haylee muttered as she jumped up and headed for the bathroom.

  After a hot shower, Haylee grabbed a hotel robe and searched for her phone. She’d have to find a way to get her bag from the locker at Penn Station. As she walked towards the front door, she tripped over something. Glancing down, relief washed over her. Someone, somehow had dropped off her overnight bag. Quickly, she changed into her clothes, fixed her hair and make-up and then with a single glance around, she left.

  A young woman with short blonde hair and tired eyes stood at the reception counter. Despite looking as if she had partied the night before, the blonde woman smiled brightly and spoke with a calm voice.

  “Miss Haylee?”

  “Yes, that’s me.” Haylee handed the key card to the woman whose name tag read “Jamie.”

  “Thank you for staying here at our hotel. Mr. Simmons left a note for you when he checked out and asked that I personally hand it to you.”

  Mr. Simmons? Wow, Haylee had just realized she didn’t even know Kyle’s last name. How was that for slutty?

  Feeling a little embarrassed, Haylee wanted to be sure that Kyle and Mr. Simmons were one and the same. “Kyle left me a note?”

  Jamie smiled brightly at her, “Yes. Here it is.” The receptionist handed Haylee a folded piece of paper with her name scrawled on the front. “And, he arranged for you to have breakfast in the restaurant and a car to drive you back home. All you have to do is let me know when you are ready and I will have the driver bring the car around front.”


  “Thank you.” Haylee wanted to pretend that she wasn’t completely freaking out on
the inside. He didn’t leave without saying good-bye, he arranged for her to have breakfast and a car to drive her all the way back to New Jersey.

  As Haylee walked to a small table in the hotel’s restaurant, her phone vibrated in her pocket. Tugging it out of her jean pocket, she glanced at the screen and smiled. Kyle. He must’ve programmed his contact info in her phone before he left and now she had a waiting text message from him. Haylee nodded at the young man that had escorted her to the table and pushed in her chair for her. He winked and smiled as he walked away.

  Haylee waited until the waitress brought out her pre-arranged breakfast, coffee and juice, before she read the text message or the note. The text read, “Don’t forget to read the note.” Haylee giggled. When she opened up the note, her heart skipped a beat.

  Dear Haylee,

  Thank you for the most incredible night of my life. If my plane went down today, I would die a happy man. If it doesn’t, I will still be happy, although every day I am apart from you, I may die just a little bit on the inside. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. After our time together, I pray it’s not long at all. It wasn’t just sex, Haylee. You touched my heart, my soul, my mind. Do you now know why I wanted you? Do you understand even just a little bit of how I feel? I hope that you do. I hope that you never forget. I know I said “only one night” but please tell me that you want more than that. Please give me something to come home to. I will text you once I’ve reached London. Until then…


  Kyle xoxo

  Haylee covered her mouth with a hand and squealed behind it like a school girl with a first crush. Kyle was funny and sweet, a sensitive and attentive lover and apparently a romantic as well. She glanced around and noticed that people were staring. Unable to stop smiling, for once it didn’t matter if the whole world was looking at her. Haylee didn’t feel used; rather exhilarated, sexy and above all else, truly cared for. Sipping the hot coffee, she took a few bites of food and then grabbed her clutch and bag and headed back to Jamie. She couldn’t wait to get back home. Jamie provided a piece of paper and Haylee wrote a short note to her friends. They didn’t need to worry about her when she didn’t show up at brunch or on the train home. With a bounce in her step, Haylee headed out to wait for the car that would take her back to Jersey.

  Six Weeks Later…Valentine’s Day

  “Any big plans tonight, Lee?” Krista called out from the living room.

  “No. Just staying in to watch a movie,” Haylee called back from the bathroom.

  Haylee brushed her wet hair as she made her way through the house. “What about you, Kris?”

  “Chuck and I are going to dinner and dancing. Wanna come with?”

  “Still with Chuck? Wow, that has to be a new record for you. What’s it been, six weeks?” Haylee nudged her friend as she walked by. She knew exactly how long they’d been together, since New Year’s Eve. The same night she thought she’d met the man of her dreams. Kyle. Haylee shook her head. “Anyway, who wants to be the third wheel on Valentine’s Day? No thanks.”

  “Hon, you gonna be okay?” Krista slung an arm over Haylee’s shoulder. “I don’t like the idea of you being home alone tonight.”

  “I’m okay.” Haylee avoided Krista’s knowing glare. “I will be okay, I promise. You guys can’t be walking around on egg shells just because I was stupid enough to get my heart broken. Go out. Have fun. Call me tomorrow.”

  Krista pecked a kiss on Haylee’s cheek. “You know I am here for you, sweetie.”

  Haylee pushed Krista towards the door. “I know. You’re going to be late so go.”

  After a quick bear hug, Krista left and Haylee shut her door and locked the deadbolt. She turned and leaned back against the door, her eyes scanning her empty home. She had flowers on the counter from her friends. They had each sent her a bouquet of assorted flowers, throughout the day, to cheer her up. They were there to comfort her on one of the most romantic days of the year. A day she would spend alone. In fact, they’d been there for her, in one way or another, every single day for the past six weeks. She owed it to them to get her shit together and get over Kyle. He wasn’t coming back and she had to move on.

  Haylee sat down on her couch and picked up her mug of cocoa. The day had been unusually warm for February, but once the sun set, a bitter cold front had swept across the whole state and she took comfort in her thick blanket, fuzzy slippers, sweats and a large cup of hot cocoa. Flipping through the channels, she finally settled on watching a Rom-Com. She glanced over at her cell phone and decided that she was done waiting for the phone to ring. Done waiting for him to come back. Jake had even said that he wasn’t sure if Kyle would ever come back for good. Things were just too unstable in London. They video conferenced and emailed daily, according to Jake, so it wasn’t like he was physically needed here. Except by Haylee.

  “Hmpf.” Haylee shifted on the couch trying to get comfortable. She couldn’t get into the movie, and slowly her eyes shut. Fitful dreams came to her once again, as they had every night over the past few weeks. It was like watching snippets of a movie. Bits and pieces of memories mixed with wishful thinking. But, every night, they started out with her memories of the last time she’d seen him.

  Kyle waved goodbye as he made his way to the plane. Haylee wanted to beg him to stay, but she knew he had to go. She raised her hand and waved goodbye as he made his way to board the plane. He had flown in for the weekend and they’d spent almost every minute together, naked, in her bed. They ordered take-out and made a meal out of each other, exploring and tasting, tempting and teasing until they were both completely sated and exhausted.

  That following Monday, when she called him, he couldn’t talk. The same for every day that week until Saturday. He told her that he was sorry, his apologies sincere but his explanation vague. When Haylee asked when he was coming home again, all he could say was that he would let her know. When they hung up, she heard a woman’s laughing and yelling “stop tickling me” on the other end of the line. Before she could say anything, however, the line went dead. When she called back, it went straight to voicemail.

  Sure enough, the following day, she got the text message. The break-up text. Well, that’s how she interpreted it. All it said was, “Need to focus on work. Will call soon. XOXO –K” There it was. The end.

  Haylee woke up in a cold sweat. The dream was so real, just like always. She knew she had to get some help, but she hadn’t told anyone about the text or the laughing woman, not even Krista and surely not Jake. All she had told her friends was that she and Kyle decided to wait to see each other if and when he came back to Jersey.

  Running into the bathroom to wash her face with cold water, Haylee could still see Kyle standing in her bathroom the last day she saw him. How he’d dragged her into the shower with him and soaped her up, then slipped inside of her and thrust hard and fast, until she screamed with pleasure. It had been such a wonderful weekend. Then, everything went to hell. What had gone wrong? Why hadn’t she been good enough?

  Haylee had barely survived the deep depression that consumed her for the past few weeks. Her friends had seen it, but were too caring to comment about it. Haylee lost ten pounds in the three weeks that followed the text message from hell. She stopped going out with her friends and stayed home, crying herself to sleep every night.

  The past few nights, the dream had morphed. At first, it was the same. Her amazing weekend with Kyle, him waving goodbye to her at the airport. Recently, however, as Kyle was leaving for his plane, he gave her the finger while he had an arm wrapped around the waist of some faceless blonde. Why blonde? They were always blonde, weren’t they? Haylee’s red hair and brown eyes could never compete with a Barbie clone. And, instead of the text messages and calls the dream had a horrible ending. The plane crashed to earth in a ball of flames.

  She couldn’t say when the dreams had changed. The memory of his leaving was painful, but what she’d gone through after that was excruciating. Maybe her mind was dealing w
ith the hurt by inflicting a painful death on him and his mystery woman. Haylee chuckled to herself as she changed into her pajamas for the night. Maybe she was beyond the grief and working through the anger stage. She could only hope that it wouldn’t last long.

  Haylee heard thumping outside of her front door and she stopped mid-stride. She was between the bathroom and the living room now and she craned her head to hear the sound better. Another few thumps. Someone was pounding on her front door. Haylee quietly made her way over to the closet and pulled out a baseball bat. Making her way to the door, she tried to avoid the curtained windows on either side. She looked through the peephole and the bat slipped from her hands.

  Kyle. He was here.

  “Haylee, I know you’re in there. Please let me in. We need to talk.”

  Haylee’s heart thundered in her chest. Her beautiful Kyle was standing outside her front door on midnight of Valentine’s Day. But, he wasn’t her beautiful Kyle anymore. He never belonged to her. The mystery blonde had replaced her. Okay, so she didn’t know that the giggling, ticklish woman was blonde, but it made it easier for Haylee to blame someone that way. Anger rose up in her.


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