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Rowan: Woodsmen and City Girls

Page 21

by Amber Burns

  “That’s a good start,” she said.

  “Oh please, you two are getting disgustingly sweet,” Enya protested. “We are here to drown our sorrows and work out a war plan - let me remind you!”

  “No, no and no, my dearest bossy,” Karo shook her finger and head at the same time slapping at Chris’ face with her unruly bangs. The bartender apparently enjoyed the tickling sensations as he started laughing. “I am not that drunk to have forgotten that we came here to celebrate Halloween.”

  “Woohoo, you are even drunker than your boss, girlie. It’s still six weeks until Halloween,” Chris was unaware of their little conspiracy to change the order of holidays in their lives. “Unless this is a belated celebration of the last year’s Halloween, which if I recall correctly, both of you missed for some secret reason.”

  “Last year’s Halloween,” both Karo and Enya sighed.

  Chris was right, they had missed the party, but neither of them could deny that it was one of the best days in the history of their shop. They had got a huge order to provide catering for some corporate party. They worked their asses out that whole week, but the party got a spotlight in several newspapers. Two of them had even mentioned their shop, which Enya thought was a significant success for them.

  “Let’s drink, or else I’m afraid I’m losing you two again,” Chris hurried to change the subject.

  “So, do either of you have any juicy tidbits for me?”

  It was always Chris’ favorite moment. Or maybe he just pretended it was his favorite. Telling stories always meant ordering more drinks. So, Enya quite believed it was a small trick the bartender used at times.

  “Not me!” Karo raised her hands. “I’ve got a boyfriend and too busy at work for anything else. As long as I have work, that is... Sorry, boss.”

  Enya just rolled her eyes and sipped at her drink.

  “Enya, you?” Chris narrowed his eyes at her. “Karoline, do you also think this girl is hiding something for us?”

  Karo nodded as she swallowed her drink.

  “I might,” Enya winked.

  Karo and Chris exchanged surprised looks, neither of them caring to hide their surprise. It had been two weeks and since Enya’s much too steamy elevator ride with her now arch rival. Up until now, she had not been able to tell anyone about her surprise encounter with Mr. Silversson. Not to her assistant, not even to her friends. Even though she didn’t know who he was at the time, it still felt like betrayal. However, her silence on the matter was not able to erase the memory of those bright green eyes from her head.

  Am I really going to tell them now? Well, maybe with the help of another drink or two.

  Chris read her mind, or maybe simply noticed the empty glasses in front of them.

  “Refill?” he kissed Karo’s messy curls as he hopped up cheerfully and hurried toward the bar.

  “How about trying something stronger? Or are you not yet tired of your wine?”

  “Me – no! I love wine,” Karo licked the last drop from her glass.

  “What about the boss? Maybe some whiskey?” Chris asked.

  “Maybe?” she said slowly.

  “Can’t hear you,” Chris shouted in a loud voice; as if the bar was too crowded and she would have hard times hearing him otherwise.

  “Maybe,” she repeated her answer, only slightly louder.

  “Karo, what is she saying,” Chris brought his hand to his ear and leaned over the bar to be able to hear them.

  “That’s her way of saying yes,” her assistant yelled back. “She might need two. I have a suspicion she’s going to reveal the origin of whatever she was trying to hide on her neck the morning after her birthday.”

  Chris whistled. “This night is getting hotter and hotter! Whiskey night for sure!”

  Before she knew it, Enya had two glasses in front of her and a very curious and impatient Chris wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

  “Someone ran away from her own party and got very naughty, I see. That’s my girl,” he spoke like a proud dad whose kid was back from school with high grades. “Give me some juicy details.”

  Enya blushed, remembering the street artist who’s image had slipped to the back of her mind after the encounter with Mr. Silversson. Chris, however, was probably thinking it was the guy she had forced to walk her out of the bar that night.

  What was his name? Enya wondered. Did I ever even know?

  “No, I’m telling another story,” Enya stared at her fingers.

  “Oh, same guy another story? Or another guy another story,” Karo tried to clarify, pretending she was not drunk.

  This was quickly getting out of hand. Enya was finally ready to talk about her meeting with Mr. Silversson but giving a wrong impression that the hickey she was hiding was from the head of Silversson Industries would be a horrible mistake. And, would also mean she knew him on her birthday, which was not true either.

  “Another guy another story,” Enya decided to choose the truth.

  “Oh, wow, two guys within two weeks? You are finally turning a bit human, babe,” Chris patted her arm.

  “Two guys within two weeks and I know none of them?” Karo looked furious, but then quickly drooped into a pouty frown. “How could you do that to me, boss. I’m your all time favorite employee. We share something as intimate as making desserts. How could you hide it from me?”

  “Wait, wait!” Enya was starting to get a headache. She pressed her fingers to her temples and tried to quickly find a way out of this situation she had put herself into. “There was no hickey. Forget it. It was a scarf - just a scarf, okay?”

  “If you say so...” Chris quickly agreed. “Let’s move on to the story now.”

  “A scarf is never just a scarf. It is always a hickey. It’s been like that from the beginning of times. But, go on, tell us a story that will make us forget that suspicious hickey that you’re trying to hide from us,” Karo challenged her.

  “I’ve met Silversson,” Enya concentrated on her drink. She was staring at the ice cubes hoping they could understand she did not want that whole situation to turn like that.

  “Big revelation - we know that. You and thirty other people have been in that meeting, remember?” Karo stated impatiently.

  “No, not the meeting,” Enya, though still staring at the ice cubes, noticed how Karo’s eyes widened and Chris brought his hand to his mouth. “I met him by chance in the elevator before the meeting.”

  “Awww, boss, you are so cool!” Karo almost yelled. “Did he kiss you there?”

  “What? No!”

  Not for real, at least. The dozens of kisses she had imagined in the version of the elevator encounter that she had replayed in her head again and again did not count. She had imagined how it would feel to run her tongue along his lips, how would that crack in his lip feel. Would his kiss be light and soft or a hard and possessive one? The light brush of his lip on her fingers did not count as a kiss… did it?

  “He did not tell me who he was and devoured the candies you had forced me to take,” Enya paused, deciding that was as much of the story as they were going to get.

  “Hold on, babe,” Chris interrupted her - displeased at how little entertaining her story was. “I get it you haven’t had a fling for a while, but remember how our drink and talk sessions go? You are supposed to get wasted and spill out all the dirty details. If there are no such details, at least come up with some naughty imagination!”

  “Oh, that I can do,” Enya smiled to the now empty glass of whiskey and the ice cubes which looked bored and lonely now drained of the sweet liquid.

  “Even I can do that. The man is gorgeous as sin,” Karo sounded like she was carried away by her own fantasies. “Are his eyes real or photoshopped?”

  “Yeah, well… If I had listened to you and looked him up online before going to that meeting, I would’ve saved myself the bitter disappointment.”

  Now the whiskey inside Enya was finally talking.

  How could a person be so beaut
iful and charming, yet also strip people of their businesses they have built with their sweat and blood?

  As Enya told every little detail of their brief encounter, Karo’s eyes filled with hope.

  “What if he’s in love with you, boss?” Karo cooed. “Maybe it’s like the movies, where the villain falls for the heroine and she makes him see the error of his ways.”

  “Wake up, Karo! My life is not a fucking movie,” she threw her hands into the air and immediately knew it was the whiskey talking again.

  Chris was suspiciously silent; which did not give Enya a good feeling. The guy loved being the one to reveal miraculous solutions in every situation. Now, when she really needed him, he was too calm.

  “What do you think?” Enya tore her eyes off her glass and turned toward Chris.

  “That Silversson guy sounds good, but why do I have a feeling you are still thinking about the hickey guy?” Enya glared at him. “Right, he does not exist! So all we are left with is a delicious looking billionaire who likes your desserts and licks your fingers.”

  “I know it,” Karo yelled as if suddenly she had had an enlightening. “We should seduce him. Well, you’ll do the seducing part, I’ll make the sweets.”

  “She’s right, babe,” Chris agreed. “If the hickey guy does not exist, the billionaire is the second good thing that has happened to you lately. If you can’t fight the monster, seduce him!”

  Enya rolled her eyes.

  Like I could seduce a billionaire. Thomas L. Silversson would mean nothing but trouble and heartbreak for any silly woman who dared to think she could have his heart. I’d be prey, not some seductress.


  Enya Williams was going to be a tough nut to crack. Thomas Silversson had known it from the moment he saw her, really saw her, by looking straight into her soul through those stubborn hazel eyes. He was glad that he had not let himself be deceived by the first impression he had gotten from his glance. He would’ve basically ignored her then and never known what an amazing creature she was.

  Thomas knew he was smiling like a fool. One day, maybe he would have the chance to tell her about those first impressions. It amused him that she still thought their first meeting was in the elevator. As much as he enjoyed the innocent teasing and how she blushed when caught staring at him, he did want her to remember the first time she saw him. He wasn’t going to tell her today, though. It was the show time.

  Thomas L. Silversson, the devil himself as some called him, pushed open the door and stepped into “Yum & Fun”. He couldn’t wait to see her reaction. He imagined her eyes widen with surprise, the freckles on her cheeks get a shade brighter as she desperately searched for words.

  “Hi,” a cheerful voice greeted him. She sounded nice but not like Enya. It was surprising how the momentary disappointment made his heart sink. “Welcome, to Yum and Fun!”

  The very beautiful blond with curly hair was standing behind the counter. The sweet, perfect scent of cinnamon and ginger filled his nostrils. Thomas did not have a sweet tooth. Yet, his mouth watered and he knew there was only one thing more sweet and delicious to be found in this show, Enya Williams herself.

  “Hi,” he finally recalled his manners and greeted the cheerful shop assistant. “I am...” Thomas paused, realizing who he was wasn’t important in this interaction. “Who cares about names? Just came here to try your best dessert.”

  “Oh, dear Mr. Handsome, all of them are the best,” the cute blonde giggled. “How about you take a seat and I’ll make a selection of something you might enjoy?”

  “I’ll trust your choice then,” Thomas gave her another smile, knowing she was melting under the heavy gaze of his bright green eyes. Then, he looked around to find the best place for him to sit so that he would notice Enya as soon as she entered the store.

  “Yeah, you can have any table you’d like, haven’t been too busy lately,” he heard the cute girl’s comment which sounded to him a bit sharp for a small talk. “Not since all the local shops closed one after another. They loved to come to this place after lunch, or even for lunch. Who wouldn’t enjoy a meal full of healthy sweets, right?”

  She placed a plate of desserts on the table she seemed to have chosen for him.

  “Would you like to have tea or coffee with your dessert, Mr. Silversson? I believe you might like to taste our special healthy chocolate coffee before we close for good,” she placed her hands on her hips, trying to look dangerous.

  “If you know who I am, how about you tell me your name as well. That would be only fair,” he did his best to give her his nicest smile.

  “Karoline Kvinck,” she put him out of his misery and invited him to take the seat she had chosen for him by the window.

  He was about to say how happy he was to meet her, maybe compliment her hair or the beautiful plate of sweets she had put together for him, but she turned abruptly and disappeared through a door which Thomas believe led to the kitchen.

  Deep in his heart, Thomas hoped Enya would be back soon for more than one reasons now. The invitation he had decided to deliver to her in person was only a cover story for him to meet her again. Now, he needed her for his safety as well. Ms. Karoline Kvinck looked charmingly hostile.

  Moments later, Karoline was back carrying two huge mugs.

  “Chocolate coffee,” she placed one in front of him and took the seat on the other side of the table hugging her own mug. “So what brings you here?”

  “Curious are we?” Thomas could not help to tease her a little bit.

  He had learned to read people’s body language while watching them at work. One could learn a lot about the employee’s motivation and loyalty. Ms. Karoline Kvinck was a fierce warrior who believed in Enya’s business. She was not one of those employees who was already sending her resume to other potential employers, she was here to stay to the very end; an end which was soon to happen. Even if Thomas knew about Enya and her little charming shop months ago, the project of the elite shopping district had been in work for over a year. Neither the municipality nor his investors would’ve agreed to let go of such a great deal to save one little shop, or even the dozen that lined the street.

  “I’m here to see your boss,” he tried to sound as business as he could.

  “I can call Enya and see when she’s coming back,” she quickly went to the counter and returned with a phone in the hand that looked more like a giant strawberry than the gadget it was supposed to be.

  Thomas could not hide his amusement. Usually, cuteness was never his thing. He preferred to keep things more elegant and simple. Still, everything about this place made him smile. He made a mental promise to bring his grandma here before the place was closed. He didn’t spend much time with her recently and he knew how important it was for her, and for him. She was the only person whom he trusted. The only person who stood by himself from the time when he was a lonely, angry teenager. The only person who believed in him when he quit university and decided to start his business at the age of twenty. And the only person, who could still kick his ass if she thought he wronged someone with no good reason.

  He knew she would want to kick his ass for this project most probably. Still, he was ready to take that risk. The reward was simply too great.

  Karoline cleared her throat and Thomas realized he had been carried away.

  “She’s on her way back. But she said you can leave a message with me if you don’t want to wait.” Karoline gave him the stern look that spoke volumes.

  To show he was determined to stay, he pulled the huge place of sweets closer and started tasting them one by one. “I’ll wait.”

  He enjoyed watching from the corner of his eyes the cute little assistant’s flushed face and wide eyes as he made moans devouring the sweets. Yes, he was guilty of trying to make her like him in every way possible. That was one tool Thomas knew always worked with women. He needed Enya’s assistant on his side for the battle to come.

  He had devoured half of the desserts Karoline had offered him,
and was sure he would’ve exploded if he took another bite, when the bells hanging above the doorframe rang. Both Thomas and Karoline turned toward the door. His heart skipped when Enya entered the shop and her deep, stubborn eyes met his. Reflecting the sunlight, her freckles were turned into a much brighter, coppery shade. He knew she was trying to hide her surprise at his visit.

  “Mr. Silversson,” she greeted him coldly.

  Thomas knew it was foolish to expect anything else but a cold, polite handshake. His gritted his teeth as he knew his mind betrayed him, filling his head with memories of her lips.

  “Ms. Williams,” he mirrored her greeting in a similarly formal manner. “I hope you are doing well.”


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