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Rowan: Woodsmen and City Girls

Page 25

by Amber Burns

  Hmm, I think some breakfast is in order.

  He slid between the blankets, inching up to the meal he craved. The heat of her inviting body and the delicious scent of her sex guided his mouth to his sweet destination. He slowly pushed her thighs a little bit apart, not too much to wake her up, but just enough for his mouth to have full access to her sex lips.

  He ran his tongue down her mound, circling it around her clit and felt her harden up under the strokes of his tongue. He groaned and his cock twitched responding to her slowly awakening clit. Enya moaned as she awoke to the luscious feelings between her legs. He paused just for a moment for her to stir, to make sure she didn’t object. Her legs fell open, confirming Thomas’ assumptions. He dug his nose into her opening. She was warm and soft and smelled like heaven. His stomach growled again and mouth watered. He needed her taste to remember it on his lips even after she was gone.

  As her taste burst on his tongue, he grew greedier and greedier, wanting more of her, to swallow every drop of the juices her body released as an appreciation of his caresses. Her moans were also getting louder.

  “Aww,” Enya’s muffled moan came from outside the blanket. “This feels good.”

  She moaned again and she sounded very breathless. Exactly the way he liked her the most.

  “This is about to get much better,” he assured her as he released her clit only long enough to speak out that threat.

  Her moans became louder and more appreciative of everything he was doing to her. Thomas loved kissing her swollen lips. He buried one finger inside her pussy. She was soft and silky, and so wet. The fingers of his other hand dug into the skin on her thighs and Enya released a loud sound which was a cross between a moan and a scream. She did not last long. Once her orgasm caught both of them unexpectedly, he stuck his tongue inside her pussy and enjoyed the vibrations her satisfied hole rewarded him with. He pulled it out only after her body was fully relaxed. He planted kisses on her spent clit and up her stomach and chest, then her neck and jaw until he reaching her lips. She thanked him with a soft, lazy kiss, one that a woman still recovering from her orgasm could give her man.

  “Did you enjoy your breakfast,” she looked into his eyes and he knew she was ready for another serving of that delicious breakfast again.

  All she needs to do is ask.

  She asked for real food instead.

  Thomas growled like a wounded beast but climbed out of the bed. What he loved the most was the very naked body that climbed out from under the blankets right after him and quickly covered her breasts in a hopeless attempt of hiding the view that she had gladly offered to him last night. It make him chuckle, the same way her defiant attitude had in the elevator those weeks ago.

  “So, are you going to feed me, or just tease me until I starve to death?” She purred to him as she finally located her panties and quickly slid into them. He moaned in protest when she covered her womanly curves with her now wrinkled dress.

  “I could offer some other food here,” he shifted his hips to make his point very clear in case her still sleepy mind did not get it. The blush on her cheeks proved that she knew exactly what was on the menu.

  “I’ll still prefer real food,” she nibbled on her finger. “No offense.”

  “None taken, for now. But I will make sure to remind you of this rejection next time you refuse to sign the deal my lawyers offer you.” Thomas quickly realized that joking about work after the night they shared was not a good idea. He changed the subject immediately before it ruined the great morning mood he had set up with his little private breakfast party. “Now let’s go and see if there is any food in this house.”

  He was quite sure the fridge, as well as the cupboards, were going to be empty. Grandma used this as a guesthouse when relatives came to visit and needed a place to stay. He doubted anything but expired leftovers could be found in the kitchen. To Thomas’ surprise, there was some fresh food in the cabinet. As if that was not suspicious enough, there wasn’t any dust on any surface in the house. Everything was clean and tidy as if his grandmother had spent the pervious afternoon meticulously cleaning.

  Thomas knew his discoveries did not bode well. Either some relatives were in the city of whom he was not aware of, or something else was afoot. As a person who had created his own successful corporation, Thomas L. Silversson knew he needed to trust his instincts. And now they were screaming at him to get out of here as quickly as he could.

  “Let’s go get some breakfast in a cafe,” Thomas hugged Enya from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist. Her hands landed on his, making sure he did not run away from this embrace anytime soon.

  “Nooo,” was more of a moan than protest. “As someone who works in a cafe - a very healthy and good one which you should know from first-hand experience - I still prefer homemade food for breakfast. And why spend money if we have perfectly fine oats, nuts, dry fruits and nut butter here. I can show you some magic with those ingredients.”

  “I’ve seen enough magic of yours last night,” he tried to slide one hand down her belly and toward her thigh, but she quickly caught it and brought back to the safe zone of her belly where it had been before. “And why be a billionaire if I can’t waste money on crappy breakfast in some lousy cafe in the neighborhood?”

  Thomas was working on subtly directing Enya towards the door when he heard the sound of keys turning inside the lock and that same door open.

  Please, just let it be anyone but grandma, he prayed in his mind.

  It was strange that he was terrified of the thought it could be Olivia stepping into the house. A couple of days ago he was considering taking his grandma to Enya’s shop, knowing his grandmother would love the desserts and would also love to meet a woman like Enya. He even gave serious thought to actually taking Enya to his grandmother’s for dinner. It was that wicked dress showing all her beautiful curves that had made him change his mind at the very last moment.

  A minute later, Thomas’ grandma. Olivia, walked into the kitchen and dropped the bags she had brought with her at the sight of her one and only grandson in his boxers and white torn shirt with a woman who was in a similar state. Olivia didn’t even need to ask to know what had happened the night before.

  “Thomas!” Olivia directed her startled eyes to her grandson. “You could’ve scared me to death! What on earth are you doing here?”

  Enya scooted to her side, trying to use Thomas to shield herself from the seemingly irate older woman. However, Thomas knew his grandmother wasn’t angry. Her startled eyes and voice several pitches higher than usual were the result of not seeing him nearly as often as they used to. His business had been demanding more and more of his time and Thomas had canceled several get-togethers with her recently, cancelations he felt quite guilty about. She was his only family and he owed everything in his life to her.

  “Hey, and I missed you too, Grandma,” he quickly kissed her both cheeks and gave her a tight hug, knowing she would melt down in his arms immediately and forget that she was mad at him.

  “I am not sure about that, young man. You have not visited your old granny for two weeks and rescheduled our lunch meeting twice,” she poked into his chest two times. “And now I find you half naked in a house where you have not been for almost a decade? Or has it always been your secret love-nest? Is your penthouse not large enough to bring your dates there?”

  Olivia faked a grimace, trying to make him feel guilty for his recent cancelations. What she did not consider, was that she was putting him in a very bad situation in front of Enya, who had turned into a color of very ripe raddish and was trying to keep herself hidden behind Thomas as best she could.

  “Of course, not!” Thomas defended. “This is the first time I’ve been here. And I had no idea you were coming here.”

  Thomas knew that needed to introduce Enya now, but he needed to smooth everything over with his granny first. Enya was already terrified to meet Olivia the day before. Now, all messy and properly fucked, she looked like a
cornered beast who desperately wanted to escape.

  “Your aunt Maggie is visiting for a couple weeks with her daughters. I figured I would not survive three people in my place for several weeks. But I am more curious about you and the lady whom I believe you are going to introduce to me sometime soon.”

  “Oh, right,” Thomas swallowed hard.

  Thomas turned and gathered Enya into his arm. She was almost trembling which brought a slight grin to Thomas’ lips. She looked cute; very cute. He loved her fierce business woman appearance, but the terrified cute puppy eyes were unforgettable.

  “Enya… Enya is a business contact.”

  A business contact? Thomas asked himself. He wasn’t sure if he was more intimidated by what his grandmother would think if he admitted the truth, or what Enya would do if she knew how much he cared for her.

  Right now, Enya hated him. There was no mistake there. One look into her eyes was more than enough for him to know he had ruined everything that had developed between them.

  “We were supposed to...” Thomas tried to continue.

  “Meet for breakfast,” Enya supplied, “but the nearby cafes were closed, so Mr. Silversson offered to check here.”

  Lies came to her as badly as to him. Grandma gave both of them the look - the one he had not seen since he had been seventeen.

  “I see,” was all Olivia said.

  “It is nice to meet you, Mrs. Silversson. I guess I should leave,” Enya quickly collected her scarf and scooted towards the door.

  Ah, that scarf, Thomas groaned as he watched her wrap it around her neck.

  “I will be looking forward to the new agreement from you, Mr. Silversson,” Enya called over her shoulder as she exited. “I’ll sign it as soon as I can and be done with it.”

  Maybe that agreement could be a reason to see her later tonight, he thought. If she ever would want to see me again after this disaster.

  “Thomas Luis Silversson, you have some serious explaining to do,” Olivia shook her head and took a seat at the table.

  Thomas knew that when she used his full name that could mean only one thing; he had messed up. Seriously. He collapsed on the chair across the table and squeezed his eyes in despair. He knew he had screwed up the fragile relationship that had begun to form. He did not need Olivia to tell him what was annoyingly obvious.

  “Please, Grams, how about we talk about Aunt Maggie and her daughters’ visit? Could I do anything to make it more enjoyable for them?”

  “I believe you can. But you did not make this morning very enjoyable for Enya,” Grandma pointed at the door. “Who I am sure she has no intention of seeing you again.”

  Olivia studied him for long moments and he knew he was ready to bare his soul and tell her everything.

  “I... she...” Thomas stuttered.

  It had been a while since he shared a woman-related trouble with her. He could talk about nearly everything with his grandmother, and he was sure Olivia was extremely happy to see a woman with him even if she did not show it. And at the same time extremely unhappy of how their first encounter had developed.

  “I met her on the roof when I was working on some art. And we... well, you know...” Thomas’ grew red at the mention or even alluding of sex with his grandmother present. “Then she met me again as myself and found out that I am going to deconstruct the whole neighborhood where her pastry shop is situated. And then... you can guess again what happened...”

  “Let me continue the story - you are afraid she will be disappointed in both your alter-egos if you tell her the truth?”

  “Not really.”

  “Oh...” Olivia sighed as she turned to collect the bags she had dropped earlier. “You are mad she didn’t recognized you. Well, well, let me tell you something in your language. Thomas Luis Silversson you are literally screwed. You might not want to admit it, but you are in love with that girl.”

  Seeing his grandmother collect the bags she had brought, Thomas felt the need to help her and stood to fetch them from her.

  “Thomas, how about you put on some pants first?” Grandma glanced at him from the corner of her eye and shook her head.

  He nodded and rushed out of the kitchen towards his room and his only pair of pants in the old house. Enya’s scorned face and his grandmother’s words rushed through Thomas’ head. He frowned and rubbed his forehead. He knew he needed to do something to make this right again. He needed it more than anything.

  “And Thomas,” Grandma stopped him from fleeing the kitchen.

  He paused and leaned against the doorframe. His stomach began to turn, the longer he waited the worse the feeling that he had hurt someone too dear to him got.

  “I know you are thinking how to make things right, and you definitely must do that. I can see that she does mean a lot to you. But, Thomas,” Olivia paused and set the food she had gathered from a bag aside and sat down again. “You are not mad at her for not recognizing you, son. Nobody knows about it and that is what you always wanted. That’s the point of keeping it a secret. What really troubles you and what you need to do first is to find peace within yourself – with your other self.”

  Thomas frowned, the truth adding to the pain he was already experiencing. Olivia frowned with him, hating to see her grandson in pain.

  “Figure it out, and go get that girl. Before it is too late.”


  Enya wandered the streets for an hour or so. She knew she was heading in the general direction of her shop, but getting to her destination was only a peripheral goal. Her mind was a buzz, trying to make sense of whatever had just happened. However it all seemed to be in vain. Every angle she could come up with, any explanation she could concoct unraveled at the slightest tug.

  As she finally approached her shop, there was just one explanation left, which was exactly the words he spoke. She was just a business contact. Enya wasn’t sure if she was to be glad he didn’t call her his business problem; which was much closer to reality. A problem he was trying to solve with his charm, wit and his cock.

  Enya’s own thoughts hurt much worse than any words Thomas L Silversson had spoken. As she walked Enya was over thinking every single moment of her encounter with his grandma. She realized she was intentionally adding darker colors to the scene. She needed it to hurt, to taste bitter, to rip her soul apart. That was the only way she could get Thomas Lousy Liar Silversson out of her system once and forever. Today, more than ever Enya was ready to give up.

  The shop was still closed, Karo not scheduled to arrive for another couple of hours. The dark windows and lack of activity morbidly blended in with the surroundings. Enya’s oasis of sweets was surrounded by dozens of empty and half-deconstructed venues. While it did look quite out of place when the lights were on and there were customers inside, right now it fit right in; Just like Thomas wanted.

  Enya entered the empty shop, grimacing at the cheery bell as it rang to signal her entrance. She was met with the familiar smell of spices and sweet the pervaded the shop, even after the last decadent dessert had been consumed. Enya sighed a conflicted sigh, enjoying the sweet scent yet hating that it was doomed to die. She proceeded to the kitchen and found a small bag she had in the back. It was a sort of emergency bag with various toiletries and spare clothing. Digging through the bad she found a lacy crimson bra. She shook her head, unsure what she was thinking when she packed it an unknown number of months or maybe years ago.

  Whatever, she told herself. Nobody is going to see it underneath this dress anyway.

  The bra was not only too lacy and too sexy, but also a bit too small. She pulled her dress down and checked her reflection in the mirror. The too-tight cups of her newly claimed crimson bra served as pushups for her boobs. As if the dress did not show enough cleavage already, the pushup bra added some extra flame to it. Enya sighed and pulled up the dress, trying to hide her now overexposed breasts when her phone buzzed in her purse. Enya hoped it was Karo but suddenly feared it was Thomas. It was a relief to see her mother
’s picture on her screen, though only a brief one.

  “You have completely forgotten your mother,” Enya’s mother’s greeting was an accusation, as always.

  “Hi, mom, sorry. I’ve had a lot on my plate these days.”


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