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Draven's Crossing: Tempestuous Crossings

Page 7

by Selena Illyria

  “Damn, and the Council will want an update come sunrise.” Draven ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t need this crap. We could go to the media with what we know. Be honest and ask the public for answers.”

  “Aw, shit, Drav, why?” Torger whined.

  “I’ll handle it. You don’t have to say anything.”

  “You know that won’t work. They’ll want to ask me dumb questions after I’ve said we don’t have any leads.” He sighed. “Fine, organize a press conference. No questions.”

  Draven smiled. “I owe you, man.”

  “No, you don’t owe me anything. Let me do my job. Get me out of the freaking bachelor poll, and I’ll owe you something.” He hung up.

  Draven chuckled. He was in that poll, too. He got up, headed downstairs and found his butler cleaning up the mess of the phone.

  “Let me do that. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have thrown it or yelled at you. I was being an asshole.”

  “It’s all right, sir. I understand. Ms. Rose is a very special woman. I saw her when she came in and became worried myself.”

  “I don’t deserve a pardon. I’ll replace the phone.”

  “Already done. I believe the doctor is waiting in the parlor to speak to you.”

  “Thank you.” Draven bowed to Ross and headed for that room.

  With trepidation, he entered the parlor and prayed for good news. Just because Rose had been awake didn’t mean he hadn’t screwed up. The doctor looked over at him while tapping away on his phone.

  “She’s fine. Will need a lot of sleep. For a first time donor she’s recovered remarkably well. Feed her, make sure she gets rest and don’t drink from her for, I’d say three to four days to help build up her supply. She’s a fighter that one. Good luck. Have her come back on day three for a check-up to make sure there aren’t any side effects.” The doctor slid his phone in his pocket, nodded and headed out the door.

  Relief lifted the weight of guilt off Draven’s shoulders. With much lighter steps than before, he headed to the kitchen and put together a platter of food before returning upstairs to make sure she ate something.

  Ross stopped him on the steps. “Sir?”

  “Yes, Ross?”

  “The doctor gave these to me before he left. I assume it’s to help Ms. Rose recover. Do you want to give her the dosage now or in the morning?”

  Draven took the bottle. “I’ll take them to her now. Thank you.”

  On the way to the bedroom, he rehearsed how he was going to apologize.

  He pushed open the door with his hip, entered the large room, and started the apologies.

  “I’m so sorry, honey. It won’t happen again. I swear. I won’t feed from you ever again.” He walked toward her, waiting for an answer. When she said nothing, he became worried again. Placing the tray on the end of the mattress, he took her in. She was settled against a mountain of pillows. The blanket was tucked around her, and she looked pissed.

  “I can’t get out of here,” she grumbled.

  “Huh?” There was nothing holding her as far he could see, although the duvet did seem a bit tight around her.

  She wiggled under the sheet, and he saw the problem instantly. Rose could barely move under the covers.

  “The doctor told Ross to tuck me in. He thought I might fall out of bed or suffer some sort of dizziness. Ross tucked me in too tight, and I need to use the bathroom again. Ugh, help.” She began to writhe under the blankets, making him think that she was going to hurt herself if he didn’t step in and do something. After moving the nightstand, he then tugged the duvet out from under the mattress and helped her down from the bed.

  “Just make sure he doesn’t try to shove a pea under there and stack up more mattresses.” She rushed toward the bathroom door and slammed it shut.

  Smiling, he loosened up the sheets and blanket, switched on the TV, and grabbed some paperwork to look over while he waited. When she returned, he sat on her side of the bed with a file, looking over the details of a zoning request for a new park.

  “I have your food and medication. Hop in, and I’ll tuck you in again. I promise not too tight.”

  She looked skeptical, but got in bed anyway and allowed him to tuck her in and place the tray on her lap.

  “So, what happens now? You’ve fed from me. Can you like track me or something? Find me wherever I am? Read my emotions? Know my thoughts?” She dug into the stew. Her eyes brightened, and her body relaxed against the pillows. “I think I just had a stew-gasm.”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “You know, like foodgasm, but with stew. This is so good. What is it? Where’d you get it? Is there more?”

  Draven held up his hands and chuckled. “Whoa, slow down. First of all, it’s a simple beef stew, but modified. The recipe is a secret, and the owner won’t give it out even on threat of death. And I’ll get you more if you want. As for your other questions, I’d have to give you blood to track you. That’s it.”

  The metallic flavor of her life essence rolled over his tongue again, and the mixture had an edge of spice and fruit that went to his head, just as it did when he drank of her. With a deep breath, he focused on the here and now, not on the pulse of hunger pinging around his body demanding another sip.

  “What’s it like? The feeding? Have you ever been fed on?” She shoveled another spoonful of stew into her mouth and took a sip of orange juice.

  He settled against the far poster of the bed and looked at her, taking her all in. Rose’s color was much better than before, and her hair was a wild mass of curls around her face. Her eyes were bright and inquisitive. He fell a bit more for her. Draven wanted to wake up to this sight for as long as she’d allow him to.

  With a shake of his head, he pushed away those thoughts and focused on her questions.

  “If it’s just a feeding, it’s tunnel vision. All your focus is on the taste of the blood, the feel of it sliding down your throat, the way it’s energizing you, and the pain of the hunger. There’s pleasure there too, like tasting good food, but it depends on whether or not the person takes care of themselves. If they don’t, it can be like drinking sludge.”

  She scrunched up her face in response.

  “If you’re drinking and having sex of any kind, it’s sensory overload. Everything feels bigger. Your body comes alive on all levels. You can feel everything. As for being fed on, yes. When I was changed. I was human once and then changed on my thirtieth birthday, once my parents felt that I’d lived a good life.” He watched the thoughts and questions forming in her mind and waited for her to ask or respond.

  “Is it an exchange? Three bites, what?” She leaned forward and studied him.

  “Three bites and then an exchange. My turn to ask questions.”

  Rose opened her mouth, shut it, and then opened it again. “Go for it.” She shoveled another spoonful of food into her mouth, her gaze not wavering from him for a second.

  He held back a laugh. “Where were you born? Were you happy? Why did you come here?” Setting aside the file, he waited for her answer.

  “Born in New York, grew up in Brooklyn and was happy, yeah, as I could have been for a kid. My parents were all you could ask for, supportive, kind, caring, loving. They were part of an advertising firm and showed me the bones of the business. I decided to follow in their footsteps, but I didn’t want to return home, so I went here and there. Worked in Chicago. Fucking hell, those winters are cold.”

  He grinned, remembering his time in the Second City. “That they were, but it’s a wonderful metropolis.”

  She nodded. “Loved it there, but the pizza threw me. I couldn’t get over eating it with a fork and knife. Sorry, I’m a New Yorker; fold it in half and chew. What’s so hard about that? Why make a pizza so thick? Anyway, I came here for a fresh start, a clean slate. People found out about my mentor and me. He got drunk, told everyone he banged me and, well, here I am.” She shrugged.

  Anger sparked hot and dark in the pit of his stomach. “What’s his
name?” Draven growled.

  “It doesn’t matter. Water, bridge.” Her gaze was shuttered, emotions blocked off. He couldn’t even smell them in the air. She’d shut herself off from him.

  I’ll find out, and I’ll make him hurt. Pulling in a deep, calming breath, he focused on her. “And do you like my little niche of heaven?”

  She visibly relaxed. “I love it here. I was scared in the beginning. Terrified, actually. I saw someone walking a wolf the first day I moved in. I ended up ordering take out for a week just so I wouldn’t have to go out. Got lost a lot and it was two months before I dared to walk around my neighborhood without pepper spray in my hand. Those damn werewolves were so nonchalant, would change right in front of the building. Scared the crap out of me one morning. I left for work early, and there right on the bottom stoop was a naked man putting on leather pants. I nearly had a heart attack and thought I was having a waking wet dream.” Spice flitted through the air, and he inhaled deeply. Musk chased it, making him wonder what about the werewolf she’d found so damn arousing.

  Not looking at him, she traced a circle on the silken duvet cover. “You know, you could wear leather pants for that bachelor calendar they’ve got coming out. Could give it away or sell to help out the Ball even more. You could even autograph it.” She gazed at him through a fan of dark lashes, and for a second, he almost said sure. Almost.

  “Baby, I’ll wear almost anything you tell me to, even a clown costume, but if you want me in leather pants, then it’s for your eyes only, and no, I won’t pose for that damn calendar. They get a generic picture. That’s it.” He put aside the file completely and crawled to the center of the mattress. She squeaked and focused on finishing her stew and orange juice.

  “You’re finished with both. Time to take your medicine.” He picked up the tray and grabbed the spoon before getting off the bed. After reading the instructions, he popped the top and shook out two pills. “These are supposed to help you sleep as well as strengthen your blood.”

  He handed her the pills and gave her the water that had been included with the meal. Once she took them, he watched her slide further under the covers and yawn. “I’m going to put this away and come back. I’ll be gone for a minute,” he murmured.

  “You gonna work in bed?” She yawned again and turned her head. Her eyelids fluttered, and he smiled.

  “Do you mind? I didn’t get much done today.” He leaned down and brushed his lips across her forehead.

  “Don’t mind at all.” Her eyelids fluttered once more before sliding shut. He left the room and made his way downstairs to the kitchen when he heard the shrill ring of the phone. After placing the dishes on the counter, he picked up the receiver, wary of the news.

  “Drav? It’s Torger. Sorry to call so late. Just wanted to let you know that we may have a lead. I’ll be at your office in the AM. I need sleep. I’d tell you now, but it’s not so important that it can’t wait, and it may help us with leverage with the Council. I’ve put Jagger on it, since you were taking care of your mate. He’ll let us know what he’s found when the sun is up. Get some sleep, man.” Torger hung up, leaving Draven to wonder what the wolf had found.

  He returned upstairs to find Rose fully asleep, curled up on her side and facing the place he usually slept in. With a sigh, he grabbed the file and slipped under the covers, determined to do some work before tomorrow’s meeting. He sighed when Rose moved closer to him, curling her body around his with her head resting against his side. Wrapping an arm around her, he settled in to read over the file and approve their request. The heat of her body seeped into his, her breath dampening his silk shirt. Sliding the paperwork back into his briefcase, he then locked it and set it on the floor before moving until her head rested on his chest. Draven pulled her close and shut his eyes. He didn’t need to sleep, but did so anyway.

  He reached over, turned off the light and settled down. The sound of her gentle breathing calmed him. A hint of yearning drifted up from her. His cock stirred in his pants. Blowing out a breath, he decided to count sheep and ignore his own rising desire. His thoughts drifted from sex to what needed to be done with the ball and how to get her to see the town the way he did.

  “I’ll take her to Talbot Park for a picnic then guide her through Block Party week, which starts on Friday. After that, what else? She gets a taste of the parks and the local businesses. Maybe a pub crawl to introduce the night life? I could even take her to the Siren’s Call district.” He felt a sharp pain in his side.

  “Stop talking to yourself. I need to sleep.” She snuggled closer and sighed. Smiling in the dark, he fell silent, hoping this moment would never end.

  Chapter Six

  Bright lights blinded him. Draven blinked a few times to see the throng of reporters that had been personally invited to his little press conference. Expectant looks focused all on him. Piranhas. Swallowing hard, he gripped the podium tight and took in a deep breath.

  “Thank you all for coming here on such short notice. Remember the rules: no questions. I’ll be blunt. There is a serial killer on the loose. Last night, three victims were found, blood drained and re-dressed in clothing not of their own. It appears that we have a rogue vampire on the loose, attacking tourists who are fang-fans. We are doing everything possible to ensure public safety. The police and my office are working closely to follow all leads, and it is encouraged that anyone who has a tip to please call the hotline. The number will be handed out at the end of this press conference, along with the details of the case as it stands. We are giving you everything we have on hand. We ask that the details marked confidential not be published in your newspapers, magazines or blogs to prevent copycats and confusion. I present Police Chief Torger Sanderson to give you more specifics.” It was a relief, handing the podium over to the werewolf. For a few minutes, it was amusing to watch the man squirm under the questioning gazes of the media, but all too soon it came to an end.

  “Let me remind you again, do not share the marked details of this case with the public. Also, let me remind you of what’s at stake. As you know, all paranormal cities and towns answer to the Council. We’ve been in contact, and they are letting us handle this case as we see fit. For now.” He paused on that sentence and watched the words sink in. Instant anger and annoyance perfumed the air with a variety of spices and sour scents. “I have no doubt that the Council will be sending, or has already sent, a Fixer to deal with this. We all remember the Thanagian trials, where a good vampire was accused of killing over a hundred people. No evidence, no defense whatsoever, and he was put to death. It was only after the trial was over that evidence was found to contradict the claims of the witnesses. Also, don’t forget this is the same Council that slaughtered over a hundred packs in Europe without a single bit of remorse due to one rogue werewolf biting a child. They don’t need provocation, just an excuse. Let’s not give them one. Understood?” The gathered masses nodded. “Thank you. We’ll meet again once we have more to go on.”

  Without waiting to see if anyone would break the no questions ban, he left the room. Once the door closed behind him, he pressed his back against the wall and slid down until he crouched. He closed his eyes and let the unease creep through him. His stomach rolled, and he wanted to throw up. Just that morning he’d felt calm, happy. Rose had shared breakfast with him and they drove up to the office together, where he dropped her off at the P.R. office. It had been hard letting her go. Every inch of his body wanted to take her back home, put off the press conference and make love to her His fangs ached to sink into her delicate throat and drink of her one more time. Hunger burned through his veins at the very thought of tasting her blood again. This time I’ll be in control, he vowed.

  All that was pushed away by the press conference and rehashing the past. The press understood what was at stake if they screwed up and shared too much with the public at large, but that didn’t mean he trusted any of them. Some were too nosy for their own good. The soft chirp of his cell phone pulled him out of his rev
erie. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled it out and answered without glancing at the number.


  “What are the official colors of the town?”

  Rose’s husky voice twined around his spine and settled at the base of his back. Arousal buzzed through his body, reminding him of what it was like to have her pressed against him. Sucking in a shaky breath, he tried to ignore the sensations of her breasts against his chest and the feel of her pussy around his cock, clenching and relaxing. Her breathy cries and moans, the sweet pain of her nails scratching down his biceps stung anew, as if they were making love again.

  Groaning aloud, he couldn’t stop the fire flaring to life.


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