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Draven's Crossing: Tempestuous Crossings

Page 14

by Selena Illyria

  Somehow Rose doubted that. They spent the rest of the evening eating, watching movies, and catching up. For the first time since arriving in Draven’s Crossing, she felt settled. She had a man she cared about, and her best friend was moving closer. Now all she wanted was for the event to go off without a hitch, and she’d be the happiest person on the planet. She was exhausted by the time she snuggled into bed. Reaching out blindly, she grabbed her cell phone and hit speed dial.

  Draven answered immediately. “‘Hello?”

  His sleep roughened voice sent liquid heat sliding down the center of her body to pool in her core. “Hey. Just wanted to say good night.”

  “Hi,” he murmured. “Miss you.”

  There was a soft creaking and the rustling of sheets. Her pussy contracted as tingles threaded through the sensitive flesh of her inner thighs, nether lips, and the base of her back. She pictured him naked, with the silk sheets covering his erection. A small groan built in her chest, sliding up her throat. Pressing her lips together, she refused to make that sound, refused to let him know that the desire had begun. Squeezing her thighs tightly together, she tried to ignore the throb of pleasure in her clit. The steady beat reminded her that he wasn’t there to ease the need. Heat flowed through her body and extended soft wisps of fire that threaded through her veins.

  Tilting her head back, she closed her eyes and focused on control.

  “How was your day? Did you get everything done?” More fabric shifted. She sighed, missing his heat and the firm wall of his body against her back. If he were with her, Draven would have stroked her stomach, teased her nipples and slipped his hand between her legs to ease the ache. Blowing out a breath, she tried to remember what her day had been like, but got shadows of frenzied movements.

  “I got some work done. The plans for the Ball are coming along, and we’ve decided to shift the bachelor auction to after the Ball, then ending the event with a day of relaxing afterward in the park.” Rose grinned at his grunt of dissatisfaction.

  “Can’t you guys cancel that? I’m not looking forward to strutting down the runway, even if it is for charity.”

  She pictured his face; the handsome facade turned into a mask of pain and irritation. “Just focus on the charity part and you’ll do fine. I promise to outbid everyone.”

  “And then we can have a filthy, dirty date.” His tone deepened, becoming more intimate.

  Her stomach muscles tightened as notions of just what that date could be like swirled around her brain. Shaking her head, she shoved away any idea of doing a date entirely in bed and focused on something fun, clean and camera ready. “No, we can’t do that. It has to be in public and child friendly.”

  “We’ve done public sex before,” he pointed out. “As for child friendly, I don’t think kids should witness what I need to do to you.”

  Rose squirmed, her panties becoming damp as his husky cadence wove through her body, setting her nerve endings alight and reminding her of what he could do to her. The ghost of his hands slid over her skin, teasing her nipples, stomach and hips. Swallowing, she tried to ignore her desire. “Can’t. Need to behave.”

  “Have you been naughty? Do you need a spanking?” His voice got deeper, darker. A thrill raced through her. Her core clenched as more liquid drenched her panties. She’d never thought of a spanking, but the way he put it, she was sure it would be wicked and sexy as hell. An image of her bent over his desk flashed before her. Her breath hitched in her throat, and this time she did groan aloud. He chuckled, the sound heavy and weighted with things unspoken.

  “Mmm, sounds like someone is having naughty thoughts.” He laughed again, this time lighter; mirth threaded through the wicked tenor.

  She pulled the phone away from her ear and glared at it. “Behave. I’m not having phone sex with you.”

  Pressing the receiver back to her ear, she listened as his laughter continued. “Says you,” he managed to throw out between guffaws.

  “I’ll hang up,” she threatened.

  He continued to chuckle. “And I’ll just call back, honey.”

  “Phone sex over.” She waited for him to respond.

  That got his attention; he stopped laughing immediately. “I didn’t even know we were having phone sex. Tell me what you’re wearing.”

  “No. We’re going to behave.”

  He snorted. “Do you even know what that word means, honey?”

  She growled at him. “Yes, do you?”

  Silence. She smiled in satisfaction. “See, there you go. Now, focus. Your day, what was it like? Did they catch the serial killer yet?” Rose bit her lip, hating that she asked. “You don’t have to tell me,” she added quickly, praying that the question hadn’t killed the mood.

  He sighed. The sound dragged out. She winced as an ache began in her chest. “I’m sorry. Really, you don’t have to tell me.”

  “I want to, baby. We’re still figuring things out. We’ve got nothing to go on, and everyone is scared the Council will step in.” There was pain in his voice that she wanted to wipe away.

  “I wish I could be there for you. Hold you.” She clutched the bedspread, stifling the urge to suggest she go to him.

  “You have company. Besides that, it’s late and as much as I want to hold you right now, I can’t. Not with this weighing on me.” He blew out a breath. “I don’t want this to taint what we have. Thank you for giving me an out. I can tell you that hearing your voice and talking to you helps immensely, and I’m grateful to have you in my life right now.”

  She grinned, the pain in her chest evaporating. She settled back against the pillows and closed her eyes. “I’m glad.”

  “Do you still want to do dinner tomorrow night?” Hesitation colored the question.

  “Yes, I want Sabs to meet you, and I want to see you.” She hoped that they would get along.

  “Good. Shit, it’s my other phone. I’ll have to hang up, honey. I’ll see you tomorrow. Can I call you during the day?” His voice had become lower, a hint of heat in the innocent words.

  “You can call me anytime; just behave if I’m at work.” She tried to sound serious, but ended up giggling.

  “I’ll take that as a yes. We can have phone sex while I’m at work.” He groaned aloud. “Fuck, Stop ringing. I have to go, baby. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Sweet dreams.”

  Before she could wish him the same, he hung up. A smile pasted on her face and warmth pulsed through her body. The arousal simmered in the pit of her stomach, but she ignored it. After putting the receiver back in the charger, she snuggled down under the covers and hoped whoever was calling him didn’t bring bad news.

  * * * *

  While sitting in his office the next day, Draven ran a hand over his face and scrubbed the sleep from his eyes.

  “My mother wouldn’t get off the phone. I swear to god, she could talk the dead back to life.” He accepted the proffered coffee cup from Torger. “Thanks.”

  “Be thankful you don’t have a werewolf mother. They won’t hesitate to pull up your pants if they’re sagging, do the spit to palm thing to wipe away dirt or smooth out your hair in front of people. They’ll even tell random strangers about your most humiliating childhood moments.” Torger settled into the chair across from him.

  Draven trembled and decided to switch the subject. “Anything to report?”

  “Nope, nothing. Which I’ll take as good news for now. I’m considering a few of my options. Jagger is skulking about as usual, turning a few stones over, pissing off a few people. I’ll know more soon. Jackal is on his way, but he’s stopping off to help out a friend down in Baltimore. Once he hits town, I expect the sky to start shitting itself. Other than that, it’s all quiet. The people aren’t restless, just pissed. I’d say as soon as we find this serial killer, they’ll want to get in a few punches for putting them through this.” Torger gave him an evil smile filled with malice.

  Draven took a sip of the coffee and winced. “I’m so glad you’re on our side. Although, you
r taste in coffee is horrible. What is this? Motor oil? This could clean the dirt off my hubcaps.”

  He put the cup down and pushed it far away from him. Torger shrugged, grabbed it, and downed the whole thing in one gulp.

  “Jesus! Slow down.” Draven admonished. “You know I could have the flu or something.”

  “My werewolf antibodies would take care of that in an instant, so no worries on that front, and I need all the fuel I can get. I promised Isadora an update.” Torger made a face, and Draven had to stop himself from laughing.

  “Whoring yourself to the media? Didn’t think you did that,” he teased.

  Torger shrugged again. “Got to keep the public updated, and it’s an election year. I like my job. Free doughnuts and all.”

  Draven snickered. His office door opened, and his harried P.A. walked in. “Sir, these need your signature.” He put a large pile of files and papers on his desk and stepped back.

  “Thanks, Vince. Can you get me some real coffee? Torger’s brand of java can burn a hole through my stomach.” Draven grinned.

  “Wuss.” He stood and smoothed the shirt over his stomach. “I’ll update you if I have anything.”

  Once Torger left, Draven got back to work. He was so immersed in filling out paperwork, approving requests and looking over files that the time flew by. When he looked up again, it was almost time for dinner with Rose and Sabrina. He stretched his arms over his head and yawned. After placing a quick phone call to his friend, Ben, a local writer to confirm dinner with the ladies, he headed home to get ready. Despite his eagerness, he felt nervous, like a teenager before the big dance. After a quick shower, he got dressed, unable to shake his nerves.

  “It’s not like we haven’t seen each other in ages,” he mumbled. “We talked last night. It was a good talk.”

  He spent the next few seconds trying to tie a simple Windsor knot, only to fail. With long strides across his bedroom, he went to call Ross, but stopped short by the door. “Why the hell am I wearing a tie?”

  Pulling the silk accessory from around his neck, he threw it on a nearby dresser and began to tuck his wallet and cell phone into his jacket when the phone vibrated. With a sigh, he answered it.

  “This better be good,” he growled into the phone, praying it wasn’t news of another body.

  “Uh, Drav? It’s Ben. Sorry, man. I know I said I could make it to dinner, but I can’t. Dena has gone into full labor and Max isn’t around. I’m the only one she’s got, since mom isn’t in the area—”

  There was a loud scream followed by a harried female voice yelling that Ben should get back there this instant.

  “Shit, I gotta go. I’m so sorry. There are some mysteries in the universe I didn’t need, and childbirth is one of ‘em.” Another yell for Ben, and Draven winced.

  “It’s okay, Ben, we’ll talk later.” He wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or nervous. “Great, now I’m going to be alone with them. It’s going to be a tag team, with Sabrina taking the lead. That much I do know.”

  With another sigh, he slipped his phone back in his pocket and headed out, partly thankful it wasn’t news of another body. When he made it to the restaurant, his first thought was that they wouldn’t come. Pacing in front of the doors, he tried to calm down and get his head on straight. By the time peace had descended, he felt he could face anything Sabrina would throw at him.

  “Sorry we’re late; traffic was hell. There’s some sort of construction going on at the end of the street.” Rose lifted up on her tiptoes and gave him a kiss on the lips before pulling back. “This is Sabrina.”

  She gestured to a tall, curvy woman dressed in jeans, a T-shirt and a leather jacket. Her expression was open, but he felt as if she was wary of him. Holding out his hand, he waited for her to accept the offering. She surprised him by taking a step forward and hugging him.

  “You can call me, Sabs. I think we’re going to be good friends. Come on.” She grabbed both their hands and pulled them into the restaurant.

  He glanced over at Rose, who was grinning. After they hung up their coats, she took him aside.

  “Sabrina can’t stay long. She got a call from back home that there’s a family thing going on, and she’s needed there. Is that okay?” Worry flickered through her eyes. Cupping her face, he leaned down and gave her a full kiss on the lips, allowing the touch to linger longer than a peck.

  Having this moment set him at ease. He felt more confident. When he pulled away, he brushed her hair from her face. He frowned when he realized she’d straightened it. It now hung in long layers framing her face. As usual, her makeup was natural, with only a hint of color around the eyes and cheeks and a deep pink gloss on her lips that was now muted.

  “I like your hair.” Running his fingers through the softness, he watched her eyelids flutter shut as she let out a sigh.

  “I’ve missed your touch. I’ve missed you,” she whispered. Rose leaned into him. He wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes.

  “I’ve missed you, too.” Any lingering anxiety he felt about the possible interrogation melted away under the press of her body. Placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head, he exhaled and breathed in the soothing perfume of vanilla and cinnamon with a hint of her desire. He slid his hands down her back to cup her buttocks, giving each cheek a squeeze. She groaned and buried her face in his chest.

  “Not now.” Her voice was muffled by fabric.

  He chuckled. “The bathroom is right—”

  “No. Dinner. Tomorrow night I’ll go home with you. Can’t tonight. Have to help Sabs pack.”

  Tilting her head back, she gazed up at him with passion darkened eyes. He watched her as need unfurled in his stomach. Draven held back a groan and glanced up to find Sabrina watching them, her expression thoughtful.

  “Let’s go before your friend starts getting interesting ideas.” He pulled away, but kept an arm around her waist as he guided her back to the coat check area.

  Rose laughed. “She already has ideas, and wicked, naughty ones, but we’ll talk about that later.”

  Draven said nothing. His mind was focused on his own sinful thoughts, all having to do with sex in the bathroom or coat check room.

  “Wipe the smile off your face and prepare to be interrogated,” Sabrina declared as he pulled out her chair for her.

  Clearing his throat, he went to Rose and pulled out her chair before taking a seat himself. The minutes ticked by as they looked over the menu. A quick glance showed an evil smile on Sabrina’s face.

  She knows exactly what she’s doing. A look over at Rose showed the same expression. Draven sighed inwardly. Yup, being double teamed. After ordering and the wine poured, Sabrina pounced.

  “Okay, first off how old are you, fang man?” She took a sip of wine and settled back in her chair.

  “Sabs!” Rose admonished.

  “It’s okay.” He moved his chair closer and placed an arm on the back of Rose’s chair. “I’m five hundred and fifty years old.”

  Awe showed on both Rose and Sabrina’s face.

  “Wow, I’ve never met a vampire as old as you, and normally the older the vamp the more they stay close to Europe. Why is that?” Sabrina leaned forward and placed her elbows on the table, her expression open and filled with curiosity.

  He took a sip of wine. “Well, it’s where most of them were born. As this world progresses into new technology and such, it can be very scary to some vampires. Older ones go home to Europe to be closer to tradition. A sort of reminder of where they came from.”

  “Would you like to go home?” This came from Rose.

  He looked at her, reached over and brushed her hair back so he could see her face. “Home is here. Although mother and father want me to visit them in Europe.”

  He sealed that declaration with a soft touch of his lips to hers. Smiling, he rested his back against the chair and waited for the next question. He picked up his glass and took another sip.

  “Obviously, you like Rose for more th
an a bed buddy—”

  Draven sputtered. The wine burned at the back of his throat and went down his windpipe. Rose slapped him on the back as his eyes watered. It took a moment before he could breathe properly. The waiter came over, concern clear on his face. “Is everything okay, sir?”

  Draven nodded. “Fine,” he rasped out. “I’m okay. The wine went down the wrong pipe.”

  “I’ll get you some water.” The waiter moved away, but not before Draven caught a look of worry on his face. “I’m okay, really.”

  “Oops, sorry about that. Should have warned you. I can be very blunt. You okay?” Sabrina handed him her napkin, which he declined.

  “Fine, really, I am. Ask the next question.” Rose stroked his back and moved her chair a bit closer.


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