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Facing the World

Page 8

by Jr. Horatio Alger



  Then commenced a round of travel--what the professor called aprofessional tour. By day they traveled in the wagon, carrying theirparaphernalia with them, stopping at the principal towns, and givingevening entertainments. At many of these places the magician was wellknown, and his tricks were not new. But he had an attraction in hisyoung assistant, who was regularly advertised on the posters as the"celebrated young vocalist, whose songs are everywhere received withadmiring applause."

  Indeed it was very near the truth. Harry was really a fine singer, andhis fresh, attractive face and manly appearance won him a welcome inall the towns on their route. Sometimes a young girl in the audiencethrew him a bouquet. This made him blush and smile, and the donor feltrewarded.

  Where was it going to end? Was he to continue in the service of theprofessor, and in time become himself a magician and a travelingcelebrity? Harry was not sure about it. He saw that it would pay himbetter than most kinds of business, and he also discovered thatProfessor Hemenway was even better off than he had represented. Yet,he was not quite ready to select the same profession, but, being onlysixteen, felt that he could afford to remain in it a while longer.

  One day the professor gave him a surprise.

  "Harry," he said, as they were jogging along a dusty road, "do youthink you would like to travel?"

  "I am traveling now," answered Harry, with a smile.

  "True, but I don't mean that. Would you like to go on a long journey?"

  "I should like nothing better," replied Harry, promptly.

  "I'll tell you what I've been thinking about. I recently read in somepaper that a man in my line had made a trip to Australia, and reaped arich harvest. Everywhere he was received with enthusiasm, and made asmuch money, in one month as he would do here in four. Now whyshouldn't I go to Australia?"

  Harry's eyes sparkled.

  "It would be a fine thing to do," he said.

  "Then you would be willing to accompany me?"

  "I would thank you for taking me," answered the boy.

  "That is well!" said the professor, in a tone of satisfaction. "Iconfess I shouldn't like to go alone. It would be a great undertaking,but with a companion it would seem different. But, is there anyone whowould object to your going?"

  "Yes," answered Harry, smiling, "Mr. Fox, my 'guardeen,' would."

  "We won't mind Mr. Fox. Very well, then, Harry, we will consider itsettled. I shall rely on you to help me by your singing there as youdo here. As to your wages, I may be able to pay you more."

  "Never mind about that, professor. It will cost you a good deal to getus there. I am perfectly willing to work for the same sum I do now, oreven less, on account of the extension of the trip."

  "Then you leave that matter to me. I won't take advantage of yourconfidence, but you shall prosper if I do."

  "How soon do you propose to go, professor?" asked Harry, withinterest.

  "As soon as possible. I shall ascertain when the first packet leavesBoston, and we will take passage in her."

  The professor's decision pleased Harry. He had been a good scholar ingeography--indeed, it was his favorite study--and had, besides, readas many books of travel as he could lay his hands on. Often he hadwondered if it ever would be his fortune to see some of the distantcountries of which he read with so much interest. Though he hadcherished vague hopes, he had never really expected it. Now, however,the unattainable seemed within his grasp. He would not have to waituntil he was a rich man, but when still a boy he could travel to theopposite side of the world, paying his expenses as he went along.

  Two weeks passed. Each day they halted in some new place, and gave anevening performance. This life of constant motion had, at first,seemed strange to Harry. Now he was accustomed to it. He never feltnervous when he appeared before an audience to sing, but looked uponit as a matter of course.

  At last they reached Boston. They were to give two entertainments at ahall at the south end. It was the first large city in which Harry hadsung, but he received a welcome no less cordial than that which hadbeen accorded to him in country towns.

  They were staying at a modest hotel, comfortable, but not expensive.Harry was sitting in the reading room, when a servant brought in acard. It bore the rather remarkable name of


  "A gentleman to see you, Mr. Vane," said the servant.

  Harry rose and surveyed the stranger in some surprise. He had longhair, of a reddish yellow, with an abundant beard of the same hue. Hissuit of worn black fitted him poorly, but Dr. Brown evidently was nota devotee of dress. No tailor could ever point to him, and say withpride: "That man's clothes were made at my shop."

  "Do I speak to Mr. Harry Vane, the young vocalist?" asked thestranger, with a deferential smile.

  "That's my name," answered our hero.

  "You are alone?"

  "Yes, sir," said Harry, a little puzzled.

  "It is well. I will come to business at once. You have probably heardof me, eh?"

  "Probably I have, but I do not remember names well."

  "The name of Mendelssohn Brown, is pretty well known, I flattermyself," said the visitor, complacently. "To be brief--I heard yousing last evening, and was much pleased with your rendition of thevarious selections."

  Harry bowed.

  "I am about to form a juvenile Pinafore company, and would like tohave you take the leading part. You would make an excellent _Admiral_.I propose to take my opera company all over the United States. Ishould be willing to pay you, as the star performer, twenty-fivedollars a week."

  Harry opened his eyes in amazement.

  "Do you think me capable of singing in opera?" he asked.

  "Yes, after being trained by your humble servant. What do you say?"

  "I thank you for your flattering offer, Dr. Brown, but I don't feel atliberty to leave Professor Hemenway."

  The doctor frowned.

  "Let me tell you, you stand in your own light, Mr. Vane," he said,impatiently. "There is some difference between a common juggler, likethe Magician of Madagascar,"--the doctor laughed ironically--"and awell-known musical director, who could make you famous. Does Hemenwaypay you as much as I offer?"

  "No, sir."

  "I thought so. Then how can you hesitate?"

  "We are about to make an Australian tour," answered Harry, "and, apartfrom all other considerations, I am glad to have a chance to travel."

  "Couldn't you put it off?"

  "No, sir."

  "Then," said Dr. Brown, rather crestfallen, "I can only bid yougood-morning. I think you are making a mistake."

  "Perhaps, after I return from Australia, I might be ready to acceptyour offer."

  "It will be too late," said the doctor, gloomily.

  "Twenty-five dollars a week is large pay," thought Harry, "but I don'tbelieve I should ever get it. Dr. Brown doesn't look much like acapitalist."

  Half an hour later Professor Hemenway entered the hotel.

  "Well, my boy," he said, "the die is cast! Next Saturday we sail fromLong Wharf, bound for Australia."

  "But professor, I have just had an offer of twenty-five dollars a weekto sing in Pinafore."

  "And have accepted!" exclaimed the magician in dismay.

  "No; I respectfully declined. I would rather go with you."

  "You shan't regret it, Harry!" said the professor, relieved. "If I amprosperous, you shall share in my prosperity."

  "Thank you, professor; I am sure of that. What is the name of ourvessel?"

  "The Nantucket. It's a good, solid-looking craft, and I think it willbear us in safety to our destination."


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