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Knowing You (Jersey Series #2)

Page 10

by Sienna Skye

  “You gonna come for me, baby?”

  “Yes.” A breathy exhale.

  “Mmmm…I can feel you tightening around me. Come for me, baby. Soak my cock.”

  She went over the edge, screaming my name over and over. I couldn’t hold on any longer. I took her harder, my movements less rhythmic the closer I got to my own release. I held her tighter and groaned her name as I came.

  I lay there silently, my arm wrapped around her, while I waited for my breathing to return to normal. I hesitated to go to the bathroom to take care of the condom. I knew she’d be worried about the kids showing up unexpectantly. If I got up, she’d probably find it the perfect opportunity to get out of bed and get dressed. Get ready to send me home. It was unlikely that the kids would show up at this time without a phone call first, but her fear wasn’t exactly unjustified.

  I kissed her and whispered in her ear. “I’ll be right back. Promise me you won’t move.”

  “I promise.”

  I headed to the bathroom and then went to the kitchen and brought back a couple of bottles of water. I unscrewed the cap from one of the bottles and handed it to her. Then I opened my own. I got back into bed with her and sat up with my back against the headboard.

  “Come here.”

  She scooted against me and rested her head on my shoulder. She shivered and I pulled the sheet up over us.


  “Yes. In so many ways,” she sighed.

  I couldn’t help but to smile. “Good. I’m glad.”

  She seemed content, but she was too quiet. Lost in her thoughts, again.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “Honestly?” she said as she looked up at me.

  “Well, yeah.”

  “About what I am feeling right now,” she said quietly.

  “Care to share with me?”

  “I’m feeling so many things.” She paused so long I thought she wouldn’t finish. “I feel safe with you.”

  “You are safe with me, Madison. I promise you that.”

  “I know that. But there’s so much more. You made me feel beautiful. Desirable. Sexy.”

  “You should feel that way. All the time. Because you are all those things.”

  “I’ve never felt like that before. Well, maybe I felt beautiful when I was younger. I had a couple of boyfriends when I was younger who would tell me I was beautiful.”

  I was stunned by her admission. No wonder she was so insecure. All this time she doubted she was a beautiful and desirable woman.

  “Did you sleep with other men besides your ex-husband?” I asked her.

  She looked up at me with questioning eyes.

  “This isn’t a numbers thing,” I clarified. “I’m just trying to put together some of the pieces of what you told me.”

  “He wasn’t the only one.”

  I knew her ex was a bastard and liked to play head games. Him making sure she didn’t feel beautiful wasn’t surprising. But what about the other guys? Or had her ex done such a number on her that she couldn’t even remember what it was like.

  “Let’s take your ex out of the equation. You’ve had sex with other men. You didn’t think they thought you were attractive?”

  “No, that’s not what I am saying. I dated some very nice guys. And they did make me feel special and attractive. I never doubted it with them. It’s just that it’s different with you. It’s hard to explain. You have this intensity. I’ve never felt anything like it. It makes me feel like you have to have me. That’s an incredibly empowering feeling.” She blushed and shook her head. “I don’t know, maybe that sounds silly.”

  “No, it doesn’t. Not at all. I do feel that way about you. I’ve wanted you for so long, Madison. I imagined what it would feel like to finally be with you. It felt like I waited forever to have you. But, it was so worth the wait. It was better than anything my imagination was able to conjure up. And before your mind starts to wander, I’ve never felt such an intense pull with anyone else the way I feel it with you.”



  She smiled and rested her head on me. I felt the tension leave her body. I held her in silence. It was a comfortable silence. There was no awkwardness to it. She was relaxed. Not worrying or overthinking. I closed my eyes for a moment just to soak it all in. At least I planned on it being a moment. The next thing I knew I was waking up. I glanced down at Madison who was still laying on my chest. She had fallen asleep too. I checked the clock. Over thirty minutes had gone by.

  I slipped out from under her, carefully lowering her down to the pillow and went to the bathroom to get washed up. When I was done, I got dressed, and then sat on the edge of the bed and ran my fingers through her hair. Her eyes blinked open.

  “Shhh. Don’t get up. I’ll see myself out.”

  Her lips curled into a smile and her eyelids fluttered closed as I stroked her head. I leaned over and kissed her lips. As I stood up, her eyes blinked open again.

  “Good night, Jace. Thank you for a wonderful time.”

  “It was my pleasure, sweetheart. You get some sleep. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I will lock up on my way out.” I turned to leave, but then turned back and gave her another kiss. I stood there and watched her sleep, but then forced myself to turn away before I ended up staying.

  On my way out, I turned off the lights and made sure the front door was locked. I sat in my car before starting it. I didn’t want to leave, but I told myself there would be plenty of times in the future when I could hold her through the night. I just needed to wait until the timing was right.

  Chapter Seven


  I was awake the next morning before my alarm went off. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt so rested and relaxed. I shuffled off into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. It was clear that Jace and I had sex last night. It was possible I was imagining how obvious it was, but I didn’t think so. It was even more obvious than when he kissed me on the front porch.

  As I went through my morning routine, my mind replayed it all. My job was more administrative than clinical, so I did not have to wear scrubs. I went to my closet and pulled out a pencil skirt, a tailored blouse, and some heels. It was more form fitting, sexier, than anything I usually wore to work, but still professional.

  I put some coffee on and then went to shower. I pinned my hair up. I didn’t want to wash it yet. I could still ever so slightly smell Jace’s scent on it. After my shower, I went to the kitchen to pour myself some coffee. It was my usual routine when I wasn’t chasing the kids around to get ready. I checked my email and then perused social media.

  I decided to put on a little more makeup than I usually did. My hair was full from Jace’s hands running through it even though I brushed it out.

  I was getting my stuff together when I noticed Ralph’s car from the window. I checked the time. The kids should have been at school already. Why was he bringing them home instead of to school?

  The bell rang and I hurried over and pulled the door open. To my surprise he was standing there alone. His eyes narrowed as his gaze raked over me.

  “Where are the kids?” I asked without any greeting.

  “In school. Where else would they be?”

  “Nowhere, but I can’t figure out why you’re here then.”

  He handed me two pieces of paper. “The school sent these forms home. It’s about the end of the year activities.”

  “You could have just left those in their backpacks. I would have seen them tonight.” But then he wouldn’t have an excuse to come and check up on me. He had never so much as sent a text before to let me know there was something that was sent home from school. He wanted to know if Jace spent the night. He saw Jace’s car last night. I’m sure he noticed it wasn’t parked outside. He wouldn’t have come to the door if he thought Jace was still with me.

  He didn’t turn to leave. Then I caught it. The change in his body language. His whole damn energy cha
nged. That’s how it always started. I didn’t want to deal with it. I could feel tension trying to take over my body.

  “Okay, thanks for bringing these, but I need to finish getting ready to go to work.”

  I tried to close the door, but he moved his foot to keep that from happening. I steadied myself for whatever was going to come out of his mouth next.

  He made a point of letting his gaze linger on my hair. Then like clockwork, it was the smug smirk and the cold look in his eyes.

  “Late night last night?” His voice was filled with venom.

  I took a calming breath. “You already knew I went out last night.”

  “I didn’t ask you if you went out last night. I asked if you had a late night.”

  I resisted the urge to rub my temples. “Regardless. What I do with my time is none of your business.”

  “Doesn’t matter. You don’t need to answer. It’s clear as day.”

  “Again. None of your concern. And like I said, I need to get to work.”

  Once again, I tried to close the door, but this time he put his body in the way. My good mood was starting to slip away, and I told myself not to let him get to me.

  “I just want to know. Are you really that stupid? Or are you intentionally letting yourself be used?” he asked with a sarcastic chuckle.

  So much for holding on to that good mood. I knew I shouldn’t entertain him, but the words left my mouth before I could stop them.

  “What the hell are you talking about?””

  “The guy from last night. Jace was it? He’s quite obvious.”

  That made me angry. I didn’t like him talking about Jace like that.

  “You know nothing about him,” I snapped.

  “Actually, I do. His type, anyway. Likes to come off as a tough guy. Women fall for that shit. They eat it up. Gives him the opportunity to have his pick of women. Sure, he can fuck any woman he wants. But, the one he keeps on his arm? The one who is not just someone he uses for a roll in the hay? That’s going to be some model type. Someone he can show off. Someone with big tits or ass. Or both. That, Madison, is not you. Never has been. Never will be. But, congratulations on being another notch on his bedpost.”

  “Like I said before. What I do is no longer any of your business.” I tried to put conviction in my voice, but I wasn’t sure I was pulling it off.

  “Hey look. You want to be some guy’s one night stand…Some quick fuck and then he’s out the door without spending the night. Go for it.”

  “Trust me, it sure as hell wasn’t quick. He certainly didn’t leave me wanting.”

  Damn it, I gave him exactly what he wanted. He baited me and I fell for it. Confirmed I slept with Jace. Well, had sex with him. Guess I couldn’t say sleep with him since he didn’t stay the night. Shit, I was letting Ralph get in my head.

  I watched as I saw jealousy and anger cross his face. Not that he was jealous because he wanted me. He was jealous that Jace was a better lover than he could ever try to be. And he knew it. He could tell from my words. From the way I looked.

  “You will still never live up to his standards, Madison. You are nothing more than a brief distraction while he waits for the one he really wants.”

  Damn him! I used to think I was apathetic when it came to Ralph, but I could feel hate bubbling up inside me. I told myself not to react. Not to give him the satisfaction. Even if I could feel insecurity trying to choke me, I couldn’t let him know. I forced myself to steady my voice.

  “If you’re done with your armchair psychoanalysis, I do have to get to work.”

  His smirk said he wasn’t buying it, but he did step back. I closed the door, locked it, then leaned back against it. I was not going to let him ruin the happiness I was feeling before he showed up. I closed my eyes and thought about Jace’s hands exploring my body. His lips. The way it felt to have his cock deep inside me. I thought about his words. His actions. They didn’t seem like a guy looking for a one night stand. No, Jace wasn’t the type of guy to lead a woman along to get what we wanted. I didn’t doubt he had his fair share of women. One night stands even. But, I was sure the intent was made clear. Implicitly at least.

  …. while he waits for the one he really wants.

  No. I needed to get that son of a bitch out of my head. He was playing mind games. That was his norm. Needing the distraction to clear my thoughts, I finished getting ready for work.

  By the time I got to work, I had managed to put most of it behind me. My good mood had returned. Still, there was this underlying nagging feeling that lingered.

  I headed to the pediatric outpatient clinic to find Sarah. As I headed down the hall, I saw Sarah standing at the nurses station. Two of the clinic nurses, Laura and Noah were there as well. Three sets of eyes gaped at me as I walked toward them. Sarah had a smirk on her face. They said nothing as I approached.

  “Good morning.” I raised my eyebrows.

  Sarah’s grin spread wider. Laura outright chuckled and Noah nodded his head and said, “Alright.”

  “Alright, what?” I asked.

  “Alright, our girl got some last night. And by the looks of it, she got it good.” Laura laughed as she spoke.

  “Agreed.” Noah threw his two cents in. “It looks good on you, Madison.”

  I looked over at Sarah. She held her hands up in defense.

  “Hey, I didn’t say a word. It is literally written all over you.”

  I could feel a blush creeping up my cheeks. I knew these guys. We’d hung out. Discussed every topic under the sun. Including sex. Well usually I just listened to their stories. In the past, I didn’t have much to contribute.

  Laura held her cell up in her hand. “Check your calendars, people. This calls for a drink night. We need the dirty details.”

  Sarah was looking at me. A little too hard. “You guys come up with a date and let me know.”

  “Don’t even think about holding anything back,” Noah said.

  “She knows better. Madison, can we take a second to go over the revised schedule?” Sarah started walking toward her office.

  Revised schedule? I followed her to her office. She closed the door as I sat down.

  “What revised schedule are you talking about?”

  “There isn’t one. I just wanted to get you alone.”

  “You want to know what happened with Jace?”

  “Yes, but that’s not what I am talking about at the moment. I want to talk about what happened with Ralph.”

  I sat staring at her for about two beats and she continued. “You my friend have most definitely got that freshly fucked look. But, there is also something underlying eating at you. And I would bet good money it wasn’t something Jace did.”

  “You’re right.” I turned my head and blew out a breath. Then I looked back at her and took a deep breath before I began. “First, Ralph was late picking up the kids.”

  “How late?”

  “Oh, as in got there seconds before Jace.”

  “Oh crap,” she said as her eyebrows shot up to her hairline.

  “When Ralph saw Jace, he started in on me about me being a slut.”

  “Excuse me? Who the hell does he think he is? Sorry, go on.”

  “I know. That’s basically what I told him. Then he started in on how someone like Jace could never be interested in someone like me and that he was basically using me for sex.”

  “And you told him to go to hell, right?”

  “Well, I guess Jace caught on that something was going on.”

  “No surprise there.” She nodded her head.

  “He came over and I don’t know. Kind of…I don’t know…he just kind of…He didn’t say anything really, it was more how he said it.”

  “Got it. I am assuming Ralph was nonconfrontational with Jace.”

  “Yeah. Then we went to dinner.”

  “How was that?”

  “The place was really nice,” I told her.

  “That is not what I am asking, and you know it.” />
  “I had a wonderful time with him. But then on the ride home..”

  “Then on the ride home…” She leaned forward and waved her hand for me to continue.

  “We were talking. Something came up. Someone, I guess. I don’t know. Everything that Ralph said earlier started messing with my head and we fought.”

  “Oh, Madison.”

  “I know. Anyway, I accused him of not really being interested in me. Of really wanting someone else. It got intense. He told me that one of two things were going to happen. Either I was going to ask him to leave. Or, he was going to let him stay. But if he stayed, he was going to prove to me just how much he wanted me.”

  “Good for him.” She slapped her hand on her desk. “I’m assuming the latter happened.”

  “It did.”

  “I’m also going to assume that it was freaking phenomenal.”

  “It was. Sarah, it was like nothing I ever experienced before.”

  She smiled widely. “I’m hoping that pushed any doubt from your mind.”

  “It did. Last night. Even this morning when I got up. I was feeling so amazing. So happy.”

  “What did that asshat do? Ralph, of course.”

  “He showed up at my door. After the kids went to school. There was no need for him to come over. I figure he was trying to find out if Jace spent the night. Anyway, I guess he figured out Jace and I had sex.”

  “The glow is quite evident.” She held a straight face for about two seconds before she started to laugh. “What did he say?”

  “Really, just more of the same. How someone like Jace could never really be interested in someone like me. That I am nothing more than a quick fuck to him. That he really wants to be with someone younger. Hotter.”

  “Madison, you need to get Ralph out of your head. We’ve talked about this before. Jace is a great guy. He wouldn’t use you like that. If he was looking to hookup he would tell you that. Ralph was right about one thing. Jace could have his choice of women. And he chose you. He wants something real with you, Madison. The only person who will keep that from happening is you. Well, Ralph too, indirectly. But, if you get him out of your head. If you choose to be confident in the belief that Jace is interested in you. Then nothing Ralph can say or do is going to matter.”


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