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Divine Intervention

Page 2

by Hayden Archer

  I held out a hand. “Nice to meet you Alexis. I’m Valerie.”

  When her hand clasped around mind I felt a massive shock go tearing through my body. Apparently Alexis felt it as well, because she blinked and took a step back as though she’d been struck, though no one had hit her. What the hell was that?

  Alexis shook her head. “That’s odd, but the records do say odd things can happen with demigods and demigoddesses.”

  “Fuck. Weird things have already been happening to me lately,” I said with a shrug. I looked her up and down again. “So what are you anyways?”

  “I am a servant of the pantheon sent to train you and orient you to everything you need to know about being the daughter of the goddess of love,” Alexis said.

  She must’ve noticed the blank look on my face, because a moment later she amended her description.

  “It might be easier for you to think of me as a spirit, or an angel,” she said. “I understand that’s what your mythology calls us, if that helps you keep things in order.”

  “Angel, right, got it,” I said.

  And angel wasn’t very far off when it came to describing this girl. She was gorgeous. She definitely deserved the description far more than anyone else I’d ever heard described as an angel. My cock wasn’t just stirring looking at her, the blood was pumping down there so fast I was risking losing consciousness.

  “So what’s with the dance club?” I asked.

  Alexis walked over to the bar and I followed. Okay, so maybe she wanted to have a drink while we were doing this, whatever this was. I could go for a good stiff drink right now anyways. Plus I figured this place probably had the advantage of not restricting their drinks to twenty-one and over.

  Only Alexis didn’t pull up to the bar and order a drink. No, instead she sat on a bar stool and wheeled around so that she was looking out over the club.

  “What do you see out there Valerie?” she asked.

  “People trying to get laid?”

  “People trying to make a love connection,” she said.

  I looked out over the sea of writhing bodies grinding against one another. In my experience none of the people out there were looking for a love connection so much as someone to hook up with for the evening, but I’d roll with whatever Alexis said for now.

  “If you say so,” I said.

  “As the daughter of the goddess of love you have a very special power to bring people together,” she said. “A power that you must use carefully, but a power that in many ways is stronger than the great strength or other abilities other demigods and demigoddesses have.”

  “So you’re saying I have the power to make people horny?” I asked.

  Hell, I’d had that power since puberty came knocking. At least I’d had that power with the guys I knew. Some of the girls, too.

  Alexis reached out and smacked my arm, and a frown crossed her face as she glanced at me from the barstool. “I suppose you could put it that way, but I like the way I said it better.”

  “Okay then, I figured out I’ve got the power to turn people on, but what’s the point of using something like that here?” I asked.

  “As a daughter of Venus it’s your responsibility to find people who could make a love connection and encourage that connection,” she said.

  “What? So I’m supposed to be some sort of magical matchmaker?”

  Again she glanced with a frown on her face, but this time she didn’t smack me. “Again, that’s a gross oversimplification, but I guess you could say that.”

  “Fine then, go on. I’m intrigued.”

  “You probably noticed that your power only works on a few people at a time, but that’s enough for you to change the world in profound ways. And that’s why you must always be careful with this power,” she said.

  I wasn’t so sure about that. I felt like my power could affect more than just a few people if I tried, but she was the one delivering the lecture. I figured I’d listen to what she had to say and draw my own conclusions.

  Alexis nodded to a couple in the center of the dance floor. They were hanging off of each other and pretty much dry humping. Basically it was the kind of couple that annoyed the shit out of everybody else who decided to visit the club.

  “See that couple there?” Alexis asked.

  I saw them out of the corner of my eye, sure, but to be perfectly honest I was more interested in the way Alexis’s neck curved up to meet that cute jaw line. I was wondering what it would feel like to kiss along to her lips and press my own lips against hers. Now that I’d seen how amazing her ass looked in those shorts and outside of the toga I was entertaining very inappropriate thoughts about how much I would love to press my cock against that ass out on the dance floor.

  She must’ve noticed that I wasn’t paying attention to the couple on the dance floor, because she cast an irritated glance my way. When she saw me looking at her she smiled.

  “Try to pay attention,” she said. “I know it can be distracting looking at the attractive men in these projections, but you have to keep control of yourself.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Attractive men?”

  “Of course. Daughters of Venus present a particular problem when it comes to training. That’s why I’m here to do your training. We’ve found that having a female orient you to your powers makes it less likely that certain… distractions get introduced into the process.”

  Now that was very interesting. I briefly wondered if anybody up here had any idea exactly how much of a distraction Alexis was. I wondered if anybody up here in this Hall of the Gods, whatever the hell that was, had any idea about the medallion or what I was packing between my legs. Because it sure as hell seemed like they didn’t.

  But for now it was probably a good idea to play along.

  Still, that was an interesting piece of information to file away. Apparently I was up here amongst the gods, but they weren’t the omniscient sort of gods. That could be important. That could be terrifying, considering some of the things I’d run into recently.

  “Okay, so we’re concentrating on the couple there,” I said.

  “Yup, if you reach out you should be able to feel them, understand what they’re feeling,” she said.

  I closed my eyes, felt the warmth gathering. That was weird. That was the first time I felt the warmth gathering inside me when I wasn’t insanely turned on. Then again, I thought of Alexis standing beside me and realized maybe I was a little more turned on than I thought.

  No matter, concentrate on the couple.

  I closed my eyes, reached out with my power, and brushed against them. I didn’t turn it up as much as I had when I was, say, trying to free myself from the clutches of the evil Professor Jones and her student drones. Just enough to get a feel.

  I nearly fell off of my barstool as emotions flooded through me. That wasn’t unexpected, but I’d never felt it this clearly before. The girl was unsure about being with the guy. The guy, for his part, seemed only interested in one thing from the girl. Pretty typical for a meat market club like this, but it was still surprising to feel that raw emotion, see how cavalierly he planned on using her and then throwing her aside. My eyebrows lowered even in a frown.

  I didn’t like that one bit.

  “Can you feel the love between them?” Alexis asked.

  “What are you talking about? He’s planning on a one night stand. Wham bam thank you ma’am and then he’s going to drop her,” I said.

  I opened my eyes to turn and glare at Alexis. What the hell did she think she was doing trying to teach me this stuff if she couldn’t even tell what these people were thinking? How was I supposed to learn anything if my teacher didn’t know what the hell she was doing? Only she had a huge grin on her face and applauded quietly.

  “Good job,” she said. “That was your first test. You passed.”

  I rolled my eyes. Okay then. We were going to play those games then?

  I turned and closed my eyes again, reaching out into the crowd. Only th
is time instead of gently brushing just the two people I sent tiny tendrils of my power snaking out through the room brushing against every person in there. I felt a flood of emotion that was very nearly overwhelming, a cacophony of voices going through my head. This time I did topple from my barstool and landed on the floor with a grunt that knocked the wind out of me. I looked up at Alexis and she had a perplexed look on her face.

  “What was that?” she asked.

  “I could feel the whole room,” I said.

  Alexis shook her head. “No, that’s impossible. You might be a demigoddess, but there are limits to what even you can do. Maybe you brushed against a few people by accident, but you should avoid doing that. It can be dangerous.”

  I frowned up at her. “What are you talking about? I’m telling you I was feeling the whole room!”

  “Valerie, there are probably a hundred people in here,” Alexis said. “There’s not a chance you were able to reach out and touch all of them. Your power just doesn’t extend that far.”

  I stood and leaned an elbow against the bar. I was still a little wobbly from feeling that many people’s thoughts rushing through my mind. But I knew I was right. I knew Alexis was wrong. And to be perfectly honest I was starting to get annoyed at that holier than thou attitude she was taking with me, though I suppose if anybody was going to take a holier than thou attitude with somebody it would be an angel.

  “Oh yeah?” I asked. “Watch this.”

  “Valerie, don’t!”

  Only I wasn’t listening. Instead I gathered as much of the power as I could within me and reached out. Once again I felt it snaking through the room, it was weird how the power was like a physical sensation, like an extension of my sense of touch as I reached out with it even though there was nothing physical to be seen, and brushed against everybody in the room once again.

  Thoughts flooded me. People wanting to get with other people, people grinding together on the dance floor, people turned on, people about to break up, people who were unsure about their relationship, people who were about to propose. Again the cacophony of emotions and voices running through my head was overwhelming, but I realized as I stood there leaning against the bars that I could start to make sense of it. I could start to sort through the voices and differentiate them from one another.

  I had a feeling that with a little practice I might actually be able to get used to this. Might be able to pick people out.

  And I wondered what would happen if I decided to actually use my powers rather than simply listening to the room. I had the power to turn people on, to make people hornier than ever, but could I be more subtle with it? Alexis said I was the daughter of a goddess of love, so did that mean I could make a more long-term, more subtle connection?

  I prepared to push out with my power, to reach out to a couple of the voices that seemed like there was the promise of a relationship there. I don’t know how I knew it, I was as though there was an innate feeling of which couples out there had a chance at making a true love connection and which were planning on using each other for the night.

  Not that there was anything wrong with that. It’s just not what I was looking for.

  “Valerie, you shouldn’t do this,” Alexis said. Her hand brushed my elbow and I momentarily lost concentration.

  I pushed out with my power, only with that distraction it ended up being far more powerful than I could’ve imagined. The music immediately stopped pumping and I felt part of that warmth pressing through to Alexis.

  I opened my eyes and they widened in shock at what I saw happening before me.

  Everyone in the room was making out, intertwined with somebody else. Forget humping on the dance floor, now people were straight up stripping the clothes from one another as they hungrily kissed and petted each other. It was sort of like what I imagined one of those ancient Roman orgies at the emperor’s house, or whoever the hell ran Rome back in the day, might have looked like.

  I turned to Alexis who was staring at the room with wide-eyed astonishment as well. Then she turned, looked at me, and that the astonishment was replaced by something else. A look that I was all too familiar with at this point. Her mouth hanging open, her eyes lidded as she looked up at me, her breath coming in ragged gasps causing her tits to rise and fall rapidly.

  It was a good look for her.

  Surprised yells from the room pulled my attention away from Alexis. I looked out over the room and as I watched people starting to dissolve before me. Only dissolve wasn’t quite the right word. It was very similar to the way the succubus had disappeared days ago, or the way Professor Jones’s magic had disappeared when I managed to break Kara free. One moment a person was standing there, and the next moment they dissolved in a puff of white light. Only the color of the light was the only difference, a contrast from the black of the succubus and the pinkish mist from Professor Jones’s little magic trick.

  I blinked and then there was nobody in the room. The light hovered for the barest of seconds, and then even it was gone. We were left alone in a room with music that was pumping, but there was no one left to dance.

  I turned back to Alexis. She was staring out across the room in wide-eyed shock.

  “How did you? That’s impossible,” she said.

  “I told you I could get the whole room,” I said. “Sorry about dissolving all your little practice dummies though.”

  Only it didn’t look like apologies were what Alexis was interested in. I had the space of a breath and then she was on me.

  Okay, so this was happening again. Not that I was complaining. Not too much.

  Her lips descended on mine and then her pussy was grinding against me, her ass feeling exquisite as I reached down and cupped it.

  Her body was firm, as though she spent plenty of time in the gym, yet it was also soft in all the right places. I briefly wondered if they even had a gym up here, or if maybe they were cheating somehow and using some sort of divine magic to look so damn good.

  It’s odd, I always considered angels to be a symbol of purity, goodness, virtue, but judging from the way Alexis was behaving there was none of that going on with her.

  I briefly wondered if there was maybe somebody that she reported to, I had the feeling she wasn’t very high up whatever totem pole there was at this place, and if maybe giving in to the desires she seemed to be more than happy to succumb to would get me in some sort of trouble. I wondered if it would get her in some sort of trouble. Only she felt so damn good pressed against me. The feeling of her ass, her pussy grinding against my cock, those amazing tits pressing against me through her tank top.

  Who was I kidding? I was going to enjoy the ever loving shit out of this.

  I melted into her, opening my mouth to her and darting my tongue out to fill her mouth. I kept my eyes open ever so slightly to judge her reaction, I got the feeling maybe this sort of thing didn’t happen very often up here, and I saw her eyes widen in surprise as she let out a moan.

  Then she pulled away. “What am I? What did you? We can’t…”

  It looked like she was fighting a battle with herself, though by the way her chest was flushed, from the blush passing across her face, from the way her breathing was rising and falling rapidly, I had a good inkling which side of her was winning the battle.

  I put a finger over her lips and moaned as she flicked her tongue out around the tip of my finger and then sucked it into her mouth. God I wanted to feel what it felt like to have those pretty lips wrapped around something else sucking on it like that. She might seem innocent, but the way she was going to town on my finger left no doubt in my mind exactly how skilled she’d be at sucking on certain other things.

  Alexis closed her eyes and continued sucking on my finger, one hand wrapped around my wrist holding me in place so I couldn’t pull away from her even if I’d wanted to. Her other hand traced lightly up and down my arm and then she was cupping my tits. Her hand running over me sent a tingle through my body, not unlike the tingling I felt earlie
r when I was in the stairwell, though that seemed like forever ago now. Everywhere she touched me that feeling washed over me, though it came with an undercurrent of pleasure rather than the unpleasant prickling sensation that sometimes comes with an extremity going to sleep.

  I reached around so that both hands were cupping her incredible ass. We’re talking about the kind of ass that would show up in a, well, in some ancient Roman sculpture. The kind of ass that would launch a thousand ships, if you don’t mind me mixing my mythology a little bit. Hers was the kind of ass that begged to be squeezed, that begged to be smacked while I was pounding in and out of her with my cock.

  I gave her another appreciative squeeze and lifted her, setting her back on the barstool even as I surprised myself with my own strength. Alexis leaned back, smiling at me, and I leaned forward and pressed my cock against her. Our height worked out just right so that her leaning back on the barstool allowed me to press my cock against her from a standing position, and she was able to put her elbows on the bar and still maintain her balance.

  Alexis gasped as I pressed forward, pushing my cock against her, and her eyes widened in shock. There was an expression I was used to at this point, but there was something about that shocked expression on her face that communicated something more, as though there was a dawning realization crossing her face and warring with the pleasure I saw there.

  “What is that?” Alexis gasped.

  Her hands shot down and she was rubbing the bulge in my pants. As her hand ran up and down my cock her breathing grew deeper, as though she was feeling the most insanely hot thing she’d ever felt in her life.

  “How is this possible?” she asked.

  I shrugged and figured we were going to get there eventually, so why not just take off my shirt and get it over with?

  I leaned down and crossed my arms over my stomach, then pulled up on my tank top and tossed it to the side. Alexis gasped as the medallion came into view. I looked down and saw the familiar blue glow. I looked up at her and grinned.

  “That medallion…” Alexis said.

  “Yeah,” I said. “It’s something else, isn’t it?”


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