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The Wright Boss

Page 14

by K. A. Linde

  “Maybe there should be,” I said.

  But I’d lost my fire. My back was pressed up against the wall in his apartment, and he was towering over me, even in my high heels. And I felt anything but threatened.

  I felt so fucking turned on. Like heart-pounding, legs-shaking, skin-tingly, wet turned on. I could hardly control my own body. All it wanted was to grab him and say screw all my misgivings about the situation.

  “No, you’re wrong. You are fighting this because of work. But I was yours before that, and I’ll be yours after it, too.”

  “That doesn’t change the fact that you’re my boss though. Fuck, I don’t even know why you’re my boss,” I cried.

  “Well, you refused to listen to me.”

  I held my arms wide and tried to tamp down my growing desire. “I’m listening now. I came here to listen to you. For you to tell me why you’d missed work. Not for you to kiss me!”

  Landon quirked a smile. He was only a hairbreadth from my mouth. So close that, if I even breathed heavy, I would brush his lips. My eyes were wide with panic, and my fingers were itching to grab on to his shirt. He was teasing me. And it was working.

  “Okay, Heidi,” he said dreamily. He moved his mouth, so he was grazing it along my cheek and down to my neck. “We’ll play it your way. I won’t kiss you.”

  His breath was hot against my skin, and I suddenly felt feverish.

  “Then…we’re not doing anything wrong.” He slid over to my collarbone and to my shoulder. His hands were pressed into the wall on either side of me.

  I couldn’t keep it together. This was torture. Plain and simple. Perfect, sweet torture.

  “This isn’t helping,” I managed to get out.

  “You mean…even when I’m not kissing you,” he said, finally planting a kiss on my shoulder and then another one up my collarbone, “even when I’m not touching you…”

  He thrust his body against mine, pinning me completely to the wall. I could feel every inch of his rock-hard body under his clothes. His skin was on fire, and every inch of me he touched flamed.

  “You still have feelings for me? You still want me? You still want this?”

  I stiffened under his scrutiny and those bottomless dark pools.

  “Because, if you still want me, then it’s not going to go away. It’s just going to build. Until it explodes.”

  And I was an active volcano at his words.

  “Tell me you want this as much as I do,” he said with earnest. “Tell me this isn’t a lost cause. I can see you don’t want me to stop. Just tell me you want this. Stop telling me to stop.”

  His pleading did me in.

  I nodded once. “Don’t stop.”

  And then he crushed his lips to mine…and I was lost.



  Heidi wasn’t fighting me anymore. She slung her arms around my neck and was kissing with the fervor and passion I knew had been lying dormant right under the surface.

  I hadn’t known that this was going to happen. When I’d invited her over, I’d hoped that we would end up here. But I truly had been planning to talk to her all about the reason I’d missed work today along with everything else going on in my life. I’d wanted it all out in the open so that she would know where we stood.

  Then, I just hadn’t been able to step back. That one look. The one glance that had said she was thinking about kissing me. It was all I’d needed to completely forget every other reason I’d invited her here.

  Yes, I wanted to talk to her. I loved talking to her.

  But I wanted to fuck her a whole hell of a lot more at this moment.

  Without a second thought, I grasped her by the back of her thighs and hoisted her legs up around my waist. I knew, as soon as I did it, that it was a bad idea. Something small twinged in my back, but I was so set on Heidi that I couldn’t even care. I’d deal with it later.

  She held on to me tight as I carried her across the tree-house-sized apartment and into my bedroom. I dropped her backward onto the bed, and she met my gaze with lust-filled eyes.

  I wasted no time in stripping her out of the pants she had worn to work. There would be time to go slow later, but right now, I couldn’t get enough of her.

  She sat up and reached for my shorts. Her eyes were alight as she flicked the button open and dragged the zipper down. With an easy push from her hands, my khaki shorts were lying in a puddle at my feet, near her pants. She dragged her own shirt over her head and tossed it on the ground, and mine shortly followed.

  “Oh,” she murmured softly.


  Standing, she trailed her fingers over my shoulders and down my biceps. Then, she went back up and over my pecs before dipping over my six-pack and to the V that I’d worked tirelessly on in the gym.

  “You should always walk around shirtless,” she said.

  I laughed as her nails caressed every inch of my body. “Duly noted.”

  “Might be an issue at the office.” She bit down her lip and tilted her head to the side as she enjoyed the view. “I’m willing to take the risk.”

  “I’ll risk everything for you.”

  My hands gripped her hips and pulled her close to me. Then, I navigated my own path over her thin waist and up to the curve of her bright pink bra. I loved that she was in something so very her. She’d been this little Barbie doll in high school, and even though that had chilled out over the years, even though she wore black like she owned the color, she never fully gave up on that girlie girl underneath it all.

  She breathed in sharply as my thumbs brushed across her nipples before moving to her back and unsnapping the bra. I reached for the straps and removed them from her arms. Then, she was lying before me in nothing but a blue-striped thong. Her tits were round and perfect, and I ached to claim them.

  “Landon,” she murmured softly.

  There wasn’t an ounce of self-consciousness in this woman, and when I looked up at her face, she was practically begging me to continue.

  My lips were back on her in an instant, kissing and tasting and devouring her. She grabbed on to me as we crashed back onto the bed together. My body was covering her, and the feel of her underneath was enough to make me explode. She circled her long legs around my waist, pressing my dick against her pussy. Two thin pieces of cotton separated us, and I ground myself against her.

  She broke away from my lips to moan my name, which did nothing but make my cock throb. I wanted to feel every inch of her. I wanted her to not just moan my name, but also scream it. I wanted all of Heidi Martin.

  I nuzzled her neck, dragging my stubble across it, until she dug her nails into my back. Fuck, I’m not going to be able to last if she keeps that up.

  “Heidi,” I groaned, nibbling on her neck, “I want you.”


  “I want all of you.”


  “No going back from here,” I said. My hand slipped inside her underwear, and I stroked her clit in little circles.

  “Oh, fuck!”

  She was already wet when I dipped my fingers into her pussy. Her back bucked off the bed, but I had her pinned, allowing her no respite. I worked her into a frenzy that I promised to deliver on. Her breathing was coming out in gasps when I finally slid down and stripped her out of her thong.

  “Landon,” she groaned, “oh God.”

  I chuckled softly before slowly licking across her clit. “Was this what you wanted?”

  “God, yes.”

  “Where did all of that anger go, firecracker?”

  She snarled at me, and I couldn’t help laughing. As much as I adored the way she couldn’t contain herself around me, I certainly liked this subdued Heidi, who was about to come at my touch.

  “Nothing to be mad at me about now?” I continued teasing her.

  “Landon, so help me God,” she managed to get out before I bent back over her and started licking her like I was trying to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.

>   I pushed two fingers deep inside her and managed two measured thrusts before she came apart completely. And she did scream. And it was amazing.

  Without giving her time to pause, I stripped out of my boxers, grabbed a condom out of my nightstand, and then moved back to her panting helplessly on the bed.

  “That was…fuck,” she muttered with her eyes closed.

  “That was just the appetizer.”

  Her eyes flew open as I eased back on top of her. For a split second, something like fear reflected back at me. I halted.

  “Is this okay?” I asked.

  All arguing aside, I would never make her go through with this. We both wanted it. That was what made it fucking incredible. And I wanted her to want it right here. Right this minute.

  At my question, that flicker of fear dissolved in her eyes, and she nodded. “This is way more than okay.”

  I grinned devilishly at her. “Good. That was what I thought your screams meant, but I wasn’t sure.”


  “Excuse me?” I asked with an arched eyebrow.

  I pressed my dick against her opening, and she groaned.

  “I said, you’re a fucker.”

  I slipped all the way into her tight pussy and grunted with pleasure. “What was that?”

  “More,” was all she said.

  And I happily obliged.

  All the sexual tension finally crashed between us in that moment. There was no stopping now. I was inside her. I was taking what was mine. I was fucking marking my territory.

  I’d said it all those weeks ago when I kissed her at the back of Flips. Heidi was mine. Mine. All mine.

  I didn’t care what had happened in my past, in her past. I was only thinking about moving forward. Never moving back again.

  My cock thrust deep into her, and I knew I was getting close. Fuck, I had wanted this so fucking bad for so fucking long that I couldn’t even keep it together. After watching her orgasm just from my fingers and the sounds she made as she let me pleasure her, I thought I was going to lose it right then and there. This woman did me in like no other. But I needed her to come again. I needed it like my next breath.

  I eased up onto my knees and grasped her hips in my hands, lifting her up slightly off the bed. The new angle got me even deeper than I’d been before, and there was no way I was going to be able to hold off. Watching her tits bounce as I bottomed out into her. The flush of red across her body. The glazed look of satisfaction on her face. The round O of her lips as she slipped over the edge again. Then, the cries of ecstasy. My name on her lips, like a prayer.

  When she tightened around my cock, I lost it and came with her. I dropped forward over her and panted as my body tried to recover.

  “Oh, Heidi,” I said, placing featherlight kisses along her cheeks and mouth.

  She giggled softly. “I can’t feel my legs.”

  “Am I crushing you?”

  “No, I think you killed me.”

  “In a good way?” I asked with a laugh.

  “In the best way.”

  I claimed her mouth one more time before sliding out of her. She rolled off of the bed, and I couldn’t help myself. I smacked her bare ass as she straightened.

  “Watch it, fucker,” she said with a mischievous grin.

  “Yes, I did just fuck her.” I winked at her, and she snorted before wandering into the bathroom.

  I cleaned up as best I could in the bedroom and then lay back on the bed with my hands behind my head, feeling like a king. I was on top of the fucking world.

  Heidi jumped back in bed and snuggled under the covers next to me. She was legit glowing. “I cannot believe I just had sex with my boss.”

  I humphed and squeezed her into me. “You and your titles. I think you just had sex with me. The rest doesn’t matter.”


  “Are you going to be all right with this?” I asked.

  I didn’t like where this conversation was going, but she just smiled up at me.

  “Are you kidding? All right? We should have done this a long time ago.”

  I kissed her temple and nodded. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.”

  “That was a really fun way of avoiding my questions earlier,” she said, kissing my chest before resting her head against it.

  “Oh, Heidi, that was not to avoid anything. That was for fun, and frankly, it was long overdue.”

  “Mmm,” she said, not arguing.

  She trailed her fingers across my chest, and I tried to forget that was how this had all gotten me started. If she kept it up, we might be going for a second round.

  “So, why were you out of work today then?”

  “Doctor’s appointment.”

  “For your back?”


  “Are you going to tell me the whole story?”

  I blew out a breath. “Yeah. So, I went pro right out of college and qualified for the PGA my first year out. It was a pretty big deal. I mean, I know you followed some of it, but they thought, in a few years, I would be a shoo-in for a Masters win and maybe even the whole FedEx Cup.”

  “I remember some of that. It was right when I started working for Wright.”

  “Yeah. So, about two years into my career, I fucked up my back. All the doctors said there was no way I could play on it. I needed to drop out and go on medical exemption.”

  “But you didn’t.”

  “Nope. I played through the pain. Got doped up on pain meds the doctor prescribed and pushed through it.”

  Her eyes snapped up to mine, wide and concerned. “That stuff is super addicting”

  “I’m well aware.”

  “Did you keep taking them?” she said, her face tightening. “Are you taking them now?”

  I knew what that was about. That was about her old man. But I was not like him in that regard.

  “No,” I told her. “It was a stupid mistake to keep going when I should have taken a break. I was so high on the game. I stopped taking the prescriptions and tried to heal in the off season. And I haven’t taken it since.”

  “Never?” she asked.

  “Nope. Not worth the risk.”

  She nodded, relaxing against me again. “Good.”

  “Anyway, fast forward three years. Something else tweaked in my back, but my doctor gave me the all clear after a couple of weeks. But this summer was the worst. I over rotated. I think I must have put all the pressure into my lower back, and that’s when it was all over. The doctor said I needed surgery and a minimum of a year recovery, and even then, I might never golf again, ending my career.”

  “Oh my God,” she whispered, sitting up and staring at me with such shock and pity in her eyes. “So…you’re working for Wright because you don’t think you’ll ever golf again?”

  “I have hope that I will be able to golf again, but I’m working for Wright while I’m in physical therapy to try to keep my mind from going crazy. I need something to focus on and something to believe in or else I worry that the mental part of my game will disintegrate if…when I return.”

  “Shit,” she muttered. “That’s just…awful.”

  “What’s worse is,” I said through gritted teeth, “when I got the news, instead of responding as you just did…as most normal human beings would, Miranda told me I couldn’t risk ending my career because of a little pain. I think her exact words were, ‘Fuck integrity.’”

  Heidi winced. “How awful.”

  “Yeah. Then I caught her telling one of her friends that she didn’t want to have kids after we spent the last year in marriage counseling after she miscarried. I’d been planning to divorce her before she got pregnant, but I tried to make it work. Then it was just a slap in the face.”

  “Wow,” Heidi whispered. “Was that right before the reunion?”

  I nodded. “That’s when I left her. She’d used up her last chance with me, and I was done. Then, there you were.” I stroked her hair out of her face. “My little firec
racker. And I realized how stressful my life had become and how much I was hurting emotionally, mentally, and physically. But you and I had always been right. We had always been open and honest with each other. Our connection ran deep. And, suddenly, everything in the world made sense. I wanted you and only you.”



  My eyes fluttered open to see the early afternoon light streaming in through Landon’s window. I was disoriented for a half second before remembering everything that had gone on last night. Holy hot sex!

  I yawned and stretched out, curling into Landon’s side. He was lying on his back with his head turned toward me. His eyes were closed, and he was breathing softly. He looked so peaceful, as if all the worries in the world had fallen off of his shoulders. And, after hearing him talk last night about losing golf, it legitimately felt like the world rested firmly on his shoulders. To be so young, and he’d already had his dreams ripped away from him. It weighed on him in a way that even I couldn’t realize.

  I’d known about the injuries, but the extent of it all was horrifying. Career ending were not words that any athlete wanted to hear.

  Landon’s arm wrapped neatly around my waist and pulled me in close. “Morning.”

  “Good morning,” I murmured.

  He peeked an eye open. “You look gorgeous in the morning.”

  I laughed. “Uh, yeah. Sure.”

  “Most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “You’re ridiculous.”

  “Mmm,” he said noncommittally as he leaned over to give me a kiss. He stopped halfway through the motion and rocked back into the bed. “Shit.”

  “What?” I asked, concerned.


  “Nothing, huh?”

  “I just…think I did something to my back last night.”

  “You think, or you did?” I worried away at my bottom lip.

  His eyes said it all. “I did, but it’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”

  “Do you need help? Or, like, Tylenol?”

  He cringed and then slowly eased into a sitting position. “I guess we were a little too vigorous last night.”

  I grinned. “You could say that.”


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