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Pure Will

Page 10

by Kristi Pelton

  “Don’t laugh.”

  He pulled the toothbrush from his mouth and his face turned to stone with such a serious look.

  I giggled and he started to brush again.

  “I’ve never worn a guys shirt to sleep in. I know that sounds dumb. But I was thinking maybe I could wear one of yours.”

  He held up his index finger and darted back into the bathroom. After about thirty seconds, he returned.

  “You can wear ten of my shirts.” He winked. “And Cam, no girl has ever worn my shirt either so we are both virgins to shirt wearing.”

  That wasn’t true. As far as I knew, Kate was sleeping in his shirt right now as well.

  “Look at me,” he said lifting my chin. “Kate is your friend. I only did what I did because she is YOUR friend. I will go rip that shirt off her right now, if that’s what you want.”

  THAT was most certainly NOT what I wanted. I shook my head. “If shirts are getting ripped, it’ll be mine or yours,” I threatened.

  His eyes darkened and a slow lopsided grin crossed his face. “I tell you what Slick…if you can rip my shirt off…you get to call the shots tonight?” he said as he swaggered toward me.

  I bit down on my lower lip and squirmed at the thought of what I would request. My head spun between the idea of him going down on me, to me going down on him, to at least three positions I wanted to try. His thumb freeing my lip from the grip of my teeth brought me out of my multi-fantasy stupor.

  “Where’d you go?” he asked with a hint of concern coloring his features.

  In about the same time that thought flitted over my brain, I lunged for him gripping wads of his T-shirt in each hand and pulling in opposite directions. No sound of ripping cotton. Will chuckled. I adjusted my hands and thought of the possibility of what tonight could hold. With every ounce of whatever I had, I yanked on the cotton. NOTHING!

  Will laughed out loud and pressed his lips to mine twice.

  “You are so cute,” he said softly.

  “Cute?” I asked. “Kittens are cute.” I grabbed the neck of his shirt and tried there but the thickness of the cotton burned my hands when I pulled and exasperation settled over me. “Don’t you want me?” I asked and regretted the words coming out of my mouth. Pathetic.

  He lifted my hands and pried open my fingers then kissed my palms where the reddened skin burned.

  “What would make you think I don’t want you?” he whispered. “Because my shirt didn’t rip at your failed attempt with your tiny little hands?”

  I smiled but it was hard given that my body had already begun to react at the thoughts in my head from earlier. Did he think that I couldn’t beat him at his game?

  “My hands might be tiny but they pack a big punch,” I said standing on the bed grazing over the crotch of his jeans. He was as excited as I was.

  His mouth parted and his eyelids became heavy. Cam 1 Will 0.

  Then he scared me when he grabbed his shirt by the neck where I had just failed at ripping it, and he tore it straight down the center exposing his beautiful chest and freakishly awesome abs. Damn. Will 1 Cam 1.

  “Camden...” he said in a rough whisper and I didn’t answer, I just stared at him waiting for more words. “Remember that first night when we kissed and you wanted more and I said no, we needed to take it slow?”

  I nodded feeling heat build in the pit of my abdomen.

  “I promise you that tonight you will want more again. At some point, you will beg me for more,” he teased.

  “That confident are you, Slick?” I cocked one eyebrow up.

  “You bet your sweet ass I am.”

  I took two steps away from him, still standing on the bed.

  “Well, Mr. Confident, you care to make a wager on that?”

  He knelt on the bed and made his way toward me on his knees as I back-stepped.

  “Abso-fuckin-lutely…” he said grabbing me since my next step would have been falling off the bed. His hands gripped my thighs from behind, lifting me into the air then gently crashing to the bed on my back. “Name the bet,” he said.

  “If I win tonight, you give me what I want tomorrow.”

  He closed one eye. “What is it you want?”

  “Stop! It makes me sound like a desperate little skank.”

  “Baby…you can be my skank any day.” He grinned.

  “What’s your bet?”

  “That’s easy. You have to use your toy in front of me.”

  Shit! Not what I was expecting. Did I feel confident enough to make that bet? I could hold out. Hell, I’d held out for five years now. What was one more night? I could do this.

  “Deal,” I whispered.

  Within a short second, he flew off the bed and ducked into his closet returning with a T-shirt.

  “Put this on,” he ordered holding out a grey shirt to me that read Johnny’s on the front.

  “Turn around.”

  “No,” he said. “I saw your bra the night we played strip poker. Now…take your shirt off.”

  There was something about his sexy little smile that made every part of me melt. Having him tell me what to do was similar to Max, but when Will said it, he made me feel like a woman. The only woman on earth.

  I did what he said, took my shirt off and put his on.

  “Do you sleep in your bra?” he asked with a twinkle in his radiant blue eyes.

  I shook my head.

  “Well,” he said. “We are going to bed so I don’t think you will be needing it.”

  I rotated around and lifted the back of his shirt that I wore silently requesting his assistance. His fingers grazed over my skin and he easily unfastened the clasp of my bra as goose bumps spread over my skin. In that moment, I knew I was toast. I knew that tomorrow I would possibly be getting off with my toy in front of him. What had I done?


  The moment goose bumps popped up across her back, I knew that I was going to win this little bet. Watching her get off was going to be way easier though than giving her what she wanted. God did I want to be with her. Fully and completely. There was nothing I wanted more than to fuck Max out of her head. And believe me, I’d nailed plenty of girls, but I never wanted any of them to stay. That is what scared me most. I was freaking crazy about Camden. Having her with me, by my side, was all I wanted. I wasn’t ready for that to go away. I didn’t want to lose what we had.

  Sex was sex to me. The fear of me not being what she wanted and what he had been was a predominant thought in giving her what she wanted, but worse yet—was the thought of me being done when…well…we were done. That scared the shit out of me. I didn’t want to be done with Cam. If we did the deed then that had always been the next step.

  Cam was still facing away from me as she slid the straps of her bra down her arms then tossed it onto the floor. With my hands flush to her skin, I moved them around her waist and along her smooth skin until they met by her belly button. She gasped.

  “I’m feeling more confident by the second,” I whispered into her hair and she shivered.

  “Ball’s in my court,” she said with a conviction of her own.

  So…what did I do? I upped the ante. My hands skidded up the softest skin I’d ever felt and stopped shy of her breasts. Then with my thumbs, I outlined beneath the swells. I expected the slight puff of air or soft whimper that made me even harder, but what I didn’t expect was her body to go slack at my touch. Was limp good? Not to a guy!

  “Baby…let’s volley,” I chuckled. One arm held her around the waist now to keep her upright, and I leaned her back against my body as my thumb continued to trace beneath her breast. Her head rested on my shoulder, which was perfect because it gave me access to her neck. She moved her hair for me. She wanted me to kiss her neck. So I started with a small nibble on her ear lobe, then lightly left a trail of kisses down her neck till I reached her shoulder. When I felt her hands touch my thighs, my eyes opened shocked. I wasn’t prepared for her touch to make my head spin.

; Tennis was never really my sport, but I’d watched enough to know that they volleyed the ball back and forth over the net and right now, Cam was winning. My control issues had really only been my problem so far, but she was about to become a victim and I loved the thought of her being under my control. I raised the stakes and grazed over her breast. Her head fell forward. Laughing would be totally inappropriate, but a chuckle rumbled through my chest at how easy this was going to be.

  “Lay down, baby.”

  She twisted around and her hooded eyes stared up trustingly at me. Plus her nipples were poking the cotton of my shirt. God I’d always loved that softball shirt and now it was my favorite.

  “You OK?” I asked.

  A simple nod is all she offered until her fingertips ran the length of my chest then over my abs. She seemed obsessed with my abs. I wanted her obsessed with all of me!

  “You ready to cave yet…I can get the toy now?” I asked.

  She giggled an ornery giggle. “Not even close…” she said twisting the small patch of hair beneath my belly button. “Now kiss me.”

  I lowered over her and tenderly pecked her lips holding myself up with my arms. Then I pecked her lips again before touching my tongue to her upper lip. Finally, I melded my mouth to hers. Another first…I loved kissing this girl. Typically, I didn’t kiss at all. I’d lived a life of—get in, get out, go home. But I got lost in the way Cam’s mouth moved with mine, our tongues slow dancing together. A series of long, slow kisses unsure where one stopped and one started.

  When I rested more of my weight on her, her body arched up to meet mine and once again, she’d turned the tables. Damn it. Challenge accepted.

  Our kissing slowed and I nudged her chin up giving me access to the little triangle at the base of her neck. As I treated her neck and collarbone to more kisses, my thumb glided over the top of her breasts.

  “Will…” she groaned and it was hard to kiss her because I was smiling.

  Some girls had little feeling in their tits, which sucked for guys who liked to please, but it was obvious that wasn’t the case for Cam. Simply grazing my thumb over hers sent shudders through her body. I wasn’t going to last. I felt like a 14-year-old boy. I felt like Forrest Gump when Jenny touched him the first time. This was going to suck for her especially if she kept groaning my name.

  I lifted her shirt. Meeting these girls was a must. She didn’t stop me or hesitate at all. When I lowered my mouth over one, she squirmed beneath me and literally gasped.

  “Oh Will.”

  “Hmmm?” I hummed without stopping.


  “Please what?” I asked glancing up at her. Her eyes were tightly closed and she shook her head seeming as if she was fighting an internal battle. She was close to caving. I started on her other breast while my hand swept down her thigh then back up to where her shorts met in the middle. With only very little pressure, I rubbed the material. Her little pelvis arched up to meet my hand.


  My eyes widened because she said my name like she required my attention. But then she started unfastening my jeans.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  Her beautiful, haloed-green, rounded, innocent eyes focused on mine. “You win. I don’t care. I… want you. Not just more. All of you. Please,” she begged.

  Playing dirty, I leaned down and kissed her lips then said, “Just so I’m clear…” then I moved to her right breast and traced my tongue around the top. “You are conceding?” Then I moved to her left breast and did the same.

  She nodded. “Yes. I lose,” she whispered.

  “That was easier than I thought,” I smiled. “You sure? I wasn’t playing fair sweetheart.”

  She only nodded pulling me closer.

  As our mouths mingled, my thoughts were spiraling. Decision time. Do I close the deal or just make her happy? I didn’t want this feeling inside to go away…but it had never lasted. Never after sex.


  It was finally going to happen after a five-year drought. My chest moved up and down with my quick breaths of anticipation. This man was the strongest yet gentlest man that had ever touched me and I never wanted him to stop. He made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world…as if it was an honor to touch me. I was still unsure as to how I drew the long stick and he chose me. I wasn’t some girl who felt sorry for herself or pitied herself but I still wasn’t sure I was deserving of his love. But God did I want it…badly.

  I knew he saw me as inexperienced…maybe even weak because I didn’t stand up for myself with Max. If he knew the things Max did, he wouldn’t be happy. But the feeling with Will—well, Max paled in comparison to this.

  My fingers raked through his hair as he delicately kissed my breast. He had given me no indication that he would bite me, but I knew my body was tense worried that he might. I hated when Max did that and once had he made me cry. Max liked to bite. But Will touched me as if it was a mound of cool whip; his tongue tasted it and barely made an indention in the white cream. He was driving me crazy as I writhed beneath him.

  “Will…” I said again out loud and I’m not sure why.

  He glanced up at me, while his tongue still danced with my breast; watching him do that made every muscle below my waist clench. That’s when he started making his slow dissent down my stomach to my waistband, slowly inching my shorts off me…baring me…all of me… This was starting to make me think of Max…and I felt sick. I wanted him out of my head completely. But he liked having me naked while he was still dressed. He liked using my body for his pleasure. He liked things that I pretended to like at the time but hated now. Things that haunted me. Will wouldn’t do that, I chanted in my head.

  His hands caressed my skin, his fingers softly scraped over the flesh on my backside. With his middle finger, he traced down my outer thigh, around my knee then back up the inside of my thigh, stopping shy of the one place I wanted him to touch. The one leg that was bent at the knee, I allowed to fall to the bed, an unspoken invitation. For the first time in five years, a finger was inside me, and it wasn’t my own or a toy.

  “God baby…” he whispered and my eyes shot open. He stared up at me.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You feel incredible. I want to go down on you, OK?”

  He was asking my permission? Wow… I nodded.

  He kissed his way down my body and when his mouth lowered to me, I cried out with the pleasure he provided. I don’t know if it had been the amount of time, or that it was the way I felt about Will…but I knew that I would be there in no time. I kept my muscles clenched because I didn’t want him venturing lower like Max did. That was the worst.

  “W…will…”I panted as the sensation built. I’d never climaxed with anyone. Max got mad because I couldn’t or wouldn’t, but I think now I was too anxious thinking he would hurt me. So that’s when I started pretending with Max. And now as I neared the edge with Will, I was so excited for this to happen. Yet, I still braced myself knowing that’s when Max would slap my butt or my thigh or worse yet…bite me. God, the feeling was incredible. A storm building in the pit of my groin. I’d done this so many times to myself but Will…he was so good. He knew perfectly what to do and as I imagined his tongue…oh….

  “Don’t bite me,” I said desperately as waves of pleasure rippled through me and I cried out.

  “Bite you?”

  My eyes popped open and Will’s eyes held confusion.

  “I would never bite you, Camden.”

  God, why did he keep using my entire name? He kissed my thigh, my hipbone, and my stomach then pecked my lips.

  “He bit you?” he asked drawing the comforter up from the bottom of the bed and covering me. His question sounded like he was appalled.

  “No,” I lied. Don’t lie. “Yes. No. I don’t know. I don’t want to talk about it, Will. That was perfect, “ I said as he nestled up to me.

  After he wrapped an arm around my neck, he tilted my chin upwa
rd. He pecked the end of my nose.

  “Why did he bite you?”

  I released somewhat of an exasperated breath. I didn’t want to get lost on this. I wanted to repeat what had just happened and return the favor.

  His eyes were so sincere…the color of heaven.


  “Yes, William?”

  He smiled at me.

  “Why did he bite you?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know. That was his thing. I kind of thought it was normal. I learned later that it wasn’t. He’d slap my butt or my thigh too but a lot of times he’d bite.”

  “Bite you where?” he asked sounding sad.

  “My breasts or what I had of them back then. My nipples. My thighs. I’m sorry for saying that. I didn’t know if you bit.” Tears threatened my eyes.

  “Don’t be sorry. But Cam. You are a gift. A treasure. Something I want to cherish and would never want to hurt. The only thing I want to hurt is him.”

  I cupped his cheek and felt the tension in his jaw. “Don’t be upset. I really need you to just hold me right now.”

  That was one thing Max never did.

  When I woke up, I was snuggly nestled into Will’s underarm. I didn’t remember falling asleep. But I took a long slow breath and stayed in place—even though I was kind of hot.

  Will quietly moaned and I smiled. His body twitched in a couple of different places and I smiled wider. I loved that he was relaxed and truly sleeping. Then he said something that I couldn’t understand as his entire body tensed. His arm that was around me tightened. I think he was dreaming. He started shaking his head.

  “Don’t,” he whispered.

  With my hands, I caressed his stomach hoping to calm him.

  “Stop,” he said and I did because for a second, I thought he was awake.

  Wrigley stood on his hind legs and stared at us.

  One of Will’s legs kicked up and he moaned louder. Muscles flexed on the arm around me and my neck started to hurt so I pulled free. Dreaming was an understatement…he was having a nightmare. Sitting upright, I watched him for a moment, his beautiful body twitching, reacting to whatever it was that was playing with his mind. Seeing his muscles tense did something to my body. I wanted him again but felt bad for whatever demon he seemed to be fighting.


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