Book Read Free

Inviting the Devil

Page 13

by Gabriella Bradley

  “Good. Now part your pussy lips for us. Show us what you’ve got.”

  I spread my pussy lips with both hands. I felt the cream trickle down. My still swollen clit throbbed.

  “Play with your clit, girl. Give us some sexual tension here.”

  I played with my clit, then pushed several fingers into my vagina.

  “Fantastic. Back on all fours now. Keep those legs spread. Nadine, get on the bed with her.”

  Nadine joined me. Sitting on her heels beside me, she leaned over me and placed both hands on my pussy lips, spreading them as far as possible.

  “Great. Show us that tongue of yours.”

  I felt her tongue play with my clit ring. Her hands still had my pussy lips spread wide. I couldn’t stop the juices from flowing.

  “Now her ass.”

  Nadine pushed a finger into my ass and one inside my vagina.

  “Lie beneath her and play with her breasts, suck those nipples.”

  The camera was beside us then as Nadine slithered beneath me and she took a nipple into her mouth and sucked.

  “Good. We’re done for now. Time for a lunch break. I believe it’s been delivered.”

  Kalem and I sat together while we ate. He was quiet. “What’s wrong,” I asked.

  “Nothing. Just thinking.”




  I’d hoped he would say he was thinking about me. I had finished eating the sandwiches and drank my juice. Some of the other girls were already getting dressed and getting their makeup touched up.

  “Kalem, could you put the locks back on?” Gordon asked.

  Kalem sighed, but put them back on the rings. Gordon handed me a plastic looking body suit. It was very thin white latex, almost elastic, and completely see-through. There was a slit from above my pussy to just below my vagina and my nipples poked through two holes. The suit was skintight.

  While we had lunch, the assistants had placed a large mirror on the bed. Behind the mirror was an exotic science fiction scene.

  I watched as each girl posed on the mirror. Nadine’s suit was silver with two straps barely covering her breasts and a slit at the crotch. The other three girls wore equally revealing suits. It seemed we were to be space maidens.

  I was last again. The assistants quickly sprayed and cleaned the mirror and I climbed on top and started to pose. Standing, crouching, legs spread wide. I could see my pussy in the mirror below. Most of the positions were similar to those I’d done before. He had me spread my pussy lips, play with my clit and my vagina, and my nipples. He had me on all fours with my legs spread. This time he only did single girls, no doubles or triples.

  Two male models entered the room. Kalem stood. “What’s this?”

  “Another shoot for the online site.”

  “Not with Danea. I’ll have no men fucking her.”

  “Don’t worry. There’s no actual fucking. That’s only for videos. These are just photos, the suggestion of sex,” Gordon said.

  “No. That wasn’t part of the deal.”

  “Pity. Penthouse pays well for it.”

  “I’m sure you’ve got enough willing women.”

  I hadn’t said that I wasn’t willing, but I wouldn’t want strangers’ cocks entering me. And I guessed it would probably come to that. I was glad Kalem had spoken up.

  “Danea?” Gordon said.

  “No. I won’t go that far. Having a woman finger and lick me is enough.”

  “Okay. I guess you’re finished then. We’ll be in touch, Kalem.”

  I quickly peeled off the elastic suit and put my shorts and top back on. Gordon joined us briefly before we left.

  “She did a wonderful job. Great shoot. I might want her in the future,” he told Kalem.

  Kalem nodded. “Nice seeing you again, Gordon.”

  It made me think that some of Kalem’s other models had done these shoots. A pang of jealousy attacked me. Had he shared a hotel room with them? He’d told me he never touched his girls, but he was a man, after all.

  “So tomorrow is the other magazine’s shoot,” I said as we entered our hotel.


  “That was a short answer.”

  “I’m not sure I want to see you pose for any more porn. It turns me on, but it means sharing you with millions of others, all drooling over you. The thought of strange men all over the world gazing at you naked and jacking off, infuriates me.”

  “I don’t think these guys use men in their shoots.”

  “No, they don’t, not from what I’ve seen.”

  “Well, you’ve committed to it. As long as you’re there turning me on, I’ll do it. Before we left for Hawaii, I did a bit of research on both magazines.”

  “Did you.”

  “Yes. I wonder if they supply what you have to wear.”

  “They didn’t say anything about bringing clothes.”

  We’d arrived at our room. “Kalem, I’d really like to remove my heavy makeup and I’d love to explore Hawaii. You’ve been here, but I haven’t.”

  “Yes, sorry. Of course. Go and clean up and I’ll take you out on the town.”

  I’d taken my light blue sundress along. I decided not to wear high heels, choosing sandals instead. I had no idea where he’d take me and if it involved walking, heels weren’t an option. I removed the heavy makeup and applied some lighter. It was getting close to dinnertime and my stomach growled. I joined Kalem who had changed into a pair of light jeans and a blue t-shirt.

  “We’re matching,” he said.

  “Yes, we’re both wearing light blue. I love this dress. I think it’s my most favorite out of what I have at the apartment.”

  Kalem drove me through Honolulu showing me various places of interest. When my stomach growled, he suggested we go and eat. He took me to a restaurant where hula girls danced constantly. I loved the food, the fruit, the exotic manner of preparing everything. We ate, we danced. I loved being in his arms, feeling his head resting on mine. Before the sun set, he drove me to the beach.

  Hand in hand, we walked along the beach, my sandals dangling from my other hand. The waves rolled across my feet. I wish I had taken a bikini with me. I longed to swim in the ocean. I was startled when Kalem swept me off my feet and into his arms. He walked into the ocean with me and dunked me. I came up spluttering.

  “Bastard. That wasn’t fair.”

  “I felt you wanted to swim.”

  “Yeah, but not with my clothes on.”

  “Take them off.”

  I glanced at the beach. There were some people on the beach, but not many. I waded closer to the sand and slipping off the sundress, I threw it along with the sandals, which I’d almost lost. Kalem stripped off everything. I’d at least kept my thong on. He picked me up again and carried me waist deep.

  “I don’t want to go too far. The sharks might be attracted to you,” he said loud enough for me to hear over the roar of the waves.

  A wave washed over us both. We came up spluttering. “I love you, Danea Fitzgerald,” he shouted.

  “I love you, Kalem Ostarizo.”

  He gathered me into his arms and lifted me. I wrapped my legs around him and he pushed me down onto his cock. He filled me, while the waves almost knocked him off his feet. He managed to stay standing, his cock still inside me. It was too erotic for words as he cupped my ass cheeks with his hands and moved me up and down. I gasped as he came and I released my pent up libido. He stood for a moment holding me, then let me go as another wave splashed over us. I came up spitting out a mouthful of salt water.

  “I’ll get you for that.”

  We played and frolicked for a while then waded back to the beach. I put on the wet dress and Kalem his wet clothes. Hand in hand, we walked back to where he’d parked the car.

  That night, I learned more about Kalem. Once we were in bed, after lovemaking with no bondage, I asked him about his family again.

  “Kalem, tell me about your par

  He was quiet for a long time and I thought I’d lose him again. Finally, he talked. “My father was killed in front of us when I was twelve. It turned my mother into a zombie. She’s in a mental institution, a private one now. I’m originally from Italy. We moved to the USA when I was ten. I didn’t know my father worked for the mob. I thought he was just rich, money inherited from my grandparents.”

  “You never asked your grandparents?”

  “They’re gone, died before we left Italy.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Something went wrong after we moved to the US. I never knew what. I’ve tried to find out from the FBI, but they won’t release that information. All I know is that my father was gunned down in cold blood by faceless killers in front of me and my mother. Mother stopped talking, locked herself in the bedroom and eventually was declared insane and placed in a government facility. They made me a ward of the courts and I was placed in foster care. I don’t know anything about any relatives in Italy. So basically, I don’t have any family.”

  “Again, I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine what you must have gone through.” I cuddled up to him. When I glanced at his face, I saw tears in his eyes. My Kalem had a heart. He had feelings. “Do you visit your mother?”

  “No. I did once when I was fourteen. I couldn’t bear to see her that way, staring into space, silent, sitting there like a zombie. When I became affluent, I had her transferred to a private facility. I do call her doctor and the chief of staff to inquire about her state and welfare all the time.”

  “Kalem, she is your mother. You should see her. Maybe you can get through to her.”

  “Do you really think I should? I’ve phoned many times. The nurse will hold the phone to her ear, but she doesn’t respond. I can’t deal with her rejection, her abandonment of me. She loved my father deeply, but she had a child, a son who needed her. She forgot all about him.”

  “I don’t think she did. I’m sure, deep down, she remembers you. When did you visit her? How long after it happened?”

  “Two years. I lived in several foster homes and I didn’t have a clue in which facility they’d placed her.”

  “Hardly enough time to heal. When she didn’t see you anymore, maybe she thought you were gone, too. Did you see the face of the murderer? Did they catch him?”

  “There were two of them. Both of them shot my father several times. No, I didn’t see their faces. They had stockings over their heads. I can still see the scene in my head. At times, it plays over and over, like a repeat movie. We were having dinner when they burst into the house. My father jumped up, I think to get a gun, but he wasn’t fast enough. I can still hear my mother’s screams, see her hold his bleeding head against her chest, rocking back and forth shouting his name. That’s the last time she spoke. They took my father’s body away after prying him away from her. Then they took her away in a car. They dealt with me later that night, after they questioned me at the police station. I ended up in an orphanage for a little while.”

  “Oh, my God. How horrible. I’m so sorry.” I was glad he talked to me. I could tell by his face how deeply affected he was and had always been by his father’s murder. How the memory must have gnawed at him. And then to feel abandoned by his mother.

  “What about your family, Danea?”

  “I have a mother who would be totally disgusted if she knew what I was doing. I have aunts, uncles and cousins. My father died when I was young. I don’t remember him. Mom never married again. My childhood and teenage years were really quite uneventful.”

  “Do you think your mother will find out? Does she have a computer?”

  “She doesn’t, but my aunts do and my cousins. I doubt they’ll ever see the porn pictures online. Not sure about the magazines and whether my male cousins are into buying those. It’s too late now. It’s all done. I’ll have to face them when I go home for Christmas. Truthfully, I feel no shame.”

  “Where do they live?”

  “In a very small town in Tennessee.”

  “All of them?”

  “No, some of them moved away. Don’t worry, I’ll deal with it when necessary. It’s not important, right now,” I said, but I wasn’t as sure as I tried to make myself sound. I was grateful he’d opened up to me. I thought I knew then why he enjoyed bondage and spanking with all the trappings. He’d lost his father, lost his mother even if she was still alive. He felt abandoned by the woman who’d given birth to him, felt the love taken away. He needed to take it out on someone, one way or another. He’d tried his bondage techniques with his former wives and they’d accused him of abuse. I, on the other hand, enjoyed every minute of it. It made me question my own desires. I’d had a happy childhood, my mother loved me, chastised me when necessary, so why did I enjoy all the kinky stuff so much?

  Maybe I’m just a slut at heart.

  That thought jolted me. No, maybe I’ve been too shy, too inhibited and insecure, too down on myself. Now that I’ve finally let loose, I’m having a ball.

  “Danea, would you go with me to see my mother?”

  My heart did a somersault. “Yes. Of course.”

  “If you’re with me, maybe I can handle it.”

  I’d finally broken through his barriers. It felt good. It felt right. I snuggled up to him and he spooned against my body. Suddenly he sat upright.

  “What’s wrong,” I asked sleepily.

  “I need to use the suction cups on your nipples,” he said. “They looked really sexy so huge and by tomorrow it will have worn off.”


  He placed the suction cylinders over my nipples and started pumping. While he was still pumping and I was enjoying the sensation the suction caused, I fell asleep.

  * * * *

  The next morning the limo that was to drive us to the photo shoot, arrived right on time. I wondered if this was going to be another two-day affair. We were starting early enough at nine in the morning.

  The chauffeur drove us to a marina. From there, a small motorboat took us to a yacht moored offshore.

  It was the owner of the magazine’s private yacht. Oh, my God. I can’t believe this. I stepped onto the deck and was greeted by the captain and a photographer who snapped pictures of me. The captain greeted Kalem and led us to the living room. I wondered if the owner was there. He wasn’t. A photo shoot crew greeted us and soon had me changing into different clothes. The makeup artist was a man, as was the hairdresser. For the first shoot, I was to wear white jeans and a blue striped halter, a sailor cap on my head. They shot pictures of me on deck, hanging onto the railing, my finger in my mouth looking pouty and standing behind the wheel. I could scarcely imagine steering a huge yacht like that.

  The shoot director told me to hang on to the ropes and take my top off. I did. The cameras clicked and I knew there was a video camera taping every move I made. When I had nothing on but my panties, they had me climbing ladders and stairs and lying on the deck. Then, I was told me to let myself go. Music played while I was modeling, causing me to sway, to actually pretend I was there alone. I danced to the music, stripped my panties off and displayed my cleft. The director urged me to go inside, to enter the bedroom. I did. As I crawled around on the huge bed swaying to the music, it suddenly stopped.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “The locks need to be removed.”

  “You’ll have to ask Kalem,” I replied.

  Kalem came in and removed the locks. I noticed he stayed while they shot the remainder of the pictures and video. That turned me on and I performed, but really only for him. He was my man, my master, my lover, and all I wanted was to turn him on so he would want me forever.

  “Break!” someone shouted.

  “You were magnificent. You’ve got no idea how much I wanted you,” Kalem told me softly.

  “I was performing for only you. I knew you were watching.”

  “The next shoot is on the beach.”

  “I know. I love it.”

Me or the beach?”

  “Both.” I smiled and kissed him.

  I really loved the beach shoot held on a private beach. They had me dress in jeans and a thin top to start with and told me to use my imagination. Well, I did. I danced, I stripped, I lay in the sand in various positions and finally frolicked and danced in the waves. At the end, I lay on the wet sand and allowed the waves to roll over me. I thought about our night of love, Kalem taking my virginity and telling me he loved me, and it turned me on so I played with my clit, my nipples, and rolled through the water imagining Kalem was with me. The last shots of me were of me baring my vagina to the world as I spread my pussy lips and opened up for the cameras.

  Kalem joined me as I stumbled onto the beach. “Baby, you were magnificent.”

  “All because of you.”

  “No. It’s all you. I merely unlocked your inhibitions.”

  “Do we get to see any of the photos and videos?” I asked.

  “Yes. From both magazines. They’ll send us copies.”

  “Okay. Now that this is behind us, what’s next on the agenda?”

  “Just normal fashion shows. Nothing exotic. I’m done with putting you on display.”

  “What if I like being on display?”

  “Mm, I’ll have to think about that one.”

  “I have to admit, it really turns me on.”

  “So you like exhibitionism, huh? My little virgin has turned into a ravenous sex kitten. Would you like a public flogging?”


  “A public flogging. Some women really go for that.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “In history, naked flogging was a punishment. Now it’s part of the BDSM world.”

  “Have you ever participated in such?”

  “Hell no.”

  “Then why did you mention it?”

  “You seem to enjoy exhibiting yourself. I’ll do anything for you if it makes you happy.”

  “There is the magic word. Happy. I’ll do many things for you, too, but public flogging isn’t one of them. I can’t believe women would do this.”

  “They do and apparently love it.”

  “Not this girl. I’ve gone about as far as I ever want to go.”


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