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Auctioned: An Omegaverse Anthology

Page 7

by Merel Pierce

  More slick seeped from between her legs, and she tried to find some relief as his mouth moved over her breasts. She twisted her hips against his, but it wasn't enough. Unsure whether she wanted to push his head away or clutch it closer to her, Kasi tried to move her hands, but he easily held her in place. The reminder that she was truly at his mercy caused another painfully aroused cramp to grip her belly.

  “Please, Alpha,” she whined.

  Looking down at his black hair fanning across her chest, she cried out when his lips slid across her damp flesh to her other breast. When his tongue wrapped around her nipple and he added the sharp edge of his teeth, she started to beg.

  “Please, please, Alpha!” She wasn’t sure what she was saying, but the words just kept falling from her mouth. She knew she needed relief from this inferno raging through her, and he was the cure. He would know how to help her ease this ache.

  “Ander—” she began but broke off when he brushed his lips against hers again.

  “Say it again.” He licked at the seam of her lips. “Say my name, Kasi.”


  She squeaked when he pulled her away from the door and started across the cabin. She couldn’t see much, but at the moment, she didn’t really care. Ander moved his hand to her head and pressed her face into what seemed to be his favorite position. She rubbed her nose against the salty, musky skin of his neck and inhaled his sandalwood fragrance.

  Feeling brave in the throes of her heat, she let her tongue taste his skin. The first time she’d tasted him in the tunnel, he’d maintained a semblance of control. This time she wanted to shake that control.

  She burned inside and wanted him to burn with her.

  With little flicks of her tongue, she laved from the base of his neck up to the soft skin behind his ear. His scent was stronger here, and she found herself humming at his flavor on her tongue. He moaned when she flicked the tip of it behind his ear, but he stumbled and let loose a growl when she delivered a teasing nip with her teeth.

  Before she could soothe the sting, she found herself falling backward onto a cushioned surface. Glancing around, she saw the outlines of a bed, but her wandering stare caught on her Alpha staring down at her. His eyes slowly trailed over her splayed naked form before they rose to meet hers once more.

  “Spread your knees, Omega.”

  Kasi felt the command behind his words. Heat bloomed on her already flushed cheeks as modesty tried to make her keep her legs tightly closed, but her estrous and instincts were far more powerful. She whimpered and closed her eyes but forced her knees farther apart. At his dark chuckle, her eyes flew open to meet his. The trace of humor on his face was tempered with the wicked heat that filled his gaze. Bending over slightly, he placed his hands on her knees, which were barely a handbreadth apart, even though to her it felt like a giant chasm.

  “Open, Kasi, means open far enough for me to see this sweet pussy of mine. It is mine, isn’t it, mate? Mine to see? Touch? Taste?”

  One of his hands left her knee, and she felt bereft until he used it to gently lift her leg. His free hand found her calf and slid down her leg to her ankle to press her foot against the bed. Then he shifted to the other leg and repeated the process until both her feet were flat upon the soft cover beneath her.

  “Hmmm?” He chuckled again, his tone indicating he was waiting on an answer.

  Kasi was having trouble remembering her own name. She had no idea what answer he needed.

  With another dark chuckle, he placed a hand on each of her knees again. Slowly, deliberately he widened her legs far enough she could feel the strain in her hips. With each word that dripped from his lips, Kasi fell further under his spell.

  He pressed downward so that her legs were spread like a butterfly framing her hot, drenched center. Slowly he skimmed his palms over her thighs and towards her core.

  A small, quiet part of her—the part that wanted to close her legs and her eyes—was mortified at the sheer amount of slick pooling under her. But a more prominent, louder part of her wanted to reach between her legs and show her Alpha how well she’d prepared for him. How ready she was for him to touch her… her pussy.

  She shivered at the crude word he’d used, but more slick dribbled out of her at the thought.

  “Is this my pussy, Omega?” he purred, and the words rolled over her body like a physical touch, but his hands stopped right where her thighs met her center.

  “Yes, Alpha. Yes, yes,” she panted.

  Ander brushed his fingers against the curls that protected her heated center. Kasi needed him to move his hands. She needed something. Anything. Another cramp gathered in her belly, and she closed her eyes and cried out at the sharp stab of heat.

  “Shhhh… I have what you need, mate,” he murmured against her thigh.

  She moaned, but when his tongue swept through her folds from bottom to top, she cried out in both shock and bliss. Her hands moved to his head, and she wasn’t sure if she was trying to push him away or pull him closer. Her strength was no match for his, though. He didn’t move away from her center, and when she opened her eyes, she met his fiery black gaze that only showed a touch of bright green around the outside ring.

  He didn’t say anything, but he took her hands from his head and pressed them down to the covers beside her hips. Still keeping his eyes on hers, he flicked his tongue over the firm nubbin near the apex of her slit.

  Kasi’s hips bucked uncontrollably and the muscles in her legs twitched. Flames raced along her sensitive tissues starting from where his tongue lashed her clit.

  Ander’s growl vibrated against her sensitive core. The ripples of desire pulled a moan from her parted lips and another rush of slick spilled from her. He lifted his head from between her legs, glistening wetness coating his mouth and chin. She rolled her hips when he returned his mouth to her pussy and ravaged her.

  His tongue, teeth, and lips were everywhere, sucking, licking, and nipping until the ball of need in her center built and crashed over her. Sparks erupted in her vision and a keening wail filled the air. Her chest heaved with the effort to breathe and a small shriek escaped her lips when his tongue kept up its assault throughout her release.

  “Please, Ander, please,” she begged as a second, unexpected orgasm crashed over her.

  Her stomach muscles clenched from the force of her climax, but despite that shallow burn, her heat raged under her skin. Her pleasure had only made her burn hotter for her Alpha. She needed more to relieve the molten waves of fire pouring through her veins.

  Pushing up, Ander stood next to the bed. His eyes burned as they roamed over her skin. Her nipples tightened even further at his gaze while he slowly released the button at his waist.

  Kasi lifted her fingers up towards him, but they dropped back to the bed as he moved his hands to the waistband of his fighting leathers. He peeled open the placket of the black fabric, and with purely male confidence, he reached inside and cupped the bulge that he’d used to press her up against the door.

  His hand was in the way of her view, and she mewled when he gave himself a rough caress before pulling his length from his pants. She had seen it before. They’d both been naked at the auction, and she’d had a chance to see it up close when they’d gotten dressed on the shuttle. She’d wanted to taste him. Wanted to see if his life’s essence was as potent as the taste she’d gotten from his neck. She’d wanted to touch that formidable rod of flesh to see if it filled her palm with his heat.

  He’d stopped her then, but now, seeing him standing over her naked body and making no attempt to wipe her slick from where it wet his face, the craving came back and made her insides twist. Shifting her hips to try and relieve the pressure didn’t help, and she instinctively moved to touch him, causing her knees to slide together from where he’d pressed her open.

  But when his hands descended onto the middle of her thighs with a firm pressure, she stilled her movement. Ander squeezed her legs in a silent warning, and she felt a bone-deep need
to obey his command. Her thighs relaxed back into the splayed-open position, displaying her pussy for him as he finished undressing.

  Her breaths came fast and heavy when he placed his hands on the bed on either side of her hips before moving them beside her head. Wrapping one arm under her waist, the muscles in his arm flexed and he easily shifted her farther onto the mattress.

  Finally, his pelvis settled against the cradle of her hips and Kasi’s breath caught in her lungs. She should have been nervous. She was untried, and he was an Alpha—a very large Alpha. She’d seen him kill. He’d killed to protect her. She should have been terrified.

  But she wasn’t. She knew she was absolutely safe with him.

  The hot bar of his shaft pressed against her drenched center. Still propped on his arms, Ander flexed his hips, and she gasped at the flash of electricity that ran from her core through the rest of her body. He did it again and again, making sure each time to brush her sensitive clit. The hot plane of chest grazed the tips of her breasts, making them pebble and ache.

  “Ready for me, mate?” he purred against the curve of her ear. “You taste so sweet. Your pussy’s going to feel so good wrapped around my cock.”

  Kasi gasped as his words made more slick flow from between her legs. The crudeness of them made her belly clench with a wanton desire she didn’t know how to control.

  “Good girl, Kasi. Going to fill up that sweet pussy with my cum. My knot’s going to keep it right where it should be. Can your little pussy take my knot, Omega?”

  Hearing him calling her a good girl made a shiver run down her spine. She wanted to be good for him, to show him how she could please him, and to take his knot to tie them together. Kasi wanted everything he could give her.

  Feeling brave, she tried one of the few words she’d heard before.

  “Fuck me, Alpha,” she breathed against his cheek.

  His eyes snapped to meet hers and the heat from his gaze made her flush.

  “Omega,” he growled against the soft skin of her cheek, and then against her neck as he nuzzled his way to the place where he’d lay his claim to her.

  Ander trailed one of his hands down to where their hips pressed together, and the blunt tip of his shaft pressed against a place that had only offered her frustration during her heats. His other arm slid between her back and the covers. Raising his head, he captured her gaze as he slowly pressed his hot length into her.

  Her heat, her slick, and her recent orgasms made her soft and welcoming. The slight pinch as he entered her made her gasp, but a sense of fullness started in her pelvis. She kept her gaze locked onto his nearly black eyes. When he stopped pushing forward and eased his shaft out, Kasi exhaled in both relief and need until he began pressing deeper than before.

  “More?” The breathy question slipped past her lips and his mouth quirked into the half-smile she was coming to adore.

  “Oh yes, mate. I’m going to fill you so full you’ll feel me in your throat. Let me in, Omega.” With that hoarse demand, Ander thrust his cock deeper into her warmth.

  Kasi couldn’t smother her keening cry at his advance. He wasn’t rough, but his shaft filled her with a firm insistence. He filled her to where she felt like she couldn’t possibly take any more, and just when a deep pleasurable pinch seized her insides, his hips brushed over her clit.

  “There... All in, Kasi. You took it all. Swallowed my cock like you were made for it,” he groaned, dropping his forehead onto hers.

  Ander held still in her depths, and after a few moments, Kasi mentally caught up with her body. He was inside her. His weight over her felt comforting and safe even as it caused her to drip around his shaft. A restlessness overcame her. She needed something more from him than this heavy stillness. Squeezing her muscles around his shaft, she canted her hips under his bulk.

  “Fuck!” Ander’s head slid so that he hissed the word against the curve of her ear.

  Kasi sucked in a deep breath as Ander pulled out until she could only feel him at her entrance, but before she could protest, his cock surged back inside of her faster than before. Again, he emptied and filled her core, moving faster and faster.

  Ander slid his hand down to her knee and pulled her leg up to curl around his hips. She instinctively moved the other to match it, trying to bite back the moan the change in angle brought to her lips.

  “Don’t hold back, my mate. I want all of your cries and moans.” His mouth ghosted over her face to rest above her lips. “Screams. I want it all, Omega, and you’re going to give it to me. Aren’t you?”

  Kasi tried to answer him, but when he punctuated the command with a sharp, deep thrust that set off both a rush of feeling from her clit and a pinch from inside her, she couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped.

  “Yes,” he exhaled against her lips before plunging his tongue in for a deep kiss. When he pulled back, he nipped at her bottom lip before adding, “Good girl, Omega. So open for your Alpha.”

  He pulled his arm out from behind her back and shifted her leg from his waist to rest on the crook of his elbow. He did the same on the other side so that her hips were angled even more sharply than before. This time she didn’t hold back a soft wail as this new position made him feel bigger, his penetration deeper.

  The sounds his cock made between her legs that any other time would have been embarrassing filled Kasi with even more heat. His hips slapped against her flesh, and the wet sounds inspired more slick to flow.

  A ball of need gathered in Kasi’s center, and she wasn’t sure that she’d survive it. The few times she’d found privacy to touch herself had given her some warm tingles of pleasure, but nothing like the firestorm that Ander’s movements created in her. His hips shifted with every plunge inside of her until on one thrust he brushed something that made her back arch and a cry burst from her throat.

  Sparks were still shining behind her eyelids and she was gasping for breath when he slowed inside her. Again, he rubbed that hidden spot, and she dug her nails into the hard muscles of his shoulders.

  “There it is,” he murmured on a dark chuckle. His lips curled into a devilish smile as again rubbed his tip against that sensitive spot. “Now you’re going to come again, Omega.”

  Kasi only had time for a quick breath before Ander’s hips snapped his shaft inside of her again and again. Ruthlessly he battered at that spot until Kasi couldn’t draw in a breath and her mouth opened in a soundless scream.

  Chapter Eleven


  With her legs hooked over his elbows, Ander easily held Kasi’s hips at the perfect angle for his cock to hammer against her G-spot. He growled and ground his teeth together at the tingling in his balls. He wanted her to come apart underneath him again before he lost himself in her sweet depths.

  When Kasi threw her head back and bared her neck to him, he watched lustfully as she fought to breathe through the pleasure. She was so responsive and genuine that it brought out his beast even more. He wanted her to unravel for him. He wanted to see her so absolutely undone she’d need him to help put her back together.

  And he would. He would tear her apart with his cock and his brutal need for her, and then he would hold her and wrap her in his protection for as long as his heart beat.

  Kasi finally gathered enough air to cry out just in time for the first spasms of her pussy to tighten on his cock. “Ander!”

  Her hot core clamped down on his shaft with surprising force, but Ander kept up his fierce rhythm, making sure to put pressure on her engorged clit each time he bottomed out. Her slick made enticing sounds as more of the fluid flowed around where his cock drove in and out of her pussy.

  He slowed his thrusts and watched her intently as she came down from her orgasm. Her eyes were glassy and her breathing shallow. She uncurled her hands from his shoulders, and the tiny stings from her nails sent flames straight to his cock. As he pulled out of her, her eyes tried to focus on his face.


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