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Auctioned: An Omegaverse Anthology

Page 14

by Merel Pierce

I need relief.

  “Lower your eyes, Omega,” he commands, voice guttural and deep.

  I keep my eyes locked on his for a moment, reveling in the slight increase of his interest and consternation. His overwhelming dominance infuses my soul with the desire to submit to him.

  I comply.

  As my gaze travels downward, his massive muscles fill my sight. Each of his biceps is larger than one of my thighs. He’s wearing a skin-tight black armored vest that exposes his throat and arms. My mouth waters.

  I cannot stop my sharp inhale of desire when I view the size of his erection. My breasts slip a little farther out of my corset and the friction is glorious. Slick is forming a puddle on the marble underneath me.

  I could orgasm here and now if he just rumbled out the words.

  His cock must be huge, if the tent at the front of his pants is any indication. Large cocks are normal for most alien species, but this one promises to be among the biggest I’ve seen.

  I shiver in overwhelming delight. The corset and skirt brush against my skin and I fight the urge to squirm.

  A warning growl splinters my thoughts and I mentally scramble for control. This must be a newly developed serum, one more effective than previous iterations. I have never had such trouble controlling myself.

  I quickly lower my eyes all the way to the stage floor. The Alpha’s humongous boots steadily pace a full circle around me.

  I cannot stop the tremors. His display of superiority only amplifies the delicious warmth of my arousal. I very much feel like prey as he circles me.

  On his second pass, his boots stop directly in front of me. They square off on my body, and I brace for impact.

  But he only lowers his hand until I can see the instrument he’s holding. He uses the tip of the lash to caress my mostly exposed right nipple.

  Little shockwaves of pleasure pulse through my core and a whimper slips past my lips. His ensuing chuckle only creates more slick.

  He guides the lash down my body, leaving flashes of electric sensation in his wake. Then he uses it to raise my skirt up to my waist, exposing my pussy into the cool air. I moan like a wanton slut.

  The heat within my body is unbearable. The wait is excruciating. Will he use the lash on me, or will he touch me with his flesh?

  I long to beg for him to caress me. One fingertip, anywhere on my body, and I would shatter.

  I cannot calm my breathing. I cannot reclaim my thoughts. I can only wait, suspended in time. At his mercy.

  A line of white-hot heat blooms on the inside of my right thigh. A high, shockingly sensual scream bursts from my throat. My core clenches on nothing and desire gushes from deep within me.

  A matching line of fire licks the inside of my left thigh, prolonging my orgasm.

  The shock of the situation, not being able to disengage my mind, overwhelms me and I hang my head. I’m gasping for breath, unable to reconcile with the intense emotions rising within me.

  When I open my eyes, I see that both of my breasts have wiggled free, leaving my very sensitive nipples exposed. Before I can fully comprehend the repercussions of their freedom, the Alpha brings the lash down directly above my right nipple.

  With no ability to shield or protect myself, I throw my head back and scream. His next strike lashes across my left nipple, and the pain joins the cacophony of sensations roiling through my body.

  It all coalesces, gathering within my womb, and release is inevitable. No matter what he does next, it will fling me over the precipice.

  All-encompassing heat engulfs my clit, and I fracture. All of my muscles seize. All of my thoughts scatter. And all of the world retreats.

  Chapter Four


  Her responses were glorious. Every jiggle, every moan, every expression, every scream, all of it made my need for her grow.

  But now she is unconscious. She came so spectacularly for me that she left the world to recuperate. The pride that fills my chest is ridiculous.

  I drop the lash, scoop her up, and prowl to the door leading backstage. We will depart from all the foreign eyes—now.

  When the door doesn’t immediately open at my arrival, I snarl, my fangs so extended that they nick my lower lip. I lick the wound, my regenerative abilities and saliva working in tandem to heal it within seconds.

  The guard moves closer and the door smoothly slides open. I stalk through the opening and turn along the wall, not caring where we are as long as the roomful of Alphas behind us cannot intrude upon our next few moments.

  “Give me the key to her collar,” I demand, unwilling to allow anyone else near her.

  Almost instantly the guard thrusts a tiny device into my hands, and I unlock her collar, balancing her negligible weight between my arms.

  I press a button on my vest, activating my personal communication device and order private transport to my space flyer. I also send a notification that we will lift off in 30 minutes.

  “How long have her arms been restrained?” I ask, noticing the awkward positioning of her shoulders.

  “Approximately 45 minutes,” the guard responds.

  “Give me that key. Now,” I snap. He drops it into my palm and I deftly unclasp one of her wrists, pull her arms in front of her, and re-clasp her wrist into it.

  “Mine,” I say, pocketing the key.

  Without waiting for a reply or escort, I head out. I don’t want to spend any longer on this planet than I must.

  I need this Omega in my den.

  I barrel through the crowd, refusing to be deterred from my intended destination. The scent of her slick is still so tempting and strong. I realize she’s about to drip through her skirt and nearly lose my control.

  If I lose a single drop, I may murder everyone within reach. Mine.

  I shuffle her tiny frame around, draping her torso over my shoulder. I pin her knees to my chest. Her bound arms dangle down my back.

  But her sweet little cunt so close to my face is too much temptation. Despite all the eyes upon us, I smooth my hand up her thigh. Once under her skirt, I swipe my fingers along her pussy, gathering some of her sweet slick.

  My tongue is voraciously lapping it up before my next breath.

  The sweet, tangy flavor bursts upon my taste buds, and I nearly lose my ability for rational thought. My turgid cock seeps pre-cum, but I refuse to fuck her in the middle of this crowd. She’s mine. Only mine.

  I force my way through the throng of people outside, not even tracking when I left the auction house. It doesn’t matter as long as my transport is ready.

  I hurry down the steps, moving smoothly so she isn’t jostling around on my shoulder. I steal another taste of her nectar, eagerly lapping it off my own fingers.

  I approach the landing pad and snap at the crew to take off, not even slowing as I enter the craft and sit furthest from the door. The sight of my Omega’s creamy full breasts, pushed together by her arms and framed by the corset, is too enticing to resist. I lift her up and lower my head. I can’t knot her here, but I can devour her.

  Her nipple is tight against my lips and tastes incredible. I roughly lick, suckle, pull, knead, and run my fangs over her breasts, rubbing my scent all over her delectable skin.

  My other hand delves between her legs, venturing through her slick. Her folds are sopping wet, and I cannot deny the need to enter her.

  Two of my fingers slide inside her pussy, and the tight, hot grip overrides all my other senses.

  Desperately I sprawl her out on the floor and lower my face between her legs. My mouth’s first contact with her folds is excruciatingly perfect. I could stay here for hours.

  Chapter Five


  My consciousness slams back into my body just as my pleasure reaches its peak. Before I can comprehend what’s happening, I’m thrust over the edge by a hot and skillful tongue.

  I push my hands against the intruder’s head, the sensation too much. Only vaguely do I understand that chains still bind my wrists. My back arches
and all of my muscles tighten.

  With my eyes closed, a delightfully masculine scent invades my nostrils. The flavor of it on my tongue is a ghost of the most wondrous meal I could ever imagine.

  A longing deep within the recesses of my mind springs forth. No longer can I ignore, suppress, or reject it. I long to be taken and cared for. In my heart, I am an Omega. The need for an Alpha to be my counterpart is intrinsic.

  And he smells so good.

  The orgasm fades and the bliss recedes. My awareness sharpens.

  I’m lying on the floor of a little transporter, my wrists bound in front of me. And between my legs is a massive Alpha.

  Newly produced slick suddenly replaces what he just licked up.

  He lifts his head from my core and captures my chin in his huge hand, uttering one singular word that makes my overworked body and overwhelmed mind snap into agreement.

  “Mine,” he growls.

  I am. But I can’t be. I must still be under the serum’s affect. This is all artificial, right?

  Mentally I struggle to find my control, but physically I melt into his dominance.

  The sound of the wind whipping past the transporter ceases, and a feral snarl fills the cabin. Keeping his hand on my jaw, the Alpha crawls up me.

  “Not here,” he rumbles, then in one swift movement lifts us both to our feet. My skirt brushes against my thighs. His massive paw on my face is controlling and arousing.

  With his other large hand, he gathers my hair in an almost tender manner, despite the manic desire emanating from his body.

  The door opens and the wind on my skin sends sensual shivers through me. His palm caresses down to my neck, engulfing my vulnerable and sensitive throat.

  Then he leads me by my hair and throat out into the fading light.

  I try to make my body comply with my own wishes, but every bit of my flesh, every breath I inhale, is full of him. My slick slides down the inside of my thighs. By the time we arrive at his shuttle, my need is so great that I would happily beg for his cock.

  I still can’t get a grip on my emotions. My ability to separate my mind from my body is nonexistent.

  A door slides closed behind us and our scents quickly fill the small area. His private shuttle requires minimal crew, since it’s a small ship with its own docking bay near his quarters.

  Our mingled scents fill my every breath and a feeling of rightness spears through me.

  The Alpha props his back against a wall and forces me to kneel on the floor. Even the unforgiving surface against my knees turns into desire. Within seconds of being forced into the submissive position, a puddle of slick forms under me.

  “Take out my cock.” he growls. I swallow, and his fingers tighten on my throat for a moment before he releases his grip.

  This aspect of sex with a male is always my least favorite, but the pulsing member in front of me is leaking through his pants, and the aroma has me reeling.

  My shaky, eager fingers move to comply, but as soon as I touch him through the material, he hisses and yanks my head back by my hair.

  “Now, Omega.” His guttural demand is tinged with an urgency I cannot deny.

  With my head pulled back, giving me only a view of his face and the ceiling, I rub him through his trousers. I need him. His pants are a horrendous annoyance.

  Feeling feral, I cannot find the clasp to open them properly, but with a few twists and yanks, I rip them open from the waistband.

  Gluttonous, my palms caress his lower stomach, his semi-filled knot, his large balls, and then move to his cock.

  My core aches with emptiness. Not a centimeter of me would feel neglected with him inside of me. My fingers cannot span his girth, leaving about two inches of it unattended, so I wrap my other hand around him.

  His eyes bore into mine and my pleasure matches his. The blaze burns so hot that his purple irises seem made of neon.

  As I stroke him, his pre-cum coats my hands and I whimper in need. I’ll die if I don’t get a taste. But about halfway up his cock, hard protrusions bite into my palms, and true alarm sneaks in. His gaze conveys his enjoyment, along with a devilish intent.

  “When I fuck you, my ridges will ensure you find pleasure. When I punish you, my ridges will ensure you feel pain,” he says around a wicked smirk. The demented glee that flashes through his features at my reaction causes my pussy to weep in need.

  “Open your mouth,” he snarls, giving my hair a sharp shake.

  My lips part, and three of his fingers intrude. The heat roiling throughout my body increases to an unfathomable degree.

  The subjugation I’m being forced to endure has short-circuited my brain. I’ve been in many perilous situations, but I’ve never wanted to stay in them before. Yet I’d kill whoever tried to cut this moment short.

  His fingers explore my mouth, pressing and demanding, all while he maintains eye contact with me. He hits a spot at the back of my throat and I gag. His white pupils expand, and without allowing me to recover, he shoves his dick into my mouth.

  His taste explodes on my tongue and sensations I’ve never thought possible shoot into my every nerve. A deliciously flawless high infuses my body. My eyes roll back of their own accord.

  Another orgasm tenses my muscles, but he crams his cock down my throat all the same. Deprived of oxygen, floating in ecstasy, I greedily choke on his dick.

  Tightness on the back of my head brings my mouth away from the base of his cock, and he keeps pulling my hair until he’s only filling my mouth. In an unconscious reaction, my body sucks oxygen through my nose, even as my tongue and lips try to consume all of him.

  The Alpha surges forward again, and the pain of my throat stretching registers this time, but it's a splendid addition to my spread lips and flattened tongue. His knot inflates, but I’m too late to lunge forward and catch it in my mouth. Logically I know it won’t fit, but the overwhelming need to possess all of him leads me to try.

  I massage his massive knot with my hands, unable to encircle it fully. His hardness under my palms sends fire licking through my core.

  My focus zeroes in on the pulse of his release. It passes through my lips, surges in waves against my tongue, vibrates along my tonsils, and spurts down my throat. His ridges are definitely more extended than they were, but they aren’t sharp or painful.

  Intense worry that I may miss the taste of his orgasm has me searching his eyes. They shine with a fierce pleasure and his cheekbones seem more prominent with their darkened color. His lips are slightly parted, fangs visibly extended, and his groan satisfies an unnamed part of me.

  I plead for his flavor with my eyes, purposefully swallowing excessively. Understanding lights his eyes, even as spots dance at the edge of my vision. I would happily deny myself oxygen if it meant pleasuring him.

  My scalp burns as he forces my face off his cock. He gives my hair a sharp tug, a growl interrupting his groan, warning me to stop fighting him. For a moment I forget that I pleaded with him for this. All I desire is to have him inside of me in any way possible.

  When his cockhead pops out of my throat, still pulsing in release, my world explodes again. I clamp my lips around him and swim in his essence as it coats my tonsils. Swallowing as quickly as I can while trying to breathe through my nose, I attempt to keep every drop of him.

  Even so, some leaks from between his shaft and my lips. My heart cries at the loss.

  I bask in the floaty, satisfied feeling permeating my nerves, even as his climax continues. My throat ices with a heat so intense it seems cold. My stomach eagerly accepts his aphrodisiac.

  With a bit of shock, I realize little humming, purring noises are rising from my chest. The shocking part is that they aren’t physical reactions; they are direct reflections of my heart.

  A peace I never knew existed flows through me. I close my eyes, unwilling to share my revelation.

  Chapter Six


  The release pouring from my body is undeniably the most intense orgasm I
’ve ever had. My Omega’s purrs of satisfaction are better, though.

  Still, losing sight of her beautiful, expressive eyes cuts deep.

  Before I can pull her off my cock, her lips start searching for the drops of cum that escaped. The vise of her mouth is so constricting that more cum spurts out of me.

  Her soft, magical tongue runs along my sensitive underside and threatens my self-control. The need to yank her off, fling her to the floor, and thrust into her weeping pussy nearly overcomes me.

  Her unexpected sight halts my heart. The single drop of water trailing down her cheek holds so much significance that I cannot even begin deciphering it.


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