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Auctioned: An Omegaverse Anthology

Page 18

by Merel Pierce

  Of course, no one told the rejects that. No use giving them false hope. Hell, sometimes the ones who made it out were sold into such miserable conditions they would have chosen death if they’d known.

  Elias passed through the transitional checkpoint, the bio reader scanning his signature as he walked beneath the archway in the center. The door behind him closed and a door before him opened. The instant he passed into the reject hall, the heavy metal door sealing behind him, the tension in his shoulders lessened. He slowed his stride, movements growing more casual as the overwhelming noise from the main cages melted away.

  He scanned the cages lining the walkway, checking the inhabitants over as he passed. Most were human, though a few were alien. No matter the species or dynamic, they all wore the same range of expressions—hopeful, sad, angry. So many eyes focused on him as he made his way through the space. They judged him, hated him, pleaded with him silently. He steeled himself against it all.

  Only one occupant drew his focus and caused him to pause.

  In the cell before him, a group of two Omegas and three Betas were crammed into a midsized pen. Four out of five occupants were curled up together on the bedroll in the back, not unlike a pile of sad, suspicious kittens eyeing him warily.

  The remaining occupant was on the floor by herself, back pressed into the front corner of the cage. Fingers curled around the bars, she’d been leaning into the front of the cell to see who was coming. Elias smirked, crouching before her. Her wide, doe-like eyes met his.

  A tiny little thing—as most Omegas were—she was still the fiercest creature in the hall. Her pale skin was littered with freckles and now bore mottled bruises and scrapes as well. Her hair, an unruly mass of chestnut curls, was loose and wild around her shoulders. She’d learned early that braiding it was a mistake. Having your hair bound just made a better handle for your opponents to lead you around by when they were trying to kick your ass.

  The other slaves didn’t care for her. Even among Betas and Omegas, there was a hierarchy, and this one refused to be forced to the bottom of the heap. She had no interest in being at the top, either, which left her constantly defending her middle-ground position.

  Elias had moved her twice to keep the Betas from ganging up on her. The other guards thought he was an idiot for wasting his time, since she was already scheduled for disposal, but he liked her spirit.

  After all, she was in perfect condition—a gorgeous little female who would have made a good breeder and mate if fate hadn’t intervened. She was from beyond the wall, and life was tougher there. As he’d learned from their brief interactions over the last two weeks, an Alpha assault and pregnancy at the onset of puberty had resulted in complications. Medical care was lacking out there in the wilds, and they hadn’t been able to save her reproductive abilities when delivering her baby tore up her insides. Now she was unable to have children.

  Of course, when she was seized in a raid by the acquisitions team, no one had bothered to ask if she was fertile. She smelled and looked like Omega, and that was all that had mattered. They always took first and asked questions later. They didn’t care where the victims ended up if they weren’t worth selling.

  “Well, hey there, 817. How’s my favorite hellcat today?”

  “Better now.” She smiled up at him, shifting closer to the bars. He’d had to move her again the day before due to a pair of Beta bitches in the last pen who wouldn’t leave her alone. Now that the threat was gone, she was back to her surprisingly easygoing self. Perfect Omega that she was, she was happy to see him, unable to resist the lure of a strong Alpha. She was always eager for his attention. In truth, he thought it likely that was why she had so much trouble with the other slaves.

  She didn’t hold her situation against the guards. She seemed to realize that they were all just cogs in the same machine. She had the sense to understand how it worked. Education outside the walls was practical, born of real-world experience—survival of the fittest.

  “Good. I hate seeing bruises on that pretty face.”

  She blushed, squirming under his praise. “That’s okay. The other guys always look worse than me.”

  Elias laughed. “Yes, they do.”

  It was true; no matter who or how many, her bullies always looked worse for the wear than she.

  The whirring of the heavy door at the end of the hall stole his attention. Elias glanced in that direction, sighing when he identified the burly Alpha now stepping through. His tension returned as he slowly rose to face the approaching male.

  A good five inches taller and some twenty pounds heavier than Elias, the guard was a prime Alpha. His prime Alpha, as a matter of fact.

  “What are you doing back here?” the larger male grumbled, cutting his gaze towards the cage where 817 sat staring up at them.

  “Just taking a break from the noise in the main halls, Lorin.” Elias volunteered cautiously. He could tell by his companions body language that he was amped up. He imagined it had something to do with the five Omega breeders in the main section that had gone into heat. They had everyone on edge.

  “Is this the little cunt you’ve been coddling?”

  Elias pursed his lips at the word, eyes tracking back over his shoulder at 817. Whether she was a slave or not, he tried not to be an ass about it. His comrade had never cared for the fairer sex, though.

  “I like her,” Elias said with a shrug. “She’s tough.”

  “She’s also defective.”

  He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “What do you want?”

  “I need a break. I hate the festival.”

  “I hear that.”

  “So, how ‘bout it?”

  Elias frowned. He knew exactly what sort of break Lorin was looking for, and he wasn’t interested. Not here. “I’m not in the mood.”

  He sidestepped the man only to have Lorin reach out and make a grab for the belt of his pants, thick fingers curling over the waistband as he fisted the cloth and jerked Elias toward him.

  “When has that ever mattered?”

  He put a hand to Lorin’s chest, growling a warning. “Not. Now.”

  Lorin narrowed his eyes and curled his lip in a snarl. “What, afraid your little friend won’t think as highly of you if she knows your ass belongs to me?”

  Lorin was falling into a rut. If the cloud of pheromones didn’t tell him that, his uncharacteristic aggression certainly did. Even though Lorin wasn’t interested in women, his body wasn’t immune to the effects of an Omega in heat. Coupled with the fact that the estrus of the females in the main hall had spurred a pretty little male Omega into heat, most of the guards were an agitated mess. Lorin, especially, lost his mind when he went into a rut.

  “You know it isn’t good to do this shit here,” Elias said. He lowered his voice, trying to appeal to Loren’s sense of decency. “It complicates things.”

  He hated when this happened at work, in front of the slaves. It wasn’t that common for Alpha males to pair, and it certainly wasn’t widely accepted. Even the slaves judged an Alpha who submitted to another and let himself be mounted. Controlling them after they found out was always a challenge. No one listened worth a shit once they knew.

  Of course, Lorin didn’t spend time in the reject hall. He didn’t have to worry about the fallout from easing his blue balls.

  It wasn’t as if Lorin was always the top between them, but when he was like this? It made him hard to deal with. Anything other than submission was met with aggression. The few times Elias had rejected him when he’d gone into rut at work, they’d ended up in an all-out brawl. Quicker and more agile than his larger counterpart, Elias usually won the battle for control, but that only lasted until he got home. The second he stepped into their shared apartment, the still-rutting Lorin made him pay for damaging his pride. The man’s ego was fragile as glass.

  Lorin was already bulled up, ready for the fight he seemed sure he would get. As loath as Elias was to admit it, submitting and getting it over with quickly wa
s the better option. They couldn’t afford another suspension, which Lorin would likely earn by taking his aggression out on someone else if he didn’t decompress.

  “Fucking fine. But be quick about it. I don’t have time for this shit.” Elias turned around, bracing his arms against the bars of 817’s cell. He didn’t bother unbuckling his pants, since Lorin hadn’t let go when he turned.

  The larger male sidled up against him, one hand working Elias’s belt loose as his other worked to unfasten his own pants.

  Breath hot on his ear, Lorin growled. “That’s right, be a good bitch for Daddy.”

  Elias ground his teeth.

  A small whimper drew his eyes down, where he found 817 had scooted closer to where he was braced against the bars. Her pupils were half-dilated, Lorin’s growl affecting the little female in a way she couldn’t help. Her eyes were focused on his groin where both of Lorin’s hands were now at work, jerking his pants down and fisting his still-limp cock.

  When she licked her lips, Elias began to thicken.

  A quick glance at the other occupants revealed the huddle of females were attempting to be invisible. Not a single one of them would look up from the floor, determined not to acknowledge what was about to happen. His eyes returned to 817, lips quirking when he found her still watching eagerly. Unlike the sour, nervous expressions the other women wore, his little hellcat looked intrigued.

  A loud smack echoed down the hall when Lorin’s palm crashed down against the side of Elias’s freshly bared ass, the sting of it drawing a growl of disapproval. Lorin’s cock pressed up at him from behind, slotting between his cheeks.

  “Quit being a dick about it, Lorin.”

  “Then stick that ass out already.”

  Elias arched his back as much as his pride would allow, glad when it seemed enough to appease his aggressor. Lorin pivoted his hips, rubbing his already slick cockhead against Elias’s ass. Thank the gods his oncoming rut had blessed Lorin with a copious amount of precum. It would make this whole affair less uncomfortable.

  Normally Elias enjoyed being with Lorin, but he couldn’t enjoy it like this. This was born of necessity, not mutual pleasure.

  Elias winced when the other Alpha gave a brutal buck of his hips, the abrupt penetration searing a path through his belly. He let his gaze fall to where 817 sat at his feet on the other side of the bars, focusing on her rather than his annoyance.

  As Lorin began to thrust, his interest in stroking Elias’s cock waned. His hands went instead to Elias’s hips, fingers tightening on flesh and cloth as he forced his way deeper into his partner’s body.

  Elias bore Lorin’s rutting stoically, distracted by how 817’s eyes were fixed on his half-hard cock. Closer and closer she inched, delicate fingers slipping around the bars as she pulled herself to her knees before him, nostrils flaring as she pulled in a deep breath of pheromone-tainted air. The girl’s lashes fluttered, her knuckles whitening around metal as she gave a little groan.

  Lorin didn’t miss a beat. Still pounding into Elias, he leaned forward, chin digging into Elias’s shoulder as he too looked down at 817.

  “Well, look at that,” he grunted. “The little bitch likes it. That’s a first.” Mean in his rut, he slammed home hard, jostling Elias against the cell. “Make her suck your cock, Eli. Maybe you’ll loosen up.”

  Unlike Lorin, Elias was bisexual. Since they’d been together, the instances in which he’d had a woman to play with were few and far between. Now Looking down into 817’s lust-drunk eyes, he realized just how long it had been. The idea of having his dick sucked by someone other than Lorin had the muscles in his stomach fluttering and clenching. It didn’t sound like that bad an idea.

  “What do you say, 817? You wanna suck my cock?”

  She nodded frantically, already reaching through the cage to wrap her hands around it.

  With Lorin still bucking against him, it was easy enough to oblige her need to have him closer. Hips now pressed to the bars, arms reaching through to tangle in her hair, Elias let himself go.

  Chapter Two

  The Alpha’s groan of pleasure rocketed through Magda’s body, setting her nerves on fire and making her wet with slick. She wrapped her fingers around his length, working him with hand and mouth alike through the bars.

  Magda hadn’t touched an Alpha in months. She wasn’t likely to have the chance again.

  More than that, she was fond of this man. He was nice to her, and his smile made her feel warm and safe. What better way to thank him for his kindness than to give him this? It was all she had to offer.

  She gagged when the graceless rutting of the other Alpha behind him forced Elias’s stiffening cock to the back of her throat, tears springing to her eyes as she tried to relax. He tightened his fingers in her hair, little threads of pain sizzling through her scalp.

  Pinned, he wasn’t able to shift his hips, so he manipulated her instead. Pushing her back, pulling her close, he mimicked the motion he himself would have taken if he were able.

  Magda lapped and sucked, eyes rolling back as the taste of his pre-cum hit her tongue. They were a promise, those salty little droplets, an erotic promise no Omega could ignore. That taste spoke of a coming knot—a flood of virile essence meant solely for her. Even though Magda wouldn’t be able to enjoy it the way instinct demanded, she would take everything he gave.

  Her hands went to his balls, cupping and tugging at them, eliciting a growl that would have doubled her over if he wasn’t holding so tightly to her hair. She looked up, peeking through the bars to find his head thrown back, resting on the shoulder of the man fucking him as the groan died in his throat.

  “Keep sucking, Omega,” the stranger grunted, flashing a dangerous set of teeth at her in a sneer. “It’s been a long time since I took his ass while he was getting head. Make him blow, you broken little bitch, and maybe I’ll let you swallow it.”

  Magda closed her eyes, trying to ignore the man as she focused on the guard she so adored. Right now, his cock in her mouth was all that mattered.

  She changed her angle of attack, crouching lower and trying to tilt her head back so that his cock slid down her throat instead of butting against the back of it. She continued to massage him as she dutifully swallowed his cock, ignoring the sting and threat of suffocation. She held her breath when he pulled her against him and released shaky puffs of air when he let off. She swirled her tongue, licked and sucked so hard her cheeks ached.

  The man’s breath grew ragged, his fingers tightening and loosening against her scalp as his building orgasm sent spasmatic shocks of pleasure through his body. He groaned and whimpered, pressing his forehead to the bars as the sensations began to overwhelm him. It must have been too much having a man at his back, and a woman at his front.

  It wasn’t long before the Alpha’s knot was bumping against Magda’s lips, blood engorging his flesh in a rush to see him bound to another. Before she could close her hands around the bulge and ease the ache, the other Alpha grabbed at it instead. Eli, as he’d been called, yelped, cursing when his body seized up and his cock began to twitch.

  “That’s right, Eli,” the big man grit through clenched teeth, his voice shaking with the burden of his own cresting orgasm. “Feed it to her while I feed you mine. Take it like a good bitch.”

  Whether “bitch” had been directed at her or the guard whose cock was in her mouth, Magda didn’t know—nor did she care.

  As he grasped her hair, holding her mouth only partway down his shaft, the first spray of his cum ricocheted off the back of her throat. Coating her tongue and the roof of her mouth, the taste of him short-circuited her brain.


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