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Auctioned: An Omegaverse Anthology

Page 34

by Merel Pierce

  Panic set in as I took in the magnitude of the situation. I’m a Beta. That guy is gonna kill me.

  As the thought rushed through my mind, my mother opened her stupid mouth.

  “You need to tell them you made a mistake,” she whispered.

  I knew she was right, but as I stepped forward, a spotlight landed on me. I raised my arm to shield my eyes. Someone was saying something over the mic at the same time my mother was trying to talk to me, but as I lowered my arm, my eyes met his and everything around me grew silent.

  All I could see was him. It was as though the rest of the world had completely vanished.

  His long, dark blond hair fell over one of his bright green eyes, and my gaze roamed around the rough stubble covering and masculine jawline before landing on his plump pink lips.

  He stared back at me just as intensely. There was definitely an inexplicable connection between us.

  I need him.

  The tip of his tongue peeked out of his mouth, then darted over his bottom lip. While slipping it back into his mouth he bit down on his lip, teasing it before letting it go.

  As soon as his lip sprung back into place, a rush of heat surged through me, making me blush.

  I pulled my legs together when a wet trickle ran down my inner thigh. What the fuck? Did I just pee myself? Panic and embarrassment set in but was washed away as a new scent hit my nose.

  I sniffed the air deeply, trying to work out what the sweet new smell was. Is that coming from me? I wondered while turning around to my mom.

  “Can you smell that?”

  “We need to leave.” The pure terror in her voice let me know she was hiding something.

  She grabbed my arm and tried to pull me away as a monstrous growl echoed through the room, silencing all applause and chatter. As I turned to look at the Alpha, he sniffed the air and tried to break free of his chains.

  I need to get to him.

  With one sharp tug on my arm, I freed myself from my mother’s death grip. I stormed toward my Alpha as they struggled to drag him offstage.

  As I made my way through the auction room, the women began to whisper amongst themselves.

  “Is that slick?”

  “Is that coming from her?”

  I was embarrassed and confused. I shouldn’t have slick. That’s what Omegas have. They must be mistaken.

  Once I reached the holding cells to pay for my Alpha, the air filled with growls and commotion. The rest of the stock were going insane, throwing themselves against their cells.

  I stepped back in shock as a tiny, round Beta shouted, “Shit! Get her out of here. Take her to one of the rooms out back. I’ll have her Alpha brought to her.”

  “This way, please, Miss Mountford.” A guard ushered me away.

  “Fucking Omegas. They should be banned from coming to these things. I’m fed up with calming these fuckers down every time a slick-covered bitch is around,” the fat Beta mumbled before the guard escorted me through a set of black double doors.

  What the hell is going on? I’m not an Omega!

  I followed the guard down a dim corridor. He stopped outside a steel door, opened it, then stepped aside.

  “If you could wait inside, Miss Mountford, your Alpha will be along shortly.”

  I glanced up at him, then into the room. It was sparse, large, and clinical, with a gray couch set up against one wall.

  I stepped inside, then turned to look at the guard. But he was already walking away, and as I edged forward, the steel door slammed shut. I strolled over to the couch and slumped onto it.

  After a short wait, the door flew open again. I stood up and backed away from the couch, moving as far from the door as I could.

  Two guards entered the room, both tugging on a set of chains. I felt his presence before he even strode into the room. I could smell his musky scent, and it threw my body into overdrive. My bud was throbbing, and my heart pounded in my chest.

  My labored breath halted as he ducked his head below the doorframe and strolled into the room. The guy was even more impressive up close, and now he was wearing a pair of gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt that barely contained his bulging muscles.

  This guy is a god.

  I dragged my gaze up to his lips, and when they pulled into a soft smile, my knees buckled.

  Oh, crap! I thought as my eyes rolled into the back of my head, turning everything black.

  When I came around, I was nestled in the beast’s shackled embrace. The guards were screaming at him to let me go, but all I could focus on was his deep and raspy voice.

  “Don’t panic, miss. I won’t hurt you. I promise.” He picked me up and placed me onto the couch, then backed away with his hands held out in front of him.

  I sat there, trying to get my head straight. Being around the guy was like standing in the middle of an all-consuming fog.

  The door opened again, and in strolled the tiny, fat Beta from earlier. He was clutching a tablet and a card reader. I guessed it was time to pay.

  Without even looking at me, he said, “Right. Congratulations, Miss Mountford, you have purchased a fine specimen. Thank you for your winning bid of one million credits. If you could sign here, then swipe your card…”

  He handed me the tablet while holding out the card reader. I stood from the couch and yelled, “What?! One million? Are you kidding me? For a fucking slave?”

  “You don’t know what you’ve bought, do you?”

  “Well, unless the guy has two dicks, then no, I don’t understand the exorbitant price tag,” I snapped back, eliciting a low, rumbling chuckle from the Alpha.

  I shot him a scowl and he winked in response, sending another pulse of excitement through to my bud.

  “Guards, hold him down,” the Beta yelled.

  The two guys yanked on the chains, pulling the Alpha to his knees. The Beta lifted his pant leg and pulled out a blade. I gasped and threw my hand over my mouth when he lunged at the Alpha.

  With one swift motion of his arm, the knife sliced through the Alpha’s neck. The gurgled growls and snarls coming from the Alpha were horrific. Then the Beta thrust his knife into the Alpha’s chest, over and over again.

  “Please, stop!” I screamed as I grabbed hold of the Beta's arm.

  He looked at me, and with a sadistic grin, he stabbed the Alpha again, making him collapse. Tears slid down my cheeks as his blood spilled onto the floor.

  “Watch,” the Beta ordered.

  I stared in horror as the Alpha’s body began to heal. I’d never seen anything like it. His skin knitted back together right before my eyes, and soon there were no gaping wounds left.

  I jumped back when he gasped a deep breath, snapping his eyes open, then casually rose to his feet like nothing had happened. The Beta walked over to him but jumped back when the Alpha lunged forward.

  He wagged his finger. “Now, now. You best behave yourself. We don’t want her getting hurt, now, do we?”

  The Alpha whimpered in reply.

  Is he talking about me? He wouldn’t be allowed to hurt me. There are rules.

  The Beta took out a little box from his jacket pocket and opened it to reveal a needle filled with a bright blue liquid. He took the cap off with his teeth before jabbing it into the Alpha’s leg, making him hiss before he crumpled again. Once the Alpha was unconscious, the Beta kicked him in the stomach.

  “What the fuck is he?” I blurted.

  “He’s an GEA soldier,” he said, like I should have known exactly what that was.

  “And?” I asked, my eyebrows almost reaching my hairline. He just stared blankly at me. I rolled my eyes and elaborated. “What is a GEA soldier?”

  “It stands for Genetically Enhanced Alpha. Basically, the higher powers have been genetically modifying Alphas to create an army. They are virtually indestructible. He comes with an information pack, and you must sign here. This is top secret information and you may not discuss it in public. If anyone sees him healing, you will explain to them that he is a
rare alien species. Understood?”

  I nodded as I looked down at the Alpha on the floor. I felt sorry for him. He must have had a life full of pain, tests, and experiments. I signed the tablet, then looked away to find my credit card.

  “So why are they selling him? Is he defective? Why wouldn’t they just destroy him?”

  “He is self-destructive. They can't have soldiers attempting to kill themselves rather than the enemy. Destroying him was an option, but the board decided that it was more cost-effective to sell him.”

  The Beta pushed the payment machine closer to me. I held my card up to my face.

  “Okay, so he's defective. Then I’m not paying that price. What happens if I take him home and he manages to kill himself?”

  “Then you will receive a partial refund.”

  “What? Why not a full refund?”

  He took out his cell and called someone. “Bring her through,” he said.

  I furrowed my brow, then frowned even deeper when he added, “He comes as a package.”

  “He has a mate? You’ve got to be shitting me!”

  Chapter Five

  “Look, if he has a mate, then the sale’s off. I’m not housing another wom-”

  I trailed off as a new guard entered the room. Peering out from behind him was a small child. She was trying to hide but couldn’t fight her curiosity. She scanned the room, and as soon as she saw the Alpha lying unconscious on the floor, she cried out.


  She tried to run to him, but the guard reached out and grabbed her long black hair. He yanked her head back with such force that the poor thing fell to the floor at his feet. When he ordered her to stand and she wouldn't, he hoisted her into the air by her hair.

  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I rushed over to him and wrapped my arms around the poor girl, holding her weight up as she dangled.

  “Let her go!” I snarled.

  When the guard released the girl, I placed her onto her feet and squatted down in front of her. Cupping her face, I looked into her sad hazel eyes and asked, “Are you okay?”

  She nodded, but I could feel the poor thing trembling beneath my hands. She looked a sorry state. The auction made sure that the Alphas and other slaves were clean and well-fed, but as this little girl wasn’t going in front of the public, they apparently didn’t care what she looked like.

  She was almost skin and bones and covered in dirt, the mass of her jet-black hair matted. An oversized nightdress was all she wore—no socks, no shoes. As she pulled her tattered old teddy to her chest and began to cry, my heart absolutely broke for her.

  I sat down and gently pulled the girl onto my lap. She instantly rested her head on my chest, and I couldn’t understand why it felt so natural. While carefully stroking her hair, I began to hum a lullaby that my mother used to sing to me as a child. The girl’s sobs calmed considerably to a soft sniffle.

  The clink of chains alerted me to the Alpha, and panic set in. I wasn’t sure if he would be angry with me for touching his child, but when I looked at him, my anxiety washed away. The soft smile that lit up his face let me know he was okay with me comforting his daughter.

  I returned the smile before tilting my head and whispering into the girl’s ear, “Hey, look who’s awake.”

  She shot her head around faster than I thought humanly possible and shouted, “Daddy!”

  She jumped up from my lap, running as fast as she could into her dad’s arms. I didn’t take my eyes off the pair as I rose to my feet. He was kissing her head and talking to her, and honestly, I was envious. I could feel the absolute love and devotion he had for that little girl, and I wished I’d had the same with my father.

  I strolled over to the Beta and swiped my card. “I’ll take them. But mark my words, anyone touches that little girl, and I’ll have your head. Understand?”

  He waited for the machine to beep before answering, “Of course, Miss Mountford. They now belong to you, and they will be treated with the utmost respect. We will deliver them first thing in the morning.”

  “No! You will deliver them tonight.”

  The Beta chuckled. “That’s impossible. All the slots are booked up from earlier sales.”

  I grabbed my purse off the table, then stormed over to the tiny man. Stretching myself high above him, I poked him in the chest with my finger.

  “You look here, little man, if I don’t have them delivered to my home by the end of the night, I will be contacting your boss. My father was a close personal friend of his, so if you'd like to keep your job, you’ll do exactly what you're told.”

  With a nod, he left the room, and I turned back to the Alpha and his daughter. He was now standing, his little girl curled up in his huge arms. She looked so dinky. He smiled wide and whispered, “Thank you.”

  A blush pinched my cheeks as I returned the smile. The guards were scowling at me, so I cleared my throat and snapped, “Make sure they have a decent meal before they leave. Got it?”

  They both stood at attention and lowered their heads in unison. I flipped my hair over my shoulder and strutted out of the room.

  I made my way back through the corridor and into the auction hall. I guessed my scent had died down, because hardly anyone noticed me outside of the usual drunken Beta males.

  I walked out of the auction house and rolled my eyes as soon as I spotted one of my mom's crafts. With a sigh, I strolled over and took a peek inside. It was empty, but I could hear my mom talking, so I went to the back. She was shouting at someone through her phone.

  "She smells like slick. How is that even possible? Are the suppressants not working?"

  Suppressants? What is she talking about?

  She listened for a moment, then added, "You need to give us stronger suppressants! What do you mean they won't work?”

  I walked around the back of the craft and into full view. My mom gradually turned while still yelling at who I could only assume was our doctor.

  “No that's not an option. She can't find out she's an Omega!”

  She went silent when her eyes met mine.

  “Mom, what the fuck?”

  My mom refused to speak to me. Refused to explain. She just forced me into the craft and ordered a dumbfounded Rico to take us home.

  The ride didn’t take long, and the craft had barely stopped when I hopped out and stormed into the house. I headed to the living room and threw myself onto the couch like a bratty teen. I didn’t care how I looked. I had every right to be pissed off and sulk.

  My mom followed me in and threw her purse on the coffee table, Rico trailing behind. She sat on the couch opposite me and let out a deep sigh.

  “Are you going to explain yourself? Because I’ll be damned if I’m sitting here all night in silence.”

  “Watch your tone, Dahlia.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now? From what I can work out, I’m an Omega. You have lied to me my entire life and fed me suppressants. How am I doing so far?”


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