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Auctioned: An Omegaverse Anthology

Page 37

by Merel Pierce

  He pulled away from our kiss, dragging my lip out with his teeth. He let it go with a pop, and I groaned with disappointment.

  “Don’t whine. I thought it was only fair to join you.”

  Gripping the hem of his T-shirt, he pulled it off and dropped it down the side of my bed. My hand shot up to my mouth, but I wasn’t in time to contain my gasp.

  His head dropped in shame. I held onto his face and guided it up so I could look into his eyes.

  “Bain, please look at me.”

  He closed his eyes, then with a sigh, opened them up to meet my gaze.

  His body was covered in scars, some of them raised, some smooth, some old, and some fresh. How did he get so many and still survive? I had so many questions for him, but I started with, “Is this why you shut down earlier?”

  A soft nod was his reply.

  “You have nothing to be embarrassed about, Bain. You have no idea how much I feel for you. I can’t explain it, but I…” I turned away, not sure how to say what I wanted to without sounding like a crazy person.

  “But what, Dahlia?” He stroked my cheek as he gently pulled my face toward him. “Say it, please.”

  I searched his gorgeous green eyes, spotting some hazel flecks there that I hadn’t noticed before. They looked like tiny flakes of gold.

  His eyes were begging me to be honest. Even at the risk of being laughed at, I blurted out, “I love you.”

  When the words hung around in the air like a bad smell, I realized how ridiculous I sounded. I pulled myself off his lap and off the bed, then made my way across the room to fetch my bra and top. While pulling them back on, I began to ramble.

  “Look, never mind, it’s stupid. Maybe I’m still drunk or tired. It’s been a long day, and…”

  “I love you too, Dahlia.”

  I spun around to look at him. I had one arm in the air and only one eye poking out the neck of my top.

  “Really?” I asked, then pulled my top over the rest of my head.

  “Really, really.”

  “Did you experience this with Nala's mom?”

  I didn’t know why I asked. I guess I wanted to know if this situation was normal. It felt so rushed and crazy to me. I had heard of love at first sight, but this was insane.

  Bain leaned over and placed me on the bed, then lay down beside me, putting his arms behind his head. He sighed. “No, I never met Nala's mother.”

  “What? I don’t understand. Is Nala not your daughter?” I asked, crossing my legs and turning to face him. He rolled over and propped himself up with one arm, resting his head on his hand.

  “Yes, she’s my child, but her conception wasn’t conventional. I have been at the facility since I was three years old. I didn’t know my parents. All I’ve ever known is scientists, politicians, and army officials. My sperm was collected and used to impregnate a female GEA soldier. Nala was supposed to be the next step in the enhancement program.”

  “Dear God, I’m so sorry they did this to you both. I had no idea any of this was going on. Can I ask why they sold you?”

  “They sold me because I refused to fight anymore. For years I was their best soldier. I didn’t care about being hurt. My main purpose in life was to follow orders and kill whoever they told me to or die trying. That all changed the day they placed that tiny bundle in my arms.

  “Her mother died due to complications with the birth. So, from that day forward, I refused to put my life in danger. There was no way I was going to leave her in that place alone. They threatened to take her from me, but I told them if they did that, I would either make it my mission to kill every single one of them or find a way to kill myself.”

  I pulled my hand up to my chest. What a horrible life.

  “They took her from me when she was two and sent me out on training, thinking I was bluffing. I stood there and didn’t raise one hand to defend myself. My life wasn’t worth living without her.

  “Eventually they decided to cut their losses. They gave her back to me a year ago, then shipped us off to the slave camp. Then an angel came along and saved us.” He smiled and gazed into my eyes.

  I pointed to my chest, silently asking if that angel was me. He nodded, and with that, my floodgates opened.

  Tears began to stream down my face. Thoughts rushed through my mind like, What if I hadn’t gone to the auction? What would have happened to them? I couldn’t imagine that sweet little girl moving into a home where she would be abused, or them being sent back to the slave camps. Those thoughts broke my heart.

  “What’s wrong, Dahlia?” Bain sat up on his knees and scooped my face into his hands. “Crap, I didn’t mean to make you cry. I just wanted to be honest with you. I never thought that I would meet my mate, to be honest, I’m not sure I believed in it all. But the moment my eyes met yours, I knew you were my one, my love, my everything.”

  He pulled me to his chest and lay us down.

  We spoke for hours, exchanging stories and connecting on a level I never knew existed. We fell asleep in each other’s arms, and I’d never felt so secure and loved.


  I awoke with sharp pain in my lower abdomen. It was like I’d just been kicked in the stomach by a horgon. The pain was so excruciating that my body was drenched in sweat, and when another wave hit me, I began to tremble.

  In my delirium, I scrambled off the bed, and as soon as I rose to my feet, my vision began to blacken around the edges.

  Oh, shit!

  Chapter Ten

  “Merel!” Bain boomed.

  I closed my eyes and cried out as another wave hit me. Bain had me cradled in his arms. He carried me down the hall toward my mother’s room. She ran over to us and placed her hand on my forehead.

  “She’s burning up. We need to get her into the basement, now!”

  “What’s wrong with her?”

  “Haven’t you dealt with this before?”

  “Dealt with what? Should I know what this is?”

  “Bain, are you a virgin?” she asked bluntly. I couldn’t react. The pain was all-consuming. I was so embarrassed.

  Bain cleared his throat, leaned down, and whispered, “Um… Yeah, why?”

  “Oh dear, then you wouldn’t know the signs. She’s going into heat.”

  What the crap!? I screamed inside my head before passing out again.


  I awoke in a dimly lit room I’d never seen before. My pain had subsided, but I ached like a bitch.

  I ran my fingers over the extraordinarily soft blankets beneath me. The feeling of them between my fingers was glorious, and I had the overwhelming need to rearrange them.

  I got up onto my hands and knees and began shifting the blankets around, making sure they were in the correct place. I knew what I was doing must have looked ridiculous, but I couldn’t stop, I needed the bed to be perfect. After quite a bit of work, I finally had them in an acceptable position.

  “That looks amazing.”

  Bain’s voice was so husky it sent a wave of excitement right to my bud. Slick began pooling inside me when I laid eyes on him.

  He was standing with his arms folded, resting his shoulder against the doorframe of what looked like a bathroom. A growl rumbled through my chest when I scanned his body. He had on a pair of black sweatpants that rode low, showing off the spurs of his hips and a delicious line of dark blond hair that went all the way up to his belly button.

  I couldn’t stop myself from thinking how glorious it would be to glide my tongue up that trail. My lustful gaze moved up his well-defined abs, noticing every scar that covered them. The scars added to his charm, and I found myself wanting to run my fingers over every single one of them.

  His chest was littered with scars too, so much so that it stopped most of the hair from growing. When my eyes finally made their way to his gorgeous plump lips, I blushed at his grin. I realized that I’d been ogling him like a piece of meat.

  But judging by the softness of his bright green eyes, he was enjoying every minute
of it.

  I pulled myself off the bed and slowly strutted toward him, stopping every few steps to remove a piece of clothing. The cool air felt incredible against my burning hot skin.

  He stood away from the doorframe and unfolded his arms. By the time I reached him, I was completely naked. He gulped as he took in every inch of my body.

  I grabbed his hand and pressed it onto my breast, eliciting a husky moan from his lips. The sound of it hit me like a train, sending a wave of electricity through my core. The intense wave instantly set off another painful cramp, making me wrap my arms around myself and double over.

  “Crap, your mom warned me about this.”

  I cried out, then gasped for breath as the pain engulfed me entirely. I collapsed again, but luckily Bain caught me in time to save me from hitting the ground.

  He carried me back over to the bed and placed me down onto the flawless blankets. The pain still had hold of me but, being back on the bed surrounded by my blankets somehow made me feel better.

  “Make it stop, Bain. How do we make it stop?” I sobbed as another intense wave of cramps hit me.

  “We have to mate. You need my knot. But I want to wait until you’re ready. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  I didn’t mean to, but I couldn’t help it—the cramps were getting worse with each wave, and I couldn’t take it anymore—I screamed at him as loud as I could.

  “Are you fucking kidding me with that horgon shit? I’m in absolute agony, Bain. If your dick can make this go away, then I don’t care if you’ve wrapped the bastard thing in barbed wire. Whip your cock out and fuck me!”

  With a nervous chuckle, he replied, “Well, alright then.”

  He gripped the band of his sweatpants, and in one swift movement pulled them down to his ankles. When he stood back up, the enormity of what I’d just demanded hit me.

  I gulped and choked on my spit, making him roar with laughter while I coughed a lung up.

  “Well, I’m glad you’re finding this so damn funny,” I snapped. “I am literally dying over here, and you’re laugh…”

  I shot forward on the bed when another wave punched me in the gut. This one was even more unbearable than the last. I sobbed uncontrollably while my insides felt like they were ripping in two. I didn’t know how much more I could take.

  I stretched my hand out and begged, “Bain. Please!”

  There was a pop deep inside me, followed by a soothing gush of slick. Frantically, he began sniffing the air. My eyes shot open when his primal growl filled the room. He stood there, gigantic cock as stiff as board, chest heaving deep breaths and eyes filled with lust.

  Fuck it, I’ll keep the cramps. There is no way I can take that thing!

  I backed away from him. He didn’t like that one bit. He growled and lunged forward, grabbing my ankles and yanking me to the edge of the bed.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” As much as that huge thing he had between his legs scared the crap out of me, I wanted him. All of him.

  He pulled my legs apart, then got down on his knees and planted kisses along the inside of my thighs. When he got to the top, his tongue popped out, licking the slick from my legs. He lifted his head and purred, “Damn, Dahlia, you taste so fucking good.”

  I whined. I wanted him back between my legs, and as if he’d heard my thoughts, he ducked back down.

  He pulled my lower lips apart, and the moment his wet tongue hit my bud, I began to come undone. My head flew back onto the bed, hands clutching hold of my blankets while his tongue flicked and licked my bud.

  My back arched when he pushed one of his fingers inside me. I’d never been so wet before. It slid in with ease. He inserted a second, making me buck as they glided in and out of me.

  I was getting closer and closer to my climax, but as the pressure built, my stomach began to cramp again and I screamed.

  Bain crawled up the bed, scooping me up and placing me in the middle. Cradled in his arms, I nuzzled into his neck as I rode my wave of agony.

  “Please, Bain. I can’t handle this anymore. I need you. Please.”

  “I’ll make the pain go away, baby. I’ve got you.”

  He positioned himself between my legs. I was nervous, but so ready for this pain to be over.

  Bain kissed me, taking my mind off what was to come. More slick built inside me and his musky scent filled up my nose, sending my hormones into overdrive. I wanted this man more and more with every soft brush of his lips against mine.

  As my cramps eased, he aligned himself with my entrance. He pulled away from the kiss and stared into my eyes.

  “Are you ready for me to rock your world?” he asked with a cheeky grin. I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. He was so corny, and it was adorable.

  “I’m ready,” I replied, trying to calm my giggles.

  I moaned as he eased his tip into me. He took it slow, letting me stretch around him.

  But as my body adapted to his sheer size, an uncontrollable need took over. I lifted my hips while grabbing his ass, and digging my nails into his skin, I pulled him into me. The force of his engorged member forcing its way in made me hiss with pain. He tried to pull back out, but I didn’t let him.

  “No! I need you to fuck me, hard and fast.”

  “You may regret saying that,” he said with a quick raise of his eyebrows.

  He pulled out slightly, then slammed back into, me making me scream. The pain from that was intertwined with pleasure, so no matter how much it hurt, it was nothing like the cramps.

  Bain pounded into me, each thrust of his hips taking me closer to my climax. My screams of pleasure filled the room, interrupted only by his own grunts and growls. They were such a turn-on, nothing like the pathetic noises that had come out of the Beta men I’d been with before. These were primal and raw.

  As he rode me to my peak, the base of his cock swelled. The beginning of his knot was forming, and my pussy tightened around it.

  I threw my head back in ecstasy, and as I did, he latched onto the soft spot between my neck and shoulder, sucking it into his mouth. He slid an arm behind my back while sucking hard on my neck, holding me captive.

  I began to shake, tummy tightening as he slammed into me, and as my climax swept over me, I dragged my nails down his naked back. Slick gushed out of me, covering his cock in its hot, sticky goodness.

  Bain lifted me up, pumping his hips gently, and growled into his own orgasm. As his knot expanded, gluing us together, I threw my head forward and sank my teeth into his soft spot on his neck. He bit down on my skin at the same time, sending wave after wave of pleasure to my core, prolonging my orgasm.

  We sat there, bodies entwined, teeth sunk into each other’s skin as we tried desperately to suck much needed oxygen in through our noses. I slowly loosened my jaws, lapping up the blood on his flesh before sitting back. Bain pulled away too, licking up my blood, then instantly smashing his lips onto mine.

  We kissed the whole time we were stuck together, exploring each other’s mouths in a trance. When his knot finally released me, he collapsed onto the bed. I curled up in his arms, feeling completely fulfilled and loved.


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