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Gilded Page 20

by Renita Pizzitola

  “Kyla, you and I have a dilemma. I want you on my side, but I don’t see that happening. If you will never be my ally, I see no point in having you around.”

  He planned to kill me. The soothing breathing techniques were of no help now. I searched for something to use against him if necessary. He had wisely stationed himself nowhere near the trees, leaving me magically powerless.

  “Your mother has asked I let you leave Tir na nOg, which is ironic, since her request brought you here but I see now that may not have been the best decision on my part. But the problem with you leaving remains. I’m not sure I can trust you to never come back, join forces against me or to harm me.”

  “I’ve already told you I have no plans of that.”

  “Ahh, yes. So you say. Prophecies are a powerful thing. But I digress. Kyla, I want you out of Tir na nOg.”

  A small smile threatened to spill onto my lips, but it was premature. This was Alastar after all.

  “On my terms.”

  Of course.

  “You will leave in five days. I need Liam maintaining order while I’m gone. If he’s distraught over you, I cannot trust him to do a good job. In five days’ time we will be on our journey home and I want you gone before I return.” He pivoted.

  “I can do th–”

  “Secondly, you are never to return. If I hear of your return, you will have the blood of your friends on your hands.”

  “Wait, Lexie and Conor? But they won’t stay. They’ll leave with me.”

  “Are you sure they even want to?” He cocked his head with a hint of smugness as his mouth twitched.

  Lexie would want to leave. But would Conor? If he stayed, so would she. “Yes, I’m sure they’ll leave with me.”

  “Hmm, I guess we will see. But the point is moot. I’m referring to your other friends here, namely, Liam.”

  My head spun and stomach heaved. “You would hurt your own son? To get back at me?”

  He turned and stared out the window. “Yes.”

  “You– How could– But he’s your son.”

  “If I let you leave I don’t have much assurance you will never threaten me except for Liam. You seem to care enough about him to want him alive. I, on the other hand, have a kingdom to run. They need me. If I must sacrifice my son to assure I achieve my crowned duty, then so be it.”

  Demented Alastar would kill his own son because of me. My knees wobbled and I gripped a chair back to steady myself. “I have no intentions of returning and not just because I have no desire to ever see you again, but because unlike you, I do care about Liam and never want to see him hurt. This kingdom will need a great king one day, and they’ll have one in him.”

  Alastar glared over his shoulder. “It’s not just him. I will also kill Cara, since you seem to have taken a liking to her, and of course, your mother. Her skills are valuable but not even that could save her. You see, Kyla, even when you no longer live here, I will control you. You will never step foot in my kingdom again without bloodshed. Whether it be yours or someone’s you care about, it will happen and you will live with the consequences. I will make sure you are so beaten down with loss and grief, you don’t even have an ounce of strength to carry on, let alone come after me.”

  My grip tightened on the chair. “Stepping foot into Tir na nOg would lead to someone’s bloodshed.” I glowered at this evil excuse of a king. “That’s why I have no plans to do it, and it’s not because you control me. I control my own fate and choose to see none shed on account of me, whomsoever it may belong to.”

  “Kyla, it will be a delight knowing you no longer exist in my world when I return.”

  “Ditto,” I said dryly.

  “Now, if you will excuse me, I have many things to tend to before tomorrow. Not a word of this to Liam until the day you are to leave. He mustn’t know before, and do not forget, I have eyes and ears all over this castle. If you tell him prematurely, I will know and your mother will answer for your mistakes. In fact, you shall tell no one until you depart.”

  His threats on my mother infuriated me but for once, I agreed with Alastar. The next few days were supposed to be carefree and fun. I didn’t want to throw everyone for a loop with this new information. When the time came to leave, Conor would know what to do. He would know where we should go and how to find Grant. For now, this conversation could be kept secret, so I chose to let his remark slide.

  “Fine. And one more thing, when I’m gone will you take Cara off kitchen duty?”

  “Since you asked so nicely, I’m sure that can be done.” His tone mocked, but I hoped he meant it. “Anyway, it seems Liam has taken a particular liking to her. It may not be such a bad idea. He needs a source of entertainment until we find him a suitable wife.”

  It wasn’t worth getting into with him. Not now. I had my freedom and Cara’s. I left his chambers without another word, proud I’d managed some self-control.

  I let the happiness I’d been holding back emerge onto my face. In five days, I would be gone for good.

  Chapter 23

  Dinner that night, was the first gathering I’d enjoyed in a long time. I laughed with my friends, ate and relished every minute of it. The knowledge I’d be out of here soon had lifted my spirits.

  “I’m excited about my father leaving, but you seem to be thrilled with it. You do know he’s coming back.”

  “Yes, but I’ll take what I can get.”

  “Glad you have such a positive take on it. As long as everything runs smoothly I can enjoy it as well.”

  “It’ll go fine.” Hopefully, my leaving wouldn’t distract him before his father came back.

  Toward the end of the dinner celebration, I sensed Alastar staring. He smiled his trademark sneer and gave me a nod. I’d be happy to get far away from this place.

  The castle grew quiet that evening as everyone called it a night in preparation for the next day of traveling. My friends and I did as well.

  I slept in complete and utter peace and awoke happy. I jumped out of bed and got dressed, even took the time to fix my hair and put on a little of my favorite lip-gloss. Eager to find my friends and hear news of Alastar’s departure, I rushed from my room.

  “Whoa.” Liam laughed as I came bouncing toward him.

  “Are they gone?” I asked in hushed excitement.

  “I’m pleased to say, yes. Your mom didn’t want to wake you, but asked me to tell you she said goodbye.”

  I hadn’t given her a proper goodbye. She wanted me to leave but at the time had no idea I would. Maybe Alastar would tell her soon. I shook my mind free of those thoughts. For the next few days, I wanted nothing more than to enjoy my friends’ company sans Alastar.

  “Want to get some breakfast?”

  I rubbed my stomach. “Absolutely.”

  Liam escorted me to the dining hall where a long table had been prepared for breakfast. Fruits and pastries spread from one end to the other.

  Cara and Lexie sat next to each other talking, but broke apart when they saw me.

  “Cara, you’re here! And, Lexie, isn’t it a bit early for you?”

  Lexie stabbed a strawberry with her fork and waved it. “Totally, but Conor woke me. He had some things to take care of, so here I am.” She popped the berry into her mouth.

  I enjoyed a long breakfast with my friends. They were all chatty, proving how suffocating Alastar was. Even after the food had been eaten and plates cleared, we remained talking and, for a moment, I felt like my old self.

  Lexie’s gaze shifted past me and a wide smile spread across her face. Conor strolled over and kissed her cheek.

  “Sorry to miss breakfast.” He plopped into a chair and slung his arm over her shoulder.

  Cara turned to me. “Oh, Kylie, the dress you wore last night, I need it back. Would you bring it to me?”

  “Do you need it now?”

  “If you could.”

  “No problem.”

  “Great.” Cara returned her attention to Lexie, who’d asked her a ques

  The hallway was atypically quiet as I padded to my room. Where had she gotten the dress from and why the urgency to get it back? I hoped she hadn’t gotten in trouble for letting me wear it.

  I reached my room, opened the door, took one step in then froze. Grant lounged on my bed, head propped on a pillow. I blinked, trying to convince myself my eyes deceived me, but the perfect image remained.

  “Are you going to stand there with your mouth hanging open or come say hi?”

  I snapped it shut and let a smile spread across my face.

  He sat up and swung his feet off the bed.

  I barreled into him before he had a chance to speak and threw my arms around his neck with so much force he ended up flattened on the bed. I kissed him, unable to believe he was here. In the castle. In my room. My body trembled with the buzzing of energy. I welcomed the sensation. “I can’t believe you’re here. How? Why?”

  He laughed and tucked my hair behind my ear. “Liam. He sent Conor to get me. We arrived this morning. He wanted it to be a surprise.”

  “I can’t believe he did this.” Still not convinced of his existence, I rubbed the side of Grant’s face. His cheek was smooth under my palm. “You heard about Alastar leaving?”

  “Yeah. Liam figured it wouldn’t be a long visit but at least we can have a few days.”

  My heart swelled at Liam’s incredible thoughtfulness. “Actually, I need to talk to you about that.”

  “Are you breaking up with me?” He placed his hand behind his head, his t-shirt taut around his bicep, and attempted a glare, which only made him that much more gorgeous.

  “No, but I’m leaving the castle in a few days.”

  “You’re running away?” The corner of his mouth quirked up.

  “Not this time. Alastar asked me to leave. Apparently he doesn’t like having me around.” I smirked. “He wanted me to wait for a few days so it doesn’t upset Liam or interfere with his duties. The king wants me gone before he gets back so I’m to wait five days then leave. I’m not supposed to tell anyone until then either, but you don’t count. You shouldn’t even be here.”

  “He told you to leave. Simple as that.” Grant looked skeptical.

  “Um, it’s Alastar. Nothing is simple. He wants me to leave Tir na nOg and never return. You’ll come with me, right?” I held my breath, awaiting his answer.

  “I don’t know.” He laughed. “Are you kidding me, of course I’ll go with you. I have no life here anymore. You’re what holds me here.”

  “Good, but I can’t ever return. Alastar made that very clear. He’ll hurt, um, people, if I do.”

  “Which people?” Grant narrowed his gaze.

  “Cara, my mother. And Liam.”

  Grant bolted upright, which caused me to roll into a sitting position next to him.

  “That son of a bitch. His own son? How could he be so heartless?”

  “I know. That’s what I thought too. Liam can never know. It would hurt him too much. Though, I wish he did, so he could see what a poor excuse of a father Alastar is.”

  “But, you’re right. It would hurt him. We have no reason to ever return, though. I think threatening the lives of our friends is uncalled for.”


  “He must be very intimidated by you.”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “He’s worried you’ll come back and is insuring you won’t. He’s scared of what could happen if you did.”

  “That might have something to do with the fact I may have, almost, sort of, strangled him with a tree branch.”

  “What?” Grant’s mouth fell open.

  “Yeah, long story. Let’s not talk about it.” Tugging him closer, I kissed him.

  He leaned back. “No way, you have to tell me.”

  “I didn’t kill the guy, obviously.” With my lips pressed to his, I scooted into his lap.

  “How could you threaten him like that?”

  “I’m stupid,” I replied against his mouth.

  “Screw it,” he whispered and flipped me over onto the bed.

  The suddenness had me laughing.

  He leaned over with a sly grin. “Like you said, you obviously didn’t kill him.” Then he kissed me with so much lust, love and need, it left me breathless. He traced the outline of my face with his finger. “I’ve missed you like crazy.”

  “Me too. You’re all I can think about. I’m even dreaming about you.”

  “Oh really, what kind of dreams?” His smile was suggestive as his gaze brushed my body.

  “Unfortunately, nothing nearly as hot as this. My mom kept crashing them.”

  His forehead wrinkled.

  “Another long story.”

  “I have a feeling we have a lot of catching up to do.”

  “I agree. Let’s start with this.” I pulled him back to me.

  “Good plan.”

  A knock disrupted us. Glaring at the door, I said, “I’m not getting that.”

  “It’s not locked, you know.”

  “No one will come in. Unless it’s Ida.” The knock repeated. A sigh of frustration slipped out.

  “Kylie, it’s Ida.”

  “Of course.” I stomped to the door, knowing full and well if she thought I wasn’t in my room she’d enter. Grant snickered behind me.

  “I brought you these.” She stuck out her arms, holding fresh towels for the bath.

  “Um, thanks.” I grabbed the towels, giving her the opportunity to peek in.

  She stiffened when she saw Grant lying across my bed propped on his elbows. Her expression shifted into confusion, or maybe disappointment.

  “Liam knows,” I blurted.

  She studied me.

  “He brought him here.” I don’t know why I defended myself to Ida. Maybe because of recent conversations with her, it seemed a friendship had begun to develop.

  “Okay.” She didn’t look convinced, but said nothing else as she left.

  I closed the door and locked it.

  “She’s a ray of sunshine, isn’t she?” Grant said.

  “She’s my sworn enemy. We were making progress but seems we’ve regressed.”

  He laughed. “Don’t worry about it. If she can’t see what makes you so great, it’s not worth it.”

  “Maybe she’s the only one who sees me for what I am.” I trudged back to the bed and slumped.

  “Impossible.” He smiled then tapped his fingers on the bed. “Maybe you shouldn’t have answered the door.

  “I told you.” Grinning, I scooted over and snuggled against his chest. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Me too.” He twirled my hair.

  When I looked at him, he leaned down and kissed me. My cheek warmed from the tiny sparks his palm generated as he cupped my face. Adjusting my body so we were at eye level, I slid my fingers under his shirt, loving the feel of his skin against mine. Things began to pick up where they had left off, when a bang on the door startled us, followed by Conor shouting, “It’s too quiet in there.”

  Lexie laughed. “Ignore him.” Their voices grew distant as they continued down the hall.

  “Seriously?” Grant said, now the one grumbling.

  Laughing, I said, “This isn’t happening. Should we go see what everyone else is up to?”

  “I guess,” Grant muttered.

  “C’mon. Maybe if we give our attention-deprived friends some acknowledgment they’ll leave us alone later.”

  “One can only hope,” he said, still scowling.

  * * * *

  We spent the rest of the day hanging out with our friends. Having Cara around was a welcome addition since it evened the numbers and didn’t leave Liam feeling left out. The two had become close. Liam didn’t look to be in love with her, but he did seem to enjoy her company. She made him laugh, and every now and then, I caught Cara staring at him when she didn’t think anyone noticed. They would be a good match, if it weren’t for the whole royalty thing.

  If Liam ever wanted t
o marry a girl of Cara’s status, Alastar would flip. That would be awesome.

  After dinner, the six of us went on a walk in the gardens. Cara and Lexie hung back with me, leaving the three guys together.

  “Were you surprised?” Lexie bubbled with excitement.

  “Of course, like speechless.”

  “I don’t need the dress back either,” Cara said.

  “I can’t believe you all knew about it and nobody told me.”

  “I didn’t know until right before breakfast when they were trying to figure out a way to send you back to your room.” Cara’s violet eyes were brilliant in the evening sun. She looked happy to have been a part of our reunion.

  “You guys are awesome. Thanks.”

  “So how did the reunion go?” Lexie asked with a quick raise of her eyebrows.

  My faced warmed. “Only you would ask that, Lexie. And there’s nothing to report, between Ida showing up with towels and Conor beating on the door.”

  Lexie laughed. “Sorry about that.”

  “It’s fine. I’m just happy he’s here.” We stopped in a garden alcove and Grant leaned against the back of a bench entwined with ivy. He’d been watching me. I smiled then looked back to my friends.

  “Too bad it can’t be forever.”

  Unable to lie to my best friend, I looked away and nodded. We talked a little more and I felt Grant watch me. It gave me butterflies, the good kind. We made our way over to where the boys stood. My friends conversed about something but my thoughts were wrapped up with the way my body tingled with energy and life from Grant’s nearness. Being outside, surrounded by my element, intensified it.

  His gaze rarely left me. He motioned with his head toward the castle.

  I nodded and waited for an opportunity to excuse ourselves without getting a ton of embarrassing commentary. Thankfully, someone came looking for Liam, and we all headed inside.

  I barely had a chance to close my bedroom door before Grant stood in front of me and pulled me against him. He kissed me with such fervor it left me gasping.

  “Did you feel that out there?” he mumbled against my mouth.

  “Magic? Could you feel it?”

  “I always feel something around you, but it was a surge of electricity rolling through me, like waves over and over.”


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