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Gilded Page 21

by Renita Pizzitola

  “My magic’s gotten stronger, I guess.”

  He silenced me with more kisses, reached around and the door clicked as he locked it. Without breaking the kiss, he guided me closer to the bed. The energy pulsing between us caused a shiver to run down my spine.

  The hard lines of Grant’s back glided under my hands as I pushed his shirt. He slipped out of it and the movements of his body entranced me. The bumps and ridges of his abs flexed and rolled with his every move.

  Unable to resist, I lifted my hand to his chest and grazed my fingertips over his smooth skin until coming to a stop at his jeans.

  He tensed and studied my expression for a moment then a hint of smile appeared as he shook his head and leaned down to press his mouth to mine. His arms encircled me and he skimmed his hands across my back. My body pushed against his, but he pulled back and stared at my dress.

  My disappointment was difficult to hide as I waited for his explanation.

  “How do you get this thing off?”

  Giggling, I lifted my arm. “Side zipper.”

  He looked at the zipper. “I’d started to wonder if I needed a magic word or something. Why does it have to been so hidden?”

  “That’s kind of the point. But if you want to try a few magic words, I’m good with that too.”

  He grinned and ran his fingers down my side, unzipped the dress then sat on the bed as I let it drop. His gaze followed the gown to the floor, causing me to feel a little self-conscious, but when Grant looked up it vanished. His clear blue eyes held so much intensity, they undid me. As he pulled me into his lap, heat pulsed through me and I melted into him.

  With my knees pressed into the mattress on either side of him, I draped my arms over his shoulders and stared into his eyes. His dark lashes dipped down as his gaze lowered. He took me in as I’d done him, and though he didn’t run his fingers over my body, he still managed to leave my skin scorching. Pulling me with him, he scooted further onto the bed.

  “Kylie,” he said, looking back up into my eyes, “I’ve never regretted a single moment spent with you and I’m sorry I ever made you think I did.”

  I had no doubt in the truth of his words.

  He slid one hand up my side. “Being away from you after that night was harder than being locked away.” His hand rose further and he had to feel the pounding of my heart.

  Grant’s gaze wandered over my body then made its way back up triggering a tremble.

  “You’re all I think about.” He leaned forward and brushed his mouth against mine. “You have no idea how much I love you.”

  Between the thousand tiny sparks and teasing of his touches, my head swam, muddled with lust but I panted out some form of acknowledgment.

  He traced my bottom lip with his tongue then slipped it between my parted lips and swept it against mine. When the intensity of the kiss picked up, he pulled back, leaned his forehead against mine, and I inhaled a ragged breath. Cupping my chin, he ran his thumb over my mouth but before I could whimper an objection, he removed his hand, and repeated the process, leaving me dizzy. The less we touched, the more I wanted him and I was certain he knew it.

  This side of Grant, I’d never seen before. Our night in the woods, he was cautious, not wanting to push things too fast or too far but now his unhurried movements had nothing to do with caution and the pleasurable torment left me burning from the inside out.

  With one hand on my neck and the other on the small of my back, he braced me as his kisses drifted lower, skimming my neck and collarbone then outlining where satin met skin.

  Intense longing spiraled through me. Coherent thoughts wouldn’t form but my body reacted instinctively to his touches. Unable to stand the torture any longer, I slid my hand between our bodies, and ran it down his abdomen to the button of his jeans. With one deft movement I unfastened them. The zipper was a bit more of a challenge. His entire body went rigid as I fumbled with it. Raising my hips, I finally succeeded.

  He pulled me back against him and returned his mouth to mine, but gone was the slow teasing. In one quick motion his hands slid under my thighs, he lifted, taking me with him, and his pants dropped. He kicked them the rest of the way off.

  With a hand on each of his shoulders, I urged him to lie back. Gripping my hips, he repositioned my body. My eyelids drifted closed with a wave of pleasure and when I opened them, I found him watching me, his eyes glazed with desire. Leaning forward, I flattened my body to his and deepened our kisses. Our tongues tangled as his hands seared my skin. He pressed his lips against my jaw and neck, nipping and sucking with gentle pressure, taking me straight from want to need, the anticipation now unbearable. My heartbeat hammered and breathing was nothing more than erratic panting, but I succeeded in murmuring his name.

  He shifted, rolling onto his side, and laid me down. My stomach tightened as he explored the curves of my body, first with his gaze then with his hand as he removed the last few articles of clothing between us. Wrapping my fingers around his neck, I pulled him to me and he settled his body over mine. Heat burned through me, intensifying everywhere we touched, making it hard to tell where he started and I began. Ultimately, it didn’t matter. We were meant to be connected. Two halves of a whole coming together. Joined as one because I was his and he was mine and nothing would ever change that.

  Chapter 24

  The next morning I snuggled into Grant, not wanting to move. His nearness was perfection. His heart beat against my ear, reminding me he was real and not the dream his presence felt like. I floated in happiness, security, possibilities.

  “Where are we going to live?” I asked.

  “Where would you like to live?” His fingers trailed over my arm, the tickles giving me goose bumps.

  “I always assumed I’d go to college, but I guess that can’t happen now.”

  “Why not?”

  “You know I’ll never be able to settle in one place too long. The Rite will find me wherever I go. The minute my name goes into some college registry they’ll be at my doorstep.”

  “Change your name.” He made it sound so simple.

  “It’s not that easy.” I laughed. “You can’t come in off the street and expect a college to accept you.”

  “We can get you the documents you need. In case you didn’t notice, Conor and I did enroll in high school, no questions asked.”

  Would it work for me?

  “It might have to be a smaller college, something that won’t draw too much attention to your identity, but if it’s what you want, we can make it happen. Not to mention, you do have your faery charm working in your favor.”

  I smiled, unable to believe we’d made it. My life would be perfect. My own personal faerytale away from this castle and king. Just Grant and me.

  “We need to be somewhere with lots of trees, maybe a forest nearby? But we need to visit my parents before we settle somewhere. I want to see them and Katelyn. We also need to–”

  Grant chuckled softly against me.


  “I like seeing you happy about something. It seems like the last few times I’ve seen you bad things were happening. You were always sad.”

  He was right, nothing but bad things happened when we were together. First being tricked back here then his imprisonment, and of course, the prophecy. Nothing between Grant and I ever came easy. Was this too easy? Could we really walk away from this castle, this life, and start a new one? A little chill ran up my spine. Fear.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “This seems too perfect. I’m scared something is going to go wrong. It always does.”

  “Don’t think like that. Alastar told you to leave right?”

  “Yeah, he said he wanted me gone before he got back.”

  “Then what could happen? He won’t even be here when we leave. The hardest part will be saying goodbye to the friends you’ve made. Well, and maybe convincing Lexie to leave. I think she likes this lifestyle.”

  “She does.” I chuckled with him.

  “See, stop worrying. We’re getting out of here and soon you’ll be seeing so much of me, you’ll get sick of me.”

  “That can’t happen.”

  “Maybe you’re right.”

  I sat up. “Hungry?”


  “Me too. I wonder if someone will bring a breakfast tray. I don’t know who’s still left here. Maybe no one is even here to do it. I’m going to get dressed so we can find some food.” I stood, grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom to change.

  When I emerged, a tray sat on my table. “Ooh, yum. Someone brought food.”

  Grant ate an apple. “Right after you went to change, Cara brought it.”

  “Oh, bummer I missed her. Well, with Alastar gone, I guess I can see her whenever I want.” I grabbed a piece of toast. “He also promised to let her off kitchen duty. I’d love to tell her, but I guess I can’t without revealing the other details.”

  “I bet she’ll be happy.”

  “Yeah, though I’ll be sad to say goodbye. She’s been a good friend through all of this.”

  Grant stood, gave me a quick peck on the cheek as he grabbed his bag of clothes. “I know. Let’s go hang out with everybody while we can.” He closed the bathroom door and I plopped on the bed.

  My leaving was bittersweet. The more I thought about it, the more I needed to tell Lexie, which shouldn’t be too hard as long as she stayed quiet. I doubted she wanted to make a quick departure and she needed preparation time.

  “Whatcha’ thinking about?” Grant tossed his stuff on a nearby chair and settled next to me.

  “I think we should tell Lexie and Conor. They need time to prepare, well, if they decide to leave.”

  “I think Lexie will want to go with you, and Conor goes with Lexie.”

  “He does adore her, doesn’t he? Who would have ever thought?” I stood. “C’mon, let’s go find everyone.”

  Lexie’s voice rang out. She stood in the foyer twirling in a gorgeous dress.

  Cara observed her gown with a critical eye.

  Conor smiled as he watched her.

  I looked at Grant to see if he saw my point. Lexie loved it here.

  “Kylie!” Lexie stopped spinning and grabbed her head, laughed then adjusted her dress. “Do you like? Cara made it for me. She altered another dress and made it more Lexie.”

  “It’s gorgeous. What’s the occasion?”

  Liam piped up. “I set up a little dinner for us tomorrow night. Something fun, in the garden.”

  “We’re taking complete advantage of this time,” Conor added.

  “Sounds like a great idea.”

  Cara stepped up to Lexie. “I need to take it in a bit more here,” she said, pinching the fabric under Lexie’s arm. “And it will be perfect.”

  “Thanks Cara. I appreciate you taking the time to do this.”

  “Are you kidding me? I love doing this and anything that keeps me out of the kitchen is worth my time. Oh, and Kylie, I have something special for you too.”

  “Ooh, can’t wait to see it.”

  “Okay, enough girl talk. What are the plans for today?” Conor rubbed his hands together.

  “How about horseback riding?” Liam asked.

  “You have horses?” I asked, surprised. I’d never seen any.

  He laughed. “Of course we do. How else do you think my father is traveling?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Knowing your father, I assume it involves servants, a golden throne and large feather fans.” I shrugged. “Everywhere I’ve traveled here has been on foot.”

  Grant laughed. “That’s because most of our traveling hasn’t been done for leisure.”

  “Ahh, that would make sense. I’ve never been on a horse though.”

  “Don’t worry, it’ll be fun,” Grant assured me.

  After discovering there were in fact stables on the castle grounds, I also realized horses were much bigger up close, and intimidating. Since I was too freaked out to ride alone, I rode with Grant. Which I didn’t complain about until the next day when my entire body ached.

  * * * *

  The next afternoon Grant lounged in the library, smiling as I whined, “My legs hurt, along with other things.” I rubbed my backside.

  Grant laughed. “You’ll survive.”

  “Maybe, but you aren’t getting me back on a horse for a very long time.”

  “Poor baby,” he teased. “Are you going to make it to tonight’s dinner?”

  “Yes, but I might need one of those doughnut thingies to sit on.”

  Grant chuckled. “That bad, huh?”

  “I feel like I’m covered in bruises.” I pouted.

  “Want me to check?” He wiggled his eyebrows, forcing me to rein in the pout.

  “Oh, none of that.” Conor walked in. “This sitting room is for public use.”

  “It was private until you arrived,” Grant mumbled.

  “Lexie’s with Cara getting her final fittings. It’s been requested I find Kylie for hers. So, take it up with Cara.”

  “Are they in Lexie’s room?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” Conor said.

  “Okay, I’ll be back in a bit. Maybe Cara can check me for bruises while I’m trying on my dress.” I tossed a smile over my shoulder at Grant.

  “That was going to be my job,” he grumbled to Conor, who laughed.

  “You boys be good while I’m gone,” I called as I left the room.

  “We can come watch you girls try on dresses if you’d rather keep an eye on us,” Conor called out.

  Grant choked back a laugh.

  I rolled my eyes and headed to Lexie’s room. I found her changed into regular clothes and Cara hanging her dress.

  “There you are. Ready to try your dress on?” Cara asked.

  “Absolutely.” I grinned.

  Moments later, I stood in front of the full-length mirror in awe. Once again, Cara had outdone herself. She had transformed me. This dress wasn’t as formal as the usual dinner attire, but instead a simple gold dress. Its strapless top wrapped around me in fitted perfection and the knee length bottom, composed of layer upon layer of gossamer fabric, draped delicately over my body. I wiggled my hips to watch the fabric swirl and admired the gorgeous design.

  “Cara, I love this. What do you plan to wear?”

  With a natural eye for fashion, she’d always been outfitted to amazing perfection but since she’d been assigned to kitchen duty, I had yet to see that side of her reemerge.

  “Haven’t decided yet.”

  “You have to wear something special too.” I looked at her in the mirror. She’d spent all this time on us and couldn’t go without something spectacular. “Promise me you will take the time to do something for yourself?”

  “Okay, okay. I have something I can work with.”

  “Good.” I smiled at my friend, happy to have this day everyone could enjoy.

  “Though, I kind of don’t feel like I belong there,” Cara admitted.

  I faced her. “What? Why would you say that?”

  “It’s just weird. I’ve always been on the outside looking in. I’ve been around at dinners and things to assist you, but as an acquaintance. I don’t know how to adjust to this new lifestyle. A few weeks ago, I couldn’t even speak to Liam without feeling faint. Now I’m having a casual dinner with him. It’s too much.”

  “Of course you belong. I’m no one special either. I’m just some girl who got thrown into this crazy mix. In fact you’re more at home in this environment then I am.”

  Cara shrugged. “It’s unusual, is all I’m saying. Don’t get me wrong, I’m honored, but can’t help but sometimes feel like I’m out of my league. Alastar would never approve of this behavior. I’ve overstepped my boundaries.”

  “Screw Alastar. You’re our friend. Plus, you and Liam seem to have hit it off.”

  “We’ve gotten more comfortable around each other. Though, I’m not going to lie, it felt pretty awkward at first.” She laughed. “I assum
ed, being a prince, he would be confident, maybe even arrogant, but no. The first night I stayed in his room, I don’t think his cheeks ever went a shade lighter than crimson. Everything he said and did embarrassed him. It was adorable. It kind of put me at ease, you know. He seemed normal.”

  “I know what you mean.” I said, recalling the swarm of butterflies triggered by my first introduction to Liam. Seeing him more nervous than me had helped me relax.

  “He’s a good guy.” Cara stared off into the distance.

  If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this possible prince admiration had turned into more of a Liam infatuation. “He is. Now, promise me you’ll wear something special.”

  “I told you already.” She laughed. “Yes. I will see what I can do.” I made a face at her. “Okay, I’ll wear something special.”


  * * * *

  Later that night, Cara, Lexie and I were dressed and ready to meet the guys outside in the garden. Cara kept tugging at her fitted black dress.

  “You look gorgeous. Now stop fiddling,” I told her.

  “Sorry.” She bit her lip.

  Once outside, I sought Grant. As soon as I stepped into view, Liam took me in. I hated thinking he still harbored any feelings for me but then his gaze shifted past me and his eyes lit. Like, literally brightened as if he had witnessed something so spectacular he couldn’t look away for fear of missing it. He looked at Cara, but not just looked at her, it was as if he really saw her, with fresh eyes. As if realizing he’d had a coveted possession all along but had been so busy searching for what he’d lost he failed to notice.

  Cara stared down and I wanted to smack her, force her to look up. It was one of those occasions every girl should witness. The moment a boy realizes he can’t live without her, and here she stood staring at the grass beneath her feet. Then she looked up. She met Liam’s gaze and her expression turned curious, as if she deciphered his expression.

  But I’d already figured it out. That was a boy in love.

  I practiced my best impulse control as I made my way to where the boy I loved stood. Every cell in my body wanted to run crashing into him and be swept up in his embrace, but this wasn’t a movie and with my luck, I’d slam into him and we’d go tumbling to the ground.


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