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Page 22

by Renita Pizzitola

  As soon as his arms went around me, he whispered in my ear, “How did I get so lucky?”

  I took his hand and guided him to sit with me.

  Dinner was fun. We laughed, chatted and indulged on the endless buffet of fruits, cheeses, and of course, wide selection of honey-baked foods which all fae, including myself, loved. Not a single night at the castle was comparable to this one. It made me sad knowing we’d be parting ways. They needed to know our plans and I couldn’t spring it on them at the last second, no matter what Alastar demanded.

  The more Liam interacted with Cara, the less I feared he’d be distraught by my leaving. From the looks of it, he’d have other things on his mind in the near future. Of course, that I’d never return might upset him and Cara, but maybe I could leave that part out.

  I whispered to Grant, “I think we should tell everyone.”

  He looked thoughtful, then replied, “You’re right, but not tonight. Let’s enjoy the evening. Tomorrow morning you can tell everyone.”

  I agreed and decided to pretend this wasn’t one of the last times I would see my friends. I’d simply enjoy it.

  Chapter 25

  Later that night, Grant and I strolled to my room hand in hand. “I’d miss this place if it weren’t for Alastar.” I glanced around the castle with a sense of nostalgia.

  “He does ruin things, doesn’t he?” Grant grinned. “I know what you mean. I’ve called this place home for a long time now. It’ll be weird never coming back, or seeing Liam.”

  When we got to my room, we changed and climbed into bed. I lay with my back against his chest. “Grant, where are you parents?”

  He’d never spoken of them and I’d never asked, figuring he’d mention them had he wanted to, but his comment about the castle being home aroused such curiosity I had to know.

  “They both died a while back.”

  I regretted asking. He should offer this information on his time, not be forced to by me. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I don’t mind talking about it.”

  I stayed quiet, wondering if he would say more but not wanting to ask.

  “My mother got sick when I was younger. Healers helped, but they only extended her life. She eventually passed away. My father was distraught and started drinking. At first, I understood his grief. I felt it too, but it consumed him. Instead of coping with her loss, he decided to avoid it by never spending a moment of his life sober. He couldn’t work anymore, no longer guard material, but he couldn’t do even the simplest of tasks. It became impossible for him to hold any job. After a while, he stopped coming home, leaving me to fend for myself. Knowing I needed to work if I wanted to eat, I set out to find a way to earn money. I did some odd jobs for fae, which is when I earned my nickname. I never minded that they didn’t bother learning my real name. I didn’t want to be that person anymore, so I let everyone call me Grant, until soon everyone thought it was my name.”

  “What’s your real name?”

  He remained quiet for a moment then answered, “Aedan. Aedan Gallagher, after my father.”

  I understood his desire to leave that name behind. His father had let him down, and he probably didn’t care to think about him every time someone spoke his name.

  “I like Grant better.”

  He ran his fingers up my arm, and he kissed my neck.

  “Then what happened?” Not wanting to dwell on his namesake, I pushed the story forward.

  “I met some castle guards who got me a job here. Because of my age, they assigned me to guard Liam. I was too young and scrawny back then to be of any use to Alastar. Liam and I became fast friends. We were the same age, had lost our moms and lived in such isolation we were happy to have a companion. After I’d been working here a while, I received news of my father’s death. No details, but I’m sure he drank himself to the grave or had a drunken accident. Who knows, but he accomplished what he set out to do. Join my mom.

  “I met Conor not too long after. He was pretty lost himself back then. I felt bad for him. He had no parents, much like me, but was more angry, bitter. He chose not to lead the same lifestyle as most pukas, but the anger tore him up. Had we not met when we did, he would’ve been headed down a very different path. Getting him a job here was easy. They loved the idea of having a shapeshifter around, but Alastar didn’t have complete trust in him. Pukas have a bad reputation. So, they left Conor with me, assigned to Liam. The rest is history.” Grant brushed my hair back. “Did I put you to sleep yet?”

  “No, of course not. I want to know everything about you. Thanks for sharing.” I found his hand and interlaced my fingers. “I’m sorry I came between you and Liam.”

  “It’s not your fault. I didn’t tell you all this to make you feel guilty.”

  “I know, but knowing how far back your friendship goes, well, I feel badly. I’m glad it seems you two can at least talk again.”

  “Liam’s a good guy. He wouldn’t hold a grudge. Though if it were me, I wouldn’t be so happy if he ended up with you in the end,” he admitted but I heard the humor in his tone.

  “Our paths crossed for a reason and Liam was a part of that. He wasn’t the person I was meant to be with. I think he’s going to be fine though. Did you notice him looking at Cara?”

  “Was he? I couldn’t take my eyes off you.”

  I elbowed him. “Please, Cara looked gorgeous. I’m sure you noticed.”

  “No comment.”

  I laughed. “Well, had you been able to peel your ever-faithful eyes away from me, you might have noticed the two of them are getting pretty chummy. I think Liam likes her.”

  “Everything happens for a reason. If it weren’t for you, those two never would’ve had the opportunity to get to know one another.”

  “Yeah. I hope it works out. I have a feeling Alastar will have a conniption if Liam decides he wants to be with her, though.”

  “Maybe, but if he loves her he’ll fight for her.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” I smiled, thinking about Grant’s promise to never stop fighting for us. “You know, Grant, things are good. We’re getting out of here and starting a life together. Liam has Cara, Conor has Lexie, everyone’s happy.”

  “Ahh, happily-ever-after at last.”

  I laughed. “Yep, I think it is. In less than forty-eight hours you and I will be starting our brand-new life.” I rolled to face Grant and snuggled into him with, for once, nothing but happy thoughts.

  He brought his mouth to mine and right before he kissed me, whispered, “It can’t come soon enough.”

  And he was right, it couldn’t.

  * * * *

  The next day, I left Grant sleeping and set out to find everyone. The time had come to let them know of our plans to leave. Lexie and Conor weren’t up yet and as far as I could tell neither was Liam. Not wanting to wake anyone, I headed back to the room, wondering if Grant had gotten out of bed yet.

  “You’re up. Good, everyone else is still asleep.” I leaned over and gave Grant a peck on the cheek. Catching my hand, he stopped me and brought my mouth to his for a real kiss.

  “Bed wasn’t as comfortable with you not in it.”

  An annoyed clearing of the throat interrupted my Grant trance. I turned to find Ida sitting in a chair near the bed with a book. On the small table next to her lay fresh towels and sheets. She’d come to tidy the room.

  “She got here while I was changing. In the bathroom,” he clarified, causing me to giggle. “I waited for you to get back before I left the room.”

  “Hey, Ida.”

  Even though our relationship wasn’t quite as strained as it had been, I was positive she couldn’t wait to be relieved of her duty to me. I passed by the breakfast tray and plucked off a piece of fruit. I plopped on my bed, and nudged her with my foot. Her gaze shifted from the book and I grinned at her. She tried to hide the smile dancing around her lips. As much as she’d never admit it, I’d grown on her. “We’re in your way, aren’t we?”

  “No m
ore than usual.” She replied with a little less snark than normal.

  Though I couldn’t tell her the whole story without having told my friends yet, I could give her a little information. “I hear Cara’s getting out of kitchen duty and you’ll be relieved of me soon.”

  She jerked her head up, but regained her composure and put on her usual annoyed expression. She mumbled, “Sooner rather than later, I hope.”

  Grant bit back a smile. I brought the apple to my mouth to hide my amusement.

  “Knock, knock.” Lexie strolled in.

  “Whoopee. It’s a party,” Ida muttered.

  I paused, with my hand mid-air. “Hey, I was just looking for you.”

  “What’s up?” She walked by, plucked the apple from my fingers then flopped down next to me.

  I stared at her.

  “What? Were you going to eat it?” She grinned.

  “No, I was admiring its beauty.”

  Lexie offered a smile but not my breakfast back.

  I rolled my eyes. “Anyway, I was telling Ida, Cara will be getting out of the kitchen soon.”

  “Really? That’s great.” Lexie looked at Ida “How are you taking the news?” She tilted her head and put on her best sympathetic expression.

  “Couldn’t be happier,” she grumbled.

  Lexie laughed and, with a crisp crunch, bit into the apple.

  I chuckled. “I’m sure Cara will feel the same way and I can’t wait to tell her. I’m sorry I missed her again.”

  Ida stared at me.

  “When she brought the food,” I clarified.

  “She didn’t bring it. Some other girl did. New, I guess.” She shrugged. “Younger girl, short, cute, with pink hair.”

  New girl?

  Grant turned to Ida, his eyes widening. “Did you say pink hair?”


  My head whipped in Lexie’s direction but before I could swat the apple away it fell to the ground with a thunk. Followed by Lexie.


  Grant slumped in one of two tiny rooms in the small cottage, staring at his childhood bed. Kylie lay fast asleep by Lexie’s side. Kylie’s eyes were swollen from crying. A slight frown was etched onto her face. The paleness of her skin was in stark contrast to her dark hair splayed on the pillow. His heart hurt for her. He’d do anything to protect Kylie. Anything to take her pain, but right now he was helpless. And he hated it.

  He tried to make sense of the actions that had brought them here. Kylie, verging on hysteria, had tried to explain their plans to leave to Liam and Conor, how she’d wanted to tell them, and then the apple. It had been pure chaos and confusion. Kylie sobbing, Conor in some sort of shock, while Grant had been speechless. At the time, his brain wouldn’t process the scene laid out before him because another thought had demanded his attention. Someone had intended that apple for Kylie.

  He shook his head to clear it.

  Grant was thankful Liam had stepped in and made decisions. The first being, get Lexie and Kylie to safety. If Alastar expected them to be gone when he returned, let them be. No point forcing them to stay, leaving Lexie helpless under his care. So they went somewhere Grant never imagined he’d return. They’d be safe there. Hidden.

  Liam had remained at the castle, assuring no one knew what had happened. No longer knowing who to trust, this had to be kept between them.

  Conor had set off to get Nanny, the healer. He’d been a mess, but with his ability to shift he was the only one capable of quick travel. Hopefully, he’d make it okay. Grant sighed and stared at Lexie.

  She was still. Too still. Her usually tan skin looked ashen and all her flare had washed away. His stomach wrenched. He worried about Lexie but the other thought still demanded his attention. The one he tried to silence. It wouldn’t shut up.

  Kylie had come so close to biting that apple, and if she had, she’d be dead. It had been full of faery magic and cold iron. Lexie had only succumbed to the magic. The iron had no effect on her but to fae it was lethal. Had it been the other way around… He shuddered. His Kylie would be gone. It made him sick. If her heart had ceased beating and lungs no longer filled with air, his life would be over. This girl was his life. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened them, he watched her chest rise and fall, and reminded himself she only lay sleeping. She was okay.

  Now he prayed Lexie would be, too.

  Kylie stirred and her eyelids fluttered open. She sat upright and rubbed her face then glanced down at Lexie and her expression sank. When her gaze lifted, he stared into her glassy eyes and his heart broke. Her lip trembled and she shook her head.

  Grant approached the bed, unsure what to say. What kind of comfort could he possibly offer?

  Kylie rose, and within seconds, she’d pressed against him. He wrapped his arm around her and brushed back her hair.

  “It was meant for me,” she whispered, her tone heavy with guilt.

  “I know,” he answered, ashamed at how glad he was it hadn’t been her. He glanced at Lexie then stared down at Kylie.

  It had been meant for her.

  Someone wanted to take Kylie away from him and that person would have to pay. Nobody would ever come between them again. There was no limit on how far he’d go to ensure that. Everything he cared about he held in his arms and no consequence was greater than losing her. Knowing how close he’d come had done something to him. It stirred fear, anger, fierce protectiveness which exceeded anything he’d ever experienced. And when it came to Kylie, he thought he’d felt it all.

  She looked up, her green eyes rimmed in red, and his chest tightened. He never imagined he could love anything as much as he loved her. If only he could carry the pain for her. She looked lost, vulnerable and so damn sad, it tore him in two. But then her beautiful face slipped into an expression he hadn’t seen before.

  Her eyes darkened, her creamy skin reddened and her pink lips thinned. She brushed away tears with the back of her hand and swallowed. “If Alastar had anything to do with this, I will bring him down.”

  Grant nodded and pressed a kiss into her forehead.

  Not if I get to him first.

  Other Lyrical Books by Renita Pizzitola


  Book 1 of the Gossamer Series

  Dream On

  About Renita Pizzitola

  Finding happily-ever-after isn't always easy. Sometimes there are moments in life when we realize we've been chasing someone else's faerytale and decide it's time to create our own.

  Kylie's story is a testament to that. The life of a faery princess isn't her dream, and though the simplest things seem the hardest to obtain, she will not stop seeking a happy ending.

  While, Renita Pizzitola's characters may live in a world of fantasy, they still face the struggles of life—from heartache to first love, promises to betrayal, and questions to answers—but one thing remains certain, they will come out stronger on the other side.

  When not writing, Renita enjoys reading and spending time with her family and friends. She also loves a good laugh and always tries to appreciate the lighter side of life. And as for her happily-ever-after, well, she found that the moment she pursued her dream of becoming a writer.



  Copyright © 2013 Renita Pizzitola

  Edited by Penny Barber

  Book design by Lyrical Press, Inc.

  Cover Art by Renee Rocco

  First Lyrical Press, Inc. electronic publication: November, 2013

  Lyrical Press, Incorporated

  eBooks are not transferable. All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents
are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party Web sites or their content.

  Published in the United States of America by Lyrical Press, Incorporated



  by Renita Pizzitola

  Shouldn’t all faerytales end with happily-ever-after?

  Kyla Ashbury is nearing her eighteenth birthday when a mysterious boy appears at school. Her instant attraction to him inexplicably awakens something inside her and she discovers her true identity.

  Now, armed with the knowledge of her past, she is forced to leave behind the life she has always known for a new one filled with temptation, faery charm and magic, and a future she isn’t prepared for.

  Kyla is left with a difficult decision...but no matter which path she chooses, someone will get hurt.

  A Lyrical Press Young Adult Fantasy Romance

  Chapter 1

  I knew there was something different about him from the moment I first saw him. His crystal blue eyes drew me in with such force, such velocity that for a second nothing existed in the world but the two of us. As his long, graceful strides brought him closer to me, the air began to tingle. Somewhere, in the distance, I heard my name called. I didn’t want to take my eyes away from him. I couldn’t take my eyes away from him.

  Again, someone called. My treacherous gaze flicked in the direction of the sound, and then as if someone flipped a switch, the sensation vanished. The moment ended, life resumed as normal and the electricity surrounding me disappeared. Just like that I craved more and when I sought him out to fill my addiction, he was gone.


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