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Roachia 04 Under the Cover of Darkness

Page 12

by Cindy Combs

  Tears mixed with the dirt on the girl's face as she shook her head. Jeff absently noted the blood on her knee as he hurried her towards the passage. Ahead of them were Jill and Josiah, who had picked up Jill's buckets and was urging her forward. Frank was following Josiah with Lisa's buckets. Jeff supported Lisa as she limped, slowing them down.


  Jeff halted in his tracks. Spinning around, he placed Lisa behind him. He spotted the huge purple Roach on the other side of the cavern with his drones. Broken rock from the former passage surrounded the leader.

  "CHOSEN ONE, ~crackle~ GIVE SELF ~snap~ UP."

  "NEVER!" Jeff snarled. He practically flew across the remaining steps to the passage, shoving Lisa ahead of him. "Move!" he ordered, coughing as he turned back to the nearly invisible control box he had placed by the opening weeks ago. A few quick connections later, Jeff was racing after the others.


  The shock wave nearly threw Jeff off his feet, signaling the destruction of the main cavern they had been using. Jeff prayed the debris would prevent the Roaches from reaching them.

  "Dr. Mac?" Lisa hiccuped as he caught up with her.

  Jeff wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close, thankful she was still alive. He could feel the adrenaline flow out of his body, leaving exhaustion behind. Yet he had to keep going. They were far from safe.

  Next Day


  Jeff woke with a start, frantically looking around. "It's okay, Dr. Mac," Bella assured him. "One of the kids dropped a hammer."

  Rubbing his face with one hand, Jeff groped for his wrench with the other. "How long was I out?"

  "Maybe five, ten minutes," Bella answered, returning to her task of adjusting one of the lasers.

  Jeff took a deep breath, trying to wake up but only triggering another coughing jag. Bella glanced back with concern. "You could take a longer nap."

  "No, I can sleep once we get back," Jeff replied. There was only enough water for another day, plus there was evidence that the Roaches were trying to work their way through the rock slide in the main cavern. There was no time for sleeping.

  "Jeff!" Frank poked his head into the compartment. "We need you in the control room."

  Jeff glanced at this friend. Seeing the thundercloud there, he realized it had to be important. Reluctantly, he crawled out of the craft. Frank handed him a steaming mug of java.

  Drawing a breath of the aromatic steam, Jeff felt a bit of the tightness across his chest ease. Walking alongside Frank, he commented, "I guess Harry got the outside security system working?"

  Frank's face grew even darker. "Yeah, he did."

  Jeff took a sip from mug, refraining from further conversation. He knew that look and it didn't bode well. Entering the small room, Jeff quickly examined Josiah's and Harry's faces. They didn't look very happy, either. "What's up?"

  In answer, Harry flipped on a switch. "~crack~ court go free. ~snap~ Chosen One, Give self up ~pop~ Junior Queen and ~snap~ court go free. Chosen One..." Jeff stared at the speaker as Harry flipped off the sound.

  "Do you have any idea what they are talking about?" Frank asked. "What makes him think we're hiding a Junior Queen down here, let alone a court?"

  "Well, we do have a lot of girls," Harry replied thoughtfully.

  "And he already thinks Jeff's a Chosen One," Josiah added.

  "So it wouldn't be that big of a step to think you're protecting a queen." Harry finished.

  Jeff forced his tired mind to work until it hit pay dirt. "Ah, damn, he saw me with Lisa. And I shoved her behind me when I heard them."

  "He thinks Lisa's a Junior Queen?" Frank asked in astonishment.

  Shrugging his shoulders, Jeff replied, "Why not. They're aware that you and Josiah helped Jane and I escape. If they think I'm a Chosen One, they probably think Jane is a court member and you two are part of my circle. They've seen the handful of kids Harry had with him that day in Gillard. The girls might be considered junior court members and the boys young drones, trying to earn their Chosen One status by helping the Junior Queen and her court. He saw me protecting Lisa, and perhaps a glimpse of Dianne and Bella.

  "When a Queen complex is in danger from an enemy or a natural disaster, often a Chosen One with his hand-picked drones will evacuate the Junior Queen plus a few important court members. They will take them to a secure location and protect the line of succession until it's safe to return. It wouldn't be that much of a stretch for them to think we stumbled across a Junior Queen and joined forces with her people to protect her."

  "So what does this mean?" Harry asked.

  Jeff sighed heavily. "It means if they think Lisa is a Junior Queen, she's just as much a target as Sam and Blair." Just about the LAST thing I wanted to happen.

  "We'll worry about that once we get back," Frank declared. "We have enough to worry about right now as it is."

  "How far along is the shuttle?" Josiah asked.

  "We're getting close, as long as we don't run into any surprises." Jeff rubbed his face, trying to wipe off his fatigue. "We are having trouble aligning all the lasers, but once that's done, we should be able to fly her."

  "You mean, Dalton should," Frank pointed out. "Do you think he can figure it out in one try?"

  "Sure I can," a voice stated confidently from the doorway. "I can fly anything that's meant to fly, and a few things that aren't suppose to."

  Jeff smiled wearily at Dalton. He just wished he was as confident.

  six hours later

  The wrench flew off the bolt, striking Jeff's thumb before it fell to the floor. Clutching the injured hand to his chest, Jeff opened his mouth to swear, only to start coughing instead. He spent nearly two minutes doubled over and hacking.

  When the spasm eased, a soft voice ordered, "Let me see that hand."

  Jeff looked up to see Dianne glaring at him. His first instinct to refuse died under her stern gaze. He held out the hand as a few more coughs forced themselves out of his chest. Dianne took the hand while passing a bottle of cough medicine to the other. Wordlessly, Jeff took a swig.

  Gently examining the hand, Dianne whispered, "Your thumb knuckle is starting to swell, but I don't think it's broken." She stared hard into Jeff's eyes. "I suspect the problem is more lack of sleep than anything else."

  "We're almost there," Jeff quietly explained. "And those Roaches are getting closer." He glanced over to the bench across the access area, where Lisa was curled up asleep. Fear of the Roaches reaching her and the other teens was a constant knot in his stomach.

  Dianne sighed, knowing Jeff was right. She was well aware that the faint sounds of debris removal were being heard in the cave passage. Yet the man in front of her was sick and about to drop from exhaustion. "How soon do you think she'll be ready?"

  "The lasers are about aligned," Bella interjected as she popped her head inside. Dianne noted that she looked tired as well. "How much more after that?"

  "I want to give the computer another once over, check the rocket fuel lines, then run a couple of tests, just to make sure everything is ready and let Dalton get a feel for her." Jeff rubbed a hand over his face. "Five or six more hours, maybe."

  Dianne opened her mouth to suggest that Jeff take a short nap when a commotion in the cavern caught their attention. Climbing down after Bella, she caught sight of Steve and Casey talking frantically to Josiah and Jane. They rushed over to join them, Frank and Dalton racing from the other side.

  "...has to be close!" Casey was telling Josiah.

  "The Roaches?" Frank questioned.

  "Yes, sir," Steve replied, fear lurking in his dark eyes as he tried to stay calm. "The sounds of heavy machinery and rocks moving are really getting loud. I think they're about ready to break through."

  "Damn!" Frank muttered.

  "Bella, finish that last alignment now," Jeff ordered, shaking off his exhaustion as a surge of adrenaline rushed through his body. "The rest of you load all the kids and yourselves into the shutt
le. Make sure everyone's belted in; I don't know how rough this ride might get. Frank, be prepared to start the roof and make a run for it." He glanced at the pilot standing next to him. "Ready for your first space flight?"

  "Ready and eager," Dalton snapped off, giving Jeff a cocky salute. They raced for the shuttle as the rest scattered to start the evacuation.

  Sliding into the pilot seat, Jack ran his hands over the instrument panel. He had been studying the controls since they had decided on this option, trying to get the feel of the foreign buttons and switches. He wanted everything to be second nature, to be able to react without hesitation. While this wasn't the way he wanted to learn, Jack was confident he could do it. He had to.

  Behind him, MacGregor was punching code into a small data entry pad as he stared at a small screen above it. "Okay, it should be ready to fire up." Dalton flipped a switch. Nothing happened.

  Softly muttering to himself, Jeff bent back over the entry pad. Jack glanced down out of the window, watching Jane usher three teens underneath the craft. He could picture them in his mind scurrying up the hatch at the bottom, then rushing to the passenger seats in one of the compartments. Strong fiber straps would then be pulled over each shoulder and secured into place.

  "Try it again."

  A flip later, the panel in front of him lit up with colorful lights. Bella rushed in, breathing hard. "The lasers are set."

  Jeff pointed at a seat behind and to the left of the pilot's chair. "Strap in and read off the check list."

  Bella dropped into the chair, already reading the instructions Jeff had translated from the ancient Basic of the ancestors. "Shield placement at launching position." Her hand reached blindly for the belt behind her and pulled it forward.

  "Shields at launching P," Jack replied as he pushed a button.

  "Frank!" Jeff called from his com-link. "Start the roof retraction!" Please roof, don't hang up anywhere! Flipping on the top outside viewer, Jeff watched on the small screen as the roof slowly lifted and pulled away, it's creaking and moaning audible even inside the craft. The faint pings of dislodged rocks hitting the metallic hull echoed throughout the interior.

  "Power up lasers 4 and 5."

  "Lasers 4 and 5 up."

  With the roof's screeching, Jeff couldn't hear the hum of the lasers powering up. He prayed they were working or this would be a short ride. Briefly wondering if Blair's sentinel would be able to pick out the laser hum, Jeff flipped on the inside com. "Compartment one status."

  Jane's voice burst forth with a flash of static. "15 kids strapped in plus Gail and myself."

  "Stay put and prepare for launch." Seventeen in so far. He flipped on the next switch. "Compartment two status."

  "15 kids, Harry and myself," Josiah's calm voice answered.

  "Stay put and prepare for launch." That made thirty-four. He took a deep breath. "Compartment three status."

  "Eight kids and myself," Dianne's warm voice replied. Jeff released the breath he was holding. That made forty-three, meaning all of the kids, including Lisa, were in. Adding in himself, Jack, Bella and Frank, everyone was accounted for. "Stay put and prepare for launch." He changed to the viewer with the clear line of sight of the passage. No Roaches yet.

  "Compartments all red light?" Bella asked, a check that all doors and compartment lids were closed.

  "Red lights are on."

  Frank rushed in. "Entry hatch's secure."

  "Buckle in," Jeff ordered, pointing to the co-pilot chair.

  "Don't forget your own," Frank returned as he hurried to the seat.

  "Release spin locks."

  Jeff absently pulled his own belt into place, still watching the monitors and coughing.

  "Spin locks released."

  "Ready for spin maneuver?"

  "Ready." Jack and Bella both looked at Jeff for the launch go ahead.

  "GO!" Jeff ordered. "We've got Roaches in the cavern." Large brown natives were slipping through the door and ducking behind crates.

  "Then let's do it!" Jack shouted, jabbing a button.

  Jeff could barely feel the bottom outer hull start to spin. New pings were heard as the Roaches began firing on the craft. "Has the roof fully retracted yet?"

  Frank peered through the clear glass above his head. Stars shone bright in the clear night sky. Frank hoped that was a good omen. "All clear!"

  Tension filled Jeff's body. It was now or never, with the consequences of never too horrible to contemplate. "Once it's green lighted, Jack, PUNCH IT!"

  "Right-O!" Jack confirmed with excitement as the spin light flashed green. He hit the large yellow button that started the lasers. "Here we go, folks!"

  Lasers began firing, annihilating air particles and giving the craft lift. With a shudder, the ancient shuttle lifted off the ground, spraying the Roaches with loose dirt. Holding his breath, Jeff struggled to keep his eyes open as they rose out of the new hole in the mountainside and into the clear autumn sky.

  "We're through!" Bella gleefully announced. She and Frank watched as the stars grew brighter as the atmosphere thinned.

  Jeff counted the seconds off. He knew once they were high enough, the rocket propulsion should kick in. However, they didn't get a chance to see if all the fuel lines were clear. He didn't know if the computer would handle it at the proper rate. Heck, he didn't even know if the old fuel would fire. He held his breath. The craft gradually slowed down. Jeff could feel his body float slightly off the chair as force of gravity lessened. Glancing over, he could see Bella's hair lift away from her face.

  "The rockets aren't firing!" Jack shouted.

  Damn! Jeff instantly unhooked his belt. Latching onto the handholds, he pulled himself over to the back wall. Bella joined him as they swiftly looked over the systems. "Fuel's clogged," Bella exclaimed, pointing at the blinking red line.

  "We need to bypass it," Jeff returned as his fingers flew over the entry pad. Bella grabbed his belt with one hand as she held onto a bar, preventing them from floating away.

  "There," Jeff announced. Ferociously, the craft moved like it had been kicked as the fuel ignited. Jeff and Bella were thrown into a wall.

  "Jeff! Bella!" Frank shouted.

  Jeff barely could gasp as pain shot through his shoulder. Bella, biting her lip, pushed off with her feet. She snagged Jeff's shirt, pulling both of them to their seats. It wasn't until Jeff was shoved to the chair that he realized her left arm was at an awkward angle. As he grabbed his safety belt and pulled it over him, Bella made another push to her own seat.

  She had barely clicked her belt in place when another jolt shook them. "Oh, Oh." Jack's eyes grew big. "The rockets are out again." The craft began to fall. "HANG ON!"

  Jeff closed his eyes as they fell towards the Roachia's surface.

  Science Base Delta

  Blair awoke with a start. It took a moment to realize someone was shaking his arm. Blinking in the faint light, he focused his eyes on Jim. "We have an alert. Get dressed and be out in the common area in five minutes."

  Squinting his eyes, Blair read the red time display next to his bed. "1:33 am?" he muttered. "Man, why did I decide to do this?" Five minutes later, Blair stumbled out of his room to find Jim, Henri and Rafe standing together in the center. Yawning, Blair wandered over to join them.

  "...came in just as I was finishing my rounds," Rafe was explaining. He waved his good arm around in the air. "It must be something big, because they demanded to speak to the Major, and the Major only. I waited outside until Banks came out, and he told me to wake up you guys."

  Before Blair could ask a question, the Major walked in, a blurry-eyed Taggart right behind him. "All right, men," Banks began, "Approximately forty-five minutes ago, a craft landed on the tundra about fifty miles from here. It is believe that this vehicle came from space."

  "What?" Blair exclaimed, now wide wake. The other Panthers exchanged stunned looks.

  "That is the suspicion. Thus, the Branson team is being sent to investigate. We are going with them
to provide security."

  "Why are they sending the Branson team?" Jim asked.

  "They've done some rocket research in the past," Taggart replied thoughtfully. "And I think Nash was involved with the space program before the war."

  Blair dropped his eyes to the ground. He knew exactly why the Branson team was being sent. He just didn't think he was cleared to tell the others.

  "In any case, it is also believed that there may be humans involved. Dr. Jackson and Lieutenant Paris are being sent to provide medical support. They, Ellison and MacGregor will fly in first, meeting the ground troops already being scrambled." Banks turned to the sentinel and guide. "I want you two to make sure they ARE human, and not those damn human-looking Roaches. The rest of us will fly in with the Branson team." He glanced at Janson's left arm, still in a sling. "I want you to handle communications and stay by Sam."

  "Sam's going, too?" Henri asked. "Is it safe?"

  Jim was also surprised that they would risk the young man so soon after Glendale. About to argue, he glanced at Blair only to be even more surprised to see his friend accepting the news calmly.

  Blair noticed his friend's attention. Thinking fast, he replied, "Dad was also with the space program. Sam and I learned a lot from him."

  Banks glanced at the wall clock. "Let's get moving people. The first helicopter leaves in five minutes."

  Dashing after Jim, Blair felt excitement fill his soul. Who knew what they were going to find? It was just like a Keegan story, only this time Blair was the guide.

  Landing site

  As Paris landed the helicopter, Jim took another look at his guide. "You okay?"

  "Yeah, just too far off the ground," Blair replied, wiping his face. "I hate heights."

  Jim hid a smile. "Ready to get to work?"

  Blair nodded. He climbed out and followed Jim to the Sergeant who seemed to be waiting for them. The huge man snapped off a sharp salute. "Sergeant Crimshaw with the 4th division."

  Jim returned the salute. "Captain Ellison, 135th." He glanced at his partner, only to discover Blair had totally ignored the salute while focusing his attention ahead. Jim sighed inwardly. Gonna have to work on that. "And this is Lieutenant MacGregor."


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