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Want Me (Coopers Creek Book 3)

Page 6

by Bronwen Evans

  “Just keep trying,” Chase said.

  Brenda said, “Yeah. Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye.”

  The call ended and Chase put his phone away. “B-man, I’m going to get completely wasted tonight. Just warning you.”

  “That’s okay. It’s Smitty’s turn to be the designated driver, so get as hammered as you want,” Brian said.

  Chase’s team always went to the volleyball games together and car-pooled. “I wish he’d trade in that gas-guzzling pimp-mobile he drives.”

  Brian laughed. “You might as well quit wishing. He loves that old Cadillac.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  They talked more about their upcoming night on the way back to Horizon, but Chase was worried about Brenda’s call. What did she want to say to him? He prayed she was not up to her old tricks again.

  To take his mind off Brenda and her situation, Chase thought about Anna. He couldn’t get Anna out of his mind, yet she could forget him quite easily, it appeared. She wanted to keep their relationship strictly professional. That’s why I need to tie one on and get laid. A good drunk fuck will set me straight.

  That decided, Chase started thinking about the Emerson marketing campaign his team was putting together. His creative work was often his savior, and it came to his aid then, too. By the time they’d reached home, Chase was back in control of himself and looking forward to his evening out.

  Chapter 6

  Anna’s cellphone rang, waking her from a sound sleep. She groaned and picked it up. The clock on it read 1:13 a.m. and identified Chase as the caller. It stopped ringing, and her text message alert went off.

  “What the hell? Why did he hang up?”

  Anna opened the text and looked at a picture of a shirtless Chase grinning while he held a bunny costume head up. The text read, “We won despite the costume! Too bad you missed it.”

  He was taunting her! “Bastard. I can’t believe he woke me for this crap.”

  Her phone rang in her hand, startling her. It was Chase again. She jabbed the answer button before he could hang up.

  “What is your problem?” she asked angrily.

  “Aren’t you gonna congratulate me on my win?”

  He was drunk off his rocker, judging by his slightly slurred words. “Chase, go home and sleep it off. Goodnight.”

  “Wait! Wait!”

  Anna ran a hand through her hair. “What?”

  “I need you to save me.”

  “Save you? From what?”

  “This really slutty chick wants to go home with me. I keep trying to turn her down, and she won’t take no for an answer. I even told her I had a girlfriend, but it don’t make no difference to her,” Chase said.

  “Nice grammar, Chase. Go home and don’t call me back.”

  “No, no. Don’t hang up. I’m a drunk Southern boy. We don’t talk so good when we’re sloshed. Just talk to her. Tell her that you’ll beat the shit out of her or something if she don’t leave me alone,” Chase said.

  The idea of Chase needing to be saved from a woman was so comical that Anna had to laugh. “How drunk are you?”

  “I don’t know. Smitty! How drunk am I?”

  In the background, Anna heard Smitty say, “I don’t know. I lost count around beer ten. Then there were the four shots of JD and some peach schnapps.”

  Chase said, “Don’t forget the vodka Jell-O shots. Anna, I think I had five of those.”

  “Holy shit! How are you still upright?”

  “Practice. Oh, God. Here she comes. Tell her you’re my girlfriend.”

  Anna panicked. “Chase! No! Don’t you dare—”

  “Hello?” said a female voice. “Who’s this?”

  I must be insane for doing this. “No, the question is who the hell are you? Why are you on my boyfriend’s phone? If you don’t get away from him, I’m going to track you down and make you regret it.”

  “Okay, okay. Sheesh. I thought he was lying to me. Here, take your phone.”

  “Thanks for doing that,” Chase whispered loudly into the phone. “I owe you. Dinner. On me. I’ll make spheggerti…spaghetti and you can suck the noodles off my chest.”

  Anna burst out laughing.

  “Okay, I’ll suck the noodles off your chest. Or I could just suck on your chest. Ow! Ow! I just stubbed my toe. I think I broke it. Sonofabitch, that hurts!”

  “Are you okay?” she asked, stifling a laugh.

  “No! I gotta go see if it’s broken. Thanks for your help, honey. Go back to sleep. You’re a good fake girlfriend. You wanna be my girlfriend for real? I’m drunk, but I’m serious. You’re so damn pretty and you have the best ass I’ve ever squeezed. Never mind. Go to sleep. Nighty night.”

  The line went dead. Anna looked at her phone and dissolved into helpless laughter over the crazy conversation. It also made her wish for the hundredth time that she hadn’t turned down his invitation to go out that night.

  Then concern made her laughter fade away. What if he’d really hurt himself? Was there someone there who could get him safely to the hospital? No, no. He’ll be fine. Smitty is with him. But was Smitty drinking?

  “Shit, shit, shit!”

  Anna knew that she was beginning to care far too much for Chase. She struggled over whether she should call him back or not.

  “Damn it, Chase.”

  She hit the call button and waited.

  “Hi, there,” Chase said. “Miss me?”

  “Are you okay? How’s your toe?”

  “Hurts like hell, but I don’t think it’s broken. Don’t matter if it is. They don’t do anything for that,” Chase said. “You should’ve seen team Lucifer. Our net play was amazing. Whoo hoo!”

  Anna laughed. “I’m sure it was fun. I’m glad your toe is okay.”

  “You’re so nice to be worried,” he said. “How about I come over and repay you for your concern?”

  Anna snorted. “You really think you’re irresistible, don’t you?”

  “I’ve been told that. I know you want me. I want you. Why does it have to be complicated, Anna?”

  “I don’t want you.”

  “Why do you lie to yourself and me? Let me come over and give you pleasure. Actually, I can get you started right now,” Chase said.

  A jolt of desire hit her. She should hang up. Instead she asked, “You think so, huh?”

  “I know so. I can make you horny without even touching you,” Chase said, lowering his voice to an even sexier timber.

  “I doubt that.”

  “Mmm. I like a challenge. I want to kiss those sweet lips of yours and touch you everywhere. Your shoulders, your breasts—”

  “Chase, you’re in public.” Anna squirmed a little as she imagined him doing those things. “I just wanted to check on you. Be careful going home. Goodnight.”

  She heard him chuckle as she hung up, and it irritated her. Rolling over, Anna blew out a breath. All sorts of naughty images played through her mind, and she cursed Chase for being right. Sleep eluded her for a long time that night.

  * * *

  What am I doing here? Anna asked herself the next morning as she sat in her car outside the Horizon building. She told herself that she was there on business, to find out what this other project was that Chase had mentioned. That was a complete lie.

  Getting out of the car, she straightened her suit jacket and locked the car. She was getting used to the metal detector check and knew exactly where she was going. It was early, so maybe Chase would still be home.

  His living room had barely registered the day he’d kissed her because she’d been so focused on him. It hadn’t been until later in the day that she’d realized that he had an apartment in the building. That was certainly convenient because he didn’t have to worry about commuting.

  When she got off the elevator on his floor, Anna had a sudden case of the jitters, and she almost got back on the elevator. She fought it and won, knocking on the door before she could change her mind.

  Lola barked on the
other side of the door, making Anna smile. The door was opened by a middle-aged woman with black hair that was shot through with silver streaks. She peered at Anna with curiosity in her dark eyes.

  “Can I help you?” she asked, as Lola pushed her way past to greet Anna.

  “Hello. I’m Anna Spencer,” she said, petting Lola. “Chase is a client of mine, and I came to discuss a project with him,” she said.

  “Oh. Come on in. I’m Carla, Chase’s housekeeper and babysitter,” she said.

  Anna stepped into the apartment. “You’re the second person I’ve heard say that he has to be watched.”

  Carla snorted. “It’s a full-time job some days. Make yourself comfortable. I’ll let him know that you’re here.”

  “Thank you.”

  Anna walked over to the plush black sofa and sat down. A huge TV hung on the wall to the left, and a stereo system sat under it. There were also a couple of different gaming systems and a large laptop set up. Lola jumped up on the couch by her and gave her a doggie kiss.

  Anna laughed. “Are you allowed up here? Don’t worry. I won’t tell on you.”

  Lola flopped down and rolled over, inviting Anna to scratch her belly.

  “Does your tummy itch?” Anna rubbed Lola’s stomach.

  Carla returned. “He’ll be out shortly. He’s in the shower. I have to get going. It was nice to meet you.”

  “You, too, Carla. Have a good day,” Anna said.

  “Same to you.”

  With Carla gone, Anna felt awkward being in Chase’s place while he was in the shower. What did he look like completely naked? Desire surged through her as she looked around at the modern yet cozy décor. Another couch that matched the one where she was seated sat on the other side of a black coffee table. A matching loveseat created the last side of the rectangular grouping. It was a gorgeous place with recessed lighting and beautiful paintings depicting more seascapes.

  She was distracted from looking around when she heard Chase singing. She couldn’t quite make out the song, so she got up and started walking towards the sound. Passing through a big, beautiful dining room, she entered a stunning kitchen that was clean, but obviously well-used. It was so different from the living room and dining room in that it looked more like a farmhouse kitchen.

  Anna was close enough to the bathroom now recognize that Chase was singing Firecracker by Josh Turner. Sneaking down a hall, she followed his voice until she was just outside what must be the bathroom. This is so wrong. I shouldn’t do this. Just one little peek. She poked her head around the open doorway and instantly her body was flooded with heat.

  Chase stood behind a huge glass wall under a shower unlike any she’d ever seen. It was more like a waterfall and water cascaded down over Chase’s muscular body. She couldn’t tear her gaze away from him as he glided a soapy mesh scrubber over his skin.

  She followed his hands down over his chest and stomach and lower to his hips and thighs, which were as tan as the rest of him. Only his package and a thin strip of skin around his pelvis were slightly lighter in color.

  Something cold and wet touched Anna’s hand. She jumped and let out an involuntary cry. Lola pressed against her, wanting more attention. Anna’s heart raced with fear. Had Chase heard her?

  “If that’s you Anna, you’re early. But you’re more than welcome to come in here.”

  Shit! I’m so stupid! Embarrassment flooded her.

  “There’s no harm in looking,” he said. “Why don’t you join me? I’ll put the shower on massage. No sex, just a nice, relaxing shower.”

  “No, thank you. I was just…” She couldn’t think of a plausible excuse for being there.


  “Yes, damn you!”

  His laughter further irritated her. “C’mon in here, darlin’. You know you want to.”

  Fuck it. Why not? Do something brave for a change. Anna slowly entered the bathroom.

  Chase grinned at her. “You look pretty, but you’d look even prettier without clothes. Come on and get naked.”

  Anna smirked at him. “That’s very romantic.”

  “It was meant to be playful,” he said. “Now, I’ve told you how much I want you, so pardon me if I get an erection. I won’t so much as touch you, though—unless you want me to.”

  His statement made her face flame. “I must be crazy. This is crazy.”

  “No, it’s fun. Go in my room and undress,” Chase said. “Then come back here and get in with me.”

  “Chase, I don’t know…”

  His expression sobered. “Honey, nothing is going to happen that you don’t want to. I promise.”

  Those spectacular eyes of his were filled with sincerity. They said that she was completely safe with him. But so had Greg, to begin with. She stood undecided. After a moment, she made her decision. She didn’t know why, but Chase made her feel comfortable with the idea of being naked with him.


  Feeling excited and nervous, Anna left the bathroom and continued down the hallway until she came to another room. It was obviously Chase’s bedroom. A king-sized bed was the focal point of the room. How many women had rolled around in that bed with him? Shying away from that thought, she continued looking around the room.

  It was done in a rustic theme, with a lot of warm wood and antique pieces of furniture. There were various pictures of him and his friends on the dresser and bureau. Anna looked at them as she took off her suit jacket and blouse. Her fingers trembled as she finished undressing and laid her clothes on his bed, which was nicely made.

  When she was finally naked, she turned away from the bed and caught sight of herself in the antique, full-length mirror that stood in a corner. Chase kept telling her how beautiful she was, but she knew that her body wasn’t as svelte as the women he must go out with. But he said he wanted her, and he’d asked her out. Could he truly be attracted to her?

  Greg’s voice came unbidden into her mind. You need to go to the gym. Some exercise would do you good and get rid of some of that fat. Then you could wear some slinky dresses and lingerie for me.

  Anna wrapped her arms around herself for a moment and then became angry. If a hot guy like Chase wanted her, she must have some sex appeal. She decided to find out.

  * * *

  Chase had been startled at first when he’d heard Anna outside the bathroom. He knew it wouldn’t have been Carla. But this was too good an opportunity to let pass. He’d jumped at the opportunity that her curiosity provided him. Even if they didn’t have sex, it would get her to perhaps open up to him, trust him, and at least make her comfortable with being naked with him.

  Chase hoped that she wouldn’t change her mind and run. He wanted her to trust him, so no matter how difficult it would be, he’d keep his word and not make any unwanted advances. He was pretty sure now that someone had hurt her in the past. Fury burned in his gut, and if he ever laid eyes on him, he’d rip him apart.

  Anna appeared in the doorway and Chase thought he was going to fall over from the force of the desire that coursed through him. She was built the way he best liked a woman: voluptuous with an hourglass figure.

  Chase’s groin tightened as his eyes traveled upwards over Anna’s slim, shapely legs that led to her sweetly rounded hips. Her waist was slender but her ribs weren’t visible. And her breasts were the stuff of men’s dreams: full and rounded with high rosy pink nipples. The combination of her pale, creamy skin and deep auburn hair was stunning.

  “Damn, baby. You’re even more gorgeous than I thought you’d be,” he said. “C’mon in. The water’s fine.”

  He was glad to see her smile a little as she came forward. She was trying so hard to be brave, and he wanted to put her completely at ease. Opening the door for her, he motioned her inside and shut it again.

  “What kind of shower is this?” she asked moving under the water.

  Chase practically salivated as water sluiced down her body. “I hired a set designer to recreate a waterfall. It’s reall
y relaxing after a long day and helps wake you up, too. Like it?”

  She smiled. “Yeah. Who wouldn’t?”

  “I love it. So does Lola.” He caught her shy glances at him. “Anna, there’s nothing wrong with looking. Do you like what you see?”

  He let her look him over well, and the desire in her eyes when they met his made hot blood pump to his loins.

  She nodded. “Yes, I do. You’re…you look happy.”

  Chase grinned and shrugged. “I warned you. I can’t help it. You’re so beautiful, and you excite me so much. I’m not ashamed of that or for you to see how much I want you. But I made you a promise, and I’ll keep it, okay?”

  Anna smiled. “Okay, but what are you going to do about it?”

  Her shyness and curiosity heightened his arousal. “Do about it?”

  “You said that we wouldn’t have sex. Isn’t it uncomfortable to stay like that for too long without…Greg always said that it hurt if I changed…”

  Her eyes rounded as she clamped her mouth shut, and Chase had a hard time keeping his anger from his expression.

  “Is he the one who used to hit you?” he asked softly.

  Anna hugged herself and nodded. “Yes. He was my boyfriend.”

  Chase didn’t want to ask the next question, but he had to know what he was dealing with. “Anna, did he sexually assault you?”

  Tears welled in her eyes and her chin trembled. “Yes. No. I mean, he never forced me exactly, but he’d get nasty if I tried to refuse. And sometimes he used to pinch me hard enough to leave bruises or slap me, but he told me that he was just playing around. He wasn’t very gentle, either.”

  Chase barely kept from closing his hands into fists. “I was raised to never hit a woman. I’ve never ever hit or done anything to leave a bruise on a woman.” He moved closer to her. “I promise that I would never hurt you, Anna.”


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