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Runaway: Assignment Darklanding

Page 10

by Scott Moon

  "Freak," Red said.

  "I'm flying on instruments. Complete stealth mode. Please confirm this is Raven's Haven and that Ruby is in the science building," Cornelius said.

  Red slipped back into her all-business voice. "Do you mean to imply that I should stand ready to bail you out if flying on instruments proves to be disastrous? This type of inconsistency in motive is why I am glad I am not an organic construct," Red said. "The settlement before you is in fact Raven's Haven. Your granddaughter is being held in the science building. There has been bloodshed, but her welfare is sustainable. Elevated heart rate, increased body temperature, reduced movement rate. If I remember her profile, she is waiting to do something nasty or has been tied up."

  "All right then. I'm going in. Please have the ship ready when we come out."

  Several lights flashed on the control panel and there was a series of beeps he could barely hear. "It also seems there is a corpse, probably Unglok, cooling as we speak. The heart rates and body heat signatures of other people in the room are all significantly above predicted norms."

  "Good to know," Cornelius said.

  "I must advise against this course of action. Two men seem to be receiving first aid for serious blaster injuries."

  "Noted. Please have the ship ready, I will be right out." Cornelius landed on the main street of Raven's Haven with a flourish of wings and thrusters. He unbuckled, darted to the door, and rushed out. Sprinting across the dusty street reminded him of how old he was. No amount of spa therapy and physical conditioning could completely erase his advanced age. He was lucky to live in a time when he could push the limit of his supercharged genetics.

  "I will be monitoring your neural network," Red said.

  Cornelius stopped at the door and caught his breath. "Okay, mom."

  "I find this endearment interesting and perverse. Is it meant to insult me or you?" Red said.

  He ignored the rest of her banter, placed a shaped charge from his pocket on the door handle, and stepped back. Turning away from the impending blast, he plugged his ears and opened his mouth to reduce the danger of overpressure bursting his lungs.

  Still holding his ears, he clicked the button and the door blew off the hinges, shooting inward like a defensive end rushing a quarterback. He followed immediately, confident anyone inside would be momentarily stunned, even if it was somebody like White Skull. The man had a nasty record, but was still human.

  His first step into the science building proved to be a complete disaster. Instead of encountering an adversary quivering with shellshock, he received a forearm across his throat which slammed him onto his back. A moment later, White Skull was on him, punching and kicking.

  Red talked to him like a mixed martial arts commentator with a special emphasis on pointing out his errors. "You have the training and experience, but he totally surprised you. You need to get your hips out from under him or he's going to pin you…too late. Try to slide out the side, put him in an armbar. Are you even listening to me?"

  White Skull grabbed both sides of Cornelius’s jumpsuit collar and twisted his hands into a textbook perfect choke. He was sitting on top of Cornelius now, pinning him flat to the ground with no chance to develop momentum for an escape. Cornelius grabbed the attacking hands, but could not pry them free. He attempted to convert the move into an armbar, but was pinned to the floor, unable to execute an effective counterattack.

  "That was embarrassing, Cornelius. Maybe next time you will listen to me? Shall I contact the sheriff and request assistance?" Red asked.

  Cornelius gurgled as his face turned red and spots danced across his vision.

  CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: Let's Work Together

  Thaddeus fought the controls of the airship. Junk was junk no matter the skill of the pilot, or that was what he told himself. He maintained a flightpath off Penny's left wing and back fifty meters. Neither one of them had talked much since they left Darklanding. His knee chose that exact moment to resume throbbing. Flipping tires with his ex-wife wasn’t the worst mistake he’d made in his life, but felt like it right now.

  "SagCon One to Sheriff Fry, do you copy?" Penny said over the radio.

  "Roger that, SagCon One. You're loud and clear," he said.

  "The red shuttle has gone off the grid for some reason. Sledge thinks it climbed to a high orbit and is maintaining a watch pattern. Neither one of us are sure what it means. What are your thoughts?" she asked.

  Thaddeus looked at Mast and Maximus as though her request confirmed his basic value to the universe. "See, she respects me."

  "Muchly so," Mast said.

  Predictably, Maximus started licking himself.

  Thaddeus frowned. "Do I need to take you to the vet or something? I mean really, dog, get over it."

  "Excuse me?" Penny asked over the radio.

  "Sorry, that last part wasn't supposed to go over the air. Would you like a dog-thing? They make great pets," Thaddeus said, sensing her frustration growing second by second. "I'm looking at the information you forwarded now, since I don't have a fully functioning ship but am somehow still managing to keep up with you."

  He paused to evaluate the data and compare it against what he knew about Ruby and White Skull. Cornelius "Grandfather" Vandersun wasn't unknown to him, but his reputation had to be mostly legend and myth. He had no idea what the man would do in a tactical situation. There were some assumptions that could be made, however.

  "I think he charged in guns blazing and lost," Thaddeus said. "Our hostage rescue just got a lot more complicated."

  "That's what Sledge said," Penny said.

  "Nothing's worse than overconfidence and complete lack of teamwork. I mean, maybe there is something. Like trying to complete an operation with a vindictive ex-wife and a big meathead who's too afraid to stand up to her."

  "Hey, I resemble that remark," Sledge said.

  "You don't have to berate us with your sarcasm. The four of us can team up to take down this White Skull character and decide what to do with Ruby when we’re done. Even though there is really only one choice," Penny said. "Take the lead. This is your thing. I'm just the one who actually understands the law and has common sense enough to make good decisions in the real world."

  "Yes, dear. You're the best. Now listen up, this is what we’re going to do," Thaddeus said.

  * * *

  They landed their ships on the backside of Raven's Haven, away from the cameras and scientific measuring instruments. He doubted White Skull knew how to use them, but suspected he could compel Amanda and the others to do at least some of his dirty work.

  Cornelius Vandersun had done one thing for them, and that was to confirm what Thaddeus suspected about White Skull's plans. The man had an unhealthy obsession with Raven's Haven and the woman who ran it. The problem now was the thorny hostage situation. If he had his way and no bystanders to worry about, he would soften his target with some artillery or heavy weapons fire, then swarm the place with two squads of his best soldiers.

  He didn't have any of that. Penny and Sledge were tough and highly skilled, but that didn't make up for a lack of specific training and team-building. Mast had virtually no tactical skill, despite his sincere efforts to learn to shoot the blaster.

  He led them into the town, moving from building to building and looking for traps every step of the way. They took up a position across from the science center, then studied the missing front door. For a moment, if felt like the good parts of his last military deployment; the shared camaraderie of quietly unpacking gear and making final preparations.

  Penny slid her sniper rifle from its case, then lay prone to aim it at the missing front door. “I need to check my range. That means laser and radar readings. Will that reveal our position?”

  Thaddeus pulled binoculars from his pack and studied the building. “I don’t think our adversary has that kind of tech in place. Someone has, or had, breaching charges. I’m guessing Grandfather already went in with his team. We can probably just wait for him to
bring Ruby out, then snatch White Skull. Unless he’s wrapped him up with a gift bow as well.”

  “I’m not seeing enough movement for a team engagement. Did that old fool go in there alone?” Penny asked. Her head never moved from behind the scope. “Let me check thermals… Yeah, there’s a dead Unglok in there.”

  “We should go now,” Sledge said. “While the door is still open. A place like this has to have maintenance bots capable of replacing a door fairly quick.”

  Thad swept his binoculars up and down the street in night vision mode as he massaged his knee with his free hand. Mast stood back a few steps, silent and ready it seemed.

  “Let’s think this through,” Thad said. “White Skull kidnapped Ruby for the bounty he assumes one of the Vandersuns or the marshals will pay for her. How does it change his plan if Cornelius is in there dead or injured?”

  “The bounty is still good. The marshals have a very respectable bounty out on her, but her mother is the one putting up the real money. Cornelius never pays for this type of thing. People do it so they can get access to parts of the galaxy no one else can travel to,” Penny said. “Nothing new in my scope.”

  “I think he will try to take both Ruby and Cornelius, probably Amanda Preston as well. He’ll have his hands full,” Thad said.

  “Who the hell is Amanda Preston?” Penny asked.

  “Long story. The short version is that White Skull killed his brother over her.” Thad crawled backward into the shadows and stood up. “I don’t see any reason to make an assault. He has to leave before too much longer. We’ll take him then.”

  “Do you want a sniper-initiated assault?” Penny asked.

  “If he is going to shoot someone, then take him out,” Thad said. “I doubt we will see him until he’s on the move. It’ll be fast and I’m guessing he will try to make it complicated. Cover himself and his hostages in a blanket or something.”

  “Great,” Penny said.

  “What is that smell?” Sledge asked.

  Thad searched with his binoculars until he saw Maximus strolling down the middle of the street. “Stupid dog.”

  “Dog?” Penny asked. “I thought it was a pig.”

  “Yes and yes,” Thad said. He whistled softly. Maximus altered direction and headed straight for him.

  “Maximus will give away our position,” Sledge said. “Can you make him go downwind of us? What are you feeding that thing?”

  “I have an idea,” Thad said.

  Maximus padded forward, bobbing his head side to side and smiling like a dog ready for a treat. Thad scratched behind his ears.

  The animal was intelligent, probably much more than he knew, but he doubted he could explain what he wanted. He turned to Mast. “Can you find a way around these buildings and get to the back of the science building without being seen?”

  “Yes. That can be done,” Mast said.

  “Good,” Thad said. “Take Maximus to their trash-bins then throw this in.” He handed his deputy a sealed plastic bag of hamhock parts.

  “This seems perverse,” Mast said.

  “He’ll eat anything. Pierre gave this to me to lure him out of the kitchen,” Thad said. He squatted close to Maximus. “Go with Mast and make a lot of noise when he tells you to.” He feigned a short pause, then "remembered" something important. "The back door is actually on the northwest corner of the building."

  "Are you sure? I thought…"

  "Yes, Mast, I'm sure. Use the gap between the science building and the building north of it," Thaddeus said.

  Eyeing him skeptically, Mast checked his holster for his weapon, grunted in relief, then led the animal into the night.

  Sledge crossed his arms. “Do you really think White Skull is going to come out the back to check the trash?”

  Thad didn’t answer. All he needed was Penny and Sledge second-guessing him. He fished in his coat pocket for the rest of Maximus’s nasty treats. The bag felt warm and squishy despite having been there for hours.

  “He’s just trying to get his deputy out of the way. Jotham has no tactical skill and this is going to get messy,” Penny said.

  “Smart,” Sledge said. “Sort of.”

  “Neither of you know what you’re talking about,” Thad said. “Cover me.”

  He crept down the street to a dangerous position. If he stepped out of the shadows for even a second, he would be spotted by anyone inside the science building. Nothing about his plan would work if the door hadn't already been blown off the hinges, providing a wide-open view of the street for anyone inside.

  He tried not to move. Minutes felt like hours, forcing him to use every trick in his book to maintain concealment.

  A pair of shadows passed between the buildings just north of the science building. Hoping it was Mast and Maximus, he fished out the meat scraps and opened the package. At first, the smell was reminiscent of grilling meat and fat, but soon took on the aroma of Pierre's pungent spices. Hours of marinating in its own grease didn't make the concoction any more appealing. He wrinkled his nose and dumped the contents of the bag near his feet.

  Maximus whined pitifully, then burst from cover. He shot across the street snorting and making all manner of noises. At one point, the large animal howled with excitement. The speed of the pig-dog-thing was more than Thad had expected, but he adjusted his plan.

  "Get back there and stay out of sight!" Thaddeus hissed between his teeth. He made ineffectual shooing motions with his hands, remaining in darkness but making a huge scene for anybody who was paying close attention or had thermal imagery. Moving forward of the meat scraps, he blocked Maximus from entering his hiding place.

  The large animal twisted in circles and jumped up and down. He snorted and howled like he was losing his mind, but at one point, rolled his eyes and almost seemed bored.

  "You know what I'm trying to do, don't you!" Thad hissed. "Good dog…I think."

  Maximus cavorted in circles and jumped up and down. Thaddeus stepped out of the shadow and tried to drag the animal into his hiding place, but made sure he failed. He retreated and tucked against the wall.

  Someone in the science building laughed. The sound had the warbling melody of rage and insanity undercutting the humor. White Skull stepped into the doorway with a blaster rifle pushed to his shoulder and opened fire on Thad's position.

  Thad threw himself on top of Maximus and pressed the animal to the ground. When he looked up at the doorway to the science building, he saw White Skull using the doorjamb for cover…making any return fire Thaddeus might attempt difficult even if he were a trained sniper.

  Maximus trembled with fear. Thaddeus held him down as hell exploded all around them.

  White Skull fell out of the doorway and laid motionless—facedown with one arm awkwardly twisted under him.

  Sledge sprinted forward and slapped quick restraints on the man's wrists and ankles, even though he wasn't moving. A few seconds later, Penny came running with her sniper weapon at port-arms. There was no way to run with the big thing and maintain a tactical assault stance. She was just moving to her partner's side as best she could. Had she been part of a full team, she would be watching through her scope and communicating with the team leader via comms.

  Thad climbed to his feet and fell immediately when he put weight on his knee. Maximus licked him all over his face.

  "Damn that hurts!" Thad said.

  Maximus looked confused and hurt.

  "Not you." He winced as fire slowly receded from his leg. "I twisted my knee again."

  Maximus bounced on his front feet several times and moved in for more lovin’.

  By the time Thaddeus stood and hobbled to the science building, he was thoroughly slimed.

  White Skull was dead despite Thad's halfhearted hope that Penny might have incapacitated him instead of putting him down with a headshot. Much of Stacy "White Skull" Rings’s head was gone. Thaddeus felt he should have been the one to take the murderer out.

  He looked at Penny.

She nodded with an emotionless expression he had seen after other battles. He stepped close enough to pat her once on the shoulder as he would do any other soldier after a completed mission. She didn't respond to the gesture.

  Sledge was already checking the hostages and giving aid to those who needed it. He carried a surprisingly complete medical pack in his gear. Among the first victims he treated were P. C. Dickles and Ryan Gulliver.

  Ruby might've run away at that point, but she stood by an old man and watched Thaddeus. She smiled once, an expression that was both sad and happy. Maybe a bit amused.

  He approached the girl. "So now what?"

  "I told Sledge I would believe my grandfather sent him when my grandfather said it to my face. Well, now I believe the big ox," Ruby said.

  "Are you leaving Darklanding?"

  Cornelius "Grandfather" Vandersun, holding a cold pack to one eye, interrupted. "Sooner than you might think, Sheriff."

  A bright red shuttle with a white stripe curling down the side of its fuselage swooped in and landed dangerously close. The ramp dropped.

  Penny tensed. Thaddeus waited for her to rush forward and tackle Ruby, but the woman and the girl merely stared at each other for several seconds. Penny turned away to check the welfare of P. C. Dickles and other miners emerging one by one from nearby buildings.

  No one else moved.

  "This won't take me all day, girl," Penny said without turning around.

  Ruby grabbed her grandfather's hand and rushed up the shuttle’s ramp. It took off seconds later.

  Thaddeus approached Penny. "Why did you let her go?"

  "I didn't let her go, Thaddeus. Don't be an idiot," Penny said.

  Sledge joined Thad and Penny where they stood watching the rest of Raven's Haven come to life. "I told you I was working for Grandfather Vandersun. Why can't you just admit I was right for once? I'm sure Thaddeus has the same question."

  "That harmless grandfather you're both in love with had his ship send a message to my earpiece. If I didn't let Ruby go, he was going to withhold all travel between galaxies from all humans."


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