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Aeon Captive

Page 5

by Amelia Wilson

  She took the tube and tasted it. “Wow,” she said, taking a more eager bite. Gar watched her with a smile.

  “Not bad, is it?” he asked.

  She looked to him. “No, not bad at all.”

  The morning wore on and Gar spent some time turning the radio on.

  “The batteries will last some time,” Gar said. “But we should still be conservative with it. When they come for us, we’ll have to be able to alert them to our location.”

  “How close will they have to be for us to pick them up?” Sarah asked.

  “Near the world.”

  “Not on it?”

  “Not quite, no,” Gar said. “I expect them to arrive in a week.”

  “A week! We have to spend a week here?”

  “At least the company is good,” Gar cracked, and the different species both smiled at one another.

  “That’s true,” Sarah said.

  “Now, if you’ll excuse me,” Gar said, and he struggled to stand, having to stoop in the tent, his shoulders brushing against the roof. “Nature calls.”

  He was gone for some minutes, and Sarah spent the time finishing her food. When he returned it was her turn, and she helped him sit and then stepped out of the tent.

  “Don’t go too far,” Gar warned her, and she nodded. She left the tent and turned towards the river, moving back towards it. Knowing something was in that glowed now, she spent some time on the bank, still under the trees, and she could pick out the blue fish, darting this way and that, not always going in the same direction as the swiftly moving water.

  She stepped away from the water and found a spot to relieve herself, hurrying back to the tent when she was done.

  “Did you see anything last night?” she asked Gar as she stepped in and fastened the tent behind her, leaving the top open again.

  “Two ships went by overhead. They’re still out there.”

  The news filled Sarah with a cold dread. “So I guess we just wait?”


  They sat in silence for some time.

  “The Aeon’s, they killed my family. My wife. My sons.”

  Gar was speaking, and Sarah looked to him, unsure of what to say. He had just opened up to her without being asked. She was sure he was feeling the same way she was: comfortable and yearning for more connection. She liked him, and he liked her, and they had been thrust into a distressing situation together, and they would only get out of it by trusting one another.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Sarah said finally.

  “I would do anything to avenge them,” Gar said. “I know you don’t have a reason to fight them. I understand that you’ve just been brought into it all, but I wanted you to know why I fight, and why it’s worth fighting.”

  “I will fight,” Sarah said, and the alien looked to her. “For you.” she added.

  She moved forward then, on her knees, coming to the alien. He turned to face her, and then their hands were on one another. She touched him on his strong chest, feeling the pectoral muscles beneath his shirt. He touched her face, his strong fingers framing her cheeks. She leaned towards him and pressed her lips to his. Their eyes closed and their lips parted, their tongues dancing together.

  When she broke away they looked at each other for a moment, and then Sarah reached down and pulled her shirt up and off. She had no bra, and her breasts were plump and round in the hot forest air, her rosebud nipples red and hard, and Gar bent his head to press his lips to one nipple, the tip of his tongue flicking back and forth slowly over the hard nub.

  Sarah leaned her head back and moaned softly as the alien grabbed her other breasts softly, rolling the niple there between his thumb and forefinger.

  Gar shift then, lifting himself onto his knees, pulling his mouth from her breasts, sliding his arms around her and pulling her close so her naked breasts pressed against his shirt and they kissed again. The alien arched his hips forward so she could feel his stiffening manhood beneath his pants.

  Sarah reached down between them and took him in her hand, gripping him through his pants, smiling against his lips as she felt him thicken and harden completely beneath her fingers.

  He was gentle and slow, in a way Henry had not been. They kissed and touched, stroking and pinching and nibbling. He played with her breasts, more than a handful for even his large hands, her soft skin spilling out from around his fingers. She unbuttoned his fly and got his hard member out, gripping him and jerking him tenderly. Her pant came down, enough so that he could get a hand on her mound, wet and slick and hot, yearning for his touch, for his mouth, for his cock.

  He lay her back, giving her one of those things, positioning his head between her thighs and letting his alien tongue slide up and down her slit, lapping up her womanly juices. Sarah closed her eyes and groaned, reaching down to grab handfuls of Gar’s long hair.

  The alien was tender and caring, licking her slit up and down while he reached up and gripped both of her breasts, once more rolling her nipples softly between his fingers.

  His tongue found her clit and she groaned and bucked her hips downward, pushing herself against Gar’s face. He grinned against her womanhood and licked her clit, flicking the small pleasure button back and forth with his tongue.

  As he ate the Earth girl out he kicked his pants off, and when he could stand it no longer he pulled his head from her, the bottom of his face shining in the light, slick with her juices, and he positioned his hips between her legs. She looked down, so how absolutely massive his cock was, and a bit of fear came over her.

  “Are you alright?” he breathed, holding himself in his hand, the bulbous head of his member pressing against her yeanring slit.

  “You’re so big,” she said.

  “I’ll go slowly,” he said, and he waited for her to nod to continue. He pushed his hips forward, slipping his throbbing member inside her, slowly, an inch at a time. Sarah sucked in breath, holding it until he was fully inside of her, his balls pressing against her ass, his pelvis tight against hers. He hurt, but it wasn’t without pleasure, and as he pulled out and pushed back in he felt better and better and the pain died away.

  He bucked atop her slowly, and she could feel every inch of his cock pressing against her tight walls. He lowered himself atop of her, holding himself just up with his hands, his chest hairy and sliding pleasurably against her sensitive nipples. They kissed, their tongues swirling as one and it was in record time that Sarah felt herself nearing climax, and she dug her nails into Gar’s back as she came, bucking her hips against his as an orgasm ripped through her, sending waves of pleasure from her loins and out to the pit of her stomach.

  “Fuck,” she groaned, and Gar smiled as he lift off of her, onto his knees. She was done, and now the alien could hold himself back no longer, and he grabbed her thighs and spread her legs further apart and watched his own cock as it slid in and out of her, the pace building, a frothy white cream made from their shared juices on his cock and her swollen lips as he penetrated her. His balls slapped audibly against her ass cheeks, and then he was coming, his massive cock jumping inside of her as he sprayed strand after strand of semen deep into her womb.

  “Wow,” Sarah said, and Gar smiled.

  “Wow,” he agreed.

  Chapter Eight

  Gar and Sarah spent the rest of the overly hot day in each other’s arms. They got dressed of course, in case they had to make a run for it, but neither one of them kept watch. Instead they lay together and talked. Sarah told the alien all about her life on Earth, and he told her of many wondrous things that could be found on his planet.

  They were talking about various animals that could be found on either planet when gar held his hand up.

  “Hand on a moment,” he said.

  “What is it?” Sarah asked, sitting up quickly. Gar did as well, biting back a groan of pain, for he was still in bad shape, despite being strong enough for sex. He reached for the rifle and peered out through the open section of flap.

“Listen,” Gar said, and Sarah craned her neck.

  “I don’t hear anything,” she said.

  “Exactly,” Gar said, and Sarah realized what he meant. The constant din of the birds and bugs or whatever they were, for Sarah had still seen no animals beyond the fish in the river, had stopped. Nothing was making a sound.

  “Is it them?” she whispered.

  He nodded as he aimed the rifle through the open slot in the tent flap.

  “What do we do?”

  “We fight,” he said. “And we get ready to run.”

  “Can they make us stop?” Sarah asked.

  “No, they can only influence us. Be strong of will, and it will not matter what they put into our heads,” Gar said.

  “Okay,” Sarah said, and she was up on her haunches, preparing to run.

  “If we have to run go for the river, get across it.”

  “What if we get separated?” she asked.

  “I will find you,” Gar said, taking a moment to touch the woman’s hand. She smiled at him, though she couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that she had just had sex with her second alien life form. If Henry had influenced her to do so with his mind, what was her excuse with Gar? Sarah wasn’t the kind of woman who slept with a guy until they had been on at least ten dates, and here she was letting a being from another world fuck her within two days of knowing him. And why? Because his story made her sad and feel bad for him? No of course not, that wasn’t it at all. She felt comfortable with him, felt as though he would do anything to protect her. She simply felt something for Gar, a thing she couldn’t place or name. He was just right. It had felt right to do what she did.

  “Do not lose your necklace,” Gar said. “If they find you with it, they will take you again. If they find you without it, they will kill you, do not doubt this.”

  The alien’s words sent fear shooting throughout her body, but Sara tucked it down inside herself and nodded.

  “Got it,” she said.

  “There,” Gar whispered, and she looked past his shoulder and to the trees beyond the tent.

  Two Aeon’s were there, and Sarah found herself relieved that one of them was not Henry, though they did look remarkably similar. Aeon’s were much harder to tell apart than Gar’s species.

  The blue skinned aliens both held what appeared to be guns, but they were sleek and futuristic and unlike anything Sarah had ever seen before. She slapped a hand to her forehead then, for she felt something, like someone poking around in her brain.

  “They know we’re here,” she said.

  “Yes,” Gar said. “They do”

  And then, without warning, he unzipped the tent and fired. The rifle he held was very similar to a rifle from earth. The long barrell erupted at the end with a spout of flame, and a metal slug flew forward and slammed into the chest of one of the blue aliens. The alien cried out and fell back, his finger pulling the trigger of his gun and yellow lasers erupted forth and into the sky. The differences in weaponry was a testament to what Gar had said. His people were not fighters. The Aeon’s had clearly developed high tech weaponry.

  The un-hit alien turned towards the tent and fired, causing Gar to lay back and pull Sarah down to the ground as well. Then he was pushing her up and forward,out of the tent.

  “Go!” he said, and she took off, turning and running back around the tent and towards the river.

  Gar took up his position again and fired, this shot going wide of the remaining alien, for his friend was writhing on the ground, a large hole in his chest, and he would be dead within minutes.

  The Aeon returned fire, his plasma bolts cutting through the tent. Gar threw himself down and took aim once more, and this time his shot hit home, splattering half of the other alien’s head. He climbed labouriously to his feet and followed after Sarah, just as three other Aeon’s came rushing to the sound of the gunfight. Their plasma shots chased Gar into the trees.

  Sarah was at the river and she didn’t hesitate as she reached the sandy shore. She jumped forward, her body slapping into the shockingly cold water, her head ducking under for a moment as the swift current took her and moved her down at a quick pace. She fought against the river, trying to make her way to the far shore, her body being dashed against rocks which jut up from the bed of the river painfully.

  With an immense effort and no short supply of determination, Sarah made it to the other side of the river. She held onto an exposed root there, sticking out of the sandy shore.

  She didn’t have the energy to lift herself out of the cold water, at least not right away, so she laid there, letting the current sway her back and forth, holding onto the branch. Finally, when she thought she could, the Earthling began to pull and slowly she came out of the water.

  She lay panting and wet on the river bank, lying on her back and staring up at the green trees above her.


  She had to find him. She forced herself into a sitting position, and from there rocked up onto her feet. She started back towards the way she had come, following the river. Nothing looked familiar, and she began to worry that she had gone much further than she had thought, and even if she hadn’t, of course nothing looked familiar, she was in an overgrown forest on an alien world that she didn’t even know the name of. Hell, the planet might not even be named.

  Gar. It was all she could think of, his name going through her head over and over. Gar. Gar. Gar. She needed him. She couldn’t be alone on this planet, she couldn’t survive without him.

  Then: a sound. A deep… what exactly? A growl? Yes, that was exactly what it sounded like. A growl.

  Sarah looked all around her, but all she could see were the strange trees and plants. The growl persisted, and the woman backed slowly up. Off to her left a bush was rustling softly. Was it the breeze, or…?

  Without warning something leapt at her from the bush. She just had time to see it before she turned and ran, but her brain had a hard time processing it. It had looked similar to an Earth animal, perhaps a panther, it looked almost cat like and it had been dark, nearly black, but there had been something wrong with it, wrong when comparing it to a jungle cat from her world at least. But what had been wrong? She couldn’t quite tell.

  She ran without knowing where she was going, branches snagging on her clothes and slapping at her skin. She could hear her pursuer, hot on her heels.

  There was a snarl and some sort of instinct took over, one Sarah didn’t even know she had, and she threw herself down to the ground and to the left, and the thing that was chasing her flew over her head, having leapt. She watched as it landed awkwardly upon its feet and slid on the forest floor.

  Six legs. That’s what was wrong with the thing, it had six legs! It did resemble a panther, it’s body covered in short coarse almost black fur. It’s head was low and flat and the thing had no ears she could see. It had four eyes, yellow with black slits, and when it opened it’s wide mouth she saw three rows of sharp teeth, almost like a shark but all of them standing up without a row lying down.

  The thing growled, and it came for her again. The Earth girl scrambled up and turned and ran for it,pushing her way through a thick stand of thorny bushes, hoping it would keep her safe, ignoring the cuts that formed upon her arms, the heavy pants she had gotten from Gar doing well to protect her legs.

  She knelt down among the thorns and turned, not able to keep a smile from spreading across her lips as she saw that the animal had not, could not follow her in. It paced back and forth in front of the thorny bushes, but it didn’t dare go further, and Sarah had a momentary panic as she wondered if the plants were poisonous and maybe that was why the beast didn’t dare cut itself, but she pushed the dark thought from her brain, for she had enough to worry about without adding to it.

  Gar. She had to find him. She hoped he was okay. She had heard the guns firing, both his and the Aeon’s more high tech weapons, and then she had been at the river and had jumped in, and the rushing water had kept her from hearing more. For all she k
new, the alien she had made love to just hours previously could be dead.

  That idea filled her heart with an icy dread, and she tried to push that memory away too. She filled her time with simply sitting and waiting for the beast to get tired of her and leave, but that took a long time. The dark six legged animal seemed perfectly content with pacing back and forth in front of her, and when that actually did get boring the beast began to circle the bushes entirely, making a slow lap around its prey.

  Sarah didn’t like the idea of being prey. That was not something most people ever had to worry about. Humans weren’t hunted and slaughtered, it just wasn't natural. Of course, what was natural about being marooned on a planet you have never heard of, with an alien protecting you from other aliens, and an alien animal licking its chops at the thought of slicing you open and feasting on your innards?

  Sarah sighed and closed her eyes, a sudden weariness settling over her. She felt safe enough within the bushes, and she slowly drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Nine

  Gar’s body wasn’t much more than pain. His vision was blurry with thick black spots at the edge, pulsing and threatening to overtake all of his vision.

  He had been hit by Aeon fire, that much he remembered. He had been right at the edge of the river when the laser tagged him in the back of his right leg and he had gone falling, trailing a line of smoke from his wound. His heavy body had struck the surface of the water and he had been submerged into the cold, taking a deep mouthful of water and swallowing it so his lung (Gar had only one, like the rest of his species) burned in protest.

  He was swept along under water, able to hold his breath for up to twenty minutes for that one lung was very, very large. He fought the urge to kick to the surface for fear that an Aeon would be waiting for him, and he allowed himself to be carried by the current some miles from the spot where he had gone in.


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