What Lies Beneath the Mask
Page 9
“What happened?” He asked softly.
“I was making changes to Merry’s costume in the main room when the alarm went off. I didn’t know anything else until the fire crew came out and told us it started in the studio.” I gulped nervously.
“How bad is it?” I almost didn’t want the answer, but I needed to know.
“I don’t know.” Hayley wailed and I looked around for something to fixate on.
“Are any of those fire fighters fit?” I asked suddenly, causing Jack’s eyes to darken with jealousy. I winked at him and he relaxed a bit.
“There was one, just my type.” She smiled a little through her tears and it was David’s turn to look jealous.
“Did you ask him for his number?” She giggled.
“Nope.” I plastered a look of fake shock on my face.
“Why ever not?”
“Please. Two men in my life would be far too much effort.” Next to me, poor David didn’t look like he knew whether to take that as a compliment or not. Knowing Hayley, I assumed she was playing down what he meant to her. Jack touched my shoulder gently.
“I’ll go find out what the damage is.” I smiled at him weakly and went back to comforting Hayley.
“Just think, if we get an insurance pay out we can make even more awesome stuff!” She laughed a little at that and I hoped that nothing too vital had been damaged. Looking around to see where Jack had gone, I noticed him talking to John and one of the fire fighters, but before I could do anything about it, Merry decided to come over.
“This came for you.” She handed me a note like the others I’d received and I frowned.
“Where did you get this from?” She shrugged.
“I found it.” Something niggled in my brain, I didn’t like the fact that more than one note was linked to Merry. I already suspected that Toby was behind the letters, but he also seemed to know a lot of inside information about the show, could Merry be working with him? I dismissed the notion. What would either of them gain by sending me notes that just freaked me out a little bit? Turning it over slowly, I read the words and my blood ran cold; You shouldn’t lie to me Belle. I looked up again to ask her where she’d found it again but she’d already left.
“What’s that?” David asked curiously. I stuffed the note into my pocket and smiled at him.
“Just a joke some of the cast are doing. They thought it would cheer Hayley up a bit.” I felt Hayley frown against me as I held her, but she didn’t say anything. We hadn’t told anyone, even Jack, about the notes and she clearly wanted to keep it that way almost as much as I did.
“Not something you want to share?” I laughed.
“You’d share it with the world David.”
“Well we do have to give the viewers something to sink their teeth into.”
“Hayley’s costumes not enough?” I quipped.
“Not unless she starts sending people on stage in their underwear.” He threw back.
“Merry would probably love that.”.
“She’s something else, isn’t she?” He asked, more seriously this time.
“You noticed that?”
“How could anyone not! It’s like Prima Donna was written for her.” I snorted, it’s not like I hadn’t already had the thought myself.
“Hate to interrupt, but I have answers.” Jack put his hand on my shoulder before remembering that we were surrounded by other members of the cast and crew. Even so I missed his touch.
“What’s the damage?” Hayley perked up and sat back causing me to fall over and end up sitting beside her. Jack sank down to join us at our level.
“Not much. There’s a couple of burnt costumes, and some of your sketches, but the fire hadn’t been burning long when they got there. The only potential issue could be smoke damage, but we’ll know more about that when they let us back in.” I sighed with relief, it could have been so much worse.
“Which costumes?” Hayley asked anxiously.
“I’m sorry Hayley I don’t know anymore.”
“Which costumes were in there?” I asked quietly.
“Most of Merry’s, some of Lissy’s and one of Jack’s.” She listed looking a little spaced out as she thought about it.
“Ah.” She shrugged.
“Some of them might be okay.” She sounded dejected and I knew there was very little we could do right now.
“Come on, let’s get you home. We can order pizza and watch Pitch Perfect.”
“Okay.” She pushed to her feet. “Are you guys joining us?”
“Sure. I’ve got to drive Belle back anyway.” Jack said while David just nodded.
“You arrived together?!” Shock showed on Hayley’s face. I sighed.
“Yes. We were together when you called.”
“At home?”
“Yes at home.” I had to wonder where she was going with this.
“Hope I didn’t interrupt anything.” I glared at her as she winked, but was secretly glad that she was seeming more like herself by the minute.
“We were having a picnic I’ll have you know.” I responded indignantly.
“In December?”
“Yes in December. Now are we going or not? It’s cold and I didn’t eat much earlier.”
Chapter 33
Our apartment was a disaster zone; clothes, make up and shoes were everywhere, not to mention the cocktail making supplies in the kitchen. It was New Year’s Eve and the whole cast and crew of Phantom were going out for the night. Luckily everything had run smoothly for us since the day of the fire and tonight was a time when we could all let our hair down and have a good time.
“Why did they have to theme it!” Hayley whined while pulling on her dress. Our bedroom doors were open so we could talk easily while getting ready.
“You love themes!” I replied, trying to choose between the two dresses I’d found that fit the 1920s theme someone in the troupe had picked, and the rest of us had to go along with.
“Correction; I love themes when I have time to create something for them. I hate themes when some of the most important costumes in the show get ruined and I have to recreate them.” I couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for Hayley. She’d worked so hard on creating the perfect costumes, and since most of Merry’s were destroyed in the fire, she now had to recreate them. Even worse was that some of the patterns she’d designed for them had also burned, and while she was, without a doubt, a magician when it came to sewing and creating clothes, even Hayley had her limits. I had to remember to take a picture tonight to keep as proof that Hayley McCarthy once wore a pre-made dress.
“It’s a little bit of fun Hayls! Besides everyone will have a bit too much to drink and no one will care what you’re wearing.” I attempted to reassure her while settling on the silver flappers dress for myself. I pulled it over my head and glanced in the mirror. The dress was nowhere near as nice as any Hayley had made for me in the past, but it looked good on me, and like I said to Hayley, we’d all drink that little bit too much and not care after a while. I brushed my hair back into a bun low on my neck and secured it, I hated wigs so this was the closest I was going to get to true flapper style hair, fastening the matching headband, complete with feather, around my head. Basic make up and I was happy with how I looked, so ventured out into our living room to pick up discarded clothing in an attempt to tidy up before the guys arrived. Hayley came out of her room to join me wearing a bright red flapper dress, a colour I’d never be able to get away with considering my hair, and a beaded headband. Unsurprisingly she looked gorgeous, even if she wasn’t in one of her creations.
“Alright, I don’t look too bad.”
“You look great and you know it!” I passed her a pile of her clothes and she tossed them lazily into her room, I flashed her a look of admonishment.
“What? I’m not coming back here tonight.”
“You’re not?”
“Nope. I’m going to Dave’s; his roommate is away. So, if you and Jack want to…”
nbsp; “No.” I cut her off. “Not yet.”
“Alright then, I won’t mention it to him.” I smiled my thanks before moving to the kitchen.
“Mojito or daiquiri?” I asked her while squeezing a wedge of lime into my glass.
“Surprise me!” Well that was an invitation to be lazy if I’d ever heard one, so I started making her a mojito as well. I shredded the mint and dumped some brown sugar into the bottom of the glasses before adding the rum and lemonade. There’s something to be said for simple cocktails. “Jack’s here!” She called and I took the opportunity to quickly knock up two more drinks for the guys.
“Okay.” I called back, assuming that Hayley would let him in. The two of them breezed into the kitchen moments later and Hayley grabbed her drink, along with David’s, off the side and left the two of us alone. I looked Jack up and down taking in his gangster costume; a dark black suit with a crisp white shirt, braces and a tie, along with the required trilby. His blonde hair was slicked back and there was a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “You’re far too clean cut to pull of the gangster look.” I giggled.
“Well you’re far too well behaved to be a flapper.” He teased back and pulled me to him with his hands settled on my hips. “You look beautiful Annabelle.” His eyes took on a serious look and he lent down to kiss me.
“Thank you,” I whispered against his lips as we move apart.
“I love you.” He whispered back and my breathing hitched. We stood there just looking at each other as what he’d said sunk in. We both already knew it, but this was the first time he’d actually said it to me and it had sort of just slipped out. I opened my mouth to respond and try and tell him that I loved him too but the words seemed to get lodged in my throat. He stroked my cheek gently when he noticed my distress. “It’s okay you don’t have to say it back.” He reassured me.
“I want to Jack, but the words just stuck,” I sounded like a horrible person, even to myself.
“I know. Don’t worry about it.” But it was too late, I was worried about it. Especially having seen the look in his eyes. My own started to water and I had to glance away, but I didn’t want him thinking I didn’t care.
“Jack…” I started weakly, “I feel the same, I really do, but I’m just struggling with the words. The last time I said them…” I trailed off not wanting to continue.
“The last time you said them?” I shook my head and he looked dejected. “It’s okay, I know how you feel, but you’re just not ready to say that and I need to respect that.” Well this night was off to a great start.
“Jack I’m sorry.” The tears were getting ready to flow and it was all I could do to stop myself from sobbing.
“There’s no need to be sorry I understand.” I frowned, unhappy with how this conversation was going. I broke away from him and moved to the other side of the counter, busying myself by pretending to prepare fruit for cocktails. “Annabelle…” There was pain in his voice and I hated that I’d put it there. I sniffed and rubbed my arm past my eyes; thankfully I’d used waterproof makeup.
“I’m so sorry Jack.” I said weakly.
“I know.”
“No. You don’t.” I half yelled. “It’s torture, knowing that I love you but not being able to tell you.” Both of us stopped and stared at each other; I’d actually said it! I could see the joy inside me mirrored in Jack’s eyes.
“Say it again?” He asked quietly. I gulped and readied myself.
“I love you Jack.” He moved around the counter and pulled me into his arms, any tension from before disappearing and I beamed. “I love you.” I said again, revelling in the fact I’d finally been able to tell him. He laughed.
“I love you too.” And then he kissed me gently and I felt like the most loved person in the world.
Chapter 34
The lights were flashing different colours in a strobe effect, revealing just how packed the club was; not that I’d expected any different. It was New Year after all. The music pounded through me, a mix of old school cheesy songs and the newest chart hits and I knew that my ears would suffer tomorrow. Not that I cared; I was on cloud nine from a mixture of elation over my earlier admission to Jack, and the drinks that were humming through my blood. I was officially what would be called a lightweight, and even the few cocktails I’d had were affecting me. I was dancing with Hayley, while David and Jack were close by but not dancing with us and I didn’t like it, but neither of us had drunk enough to forget that our relationship was a secret.
“10 minutes to the new year!” The DJ shouted out over the bodies pressed against each other. Jack and David disappeared but when I looked at Hayley quizzically she just shrugged as we continued to dance. A few minutes later a cup was pressed into my hand and Jack’s voice came in my ear.
“For midnight.” I turned to face him and mouthed my thanks, secretly hoping that he wouldn’t move away. I could see other members of the cast and crew around us, though Merry was nowhere to be seen, probably off somewhere with her latest male victim. I briefly glanced at Hayley and noticed her dancing against David, guess that left Jack to me.
“One minute to go!” The DJ announced, “are you all ready to ring in the new year!” A scream came from the crowd in the club, cheering on the DJ’s announcement. Jack and I were dancing face to face and I was smiling.
“Are you ready for the countdown!” Another scream from the crowd as they joined in the countdown.
“TEN! NINE! EIGHT!” I found myself joining in along with everyone else, “SEVEN! SIX! FIVE! FOUR! THREE! TWO!” The club around me faded and all I could see was Jack’s face in front of me and I wondered if we’d share the traditional new year’s kiss. “ONE! HAPPY NEW YEAR!” I stepped forward at the same moment Jack did. He lent down towards me, though not as far as normal because of my heels, and our lips touched, our glasses falling to the floor and adding to the normal stickiness that coated dancefloors the world over. Our kiss consumed everything and I wouldn’t have been able to tell anyone where we were, who we were with or even what was playing. We broke apart and looked into each other’s eyes, both of us beaming like idiots. A flash came and interrupted our moment, turning slightly I saw Merry standing there with a camera and a malicious look in her eyes. I smiled at her sweetly before grabbing Jack’s hand and pulling him towards the smoking area. Neither of us actually smoked, but the cool air and quieter atmosphere were a welcome relief after the noise and heat of the club. I shivered slightly and Jack wrapped his arms around me pulling me close so my back was to his chest.
“Guess we’re not a secret anymore!” I said smiling. I don’t think I’d realised how relieved I would feel at not having to hide our relationship anymore.
“Does that mean I can tell everyone how amazing I think you are.” I giggled, the tipsiness I felt allowing me to accept the compliment more easily than normal.
“Does this mean I can give other girls the evils when they get too close to you.”
“Annabelle Phillips! Are you telling me you get jealous?” He asked with exaggerated shock. I giggled again.
“All the time.” I admitted, only half joking.
“Back at you.” He said with a grin. I spun in his arms so that I was facing him again and leaned up to kiss him again.
“Oi! You two! Get a room.” Hayley’s voice cut through the relative quiet of the smoking area and I flashed her a smile. “We’re off, do you want to share a cab?” I gave Jack a questioning look and he shrugged.
“Yeah sure,” I decided for the two of us. She grabbed my hand and pulled me with her and David, Jack following along behind us. Club etiquette always seemed to insist on hand holding to not get lost from the people you’re with. Turns out it was necessary as the Club seemed to have got busier and we had to push through people dancing, queueing and making out just to get anywhere close to the exit. The night air welcomed us and we split up to look for a taxi; Hayley and David going down the street to the left, while we took the right.
“Look who it is!�
� I shivered and Jack pulled me close, recognising the voice at the same time I did.
“What are you doing here Toby?” He asked, his voice hardening compared his normal tone.
“Celebrating the new year, I’d have thought that was obvious.” He stalked up to us and Jack acted instantly putting me behind him. “Ah so you’re no longer pretending you’re not together. Interesting.”
“Our relationship is none of your business.” Jack glared at Toby.
“Well technically, we never actually broke up, did we Belle?” He put a lot of emphasis on my name, as if trying to make a point about Jack calling me something different. I let out an involuntary whimper from behind Jack. “Do you want to know what she did instead? She ran away.” Jack took a step towards Toby.
“If a girl runs away, and stays away for 3 years then that’s a good indication that things are over. Leave Annabelle alone.” Jack’s voice was steady and I placed a hand on one of his arms to reassure him I was okay. It was strange seeing the two of them squaring off; Toby with his dark curly hair and cold blue eyes teamed with his overly worked out body and Jack. He was the leaner of the two, with a body muscled from having an active job, and from the swimming I knew he did on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, his blond hair and the warm hazel eyes that always seemed to be checking I was okay.
“That’s where you’re wrong. Belle is mine, and will always be mine.” His face took on an evil leer and I shivered again. Jack took my hand in his still keeping him behind me. To my surprise it wasn’t Jack who reacted to Toby’s words, instead Hayley slapped him across the face causing a sharp cracking noise to fill the air around us.
“Leave her alone Toby. You’ve done enough.” She screeched before David caught up to her to hold her back. With both Jack and Hayley standing my ground I felt my courage growing and stepped out from behind Jack to stand between them.