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Thug Passion 4

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by Mz. Lady P





  Copyright 2014 by Mz. Lady P

  Published by Shan Presents

  Cover Art: Brittani Williams/TSPub Creative

  Editor: Deena Butler

  All rights reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales or, is entirely coincidental.

  No portion of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without writer permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


  I can't believe I've made it this far in such a short time. This is my seventh book that I've written and I'm so astonished at my growth. I'm so grateful for all of my success.

  I have to thank God first and foremost for all of his blessings. I ask that he continues to keep me covered in the blood.

  My handsome sons Larry and Latrell inspire me to be the very best that I can be. Everything that I do is for them. My dream is to give you guys a better life and a better future. The sky is the limit for us. I love the both of you beyond measure.

  My Mother Cornelia and my Father Moses raised me to follow my dreams and believe in myself. I've done just that. I love the both of you with all my heart and soul.

  I would like to thank my siblings for their continue support. Your opinions mean the world to me.

  I have to give a very special shot out to Tatiana Vaughn(Sister), Micha Vaughn(Sister), Talisa Willis (Cousin) and last but not least Ramona Williams(Cousin) Thank you ladies so much for listening to my ideas and my plots. Y'all listened to me until I got it together. Thank you guys so much for your love and support. Not only are we related, but you guys believe in me and support me wholeheartedly. Never been fake to me and for that I love you ladies from the bottom of my heart.

  I would like to thank my Publisher Shantoinette Richardson for all of her hard work. I appreciate all that you do for me and the other authors at ladies at Shan Presents. #SalutetotheFirstLady

  Team Bankroll is the Squad. I rep it to the fullest. Shot out to David Weaver he gives all of us authors the motivation to werk harder. He's a living testimony that if you dream big you'll live big. #SalutetotheBawss #TBRS

  To all my ladies at Shan Presents the best is yet to come for us. Let's keep bringing that heat for our readers. I'm so proud of each and every one of you. It's an honor to be a part of such a great movement. #TeamShanPresents

  I would like to dedicate this book to my Readers without you guys I'm nothing. Thank you for all of your continued support!!!!!


  Chapter One- Thug

  Fuck My Life

  As I was put into the back of the squad car, I watched as they also placed Tahari inside of the squad car that was next to me. We both just stared at each other through the glass. Tears were streaming from her eyes and I knew why. I couldn't worry about that right now. I had bigger shit on my plate to deal with.

  I watched as Sarge, Malik, and Dro pulled up and jumped out the car. The police immediately held them back from crossing the yellow tape. It hurt my heart as I observed my mother crying and hovering all over the nigga Quaadir as they put him in the back of the ambulance. I laid my head back and shed a tear.

  Not because I was going to jail, but because the two people I trusted with my life had been fucking with the enemy. Shit would never be the same after this.

  I had been sitting in the interrogation room for over six hours and I was ready to take my ass to County.

  "I hope you know. I have every intention on putting your ass away for the rest of your life!" The detective said as he slammed my head into the table.

  I swear they had been working my ass over since they got me in this room. The shit was funny as hell to me. I had this shit in the bag. I had been asking for my lawyer since I came into the room and they continued to question me. The fucked up thing about this was that they weren't really questioning me about me shooting that bitch ass nigga Quaadir. I was getting my ass whooped over Detective Grimes and Nico.

  I had offed them niggas so long ago I forgot about their asses. The detective that was interrogating me was Detective Grimes’ partner. That told me this nigga was gunning for me. Unfortunately for his bitch ass, he just signed his own Death Certificate.

  "Your wife had already told us that you and your crew killed them. Now, where the fuck are the bodies at?" At this time, he hit me so hard, I swear I felt my nose shift. I shook that shit off like the goon I was. I wished I wasn't handcuffed I would beat his motherfucking ass.

  "My nigga you're going to have to do better than saying my wife told y'all bitch ass anything." I laughed at his ass and spit blood on the floor. The door swung open and my lawyer and the police Sergeant came into the room.

  "Why is my client bleeding and why is he handcuffed to a table? I see a lawsuit against the Chicago Police Department. I strongly advise you to take off those cuffs." My lawyer Bill Gates played no fucking games. I'd paid a lot of money to retain him. This nigga was a beast in the courtroom. He had never lost a case and always came through for my team and me. I was about to enjoy watching him work.

  "Detective Jones, in my fucking office now!" the Sergeant yelled to the detective that I was previously alone in the room with. "Mr. Kenneth, I'm so sorry for all of this. Please let me know what we can do about this situation." They left the room and I was now alone with my lawyer.

  "Have you talked to Tahari yet?"

  "Yeah. She was just released. She told me to tell you she would be at court in the morning. You go before a judge in the morning for a bond hearing. I'm pretty sure you'll get a bond. Especially since the guy you shot had two guns in his hands when the police arrived on the scene." That shit was music to my ears because I definitely was not in the mood to be sitting in the County Jail behind this bitch ass nigga Quaadir.

  "Did I off that nigga?"

  "I talked to Peaches and he made it out of surgery." The sound of my mother's name made me sick to my stomach. I couldn't believe she was at the hospital with this nigga. I didn't give a fuck if that was her son or not. She never gave a fuck that I was carried out in handcuffs. Peaches and I had always been close. She totally disregarded me as her son. I didn't care how old you were or how much of a gangster a nigga was, his mother's love was everything to him. For Peaches to say fuck me; had me hurting like a little ass boy.

  "Going forward don't discuss my case with my mother or my wife."

  Bill looked at me like I was crazy, but he knew not to speak on it. I knew it seemed as if I was acting like a bitch, but I didn't give a fuck. My family was everything to me and it was going to be a minute before I got over their disloyalty.

  After discussing my case for about another hour, I was led to my cell. I laid on the bunk and all that I could think about was Tahari and my kids. I loved my wife with all of my heart, but I was not sure if I could get over her fucking my long, lost twin brother. She could deny it all she wanted, but I was not a motherfucking fool. I know she gave that nigga my pussy.

  Chapter Two-Tahari

  The Truth Shall Set You Free

  I was happy as hell when they released me. I was nervous because they kept asking me questions about Nico and Detective Grimes. They had me fucked up if they thought that I would ever snitch on myself or my husband. I lawyered up on their ass and they left me alone. I was crying my eyes out because I could hear them
through the wall beating Thug. They did that shit on purpose thinking that it would break me and make me tell some shit. My husband was a gangster. Them bitch ass punches they were handing out wasn't shit to Thug. I heard him laughing at their ass and I was on the other side of the wall laughing as well.

  I was still in shock and awe at how everything unfolded. I couldn't believe that Quaadir was actually Thug's brother. I felt sick to my stomach knowing that I had sex with him. That shit was just nasty. I was glad I lied and told Thug that I didn't have sex with him. Now that I thought about it, Quaadir told on my ass talking all that shit.

  I could only hope and pray that everything Thug and I talked about prior to the shooting would help me out. My husband was not a fool though. He knew something happened between us. I saw it in his eyes as he sat in the back of the squad car. He wouldn't even look at me.

  Thug was really hurt by Momma Peaches and her actions. I couldn't wait until they released my baby. I knew that he needed me more than anything right now. There was still so many unanswered questions. I'd been wrecking my brain trying to figure out what would drive Quaadir to come after his own family.

  I couldn't wait to get home to my babies. I hadn't seen them since the night I was arrested for shooting Thug and that bitch Yoshi. I hauled ass running into the house when the cab pulled up. Marta was in the kitchen sitting at the table while sipping on some tea. The house was quiet so I knew that the kids were sleeping.

  "Hey, Marta. What are you doing up?" I asked her as I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. I went back over and joined her at the table.

  "I'm up worried about you and Mr. Kenneth, but I'm really worried about your children. Please forgive me, Mrs. Kenneth, if I'm over stepping my boundaries, but y'all are fucking up as parents." I was taken aback by her choice of words. Marta never spoke out of term ever. So, I knew she was really upset with us.

  "I'm not sure I understand what you're saying."

  "Everything that you and Mr. Kenneth go through affects those kids greatly. Ka'Jaire Jr. and Ka'Jairea are not babies anymore. They know what's going on. They have cried every night since you've been gone. I know that you love Mr. Kenneth, but you have to start putting those kids first. They all have been through so much. Kaine was supposed to get his cast off last week. I couldn't take him because I'm not the guardian, Mr. Kenneth was not available, and of course you were in jail."

  I put my head down in shame and I started to cry. There is definitely something wrong when your Housekeeper/Nanny had to call you out on your parenting skills.

  "I think it would be best if I took a vacation. I need a break from raising your kids. I make everything so easy for you guys. Please don't take this as a sign of disrespect. I love all of you like my own family and I know that you guys love me. This is for your own good." Marta got up and kissed me on the forehead and walked out of the kitchen.

  Not long after, I wrote her a check for ten thousand dollars. She deserved a nice vacation for all that she had done for us. I assured her that there were no hard feelings for her expressing herself. Actually, I agreed with what she said. This street life and infidelity was getting the best of us. Thug and I needed to do better by our kids.


  The next morning was hell getting the kids all dressed and off to court. I just knew we were going to be late. We all made it just in time. They called his name as we found our seats. The rest of the family was already there minus Peaches. Tears came to my eyes as I watched them bring him out in cuffs.

  "Daddy! Daddy!" The kids all started calling and reaching out for him. Ka'Jaiyah went crazy because she couldn't get to him. That upset the babies, so I was escorted out of the courtroom. I had never been so fucking embarrassed in my life. Moments later Malik, Dro, and Sarge came out of the courtroom.

  "What happened?" I asked because I was so anxious and ready for Thug to come home. I felt responsible for everything.

  "They set his bond at twenty thousand. He has to fight the case though. We're on our way downstairs to pay it," Dro said as he hugged me and played with all the kids.

  "Take the kids home, Lil Sis. We'll all be over there as soon as he is released," Malik said and they all headed downstairs to pay his bail. I headed straight home so that I could cook dinner and get the kids situated.

  Once I made it home, I started cooking. I decided on Shrimp and Chicken Alfredo along with Garlic Bread. It was a process when a person got bailed out, so I knew it would be a while before Thug made it home. Time seemed to pass by rapidly. The more time passed the more I became worried. I started calling everyone's phone, but no one was answering.

  Since I couldn't get in touch with the family, I decided to call the jail. I found out that he had been released hours ago. I hoped and prayed that he was okay. His phone must have been dead because it was going straight to voicemail. What started out as hours ended up as days. Thug didn't come home and my heart was so hurt. Not even a phone call or a text. The walls of my house were starting to close in on me. I knew that the kids were tired of the house, so I decided to take them to meet Cassie. I hadn't seen her since the night I went to jail. I needed someone to talk to outside of the family.


  "They're so beautiful, Tahari. What are their names?" Cassie kissed and hugged each one of the kids.

  "Ka'Jaire Jr., Ka'Jairea, Kaine, Kash, Ka'jaiyah, Kaia, and Kahari."

  "Yeah, you definitely love your husband." We both shared a laugh. The thought of Thug brought tears to my eyes. I couldn't believe I still hadn't heard from him.

  "What's wrong, Tahari?" Cassie moved closer to me on the couch. Although we were trying to build our relationship up, I wasn't quite ready to divulge all of our personal business to her.

  "Nothing. I'm okay." I looked down at my phone to make sure I hadn't missed a call or text.

  "Is everything okay with you and Thug." Cassie moved my hair from my face. At this point, she could see that I was crying. I hurried up and wiped my tears away. I hated to appear so weak in front of her.

  "To be honest, I don't think he loves me anymore."

  "Let me tell you something, Tahari, that man loves you. I can tell by the way he goes so hard for you. Thug worships the ground you walk on. Just give him some time. I promise he will come around. He's been through a lot lately." Cassie got up and started playing with the kids and all I could do was think about how much I had been through as well. My phone went off alerting me that I had a text. I looked and a smile spread across my face because it was from Thug.

  Thug: Where are you with my kids?

  Me: I took them to the park and to meet Cassie. Where the fuck have you been?

  Thug: Bring my kids home right now!!!

  I wasn't really feeling his texts. I chose not to text him back and just go straight home.

  "I have to get home and cook for the kids. I'll call you when we make it home." I kissed Cassie on the jaw, gathered up my babies, and we left.

  The whole ride home I was nervous as fuck. I was mad and scared at the same time. I had no idea what type of mood Thug was in. As soon as we entered the house, he was sitting in the living room. There was a fifth of Remy and rolled up blunts on the coffee table. He was definitely mad. Thug never drank or smoked that way in front of the kids. He knows that I hated for him to even drink in the living room.

  "I missed you so much, Daddy!" Ka'Jairea ran into her daddy's arm. Ka'Jaiyah made sure to push her way right through all the other kids to get to him. The other kids didn't stand a chance with her around. I stood there and smiled at how much they loved their Daddy

  "What's up Daddy's babies? I missed y'all too." I watched as he kissed and hugged all of our children. He acted as if I wasn't even standing there. I just stood there biting my bottom lip. I was trying my best not to cry, but Thug was making it so hard. During our relationship there, had never been a time he couldn't keep his eyes off of me.

  "Don't take them anywhere unless you run it by me first!" he said through gritted teeth, but in
a low tone so that the kids didn't hear him. At this point, I became so livid. I couldn't go off on his ass in front of my kids, but this shit was not over. He had blew the shit out of me.

  Since he was kicking it with the kids, I snatched one his blunts off the table and grabbed a bottle of Moet from the refrigerator. I needed to calm my nerves. I went straight to our bedroom. I slammed the door so fucking hard a picture of us fell off the wall. Not long after, he came in the room and went straight into the bathroom. He closed the door behind him. I couldn't take it anymore. We had to talk about this. I got up and opened the bathroom door without knocking. I pulled the shower curtain and I instantly became wet looking at his body. My mouth watered as I looked down at his dick. It took everything inside of me to not strip and hop in the shower with him. Fucking wouldn't change the thick tension going on between us, so it was better that we dealt with the bullshit now.

  "Can I please take a shower in peace?" He had his face screwed all up.

  "You can take your funky ass shower. I want to know what's going on. How could you just get released and not come home for days?"

  "The same fucking way you got released and went to fuck that nigga!"The veins in his head and neck were sticking out. He pulled the shower curtain back closed.

  "I didn't fuck him, Ka'Jaire!" I had opened the shower curtain back and I was trying my best to wrap my arms around him. I didn't care that I was getting wet. He was roughly pushing me and pulling away from me.

  "Get the fuck of off me! Real Talk. If you know like I know, you'll get the fuck away from me." He said through gritted teeth as he held my wrists. He stepped out of the shower and grabbed a dry towel. He walked out of the bathroom and I just stood there crying and in shock.

  We'd had heated arguments, but this was different. His eyes were so dark. He looked at me with hatred and disgust as he talked to me. I gathered up the courage to exit the bathroom. Thug was getting dressed to leave. I was too afraid to say anything to him. So, I climbed in bed and pulled my knees up to my chest. I hated that I was so weak at the moment.


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