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Thug Passion 4

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by Mz. Lady P

  "What are you over there reading?" I asked her trying to break the ice. The awkwardness was between us was killing me. Tahari never even looked at me when she spoke. The next thing I knew she grabbed the comforter off the bed and stormed out the room. Everything inside of me told me to go after her, but my stubbornness wouldn't let me. I was tired as hell and eventually I drifted off to sleep.


  "What the fuck!" I said as I jumped up trying to recover from being drenched in cold ass water.

  "Really motherfucker? It's that easy for you to leave me for two whole weeks and return like it ain't shit. You got me and life fucked all the way up. Get your ass up and get the fuck out!" Tahari was standing at the foot of the bed holding a big ass pot.

  "Why the fuck would you throw some cold ass water on me, Tahari?"

  "Don't ask me no fucking questions. I packed you some clothes and they're by the front door. I came to the conclusion if it's that easy for you to walk out on me, then it won't be easier for you to just walk back in. I'm not beat to be your fucking doormat when I've treated you like the King you are. No matter how many times you cheated on me, I never walked out on you. I've always been there when you needed me. I apologized, I begged, and pleaded for your forgiveness. You walked out on me like I was bitch in the streets.

  I have spent too much time trying to be the best wife to you, when I should have been the best woman I could be to myself. Not to mention, a fit mother to our kids. So, like I said get the fuck out!"

  I just sat on the side of the bed and listened to Tahari vent. The shit she was saying had me thinking like a motherfucker. I was having hard time dealing with the fact that I was being put out the house my money bought.

  "How the fuck are you going to put me out my shit?" I was now standing in face to face with Tahari.

  "The same way you walked out the house willingly. Only this time, you're leaving by force. You're moving too slow." Tahari started to push me towards the door. It was taking everything inside of me not to lay hands on her. Instead, I knocked her hands off of me. I went inside the closet and took a couple of stacks out of the safe. I threw on a Nike jogging suit and a pair of all black ones. When I exited the closet, Tahari was still standing in the same spot I left her in.

  "Why are you leaving again, Daddy?" Ka'Jairea asked as she rubbed her eyes. That shit ate me up because it had been a minute since I spent time with my kids. I felt so fucked up about everything.

  "Mommy, thinks it's best that I move out. I promise I'll call and check on y'all every day. Be a good girl and help Mommy out okay." I wiped the tears from her eyes and I hurried up and left out the house. I would be fronting if I said I wasn't on the verge of crying right there with baby girl. Tahari had fucked me up in the head putting me out. She didn't shed a tear or think twice as she gave me my walking papers. My life was all fucked right now. I needed a stress reliever and I ended up in the last place I needed to be- with Yoshi.

  Chapter Eight- Tahari

  Done Playing Games

  It took everything inside of me to stand my ground and make Thug leave. I wanted him and I yearned for him to be back home with his family. However, I knew he needed this wake up call. It bothered me that he would just come home and climb in bed with me, like he didn't walk out on me. As his wife, I felt like I deserved better than that.

  I would have felt better if he would have at least came in kissing ass and bearing gifts, but his cocky ass came in with nothing. As I laid in the guest bedroom, I knew that I had to do something in order for him to take me seriously. I hated to put my kids in a predicament where they lived in a one-parent household, but I knew that I needed to do it. I was no good to my children if I walked around our house miserable because of Thug's presence. I hoped and prayed the shit didn't blow up in my face.

  Instead of dealing with the things that were going on in my marriage, I focused on the opening of my nail bar. The Grand Opening was in two weeks and the girls and I were all putting in overtime making sure things went off without fault. I made sure not to call Thug for shit. I had my own bank account from the inheritance that I received from my grandmother and the money Cassie and Venom sent to me over the years.

  I had everything that I needed to open and that made me feel so good. I had already done the hiring process for my nail techs and my barmaids. I felt so fucking liberated. Immersing myself in work helped me to deal with my family issues. I made it my business not to call or text Thug. If he wanted his family, he would show me by fighting for us. Since the night I put his ass out, I hadn't heard from him. That was fine by me because it was going to be a cold day in hell before I picked up the phone and called him. I hated to admit it, but I was done fighting for us because I always got hurt in the end.

  The walls of my house were starting to close in on me and my kids. So I took them to the Golden Corral. I had them all sitting down while I grabbed the food of their choice.

  "Hey girl. It is so crazy that we keep bumping into each other." I looked up and it was the young lady I had met in the washroom at the hospital.

  "Yeah, it is. How are you doing?" I asked her as started making plates.

  "It's okay I guess. I had to practically drag my husband out today. My girls were tired of being cooped up in the house." I watched as her daughters ran up to her and they were so cute. I couldn't believe she had a set of twins, as well.

  "I didn't know you had twins girl. That's crazy because I three sets of twins." I pointed towards the table where my kids were.

  "Yo',Keesh! What the fuck is taking you so long?" I dropped the plates of food that I had in my hand as I locked eyes with Quaadir. He had a shocked look on his face and Keesha had a confused look on hers.

  "Is everything okay, Tahari?" Keesha asked as she started to help me pick up the mess I had made.

  "Oh, yeah. I'm fine girl. I've been clumsy all day."

  "This is my husband, Quaadir. Quaadir, this is Tahari. Remember I was telling you about the nice lady I met in the bathroom. Well this is her." Keesha smiled as she introduced us and we both did what came naturally to both us. We played that shit off like we had never met each other before. Quaadir was shaking in his fucking boots. He couldn't even look at me in my face.

  All types of shit was flowing through my mind. This motherfucker was pursuing me like he was a single ass man. I didn't know why I was even surprised. This nigga had already showed me the real him. I was having a problem understanding why at that very moment of being in front of him and his wife was I feeling a little jealous. I hurried up and shook that shit off. It was his fault my damn marriage was falling apart. The sound of my children calling my name broke me from my thoughts.

  "It was nice seeing you again and nice meeting you as well." I hurried and walked off. I felt so damn ashamed because in my head, I kept seeing the sexual encounter between Quaadir and I. As I sat and ate with my children, I found myself constantly looking over at the table that they were sitting at. Quaadir and I constantly kept stealing glances with one another. All I kept thinking about was Thug running up in here and shooting the damn restaurant up. I had to get the fuck out of dodge. My nerves was all over the damn place.

  I gathered up my kids and we left the restaurant. When I made it home ,I called Barbie, Ta'Jay, and Khia. The bitches thought the shit was funny. It was nothing funny about the shit. I was confused because I didn't even know whether he was dead or alive. My thoughts drifted to Thug and where he could be. I was trying not to call him, but I knew that I needed to tell him about being out and bumping into him.

  I called his phone and of course it went straight to voicemail. The inbox was full so I couldn't leave a voicemail message if I wanted to. I grabbed my Kindle Fire and I decided to read Forever your Rider by Shan and David Weaver.

  My phone chimed alerting me that I had a notification on Facebook. I opened it up and I had to do a double take. It was a picture of Thug laying down in a bed sleep with a pair of Armani Exchange Boxer briefs on. The bitch Yoshi was laying o
n his chest. Her post simply read #BaeAss. I swallowed the huge lump that had formed in my throat. My heart was beating so fast. My feelings were so fucking hurt. Not because he was with another woman, but it was the woman he was with. This bitch was blatantly being disrespectful. I didn't even know we were friends to begin with.

  People started commenting on her picture and it was none other than my bitches telling her how they was whooping her ass when they caught her. I chose not to respond. I was already looking like a fucking fool. I refused to give that bitch the satisfaction of seeing me sweat. I know that I put him out, so I knew that I ran the risk of him running to another bitch. I just hated that it had to be the one bitch I caught him in bed with.

  I found myself constantly staring at the picture. I became so fucking angry. This bitch Yoshi really wanted me to kill her ass this time around. I immediately shook those thoughts from my mind. I was changing for the better. The days of me killing bitches behind my husband were over. My kids were my only concern. I needed a damn drink. I jumped up from my bed and went downstairs to grab a bottle of Moet from the fridge. I already had a blunt rolled and ready to be put in the air. As I sat up in bed and sipped, a text message came through and it was from Thug.

  Hubby:I'm on my way to the crib. We need to talk about this Facebook bullshit

  Me: There is nothing to talk about. Stay at that bitch house. I can't believe your trifling ass.

  Hubby: Fuck all that. I'm on my way.

  I sat up in bed and I flamed up my blunt. Not long after, I heard the front door open and close. The sound of Thug's footsteps coming up the spiral staircase made me get goose bumps. I had so many emotions going on inside of me. I was hurt, mad, and happy all at the same time. I hated the fact that I loved him so much. I also hated that he kept hurting me. As soon as he entered the room, my pussy did the same dance it did the first time I laid eyes on him.

  For the life of me, I couldn't understand how this man's presence was so powerful. He was dressed in an all white button up shirt with a pair of all white True Religion jeans. He was rocking the hell out of an all white and gold Gucci gym shoes. His diamonds were blinding a bitch. Thug was looking sexy as fuck. I had to catch myself before he caught me lusting and staring at his dick print. I had to keep my game face on. I took a long pull from the blunt and eyed his ass like a hawk. If looks could kill he would be one dead motherfucker.

  "Before you say anything, just let me explain," Thug said as he stood at the foot of my bed.

  "I'm not about to say shit. At the same time there is really nothing for you to explain. A picture speaks a thousand words. I should have known you were still fucking that bitch. I should have killed both of you bitches when I had the chance!"

  "I know that you're mad at me, but watch your motherfucking mouth. You of all people know ain't no bitch in my blood. I know how the shit looks and I'm sorry that you had to see that picture, but that bitch took that shit while I was sleep." Thug sat on the side of the bed and I jumped up and stood directly in front of him.

  "Please explain to me why you were even in the bitch's presence."

  "The night you put me out, I went over to her crib. I swear to God Bae, I didn't fuck her. I ended up falling asleep in her bed fully clothed. I sleep hard as and you know that. She took off my shit while I was sleep. That's how she got that picture of me. I'm so sorry, Ta-Baby. I fucked up and let that bitch catch me slipping. I know that I have fucked up in the past, but I would never do no shit like that to you."

  Thug was looking up at me with pleading eyes and all I could do was think about how fucking hurt I was. I also knew that he was telling the truth. One thing about Thug, he came clean about his shit. Once he was caught, he put it all out there.

  "Why would you run to her? Out of all the bitches, why her?"

  "I don't know, Ta-Baby." Thug put his head down in his hands. I grabbed his chin and made him look up at me so that we could look into each other's eyes. I was trying my best not to cry, but I couldn't stop the tears from falling.

  "You don't love me anymore, Ka'Jaire?"

  "Don't ever ask me no shit like that. I love you more than life itself. I hated to walk out on you like that, but knowing that you gave a nigga something that belongs to me fucked up my ego. You're mine and you belong to me. I will body you and any nigga that thinks he can have you. The only reason that nigga Quaadir is still breathing is because of Peaches."

  "Listen to you, Thug. You're talking about me as if I'm a piece of property or one of your possessions. Not only am I your wife and the mother of your children--I'm a person, Thug, and I have feelings. In your eyes, I'm this ride or die chick that goes hard for her nigga. Underneath all of that, I'm a little girl longing to be loved and appreciated. Outside of you, your family and our kids, I have no one else. I admit I was wrong for sleeping with Quaadir and I was also wrong for lying about when you asked me the first time."

  "I don't even want to think about you having sex with that nigga. So, let's just drop the subject." Thug grabbed the blunt from my hand and inhaled deep. He was running from the conversation, but I wasn't finished telling this nigga how his actions were affecting me.

  "You don't want to think about me giving another nigga what belongs to you, but what about the fact that you're supposed to belong to me. You and this is my shit." I grabbed Thug's dick and held it tight as I continued to talk."Yet, you give it to other bitches as if you don't have the best pussy or million dollar mouth at home waiting for you. I never nag you or get in your business unless it's necessary. I know for a fact I'm a good mother and a wonderful wife. However, I know that you can't stop cheating on me. So, I made a decision." I walked over to my nightstand and got my wedding ring out and handed it to him.

  "What the fuck you giving me this for?" Thug stood up from the bed and was now in my face.

  "Obviously, this marriage is not working out. Let's just raise our children and move on with our lives."

  "Stop fucking playing with me and put that ring on your finger. Don't make me fuck you up, Tahari. Fuck you mean this shit ain't working out. Starting now we're going to make it work and put all this shit behind us. As a matter of fact, I'm not about to keep playing with your ass. Bring that ass here."

  Before I knew it, Thug had ripped my panties off of me and I had me lifted up in the air and leaned up against the wall. He had wrapped my legs around his neck and his mouth was assaulting my pussy. The shit was feeling so good all I could do was grab his head and pull his mouth in closer. I bit down on my bottom lip and let my head fall back. Thug was eating the soul out of my pussy and I was in pure ecstasy.

  "Yasss Baby! Eat your pussy just like that," I moaned. I was holding Thug's head so tight and grinding into his face I was hoping I bruised his lips.

  "You like this shit don't you?" he asked as he carried me over to the bed and positioned me on all fours. I felt his tongue slide up and down the crack of my ass. The feeling of his tongue dipping in and out of my ass hole had me rolling like I had popped a pill. The sound of Thug's jeans hitting the floor let me know what was next. Thug slowly and gently inserted the tip of his dick in my ass. I grabbed a pillow and braced myself for the pain and pleasure that was about to come. Thug went deeper inside of me and hit that spot that made me cum so hard.

  "Oh, my fucking God! I love this shit, Ta-Baby." Thug said as he grabbed my hair. He pulled out and came all over my ass. He hit me on both of my ass cheeks. That shit drove me crazy and made me even wetter. He laid down beside me and guided me on top of him. I slid down on his dick without hesitation. I slowly rocked my hips back and forth as I rode him all the while sucking on his fingers.

  "Whose dick is this?" I asked as I rode him hard and fast.

  "This dick is all yours. It belongs to you." Thug roughly grabbed my hips and began thrusting in and out of me.

  "Oh, shit Thug! I'm about to cum." I sped up the pace and began riding his dick like I was in the rodeo.

  "Well cum then." He started to smack me on my ass and
that was all she wrote; I creamed all over his dick. I collapsed on his chest out of breath. He rolled me over on my back and climbed on top of me. He inserted his dick back inside of me and he began to make love to me. He was giving me some of his Thug Passion.

  "I love you, Ta-Baby."

  "I love you too!" Not long after, Thug came harder than I ever saw him in all of our years together. He rolled off of me and tried to catch his breath.

  "Now put that fucking ring back on your finger! Make that the last time you take it off," Thug said as he got up to go the washroom. I watched as his walked away. His body was glistening from the sweat that was pouring from his body. It should be a sin and a shame for a nigga to be so fucking fine. I'm glad he's mine; I thought to myself. I grabbed the ring off of the floor and placed it back onto my finger. Not long after, Thug came back into the room and climbed back into bed with me. He laid his head on my chest and I rubbed his back and his head.

  "I missed you so much, Tahari. I promise I'm going to do everything inside of me to make shit right with us. I'm nothing without you, Tahari."

  "I missed you, too. I don't want you to make anything up to me. As of right now, I just want us to be do better at this marriage and being better parents."Thug leaned up and kissed me so passionately. For the rest of the night, we made love to each other and made promises to one another that we both hoped we could keep.


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