Thug Passion 4

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by Mz. Lady P

  I walked in the room and she was sitting up while Barbie was trying to feed her some soup.

  "Come on, Momma Peaches. You haven't eaten in two days. Come on please eat something before you make yourself sick."

  "For the thousandth time, I'm not hungry. Please just leave me alone." Peaches pushed the tray away and continued to stare off into space. Barbie threw her hands up in defeat and shook her head as she walked out of the room. She gave me a look that said good luck.

  "Hey, Momma. How are you feeling?" I kissed her on the forehead and sat on the bed beside her.

  "I'm fine, Ka'Jaire. What do you want?"

  "I want to know what happened when you met up with Vinny. Something freaked you out and that's why you called me and Malik."

  "The only thing I can remember is how Vinny was acting all nervous and shit. He was constantly looking over his shoulders. I looked around and there were a couple of Italian guys in suits. They were spread out in the restaurant. Something didn't feel right, so that's when I went to the bathroom and called you guys. I wasn't even back at the table a good minute before the shooting started. The man who I saw shoot Vinny was the damn waiter. I can't believe I'm a widow. This shit unbelievable."

  I hugged my mother as she cried herself to sleep in my arms. I felt sorry that she had to go through this because she really loved Vinny. I had to sit back and observe some shit that maybe the rest of the family didn't pay attention to. Vinny was the Boss of the Santerelli Crime Family. It was one of the biggest Mob Families in the World.

  Vinny came back into our lives unexpectedly and all of a sudden he wanted to be in our lives. The fucked up thing about it was that we were never apart of his world. Yeah, he called himself giving me Miami, but that shit came with a cost. We almost lost our freedom. Vinny knew damn well the FEDS were on to him. We all left Miami and he did also.

  He put on a good ass front for my mother and he had me convinced to a certain extent. That was until he hopped his ass back on a fuckin plane to Miami. If the FEDS were building a case against him down there, why in the fuck would he go down there to conduct business? That should have been the last place he wanted to go to.

  When we came back to Chicago, we were never introduced to his family as his children or my mother as his wife. We were still his black shame and I was over the shit. He couldn't be in our lives publicly when we were growing up, so I don't know what ever made us think that he would be in our loves publicly while we we're grown.

  My mother called and told him about Quaadir and you would think the nigga would at least want to meet his long lost son, but he acted as if he didn't have a care in the world. I let that man come into my world and be around my family. We were nothing but a pawn in his little game.

  Since my mother was resting, I needed to head to Malik's room and put our plan to action. Walking into the room, I observed our usual crew. I had King, Nasir, and Dutch in attendance; the way they handled themselves had me wanting them to move up in the ranks. They had no idea of the big plans I had.

  "I'm sorry I took so long. I needed to sit with Peaches. Let's get down to it. What do we have on these motherfuckers that violated us?"

  "I know for a fact one of the shooters was Dominic Gianelli and he's the grandson of Don Gianelli. The one who hired me. The rest were also Gianelli associates. I've seen them from time to time when we've had business meetings. Since I've been well I've had surveillance on their estate. It's been the typical coming and goings, but lately I've observed his daughter Donatella frequenting the estate and that's surprising because she lives in Miami with her husband and children. Her son happens to be Dominic Gianelli," Quaadir said

  "There has to be a connection between the Santerelli's and the Gianelli's. If we figure that out we'll find out where this shit is coming from," Malik said as he winced in pain.

  "We kept an eye on Momma Peaches house all night and there was nothing strange or out of place. Before I pulled off to come here, I saw the mailman put this big package on the doorstep. I didn't want to leave it out there, so I waited until he pulled away and I grabbed it. It's a good thing I did. Look at who it's from and who it's addressed to," King said as he handed me a medium sized brown box. It was addressed to Peaches from Vinny.

  "Nigga make sure that shit ain't ticking or nothing," Sarge said as he moved back in fear of the box. We all laughed at his big coward ass. I did however put it up to my ear to listen just to be on the safe side. I decided to open it and see what was inside. I did it carefully and skillfully. Inside of the box was a DVD and a lot of papers. There were instructions also that told my mother to look at the DVD first and then go over the paperwork that was included. At first I was going to watch the DVD without my mother, but whatever the contents were, she needed to see them herself.

  "Go grab Peaches, Quaadir. She needs to see what's on this DVD." Minutes later, he ushered her into the room. He guided her over to the bed and she laid next to Malik. The pain meds had him in and out of it.

  "What the hell is going and why is there a box with my name on it? Wait a minute I know you motherfuckers didn't open my mail. It's already bad that y'all some damn killers and drug traffickers, but now y'all into mail fraud now. You punk ass niggas do know that that is a federal offense." She tried rising up, but the pain her stomach wouldn't let her.

  "Calm down, Momma Peaches. You're going to bust your stitches with all that hollering," Dro said as he went over to sit her back down.

  "Vinny sent you this in the mail." I handed the instructions and she had a confused look on her face. Her eyes were glossy like she wanted to cry, but she held it in.

  "Play it. Let's see what it is. I'm dying to know what it could possibly be." King put the DVD in and pressed play. Vinny's face appeared and he began talking to my mother.

  "My Dearest Bella, If you're watching this then most likely I'm dead. I hate that things ended this way. I want you to know that I have always loved you since we were teenagers. I loved my kids as well. I just couldn't be in their lives because of who my family was. I'm not going to beat around the bush. There are some things about me that you don't know.

  It breaks my heart to know that I have betrayed you, my sons, and my grandchildren. I'll get straight to the point because I have bullshitted you long enough. You and I are not legally married. I've been married to my wife Donatella for many years. We also have two sons together Dominic and Vinny Jr. It was easy to keep both of my families away from each other.

  Unfortunately, my wife found out and her father Don Gianelli has a price on not only my head, but also on Thug. Mainly, because he stands to inherit the Santerelli empire. Despite my father's distaste for me having kids with a black woman, he has always had a trust fund set up for not only Thug and Malik, but also Quaadir. I had no idea how he knew about him. Especially, since I had no idea myself.

  As the years went by and the boys started to get older, my father took interest in the way Thug ran his organization. That was why he chose to do business with him, so that he could get to know him better. Since my father is dead, my brother Marco is dead, and now I'm gone, our empire goes to the oldest grandchild since Thug was born five minutes before Quaadir he is now Head of the Santerelli Crime family. The papers that I have provided will tell you everything you need to know in regards to the homes, businesses, and territory in which Ka'Jaire now owns.

  I know that all of this sounds easy, but it's not. Donatella and her father Don Vito cannot except the fact that Dominic or Vinny Jr. will not inherit the empire. That's why they are doing everything in their power to kill off the bloodline. As you know, they have knocked me off. It's imperative that my sons kill all of them motherfuckers and take their rightful places on the throne in which they deserve.

  Bella I have changed my will and you will receive everything that I own. You deserve it for all of the heartbreak that I have caused you. I love you Bella. Tell my sons and my grandchildren that I love them very much. Please follow all the instructions that I have left for you
. The world is now yours and my children. I know that this doesn't make up for my deceit. I just hope you find it in your heart to forgive me."

  The entire room was quiet as the DVD player stopped. I was speechless at what the fuck I just heard. No wonder this nigga was at my head. I was the Boss of a fucking Mob Family now. Just when I had every intention of getting out of the game, I get thrust right back in. This shit was deeper and on a whole different level. How the fuck I'm I going to tell my wife that her husband is now a Mob Boss? I looked over at my mother and her head were down in her hands.

  "Are you cool, Ma?" I got up from where I was sitting and I kneeled in front of her.

  "I'm good son. I'll be even better when all them motherfuckers are dead. You and your brothers deserve to run this fucking city and now that it's definitely yours. Y'all need to execute and eliminate the competition. Now if you don't mind, I have a funeral to fuck up." Peaches kissed me on the forehead and walked out of the room like she wasn't in any pain. I had a feeling I was about to get a dose of the gangster Peaches I used to see when I was a shorty.

  I couldn't believe this nigga Vinny already had a fucking family. What was his purpose of asking my mother to marry him? That was fucked up. I know that Peaches is heated about that. She could put on that gangster persona all she wanted she was still a woman and I knew she was hurting. In the meantime, I had some big ass decisions to make. I was not even sure I wanted this shit that had been given to me.

  I looked around the room and I locked eyes with Malik and Quaadir. I could tell that they were trying to read me and see what I was thinking. I could also see that they wanted this shit bad. Looking over at my right and my left hand nigga's Dro and Sarge, I could tell that they were ready for whatever. Last but not least, I looked over at my protégés King, Nasir, and Dutch they had murder in mind and their trigger fingers were ready to do damage. A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts.

  "Hey Baby. I brought y'all some bottles of Remy and ten Kush blunts. Malik is not to drink or smoke a damn thing." Tahari set everything down and left the room.

  "So, what's it going to be, Big Bro?"

  "It's about to be a bloodbath and I guess I'm the Boss of what used to be the Santerelli family. We're not riding under that shit. Every nigga in this room is a Thug to his fucking heart. You all have showed and proved your loyalty to me over and over again. I respect you niggas for putting your lives on the line day in and day out for my family and me. Quaadir, I know that you have your own thing popping back in the A, but you're more than welcome to join us at Thug Incorporated. Despite our past differences, you've shown me that you kept shit one hundred with me and I know that you will be a great asset to this empire. You don't have to answer right now. Just let me know."

  I popped one of the bottles of Remy open and poured myself a shot. At the same time, I fired up a blunt and let the smoke marinate inside of my lungs before I blew it out.

  "I guess a toast is order," I said as I held my glass up high and so did everybody else including Malik. "To Thug Incorporated!"

  "To Thug Incorporated!" We all said in unison and knocked back our shots. For the rest of the night, we put our plan in motion to take down the Gianelli's. I was ready to start my reign with no bullshit. Once all of this shit was over, I needed to sit down and map out positions in this family. No one's hard work would go unnoticed.

  Chapter Twenty-Six- Peaches

  Don't Fuck With My Heart

  I should have known that motherfucking Vinny was no good. All the signs were there I just put the shit in the back of my mind. I was pissed because I was cool just fucking him. It was his old ass who threw marriage into the deal. The fact that he had a wife and other kids had me livid. I was not mad because they existed; my issue was the fact that he couldn't tell me that. He approached me when Thug was in trouble after killing his people.

  We had several conversations prior to us even taking the shit to the next level. At anytime he could have been a man and told me he was married with children. The shit would not have bothered me one way or another because I had no feelings for him. Just like the Italian snake he had always been, he slithered his way back into my life and wreaked even more havoc. It was one thing to play with my heart, but please don't fuck with my kids or my grandbabies.

  I was too fucking old to be in love triangles and shit. I didn't have a problem with putting this Thunder cat on him and sending him on his merry little way. This nigga wanted to start talking love and marriage. I should have known his bitch ass was too fucking good to be true. He lucky they blew his fucking head off because I would have blew his dick off if I would have found this shit out sooner.

  I was mad ass fuck because I had a fucking bullet hole in my stomach and my kids were being targeted because of who they were; heirs to the Santerelli Empire. This was some straight bullshit. I already had more fucking money than I knew what to do with, but I would gladly take what the fuck Vinny left me. I deserved that much. That son of a bitch got me hotter than a firecracker on the Fourth of July. It was cool though my kids and me would get the last laugh; we always do.

  It had been a week since Vinny got killed and his funeral had finally arrived. The Italian motherfuckers probably wouldn't welcome me, but I gave less than a fuck, I was going to make my presence known. I made sure to have my partner in crime with me; my sister Gail. Her ass was even crazier than me. She had just changed her life and was more laidback. Our son's would kill us if they knew what we were doing. No need to worry because if some shit got funky, I had an arsenal in my Birken bag. We were both dressed to the nines in our red custom made Diane Von Furstenberg two piece pants suits.

  As soon as we pulled up to Holy Family Church, I could see that the family was just heading in. I watched as people were holding up what I guess to be was his wife. Bitch bye. Y'all killed the man. His son's followed closely behind and consoled their mother. These people were worse than black folks at a funeral. They were really putting on a show.

  "Are we going to sit here and sight see or are we going in? My man get off work at three and I need to be home when he gets there," Gail said as she fixed her makeup in her compact mirror.

  "Shut your ass up, Gail. I wanted to wait until they all went inside and were seated. I need to make a grand entrance." We sat there for about twenty more minutes. As soon as we started grabbing our purses, there was a knock at the window. I looked up and I almost shitted bricks. It was Thug and Markese's ass.

  "Did you tell them where we were going?" I asked Gail as she looked like a deer in headlights.

  "Bitch, you know damn well I didn't say shit. Knowing their asses they probably followed us."

  "Roll down the window, Peaches." Thug called me by my name, so I knew that he was upset with me. I rolled the window down, but I wouldn't look at him in his face.

  "I'm not mad that you're here. You should have told us so that we can be your escort."

  "Please, Ka'Jaire. Get out of here with that bullshit. You never would have let me come." I wiped the tears from my eyes that were threatening to fall.

  "I would have let you come because you have the right to be here just like anybody else. That's why we're all here." I stepped out the car and the whole family was in attendance minus the kids, Khia, and Malik. Malik or Khia were in no condition to be outside. I was amazed as I saw Tahari, Barbie, Ta'Jay, Keesha, Aja, Stacy, Nisa, Trish, Quaadir Sarge, Dro, Rahmeek, Boogie, Killa, King, Dutch, and Nasir. They were dressed in all black and looked like they were ready for whatever.

  "Look at all these crazy motherfuckers!" Gail said and we both laughed in unison.

  "Come on, Ma'. We're going in as a family and leaving out as one as well. Know that if some shit jump off, we are strapped and ready for whatever," Thug said as he opened my door and took my hand. We all walked up to the church and walked in like we owned that motherfucker. All eyes were on us.

  The church was huge so it took us a minute to make it to the front. I walked up to the casket and rubbed m
y hand across the top of it. It looked as if it was fourteen karat gold. It was gorgeous. With everything inside of me, I hawked up the biggest glob of spit and spit on that motherfucker. Fuck him. Yes, I had every intention on spitting on that motherfucker. Too bad he had a closed casket.

  "You black bitch! You need to get the fuck out now. How dare you come in here with these black gangbangers and their whores and disrespect my husband?" Before I knew it, I had slapped slob out this bitch's mouth. Gail was right behind me and slapped her ass, too. Security jumped up and had their guns cocked and aimed. They weren't ready for us though. We all had our guns out as well as all of the men and the ladies were ready to let bullets fly and kill all these motherfuckers. I had this Victoria Gotti looking bitch by the collar with a gun at her fucking temple. There was plenty of security, but not enough to fuck with me and mines.

  "Fuck you and your husband. Let's get something straight you white ass bitch. These are not gangbangers, as a matter fact, these two are his fucking kids. Not to mention, the head of their father's family. But, you already knew that bitch. Since you and your jealous ass family is the reason why we're here anyway. I'm not mad though bitch. I actually thank you for offing his good for nothing ass. My children and me have inherited every fucking thing he owned. Checkmate Bitch! Let's get the fuck out of here."

  "All of you black motherfuckers are dead!" one of her sons said.


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