Thug Passion 4

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Thug Passion 4 Page 13

by Mz. Lady P

  "We ready whenever your bitch ass is," Thug said as we all backed out of the church slowly with our guns still aimed and ready to blow. Once outside, we all jumped inside our cars and went back to Malik's house and had big ass party in honor of that fucking rat Vinny being dead. I refused to sit around and cry over spilled milk. I was not going to lie and say that the shit didn't hurt because it did; I had really fallen in love with Vinny's ass.

  As I sit here and nursed my cup of Patron and smoke my damn Newport, I couldn't help but think about the mind blowing sex I used to have with Vinny. That Italian motherfucker was hung like a damn horse. Whoever said white men had little dicks was dead ass wrong. Now that I thought about it, that was about all I was going to miss about his snake ass. I couldn't wait until Monday to go to the lawyer and get everything that had been left to me. That bitch Donatella should have crossed her T's and dotted her I's. That bitch would have to live off of Daddy's money because her husband's money was coming straight to Peaches.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven-Khia

  Nipping Shit In The Bud

  Ever since I was released from the hospital, Lisette had constantly been harassing me. The last straw was when this bitch stood outside of my house with a bullhorn telling my neighbors about Nico and the fact that Dro and me had something to do with him being missing. I was glad Dro wasn't home because he said the next time she stepped foot on our property, he was going to kill her ass for trespassing.

  The shit with Lisette was really starting to get under his skin. I was tired of her shit and the bitch had to go. I promised Tahari that I would let her help me off Lisette, but this was my problem and I had to deal with it. Not only for me and my son, but for Thug and Tahari as well. It was my time to put in work for them. They had enough shit going on in their life.

  My wounds have healed really well, but I was not one hundred percent just yet. Dro had been taking care of me since I was released from the hospital. He felt guilty about what happened to me and he should feel bad. He had no business cheating on me with his Baby Momma and I hoped he learned his lesson.

  His kids were not bad kids at all. It had just been hard to connect with them because their mother put shit in their heads about my son and me. I didn't know where I would be without Dro's mother. She had been a really big help with all the kids and I was so happy she has accepted Khiandre as her grandchild. It would hurt my heart if she didn't.

  She was real close to his Baby Momma. I still had nightmares of that bitch attacking me and taking my ring off of my finger. When I told Dro that she had took it off my hand, he went out and got me a bigger and better one. I was happy he got me another one, but the one he put on my finger at my wedding was sentimental. That was the ring I wanted. Ain't no telling what that psycho ass bitch did with my shit.

  Dro had been all over me. I really just wanted some time to myself. When he wasn't around, he had his mother on security patrol. I was tired of him and her ass watching my every move. I couldn't even go to the bathroom with him standing there with tissue to wipe my ass. I knew that I would get a chance to be by myself when I saw everybody going to Vinny's funeral. Dro's mother was in the guesthouse with the kids and Malik was in his room high off his pain meds as usual.

  Once the coast was clear, I threw on an all black jogging suit and a pair of all black Air Force Ones. I checked in my purse to make sure my gun and my silencer was in there. Dro had brought it for me months ago, but I never used it. I wished I had it on me the day his crazy ass Baby Momma stabbed me up.

  I was on a strict time schedule. I needed to make it to the city and back in an hour. I had to beat Dro back to the house. I didn't want him knowing that I had been gone. I managed to sneak out without being noticed. I called Lisette and told her that we could meet up so that we could discuss the visitation schedule for Khiandre.

  Thirty minutes later, I was pulling up to the new house in which Lisette was now living in. She swung the door open before I could even make it on the porch good.

  "Where is, Lil Nico! I thought you were going to bring him?" Lisette was pissed off, but I didn't give a fuck.

  "I never said that I was bringing him. I said I wanted to meet up so that we make a schedule for him to come and visit you. Can I please come in?" Lisette stepped to the side and allowed me to enter her house. I sat on the sofa and she sat on the loveseat. We were facing each other.

  "Before we can do anything, Khia, I just need to know why did you betray my son? He took care of you and gave you the world. Now you're hanging with Tahari and her King Pin husband. I know they have something to do with Nico's disappearance." Lisette was crying, but that shit didn't faze me. I didn't give a fuck about her or Nico.

  "Let's get some shit straight, Lisette. You of all people know how ruthless Nico was. On several occasions, he beat me until I was unconscious. He sometimes would beat me to the point where I couldn't even walk. You need to stop acting liking Nico was a saint. Lisette you know that he was robbing all the local hustlers. You're so adamant that Tahari and her husband had something to do with it, let's keep this shit one hundred, that shit could have came from anywhere."

  "Do you even care about what has happened to him?"

  "As a matter of fact, I don't. My life has been so much easier without him in it. Wherever he is, I hope he stays there and away from me and Khiandre."

  "That's another thing that has me pissed off. How could you change his name? That's his namesake." She was now standing up looking crazy as hell.

  "I don't have time for this shit, Lisette." I turned around and acted like I was about to leave, but I was really pulling the gun from the pocket on my hoodie. Before I could even turn back around, she had jumped on me and started attacking me. I was trying my best to get the bitch off of me plus, I didn't want her to hit me in my stomach where I still had staples. We ended up falling on the floor.

  When we fell, the gun flew out of my hand. It didn't go real far and was in arms' reach; all I had to do was reach and get it. Lisette's old ass was starting to get tired, so I used that as my advantage to grab the gun. When I was able to grab the gun, I hit her in the face and head with it repeatedly until she was out cold.

  Once I stood up and gathered myself, I let off two rounds in her skull. I looked around and made sure I didn't touch anything or that I hadn't stepped in the blood that was now pooling around her head. I used the sleeve off my hoodie and opened the door and did the same thing when I closed the door behind me. Once I was inside my car, I breathed a sigh of relief. I looked at my cell phone and I was good with timing; I had thirty minutes to make it back to the house.


  "Hey Baby. How are you feeling?" Dro asked as he came into the room and sat next to me on the bed.

  "I'm good. Just ready to get out of this bed and join the rest of the family."

  "If you're up to it, get dressed and come out there and kick it with us. I'm so glad you're able to get up now. I couldn't stand the fact that you had to stay confined to a bed all this time. I'm so fucking sorry for everything." He kissed me on my lips and I reciprocated the favor.

  "You don't have to keep apologizing, Dro. I survived I'm here. Let's just forget about it." I got up and went into the bathroom and I heard a knock at the room door. It was Dro's mother.

  "Where is, Khia? I came in here am hour ago looking for her and she was gone and so was the car. I thought she wasn't able to go to the funeral." See how nosey her ass was. I didn't think about her coming to check on me. I was in the bathroom shitting bricks.

  "I thought she wasn't well enough either." I heard the anger in Dro's voice as he spoke. I was nervous as hell.

  "Bring your ass in here, Khia!"

  "I'll be out in a minute." I was trying to buy some fucking time to think of a lie.

  "I'm not going to say it again. Bring your ass here now!"

  "What's wrong with you?" I played it off like I didn't know what the hell was going on.

  "Where did you go today?" He was now standing right i
n front of me towering over me. I couldn't even look at him in the face; I was so scared.

  "I just went to the store. I needed some air. The walls were starting to close in on me."

  "That's lie number one. I advise you to tell me where the fuck you went. I can't believe you're standing here lying to me." I hated that he knew me so fucking well.

  "Okay damn. I went to see Lisette." I started biting my lip because I wasn't prepared to tell him what the hell happened although I knew I would have to.

  "Really, Khia? I told you do not go to her house alone. Tell me what happened because the look on your face tells me that some shit popped off. Let me sit down to hear this shit." Dro was really being dramatic right now.

  "We got into a heated argument. She attacked me, so I shot her in the head twice. Baby please don't be mad at me, I had to do it. Lisette was running off at her mouth too much. It was either her or us. I'm Team us, so that bitch had to go."

  "I understand all of that. You're supposed to run shit pass me before you act on it. It's too much going on right now for you to be sneaking your ass out of the house committing murders. What if something would have went wrong? I wouldn't have known shit. Don't you ever do no shit like that again. Do you hear me, Khia?"

  "Yes, I hear you. Loud and clear."I got down on my knees in front of him and unzipped his pants. He was mad at me, but he wouldn't be for long. I reached my hand inside his pants and pulled out his pulsating dick. It had been so long since I was able to please him. I was about to enjoy every minute of pleasuring my husband. There was no need for me to take things slow. I went straight in for the kill just the way he taught me. He loved that sloppy toppy head and that was exactly what I gave him.

  "You're real sorry, huh?" Dro was fucking my face with so much force that I thought he would injure my damn tonsils. I nodded my head up and down letting him know that I was definitely trying to show him how sorry I was. Not long after, he released in my mouth. I started sucking as if my life depended on it. I wanted to drain him dry.

  "Damn. That was the shit Ma," Dro said as he laid back on the bed and fired up a blunt. It had been a minute since I was able to smoke and that shit was smelling good. I gestured for him to pass the blunt, so that I could hit it. I laughed on the inside because it was shame that some good head will make a nigga forget he was just mad at you. I'd been working my magic on him since I was a teenager. I was now his wife and that shit still had him tapping out after all these years.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight-Cassie

  Bitter Bitch

  It never ceased to amaze me how this bitch Peaches managed to hold her head up high. She walked around as if she was the fucking Queen of England. The bitch was nothing but a home wrecking hoe that ruined my life. Peaches took everything from me that I deserved. No matter how many years went by I still hurt from Peaches' betrayal. She acted as if I was the scum of the Earth when her ass was really scum of the Earth.

  First, she falls in love with Venom. Next, she gets pregnant by him. Finally, she gets her hooks in not only Ta'Jay but Keesha as well. This bitch had turned my daughters against me. They were all I had left in this world. I was heartbroken because neither of my daughters wanted anything to do with me. I couldn't fully blame Peaches for that. I brought all that shit on myself.

  Venom had instilled so much fear in me that I was scared to breathe loudly around him. In my heart, I knew that I could have done more when he was raping Keesha, but I was also being raped and beaten everyday and she witnessed it on several occasions. I was not blaming Keesha for anything. What her father did to me was out of her control. I just wanted her to understand that I feared for both of our lives.

  I was happy when she was able to escape the hell that she was living in. In her absence, I became the focus of all his rage and anger. He beat and raped me because I wasn't Peaches and that shit hurt me the most. I did everything for him and it was never enough because I wasn't that bitch. Since I was able to get away from Snake, my focus had always been to get my daughters back in my life.

  I never knew what had happened to my baby Keesha. Just my fucking luck she hooked up with Peaches' long, lost twin son. God was punishing me. No matter how much I repented and asked for his forgiveness, I kept coming up short and it hurts like hell. I hated Peaches with everything inside of me and that bitch had to go. I had been watching her house for the longest waiting for her to come home, but she had been MIA.

  Once I saw the newspapers, I knew why she hadn't been home in a while. That snake ass Vinny was dead. I couldn't believe after all that he had done to her and those kids; she turned around and married his ass. And people called me a stupid ass bitch. She cried everyday when her mother took her other twin from her and gave it away.

  I was there for her and helped her get through it. I was there for her when her fucking kids were disowned by them fucking Italians. It was me who was there for her and comforted her. How could she just turn around and turn my fucking husband against me? Before all the bullshit, we were best friends. Two peas in a pod. Thick as thieves. When you saw one of us, you saw the other. We were inseparable. That was until we met Venom and Snake's ass.

  In a matter of two years, they had turned us against each other. I never wanted to hurt her or her kids. That was all Venom. I was in no position to protest. I also was in no mood to have my ass bussed open or my ass getting beat. Now that I sat here in took in all of my ill thoughts towards Peaches, I really had no one to blame but myself. Snake was horrible to her and her kids as well. She suffered at the hands of him as well. The only difference was Thug killed his ass and capitalized off of his death.

  At first, I had every intention on killing Peaches, but my kids still wouldn't have anything to do with me. I was a bitter bitch and sitting up being bitter would not make my life better. I had beautiful grandchildren that I wanted to get to know. It was not fair that Peaches got to have them all to herself and not share them. I knew that she hated me, and the feelings were mutual.

  I'd learned a lot about life since I got away from Venom. I needed to not only forgive Peaches, but I also needed to stop blaming her for the way my life turned out. In order for me to get right with God, I needed to get right with Keesha and Tahari. They deserved that much.

  I wanted to reach out to Keesha, but her ass was crazy just like her Daddy. When she attacked me, I saw the fire in her eyes. If Tahari didn't pull her off of me, I was sure she would have killed me with her bare hands. I was not even mad at her for attacking me anymore. I deserved that shit from not protecting her from that evil ass monster Venom.

  I lost more and more respect for myself every time I thought about how he raped her repeatedly. She was just a baby. She didn't deserve the things he did to her. I was a coward and a weak ass bitch for allowing him to beat and sexually abuse her. It was one thing to treat me like shit, but I never should have allowed him to do that to her. The same went for Tahari. I never should have let him treat her the way he did either.

  He never sexually abused her, but I saw the lust in his eyes. If we had held her hostage any longer, he would have raped her as well. That was another reason why I had to get her out of there.

  Tahari had called me several times after the confrontation between her, Keesha, and me, but I ignored all of her calls and texts because I truly didn't know what to say to her. Now I was ready to talk with my daughters and beg for their forgiveness. If they didn't forgive me, I'd understand because I didn't deserve them anyway. I decided to send Tahari a text. I could only hope that she would respond.

  I know that you don't want to have anything to do with me, but I really want to see you and your sister. All I want to do is make things right with you girls before I leave this world. Please find it in your heart to forgive me. I would love for you and Keesha to come to my home so that we can clear the air.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine- Tahari

  My Sister's Keeper

  I read the text from Cassie over and over again. I was in a battle with my mind and my heart.
My mind was telling me to run far the fuck away from Cassie. My heart was telling me to give her a chance. I wanted to run it by Keesha, but I knew she would rip me a new asshole if I even told her that I was considering going to see Cassie.

  I wanted to keep the fact that she reached out to me to myself. However, I knew that if I didn't tell Thug, he would be mad at me. We're on good terms and I don't want to mess that up by keeping secrets from him, especially since I was going to go see her. I was the big sister so Keesha was going whether she wanted to or not.

  I decided to go to the house that Keesha and Quaadir had been staying in. I was skeptical about going because I have never been around Quaadir without Thug being present. I was still uncomfortable around him. I admit that he didn't look at me with lust in his eyes anymore. As a matter of fact, he doesn't even say anything to me. His ass avoided me all together. Thug scared his ass straight. When I pulled up to the house, I could hear their asses arguing outside. I almost wanted to turn around and leave, but it sounded like they were straight humbugging. I rang the doorbell and banged on the door. I was getting ready to go in with my key, but the door swung open and it was Quaadir and his nose was leaking blood.

  "What the hell are y'all in here doing? I could hear y'all as soon as I pulled up into the driveway."

  "You better come and get this crazy bitch before I kill her?" Quaadir said as he stepped to the side and let me in. I walked around the house and found Keesha in the bathroom with a towel up to her mouth. The towel was covered in blood.

  "I swear to God I'm going to kill his ass. This nigga ain't shit. I'm laying in bed next to him and he's texting some bitch he was cheating on me with back home."

  Before I knew it, Keesha ran out of the bathroom and I was on her ass. She jumped over the fucking couch like she was in the Matrix. Her and Quaadir were fighting again. I swear she was an untamed animal with the way she was fucking Quaadir up. I was trying my best to break them up because they were tearing the damn house up.


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