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Thug Passion 4

Page 15

by Mz. Lady P

  Despite already making the decision to become head of Thug Incorporated, the recent events that had transpired had me rethinking my entire situation. It was already a struggle running my drug empire and staying a couple of steps ahead of the law. Becoming a Mob Boss would make shit even more stressful, but make my job less harder.

  I could sit back and give orders and let my crew run shit. I had nothing but faith in my niggas. I already knew that they would hold court in the streets. I was not worried about my niggas though. My concern was my family and the measures that I would need to take to ensure their safety. The stakes became greater if and when I became the Boss.

  I still didn't get the chance to tell Tahari about the shit that I had inherited from my grandfather. My mind drifted back to the night when I killed his fat ass. It was the night I found Tahari beaten and bruised. That was fate like a motherfucker. I laughed to myself thinking about how I always used to tell her that it was fate that brought us together. She used to look at me like I was crazy. The tap on the window brought me out of my thoughts. My instincts made me grab my gun. I looked up and it was this nigga Quaadir dressed in all black.

  "You on some solo shit, Bro." Quaadir said as he took a pull off of his cigarette. He walked around and climbed into the passenger's seat. It was odd that this nigga was even here. I distinctly told them to stop staking out the place.

  "I already know what you thinking Bro. I wasn't going behind your back and doing the stakeout. I'm actually here for the same reason you are. I don't know what it is, but something inside of me told me to come here tonight. I don't know I guess you can call it twin intuition or some shit. I knew that you were here."

  I was glad that he said that because I was trying my best to trust him. So, far he had proven himself not only to me, but to the rest of the family as well. I guess it was in the cards for us to meet despite the circumstances. No matter how anyone looked at it, had we not met I probably would have eventually been killed and my family would have never known why or where it came from. A black Lincoln Town car pulled into the driveway and we knew the bitch ass nigga Dominic had arrived home.

  "Showtime my nigga," I said as we both tied our hoodies tight and made sure we were locked and loaded. Dominic got out of the car and started to stagger up to his door. His driver didn't even wait to make sure he got in. I didn't know what type of Italians these niggas were, but they were nothing like what the hell they showed us on TV. He was having a hard time getting in the door with his key and that made it better for us. We snuck up behind him and I hit him over the head with the gun.

  "Change of plans. Let's take this nigga to the warehouse," I said as we put his ass in the truck. We were back inside of the truck getting ready to pull off when a Bentley pulled into the driveway. We slumped down in our seats and noticed it was the bitch Donatella and her other son Vinny Jr.

  "We should grab both of their asses right now, we might not ever get the chance again," Quaadir said as he glanced back to make sure Dominic was still out cold.

  "We can kill that bitch here. I want that nigga Vinny chained up in my warehouse."

  "This nigga out cold. Let's go in kill the bitch and grab our long, lost brother." We both laughed and checked Dominic one last time before we exited the car again. We crept back up to the door and it was slightly open. We rushed in without hesitation. Vinny was standing at the bar with his back turned and before he could get a word out, I started pistol whooping his ass with no mercy. All I saw was the girls naked and my nieces casket being lowered into the ground. At first he was squirming, but eventually, his body went limp and I let his body fall to the floor.

  "What the hell is all that noise you're making?" Donatella said as she came back towards the foyer where we were standing. "Noooo!" she screamed at the same Quaadir shot her right between the eyes. She fell face first and the blood started to pour profusely.

  "Your ass a sharp shooter or something," I had to ask him. He hit her ass with so much precision that it was like something out of a movie.

  "I was raised by Aunt Ruth, one of the best gun slingers the A has ever seen. She taught me everything I know." Quaadir picked Vinny Jr. up off the floor and threw him over his shoulder. We were in and out in a matter of minutes and in route to the warehouse.

  At first, I wanted to keep my niggas out of loop. However, Sarge deserved to be here to get some get back for his daughter and his wife. I had to really think about the shit. If it was me in his shoes, I would definitely want in on killing the niggas who harmed my wife and caused my daughter's death. I wanted to inform Malik, but he was in no condition to be out torturing niggas. I'd make sure to get them niggas on behalf of him for hurting my sister-in-law.

  Chapter Thirty-One- Ta'Jay

  Worst Feeling Ever

  I hadn't been able to eat or sleep since I lost my daughter. Barbie and I had just left the doctor's office when we were snatched from the parking lot. When we were on our way there, Barbie kept saying that she felt like we were being followed. I told her that she was just being paranoid. I should have listened to her when she said that we should call somebody because I refused and now I was regretting it. I hadn't been out of my room since my daughter's funeral service.

  I kept staring at the professional pictures I had taken of her before they took her down to the morgue. She was dressed in a beautiful white dress with a huge bow on her head. She was so cute with a head full of hair. She was the splitting image of her father. Sarge and I took pictures with her and we made sure to get her some by herself. Most people wouldn't do that, but I wanted something to remember her by. I would never get to see her take her first steps or speak her first words. That hurt me so much.

  My baby girl didn't deserve to die at the hands of people who were out for my brother or anybody else for that matter. My phone had been ringing non-stop and I didn't want to talk to anybody. I was glad my mother had my son. I was in no condition to look after him right now. My bedroom door opened and Sarge walked in. I turned my back to his ass. I had no words for him either. I was just about fed up with him and his street life. He was a part of my brother's team, so he was guilty by association.

  "You really need to get your ass out of this bed and go get our son," Sarge said as he walked inside our bedroom closet and started changing clothes.

  "I don't have to do shit. Leave me the fuck alone and let me mourn our daughter. Unlike you who seems not to give a fuck that she's dead."

  "Don't ever let no shit like that fly out your mouth again. You of all people know how fucked up I am about Heaven. I can't believe you would even say some shit like that to me. Then again I'm not surprised at anything that comes out of your smart ass mouth." Sarge sat on the side of the bed and started lacing up his boots.

  "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I was now sitting up in bed and staring his ass down.

  "It means exactly how it sounds. I'm not about to sugarcoat shit with your ass. The way you behaved at the cemetery was uncalled for. That shit you said to your brother was real fucked up. He goes so hard for you. Do you have any idea how fucked up he is behind you saying the shit you said to said to him?"

  "This is not about Ka'Jaire right now. This is about me and the fact that my daughter is dead. What about me, Sarge? Does anybody care about me and what I'm going through?" I jumped up from the bed and got all the way up in his face. I couldn't believe Sarge was acting as if my feelings didn't matter and he was really pissing me off.

  "Is all about you huh, Ta'Jay? Fuck the fact that the entire family is going through shit because the world revolves around Ta'Jay. Your ass ain't nothing but a spoiled bitch!" He put emphasis on the world bitch and it made me jump back. We've argued before, but he had never disrespected me this way.

  "How dare you disrespect me?" My emotions got the best of me and I hauled off and slapped him across the face.

  "Have you lost your fucking mind? Don't you ever put your fucking hands on me." Sarge had his hands wrapped around my throat and choking me w
ith so much force that I started to see spots in my eyes. I was clawing and hitting his chest to get him to stop. I guess something snapped inside of him and just let me go. I fell to the floor and started to grasp for air.

  "Oh, my God! You tried to kill me."

  "I didn't try to kill your ass. I just wanted to give you a motherfucking reality check. You're not fucking with no lame ass nigga. Think twice before you put your fucking hands on me." Sarge walked out of the room and left out of the house. I just laid on the floor and I cried. I knew that I was spoiled rotten. I just never knew that my actions had the potential to affect my family. The words that Sarge said to me had me thinking about Thug. How could I say those things to him? He had been the best brother in the world. Most girls dreamt of having a big brother like Thug. Here I was I had him in my life and I treated him like dirt underneath my shoes. I loved my brother and I was just mad. I never meant to hurt him. I was wrong for blaming him for my daughter's death. He would've fought tooth and nail to save my baby.

  "Oh, my God! How could I say that shit to him?" I screamed out loud. I'm sure my neighbors and everyone else in our Cul-de-sac could hear me. I needed to get to my brother's house and apologize to him for everything I said to him. I got up and threw on anything I could find. I didn't care that it was five in the morning. I needed to get to my brother and apologize. I called his phone over and over again. It just kept rolling over to voicemail.


  "Open the door, Ka'Jaire. I know that you're in there. I need to talk to you!" I had been banging on the door and leaning on the doorbell. It took damn near forty-five minutes to get to their crib. The sun was coming up, so I knew that someone was woke in the house. The twins wake up at the crack of dawn when I kept them. so I knew for a fact somebody was woke.

  "I'm sorry for everything I said to you, Ka'Jaire! Just please open the door and talk to me." I was about to give up until I heard the locks being undone. Tahari was standing there looking sad as ever.

  "Where is Thug? I need to apologize to him for the things I said." I tried to step inside of the house, but she stepped in my way blocking me from entering.

  "He's not here and I don't know where he's at. The shit you said to him sent him off the deep end. He packed his shit and left because he doesn't want anyone else in the family to get hurt."

  "Oh, my God! What have I done, Tahari? How could I be so cruel? He's done nothing but love and protect me since I was a baby."

  "The things you said to him hurt him so bad. I have never seen him look so defeated. I'm sorry I don't know where he is. Honestly, I really don't give a fuck. He made it perfectly clear that he was leaving me and my children. If you don't mind, I need to cook breakfast for my babies." Tahari tried to close the door in my face like I was nothing.

  "Are you serious right now? How could you say that you don't give a fuck?" I had my foot in the door blocking her from closing it.

  "I meant just what I said. I don't give a fuck. Obviously, Thug needs his space to find himself. I'm not about to stress myself out anymore than I already have, If it's meant for us to be together, he will do what he needs to do and find his way home to his family. In the meantime, I have seven fucking kids to raise. Since you're the reason why he left, how about you go look for him because I'm not." Tahari slammed the door in my face and I stood there in shock. She made me feel even worse. My words really fucked him up in the head. He would never leave Tahari or his kids. I drove back to my house in tears. I cried for Heaven, I cried for Thug, and I cried for my marriage.

  Heaven was gone and that hurt so bad. The things I said to Thug not only hurt him, but caused him to bring pain to the people he loved the most. The words Sarge said to me replayed over and over in my head. I had to really be a spoiled bitch for Sarge to say it to me. He was so angry when he left. I had already lost Heaven. I was sure Thug would never look at me the same again. I needed Sarge. I couldn't bear losing him, too.

  Chapter Thirty-Two-Sarge

  Payback is a Bitch

  The fact that Ta'Jay could be so selfish hearted had me rethinking our whole relationship. Losing my daughter hurt like hell. I cried until my eyes hurt when the doctor came out and told me she didn't make it. I wanted to turn around and go back and choke her ass again for saying the foul ass shit that she said to me. I had no words for her after the performance she put on at the cemetery.

  The shit she said to her brother was way out of line. Before I even looked at her in a sexual way, I noticed how Malik, Thug, and Peaches spoiled her rotten. Anything she asked for she got it. I didn't make it any better because when I came into her life, I started spoiling her even more than they did. She was now my wife and my responsibility. I could buy her a black Birken bag today and tomorrow she would come back and say she wanted in white. I would go out and get it with no questions asked. Mainly, because I didn't want her walking around pouting and acting like it was the end of the fucking world.

  I couldn't even be mad at her though that was the way that she was before I married her. Thug, Malik, and Peaches had created a monster. Besides all that, Thug still didn't deserve for her to be so disrespectful to him. I hated to put my hands on her like that. I'd never done anything like that even when she had hit me first in the past. I would just walk away. That was what I should have done, but she chose the wrong day to go far with me.

  As soon as I get back home, I was going to apologize to her. I loved her spoiled ass she just made me want to kick her ass sometimes. I was happy as hell when Thug called and told me to come to the warehouse. That could only mean one thing; he had a package for me, and it needed to be unwrapped.

  "It took your ass long enough," Thug said out of breathe as him and Quaadir continued to beat the fuck out who I believed to be Dominic and Vinny Jr. It was kind of fucked up because here it was brothers against brothers. I didn't feel sorry for their asses though. It was their fucking fault my daughter was six feet under.

  "I got into it with your crazy ass sister." As soon as I said that, Thug started to hit Dominic's ass even harder.

  "Just kill me you black motherfuckers!" Vinny said as he spit blood out onto the floor.

  "I got you homie. Don't worry about it," I said as I kicked both of their asses out of the chair. I walked over and grabbed a Hazmat suit and goggles; this shit was about to get real messy. Thug knew what was up so he suited up as well. Quaadir stood there looking at us like he was crazy.

  "If you don't want these fuck boi's blood on you. I suggest you suit up." The sound of us cranking up the Chainsaws caused Dominic and Vinny to squirm like the cowards that they were. Piece by piece we cut their bodies parts up and placed them into plastic bags and then inside huge storage containers. We called the cleanup crew to handle the mess inside the warehouse. Thug, Quaadir, and I wanted to personally deliver the body parts to Don Gianelli. We pulled up to the estate and threw the containers into the driveway. The security guard never seen or heard anything; he was too busy sleeping.

  It was ten in the morning when I finally made it back to the crib. I came in and went straight upstairs to take a shower. I bagged the clothes and shoes I had on and got rid of everything. Ta'Jay wasn't at home. A part of me wondered where she could be. The other part really didn't give a fuck. Mainly, because I knew she was somewhere in her feelings and sulking. I hadn't had much sleep since the day she was kidnapped and my daughter died.

  I was dead ass tired and all I wanted to do was sleep. My intentions were to only take a short nap. I ended up sleeping until nine o'clock at night. I rolled over in bed and noticed that Ta'Jay's side of the bed was empty. I got out of bed and went to see if I could find her. As I walked down the hallway, I heard sniffles coming from the nursery we had prepared for Heaven. I took a deep breath before I entered the room. Ta'Jay was sitting on the floor holding the pictures of our daughter. I sat down on the floor next to her.

  "She was beautiful like you," I said to her as I grabbed her hand in mine.

  "No, Heaven was the splitting image
of you and Sar'Jay." She wiped her eyes and laid her head on my shoulder. "Why did she have to die, Sarge? She was so innocent."

  "I know that you're upset right now, but we can't question God. He had bigger plans for her that required her presence. That's why I named her Heaven. We're going to get through this together."

  "I'm sorry for slapping you. You didn't deserve that." Ta'Jay held my face in her hands.

  "No, I'm the sorry one. I never should have chocked you." We kissed and hugged each other tightly.

  "Do you think my brother will forgive me for all the awful things I said to him?"

  "Of course he will. Just give him some time to get his head together. He has a lot on his plate right now. He loves your spoiled ass. Always has and always will."

  "I hope so. Come on let's go to bed. I haven't felt you inside of me in so long. I need some of that Daddy Dick to make me feel better." For the rest of the night, we made love to each other and discussed trying to have another baby in the future. Having another baby would never replace our baby girl Heaven. She would always be our first daughter and our guardian angel.

  Chapter Thirty-Three-Thug

  I'm A Outlaw Got A Outlaw Chick

  It had been a week since I walked out on my wife and kids. I felt like shit for not calling or sending a text. I could hear her now calling me everything but the child of God. No matter what, I knew that she was holding down the home front. I still hadn't got a new phone, so no one was able to get in touch with me. I decided not to get a phone because I would be tempted to pick up it up and call and my wife. The last part of my plan was not completed just yet. I needed to tie up one last loose end. This fat motherfucker Don Gianelli was still alive and ticking, but not for long. It had been a couple of days since the triple funeral of his daughter and grandsons. The news report said that it was a Mob hit stemming from an ongoing Mob war.


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