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Birthing the Lucifer star

Page 36

by donna bartley

  Chapter 16, one moment of Heaven

  Shirley prepared for her escape. She realized that with the unsustainable light, she had all the attributes of a familiar. During the past 48 hours she practiced with what was available in the asylum, first a roach, then an ant, back to human form again. It became easier each time. She had a plan of action, Uktena was right, he could not get to heaven, but she could. In that meeting of the minds, she instantly realized what needed to be done. In a split second reality can change. One moment, one blink of the ‘eye’, one lucid thought of clarity, one infinitesimal grain of recognition. I dream of lifetimes before me and not knowing if they're my own, I keep dreaming, keep seeing, yet…my dreams have been coming true, the stories that grew from my dreams are coming true. Do I dare speak of them; do I dare heed the call, and give them life as they have given me life? Do I expose myself to public ridicule and condemnation, or do I keep them for my own madness...? I wonder even as I think this, I know that my words will change the consciousness of human existence; that is not an ego driven summation, but a statement of fact. So it is visualized, so it shall materialize.

  In a few days, my life will change dramatically. I've seen it...Parts of it, and I know that even though I fear the future I must proceed and act upon what it is I have been called upon to undertake, I must strive for it. I must reach out and DO what I must. Too much rides on my completing these tasks laid out for me. I must reach for the void of the outer realms that I am bequeathed to, for in it I will change my destiny and become what I never was before. I must do this for myself and for everyone around me. Life will never be the same, not even my afterlife, heaven's realms, or the great halls, the akashic records; everything will be changed for the millennia with my actions.

  Am I humanly capable of carrying out such a feat? Will I be cast as some tinfoil hat wearing nut case? Look where I am now. But those that have come before to make straight the path, had the same insight that I have, they knew the odds, could see the consequences of their actions, and forged a new destiny not by their will, but by the will of God.

  The outer door to the high security wing of Eastmont Hospital swung open; Dr. Casper Gavorkian entered the cell with another doctor. "Good morning Shirley, there is someone here to see you, I would like to introduce you to Dr. Jeb Bello, he's here to transport you to a different hospital."

  Shirley tried hard not to react. "Dr. Jeb Bello, psychiatrist, extraordinaire, works for black ops!" Shirley stated in a matter of fact tone. “He’s come to take ‘possession’ of me.”

  "Good morning young lady, Dr. Gavorkian was good enough to explain your situation and I believe I can help you." Dr. Jeb Bello surmised.

  "Yes, I believe you can." Shirley winked at Dr. Gavorkian. "I'm all packed and ready to go Dr. Jeb"

  "Now don't give me a hard time!" Dr. Jeb suddenly shouted. "We might have to sedate her, Dr. Gavorkian."

  "That won't be necessary," Shirley spoke, "Put me in a straight jacket, or hand cuff me, I'm willing to leave with you, I did not say I cannot, will not or shall not!"

  Dr. Jeb Bello eyed Shirley suspiciously. But Dr. Gavorkian spoke up, "It will not be necessary, she has joined the other patients in the social hall, and has been our best patient."

  Shirley was allowed to dress in a white outfit that fit her, and they brought her paper shoes to put on, she looked and felt a mess. But now was no time to worry about how she would appear in public.

  They all went into the office to fill out release forms. Dr. Jeb filled out a new set of 'commitment' papers.

  "Dr Gavorkian, Dr. Gavorkian!" The security guard had come into the office. "Shirley's father is here to pick her up!"

  Shirley looked up startled. Her Father? Her parents had no idea where she was, she actually started to cry, "Papa?"

  The security guard allowed the visitor entry and brought him to the office, where they were filling out Shirley's transfer papers. Eagle Flying Bye stood in the doorway.

  Shirley ran to him and gave him a big hug. "Oh papa, I'm so glad to see you, thank you for coming for me." Shirley's face crinkled up and she cried loudly.

  "Excuse me, Mr. Cohen?" Dr. Gavorkian looked at Eagle Flying Bye. He looked Native American, dark skinned, white haired. "We were just in the process of transferring your daughter."

  "Yes, er aa....we are taking Shirley to a hospital in Colorado." Dr. Jeb Bello stated.

  "Well, I will come along." Shirley's father stated. "I will act as her guardian."

  Dr. Jeb looked at the old man all flustered. "Well there's no law against it." He mumbled.

  The three of them left the hospital through the front door, there was an ambulance waiting.....

  As soon as Shirley walked through the front door of the hospital, she easily shape shifted into a cat bird, who allowed her his physical form a few days before.

  Eagle Flying bye took the queue and sailed into the heights. Dr. Jeb had walked out of the hospital with the girl, a guard on each side of her.

  They all stood there perplexed, not mentally registering, what their eyes had told them. Dr. Jeb, screamed at the guards, "Don't let them get away!"

  The guards did not react however, because they didn't know where the two had disappeared.


  Early morning twilight, streaks of aquamarine hue spilled into the lavender horizon, coloring the floating clouds with faint tracings of the rainbow between the shimmering sheen of silver outline. Gentle breeze on high lightly powering the lovely formations to the west like majestic pirate ships told of in tales of old. Upon the distant crimson faced cliff, just beyond the rise of a great mountain with its peak hidden in the thick of clouds, was a faint crack in the ancient maroon rock this is where the mature Eagle made his home.

  White feather down had been buried deep beneath the drab colored plumage of the bird's aging. So as he had begun now he returned yet larger, stronger, with attributes gifted to no other for he had partaken of amrita. Food of the great serpent had never before been tasted by one of his kind. Eagle Flying Bye had grown large, powerful, attaining a gnosis that heretofore had not been possible in the world of men.

  Awake at the crack of dawn, the eagle looked out upon the world. This was the same view that he had held for over eighty-four years. Despite the experience of time, Eagle Flying bye was still young.

  With a wing span greater than the largest maritime birds it seemed impossible that the Eagle could fit through the little opening that acted as a doorway to his home. Softly he began to sing the song of freedom. Slowly the crevice widened under the spell-song as Eagle Flying Bye rang out the notes he knew so well. Leaping forth, going into free fall, he spread his massive wings so as to glide effortlessly down the sides of the cliff.

  As he glided along delighting in the sensation of pure unadulterated pleasure the widened crack closed again behind so as to bar any other access to the great Eagle’s sanctuary. Turning and making the slightest motion with his wings as they gleamed with an iridescent aura as the sun's rays touched them, the bird checked to make sure that once again the fissure was shut. Chirping happily the eagle turned towards the great river where he knew there was rainbow trout aplenty waiting for him.

  The clouds parted above giving full vent of the sun's light to the Eagle. A trail of misty steam tailed the bird as he flew happily along. This far out no other manner of beast or person was about to hinder him in his delightful pleasure. Truly this was the greatest of all freedoms, to fly high above the bright blue marble and see all there was to see below. He was diving now, in and out of the billowing clouds, leaving streaks of violet behind. Just like some earth born fireworks display running playful patterns making symbols in the sky, all the while singing out a mighty song of cheer, one that would make even the most sullen of angels feel spirits lif
t. Eagle Flying Bye spotted Eastmont hospital for the mentally insane, and swooped easily to the macadam driveway below.

  Perching on the windowsill to Shirley's chamber the bird sang a love song that was so sweet it brought tears to her eyes. When his song was finished he tipped his head and gave an inquiring chirp. A gentle hand stroked his feathered breast, touching his warm feathers. Eagle Flying Bye had suffered much roughness in his youth or was it his former self's youth? This touch was so different. There was no malice, no evil in the touch. The bird happily sighed; she was one of the few he would ever allow to lay a hand upon him. She stroked his chest and offered him food, which he eagerly accepted.


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