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The Contest

Page 6

by Dawn L. Chiletz

  Jake drifted into the room looking tired and beaten, holding several papers. Madi wondered what had transpired in his meeting with Caleb. He clenched his jaw when he asked the guys if they were ready to get started. They started to move and Madi backed up so as to not be in the way. As he was leaving the room, Jake shot her a quick pained smile. It immediately shot to her heart and she wanted to reach out and hug him. He looked like he could use a hug. She smiled back as comfortingly as she could and he left the room.

  Ang and Madi were alone again and she asked her, “Is he okay?”

  “What do you mean?” Ang asked.

  “He looked sad just now.”

  Ang studied her face for a moment before responding, “He’s fine. He’s usually serious when he’s working.”

  “No, really,” she said. Is he okay?”

  Ang must have been able to tell she was earnest by the concerned look on her face because she went on to tell her how she worried about him sometimes. She explained how he worked long hours all the time and how he needed to give himself a break.

  Madi nodded and listened. She asked Ang how old her kids were and if it was hard for her to be away for long periods of time. Ang and Madi sat and talked for a good hour. Madi learned that both her boys were in college and that she and her ex had divorced three years ago. She told her about how she’d worked for Jake the past eight years, almost since he’d started out, and how he had always been like another son to her. She told her how she had promised his mom she’d look after him and how Jake had been there for her as well when things were hard.

  “You’re pretty easy to talk to, sweetie,” she said in a kind, soft voice.

  “You remind me of my mom. You’re so strong for everyone all the time that I bet people forget you’re not a superhero.” Madi liked Ang. Jake was lucky to have her. Madi could see why she meant so much to him.

  Ang and Madi walked back out to the studio and she felt her heart sink.

  Christine Paul was standing with her arm around Jake and they were smiling and laughing with each other. Madi only knew who she was because Kendra had made her listen to her CD when she was writing a paper on modern jazz.

  She was stunning. She noted that Jake had his arm around her, too. She couldn’t hear what was being said, but Madi could tell from her body language that she was flirting up a storm with him. Madi suddenly felt the urge to run and cry. Why was she being so dumb? Had she forgotten who she was? I’m no one and she, well, she is Christine Paul. I have never hated anyone I hadn’t met before. Her mind was racing with negative thoughts. At that moment, with her arm around Jake, Madi realized she hated Christine Paul with a passion.


  Christy had stopped by to see how the plans were going. It was always nice to see her. She took his mind off the meeting he had just had with Caleb about the tour. The details overwhelmed him sometimes. It didn’t help that Caleb was overly concerned about some suspicious fan-mail Jake had received. Jake was used to it, but Caleb seemed more worried than usual. He was making a big deal about it and insisted Dave get involved. Jake had shrugged it off. Weird letters from people were the norm. It happened all the time. After Caleb had him read one in particular, Jake had to admit it made him feel uneasy so he agreed to have Dave look it over.

  He was glad to have Christy as a distraction. She was a good friend. They had met at a charity function and had spoken about possibly doing a duet sometime. She was bold, boastful and immodest, but he liked her anyway. After about an hour of catching up, she left and they were finally able to get back to work.

  He looked at his watch. It was almost 4 p.m. and they hadn’t even started. He did some warm ups with his vocal coach, inhaled a gallon of water, and they were finally ready to start. Madi came to mind as he remembered her idea for the song. He turned to look for her, but she wasn’t around. He was actually a little sad that she wasn’t there to hear him try out her idea, but then he went to work and time flew by.

  After another hour, they had finally laid down the track. He wanted to find Ang, and Madi for that matter, to get their opinion on it. He searched the lounge, but they weren’t there. He tried the conference room, nope. Then he heard her giggle. It was coming from Caleb’s office. He opened the door and there she was on the floor with Ang, looking through old photos of him when he’d first started out.

  “How’d it go? Is it ready?” Caleb asked.

  “Just coming to get you. I wanted to get your opinion.”

  Caleb and Ang immediately rose but Madi stayed there, making piles on the floor. Jake turned to her as he was walking out and said, “Hey, are you coming?”

  “Me too?” she said with surprise.

  “Hell yes. If it weren’t for you, I’d still be struggling with the concept.”

  She jumped up quickly and her spirits seemed to brighten. Was she sad before? The thought passed through his mind in an instant before they were in the sound booth listening to the recording. Caleb and Ang liked it right away. Jake watched Madi out of the corner of his eye. He couldn’t read her expression. Did she like it? Why did he care?

  He turned full on toward her and saw that her eyes were closed as she listened to him sing. Whoa… he had thought she was cute, maybe even pretty before, but for some reason, maybe it was the light, his mood, or maybe even that she seemed so connected with his music, but she looked absolutely beautiful. The thoughts danced in his head as he watched her.

  He studied her. Her body swayed slightly as she listened. Her blue blouse clung to her in just the right way. He looked at her slowly from her feet to her lips. Her legs were long and lean. The jeans she was wearing fit her just right. Her shirt was open two, maybe three buttons and for a second he thought he saw a pink bra pop out from underneath. He caught himself and looked away. She was a fan for Pete’s sake. What in the hell was he thinking? He’d never been so turned on watching someone listen to his music before. He needed to get a grip and fast. He looked at her again and asked her what she thought.

  Her eyes popped open. “It’s unbelievable. I love it! Are you going to sing it on tour?”

  “I think so. Maybe. We’ll have to see how the release goes.”

  Caleb grabbed his arm and they started talking business again. Ang and Madi walked out of the room, but not before he saw her stare him down one last time.

  Chapter 7


  She was sitting in the studio back behind the window again. Besides the hum of voices nearby it was pretty quiet and Jake was nowhere around. She started feeling lonely so she picked up her phone to call Kendra. She didn’t even read her texts first. She had an idea what they might have said. Kendra answered on the first ring.

  “Girl… you are so lucky you called me. I am in desperate need of details! I was about to hop on a plane and come find your ass.”

  It was so good to hear her voice. It seemed like weeks since she’d spoken to her.

  “Guess who was here today?”

  “Derek Hough from Dancing with the Stars? I love him by the way,” Kendra said.

  “No, not even close,” Madi laughed as she stood and poked her head around the corner.

  “Hugh Jackman? He’s flipping hot!”

  Sigh. “Oh jeez Ken, you’ll never guess. It was Christine Paul,” Madi whispered.

  “You’re kidding? Wow, did you get to meet her?”

  “No, I just saw her standing with her hands all over Jake.”

  “Huh, are they dating?”

  “I don’t know. She was here for a while,” Madi said in an agitated voice as she sat back down in her chair.

  “Wait, I thought she was married to that producer guy. Oh shit, what’s his name?”

  “Well the way she was flirting with him, I don’t think she’ll be married for long.” Madi strummed her fingers on her leg as she spoke. She twisted the ring on her right middle finger with her thumb, then flicked her nails as she looked at the ceiling.

  “Someone sounds jealous,” Kendra said in a sing-
song voice.

  “Yeah right, I’m not even in the same league as her. How could I be jealous? It’s not like he’s my boyfriend or anything.”

  “Oooh… Are you thinking he would make a good boyfriend? You have been dating for hours now.”

  Leave it to Kendra to make her laugh even when she didn’t want to. Madi could hear footsteps approaching. “Hey, I gotta go. Someone’s coming. Love you, miss you, talk to you soon!”

  “K, later beyotch.”

  As soon as she ended the call, Jake came around the corner.

  “Boyfriend?” he asked.

  “Me? Boyfriend?” She looked down at her phone. He must have heard the love you, miss you thing.

  “Oh no, that was my friend, Kendra. She gives me crap if I don’t give her frequent updates about how my day is going.” Madi fumbled with the phone in her hands and berated herself for feeling nervous around him.

  “Hmm…” he said as he folded his arms and leaned against the doorframe. “So how is your day going?”

  “Fantastic, as usual. You’re a great date,” she said with an over-eager smile that was probably way too big for her face.

  “Hmmph, I think you’re giving me far too much credit. I’ve been a lousy date and you know it.”

  She stood up. “Don’t say that. I love this place and everyone here has been so nice. I feel spoiled by all the attention I’m getting.”

  “You must have ten brothers and sisters to think this is being spoiled.” He pushed his hands into his pockets and adjusted his stance at the door accordingly.

  “Nope, two brothers, both older. They pretty much ignored me,” she laughed.

  “Ah… now I see why being ignored doesn’t bother you so much.”

  “Jake Morgan, are you analyzing me? I didn’t know you were so brilliant at deducing my dysfunctional childhood.”

  He looked at her as his lips curled into a smile. “Oh, I’m multi-talented. I can also balance a spoon on my nose.”

  She snorted. Nice.

  “Did you just snort at me?” he said in a chuckle.

  “Yes I did. Snorting while laughing has been handed down from generation to generation in my family. It’s genetic. I can’t help it.”

  “Well, damn, girl,” he said in a flirty, smoking hot voice as his arms crossed over his chest once again.

  She gasped and reflected on how the sound of his voice caused her legs to quiver.

  “Well, my snorting date, how about I take you to dinner before you die of hunger and boredom?”

  “Really, I get to have dinner with you again?”

  He smiled. “I have committed myself to you for the evening.”

  She was afraid to move for fear her panties would drop to the floor. “Holy shit.” Did she just say that out loud?

  “What was that?” he asked. “Did you just swear in my presence? And here I thought you were so prim and proper,” he said through a pleased smirk.

  If he only knew how improper her thoughts were becoming.


  He excused himself from Madi to check in with Ang to see if she was coming along. There was a part of him that hoped she wasn’t coming so that he could get to know Madi a little better. She seemed sassier when Ang wasn’t around and he liked it. However, another part of him was praying Ang would come because she kept him in line. Her presence reminded him that it was not a real date and that Madi was just a fan who was going home to Chicago tomorrow. Tomorrow, he was surprised at how fast the time went by. He really thought this contest thing would be awful, but Madi had been unexpected. She was sweet and patient and easy on the eyes. Time passed quickly and he found himself interested in her, especially her need to not like him.

  He poked his head into the conference room. “Coming with, Ang?”

  “Naw sweetie, you two go ahead without me.” She shuffled papers across the table and began sorting them into piles.

  His nerves shot up. “Come on, Ang. I need you to protect me from her.”

  Ang laughed, “You mean I need to protect her from you?”

  “Hey, now what’s that all about? You’re supposed to be on my side remember?”

  “Oh, I don’t know Jake. I think I’m starting to like her more.”

  “Now that can't be possible.” He walked behind her and put his hands on her shoulders.

  “Jakie, Jake. What am I ever going to do with you?”

  “What’s wrong? You seem stressed.”

  “Well, truth be told, Jake, I’m going to be here all night. ‘The Ridge’ wants the price lists of merchandise faxed over and I still have to sort the t-shirts, posters and books into boxes to ship to them tomorrow for their tour promotion.”

  He rubbed his chin. “Damn, that’s too much for one person.”

  “We’d be glad to help!”

  Madi had stepped into the room and heard Ang tell him about all the work she had to do. Did she just offer to give up dinner with him to help his assistant finish her work? He didn’t know if he was more impressed or disappointed.

  “Are you sure?” he said. He looked at her to see if he could read her, but nope, he had nothing.

  “Of course, unless you can’t stay?” She looked at him with those big brown eyes and he felt his head spin.

  “Do you know who you’re talking to? I’m the king of work. I would work twenty-four hours straight if I could.”

  Madi smiled at him and his breath hitched.

  “Now you two cut it out and get the heck out of here. Madi, this is supposed to be a fun weekend and so far all you’ve done is have a little Chinese and help me.” Ang moved the papers into one big pile.

  “Are you kidding?” Madi asked. “The only thing better than looking at t-shirts, posters and books of Jake is looking at them and looking at the real Jake at the same time.”

  Then she winked at him.

  Did she just wink at me? His thoughts frantically bumped into each other. What the hell? Is the girl openly flirting with me? And why in the hell did I just wink back?

  Chapter 8


  They spent the next three hours sorting through posters of Jake, t-shirts of Jake and various other merchandise sold at his concerts. At one point, Jake had insisted she put on one of his t-shirts. Anyone she wanted. She chose the one that said, “Who likes Jake Morgan? This girl!” with two big thumbs pointing her way. Jake took the same shirt and placed in on his head and wore it like a towel backwards. She had never laughed as much as she did that night, and she thought Kendra was funny.

  The longer they were there, the easier it became to be around him. They talked and laughed through the hamburger dinner he had delivered at 8 p.m. and she learned more about him in those few hours than she could ever have learned from any interview or magazine article. He was just as charming in person, even more so. He could imitate so many people and had a lengthy skit of various voices that he performed for her while they sorted and packed. He did an imitation of Ang that was so dead on that even she almost broke into tears from laughing so hard.

  But the moment she would never forget for as long as she lived happened while they were eating. Madi had just taken a bite of her burger when he stopped eating and stared at her. He reached over and wiped the corner of her mouth with his thumb and shyly smiled. Then he cracked a joke about how he couldn’t take her anywhere, defusing the intensity of the moment. That brief second, when he touched her face, she stopped breathing. His hands were soft and he was so gentle. No one had ever made her feel the way he made her feel with that one simple gesture and that one look. She would have jumped off a bridge if he asked her to and she had never jumped for anyone.

  Ang somehow let it slip that she had sung with the band. Jake’s eyes almost popped out of his head as he looked away from his box and toward Madi. “You sang for them?”

  “They forced me!” she squealed like a little girl.

  “Well they must have some magical powers to get you to sing for them. You won’t even hum for me and I’m yo
ur date.” Jake smiled, stood, and studied the papers in his hands briefly before looking back toward Madi.


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