Book Read Free

Miss Taken

Page 3

by Cleo Scornavacca

  The man waited in the doorway to the room while the woman came in and stood over me. She then leaned down and placed her small, soft hand under my chin. As I look up into her eyes I see compassion. I want to trust her for some strange reason, but she works for that sick ‘son of a bitch’, so I can’t let myself feel anything.

  Then she spoke. “My dear you haven’t touched your food again. You must eat to keep up your strength. You’ve missed two full meals now. Please eat.”

  “I’m sorry about my lack of appetite. I assure you it’s not the food. It’s the situation.”

  “Please eat. The gentleman who brought you here will not be happy if you continue in this matter.” I was going to say he could go fuck himself, but that wouldn’t be appropriate for me to speak like that to her.

  “You can tell your boss I don’t appreciate being kidnapped, drugged, or poisoned. So I’ll pass on the food.”

  “You aren’t being drugged, Miss Medici.” A familiar voice emerges from the doorway of the room as a weird feeling surges through my body. Standing next to the older gentleman is my kidnapper. He shouldn’t be that good looking in the morning. He’s wearing all black again. This time black jeans and a tight black short sleeve tee shirt. I guess black is the basic wardrobe attire to bury someone in. I bet he has gloves stashed in his back pocket.

  “Anna, Joseph, thank you, but I’ll take care of Miss Medici for now.” The couple walk towards the door. The woman turns and faces me.

  “Please eat, my dear. I promise it’ll be okay. You really are safe.” Then she disappears with her husband. When they’re gone, and I’m alone again with him, all of my fears start to flood my brain. That’s when I begin to scream.

  “Let me go you sick fuck!” I continued with my rant. “You asshole, I’m not an animal. You can’t keep me here.”

  I lunge at him, pushing him out of the way. I run towards the door and start pounding on it. I kept screaming and pounding. Then once exhausted, I notice my hands are bleeding. There’s blood on the door and down my wrists. He didn’t stop me. He let me exhaust myself. I really wasn’t getting out. I turned around, leaned on the door, and lowered myself to the floor. I don’t say anything. I just bring my knees to my chest and lower my head to cry. When I look up he’s staring at me. He picks up the glass of water that’s on the breakfast tray and a napkin. He walks over to me, kneels down, looks into my eyes, and holds out his hand. He speaks softly.

  “Let me take a look. You’re hurt.”

  All I keep thinking about is him looking deep within my soul. Could he really see that I am hurt or are my bloody hands a liability? I know he meant my physical hurt. I didn’t want or need his pity. I didn’t make a move.

  “Raven, let me see your hands now.” He demanded.

  I looked up at him through my lashes. He acts like he can’t take his eyes off of me. It’s unsettling, to say the least. I give him my right hand. His hand is much larger than mine. It’s soft, not calloused. It doesn’t appear that he does much hard labor. He studied the cuts, and notices the heavy bruising. He must know that didn’t just come from the pounding I gave the door. He immediately pulled up my shirt sleeve, which revealed that the bruises go way past my elbow. He then takes my left arm to find the same damage.

  “Shit! What the fuck is all this?” He snapped.

  I remain silent.

  “Answer me.”

  “I tend to bruise easily.” I say as if it’s was no big deal.

  He narrowed his eyes. “What’s wrong with you? This isn’t normal.” Holding up one wrist to show me what I already am aware of.

  “I just do.” Not giving him any more information.

  “Miss Medici.” He started in a cold manner. “I fully understand that I have placed you in this unfortunate situation, not of your choosing, but let me be clear. I don’t appreciate being lied to.”

  I look directly in his eyes. “I’m not lying to you. For the record I don’t appreciate being dragged here and locked up, but I’m just fine. I don’t want nor do I need any of your concern.”

  He curses and all of a sudden I’m being lifted and pushed against the door. My eyes grow wide and lock on his beautiful face, which is currently scowling at me. He presses his hard body against me and his hands hold each side of my face.

  His jaw tightened and he said: “You listen to me. I have plans for you and your father. I don’t need a sick hostage. It’s not acceptable. Now you tell me what all this bruising is about.”

  It’s extremely hard for me to focus with no space between us. He’s my captor and yet I find him attractive. Which terrifies and disgusts me all at the same time.

  Think Rain Think. Don’t blow it.

  I swallowed hard and began to speak softly, but directly to him.

  “Before you came in I was banging on the floor out of frustration and I guess I slammed my arms down too hard and it caused the bruises.”

  He pushed away from me and allows me to walk back to the mattress that’s on the floor. He opened the door to walk out. Then he turns to me and says: “I’m calling a doctor I know to tend to you.”

  I let out a deep exhale. I grow even more tired so I laid back down again.

  This time I wake up to find the man who is holding me hostage standing beside the mattress. He has another gentleman with him. He leans down and speaks quietly to me.

  “Raven, I’m Dr. Roth. I’m here to help you.” I sit up and address him cautiously.

  “Dr. Roth, unless you’re here to get me released then I’m really not interested in what you have to say. You are here to help him, not me.”

  I looked directly into the eyes of my stranger. Nothing. No emotion of any kind. I expected something from him but got even less.

  “Raven, let me check your bruising.” Dr. Roth continues. He holds out his hands to me. I placed my hands in his. He starts to turn and twist them.

  “Shit that hurts!” I pulled away quickly.

  “It appears she sprained both wrists with all the pounding.” He looks up at my mystery man.

  He has no response so the doctor continues with his examination of me. When he’s done, he tells me: “I’m going to prescribe for you some pain relievers. Are you allergic to anything?”


  “Good, so you can take these as directed on the bottle. You can also take Ibuprofen every four hours as well.” Looking at Mr. Evil the doctor states, “She needs her wrists to be iced to bring the swelling down.”

  Turning back to me, “Raven, you need to rest your arms, as much as possible. If you should get any pain that’s sharp or out of the ordinary, I must be contacted immediately.”

  “Dr. Roth, I’m grateful for your advice, but with all due respect, where the fuck am I going? How could I possibly do any more damage than what’s already been done? It’s not like my dance card is going to get filled anytime soon under my current accommodations.”

  The good doctor looks down and smirks at my response, then back at the stranger who was holding me against my will. He seems unmoved by what the doctor has to say about my condition and my reaction to it.

  “Dr. Roth, I won’t take medication of any kind. I don’t trust you or your employer.”

  “Raven, the pain is going to get worse.” He’s pleading.

  I look down, pull on my sleeves and quietly say: “Nothing could be worse than the situation I’m in right now.”

  “Well, I’ll keep a check on you and see how you are doing.” Then he hands the paper with the prescription to my captor and both men leave.

  I noticed that one of my bags is on the floor. I hadn’t seen it there before. I really need a shower. So I rummage through the bag and take out some clothes and toiletries. I go into the bathroom and turn on the water. While waiting for it to get hot, I take a look in the mirror. Wow! I look like total shit.

  I continue to get in the shower. The water is warm and very welcoming. It’s so soothing to my entire body. I stayed in there for quite a while. I’m so glad
I’d packed my vanilla shower gel for Capri. It’s very comforting now.

  Never in a million years did I think I would be confined again. I mean, this is different compared to my childhood. There were no locked doors and the people caring for me loved me. They were my family. This situation is totally different. The sick bastard who has taken me is using me as a pawn, as leverage for my dad’s business. Well, he thinks he’s using Raven. It also bothers me that he’s so attractive. I’m really mad at myself for looking at him that way.

  I reluctantly shut off the water and step out to grab a large towel. I wrap it around my body and another one around my head. I’m completely exhausted from the shower. Not having my shots is playing havoc with my health. Then I hear a knock at the door. It couldn’t be him because I’m almost positive that he would walk right in. There isn’t a lock on the bathroom door. So someone is being very considerate not to just walk in on me.

  “Yes, who is it?”

  “It’s Anna, Miss Medici. I brought you some lunch.”

  “Um, thank you, Anna. I have to get dressed and I’ll be right out.”

  For some sick reason I was hoping it was him. It’s strange how I am forming a dependency of sorts with him so soon, too soon. This disturbs me. I closed the lid to the toilet and sat down. I need to rest and collect my thoughts. Finally, I decide to dress, because I’m feeling a slight chill. Regrettably, I drop the towel that’s warming me, in that moment the door opens and it’s him. I freeze as he looks over my naked body. I quickly pick up the towel and wrap it around myself. Holding it tightly so it doesn’t fall off.

  “Don’t you knock?” I say sounding disgusted.

  “Miss Medici, you’re not a guest here. You’re a means to an end. I won’t knock. In fact, I’ll do anything I damn well please. You have already caused me more trouble than you’re worth. From the ride here with my associates and the illness you aren’t divulging to me. Don’t push your luck.”

  I don’t know why but in that moment I felt hurt. I’m a means to end. I’m nothing to him. Only so useful.

  What is wrong with me? I shouldn’t care what he thinks. I need to snap out of this.

  I closed my eyes to help prevent the tears that are building. Hopefully, he won’t notice, since my face is wet from the shower.

  “I’m not here because I chose to be. I would like to finish getting dressed from my shower. It’s not like I can escape. There is only one tiny window and it’s barred. What could I possibly do in here to ruin your plan?”

  Just then my IPhone begins to vibrate. I look at his face and it’s turning beet red. There is nowhere for me to escape. He looks increasingly angrier with every buzz.

  “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?” he sounds wild.

  I said nothing. He moves towards me and grabs my face. He is so close I can feel his breath on me. My heart starts to race and my legs give way. I’m going to pass out. As I feel myself falling, his arms wrap around me, lifting me to him before everything fades into darkness.

  I started to wake up slowly. As my eyes begin to focus, I notice the room appears to be different. It’s not the same. This room is beige with cream crown molding. Directly in front of me, across from the bed I’m lying in, is a massive fireplace. Above the fireplace is a beautifully framed beach scene. I stop breathing. It’s one of my photographs. He owns one of mine. How can that be possible, especially if he doesn’t know who I am? It appears he didn’t research my family as well as he thought he did. This secret that I am Rain Medici is safe. At least for now. I continued to drink in the new room.

  To the right of the bed is a wall of windows with sheer curtains and a window seat, so you could gaze out at the ocean. In front of the windows is a large desk and computer. The on the left side of the room is a seating area with a sectional, coffee table, and bookcases filled with many novels that surround a flat screen television in the center of the unit. There’s a hallway behind me. One of the doors is open, it looks like a walk-in closet of sorts. I get up to take a closer look down the hall. On the left side, opposite the door to the walk-in closet, is an enormous bathroom. Black and stainless steel accents make it very masculine. There’s a free standing tub and a shower with a bench seat and eight shower heads. I notice a small black refrigerator under the counter. Opening it revealed some drinks. I took a bottle of water. It’s has a seal on it so I know it’s safe to drink. I walked back out to the bedroom area and sit on the couch. I decide to take the chenille throw from the back of the sofa, wrapping it around me. As I settle in I hear the sounds of someone coming from the hallway. Anna arrives with a tray in her hands. She seems hesitant, but places the tray on the table in front of the couch.

  “I see you’re up. I’ve have brought you some food.” She waits for my response.

  “Yes, I hope you don’t mind I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge in the bathroom. I hope that’s okay.” Holding up the bottle to show her.

  “Raven, that’s perfectly fine dear. Make yourself at home. Please know that I understand this must be very frightening for you. I know it is hard to believe because of these unfortunate circumstances, but I promise you that no one will hurt you here.”

  I look down at my arms. The bruising is getting worse. I have to get to my medication.

  “Anna, are my bags here? I need to retrieve something from them.”

  “I’m afraid not, Raven. He has all of your bags. He said something about a phone and took them away. Then he mumbled about not having any more surprises.”

  I start to cry. The gravity of the situation hits me all at once. I’m trembling. This is just too much. I really thought I could handle all of this because of my past experiences of being confined. Now I realize how wrong I was.

  “Raven, what’s wrong? Why are you shaking?” She appears very concerned.

  “I need my bags. My medication is in there. I haven’t had it in several days. Could you please get the makeup case in the large bag? My syringes are in there. Please, Anna.” I beg her with tear filled eyes. I know I couldn’t keep this up for much longer. Not without my medication.

  “I’ll see what I can do.” Touching my cheek, she left quickly.

  She’s probably going to run and tell her boss. Great how do I explain all of this? Wait. Any normal human being would have hid their phone if they could have in a situation like this. I made one mistake. In all of my panic, being afraid that my dad would make my life a nightmare of guards and overprotectiveness that I can’t live with anymore, I trusted Tommy to get me out of this. I hate the idea of saying I can’t trust him. I do with all my heart but he didn’t take me seriously. By not believing me, I’m now stuck here and I still don’t know what the reason is. It’s so confusing. First I’m thrown in an old room with very limited amenities, now I am in a plush bedroom. What the hell is going on?

  I don’t touch the food Anna left. It’s a brunch of sorts, an omelet and fresh fruit. There are also some sandwiches. I drank my bottled water and browse through the different books in the wall unit. I found a book on black and white photography and placed it on the table. I’m still tired. Unable to keep my eyes open. I begin to drift back to sleep. I try to fight it but sleep wins out.

  It’s dark when I open my eyes. There’s a faint light coming from across the other side of the room. Raising myself up, I see that my captor sitting at his desk, working on his computer. He looks up at me and his eyes meet mine. There are little prickly sensations dancing across my skin.

  He stands up and comes directly over to me. I take in his different appearance. He’s wearing sweats dramatically low on his hips. His tee shirt is very tight. I can’t help noticing the way it hugs his upper torso and he’s barefoot. He stops at the back of the couch. Looking down at me. He places his hand under my chin and to my own surprise I don’t pull away. In that moment I’m not afraid. I don’t know if it’s the softness of his touch or the casual clothing, but I feel safe for the first time in two, almost three days.

  He doesn’t pull away eith
er. Then he says quietly, “You’re finally awake, it’s time we have our little talk.”

  “I have a question I’m hoping you can answer.”

  “Go ahead, Miss Medici.”

  “Who dressed me?”

  His eyebrows shoot up as if surprised. Then this smug amused look settles on his face. He leans in closer. He smells of cinnamon. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with me? I need to stop noticing this shit.

  “Who do you think dressed you?” He paused briefly. “You were in a very bad way when you collapsed. Getting caught with your phone, not eating or drinking. Is it any wonder you fainted? You would have hit your head if I hadn’t caught you. I brought you to my room and dressed you in something I thought you would be most comfortable in.”

  He acts like it’s normal to see a girl that he’d never known before, naked while she is passed out and dress her. Is he kidding me? I felt awkward. My eyes began to scan the room. I was looking anywhere but in his direction.

  “This is your bedroom?”

  “I brought you in here to rest. I can keep a better eye on you in here. Until your room is ready of course.” He’s so blatant.

  “My room? I thought the locked room was my room?” I was confused.

  He sighed heavily as if my questions are too many for him to have to answer. Then he climbs over the couch and sits on the coffee table in front of me. I move deeper into the corner of the sectional as if to escape him. It wasn’t far enough away. He finally starts to elaborate on his plan.

  “You see, Miss Medici, my plan wasn’t to take you the other day, but the opportunity presented itself. This house wasn’t ready yet for your stay. Surveillance wasn’t in place at that point. Since then I have stepped up efforts to get all of those things done so I can monitor you. This way we won’t have any more surprises like we did with you and your phone. I will watch your every move. So don’t even think about escaping.” His manner is cold and calculating.


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