Book Read Free

Miss Taken

Page 5

by Cleo Scornavacca

  “Yes, Miss Medici. What do you require now?” He is seemingly annoyed by my interruption.

  “I would like to go to sleep.”

  “So sleep. The bed is right over there.” He tips his chin towards his king-size bed.

  “I know the bed is right there. This is your room, your bed. Where are you going to sleep?”

  He’s grinning like the cat who eat the canary.

  “We’re both sleeping in here. As I had said before if you were paying attention, your room isn’t ready yet.”

  “I am certainly not sleeping with you!”

  “Well, there’s no other place for you to go.”

  “Then you go.”

  “You will at some point sleep with me, but for now you can take the couch.”

  “I’ll never sleep with you. You sick bastard. Don’t even entertain that thought!”

  I then head into the bathroom to get washed up. I lock the door behind me, lean against it, and try to calm down. The coolness of the door and the stillness of the room really begin to help, but only for a moment. I’m jarred back to reality when a large fist starts pounding at my back through the door.


  I don’t move.


  I rolled my eyes and do what he is demanding. Then as I unlocked it he comes charging into the room, knocking me to the floor. Fortunately, I didn’t hit my head. I’m sent reeling. Bracing my fall with my hands and forearms. I screamed out in pain. He’s at my side in an instant, sending me off balance even more. I grabbed on to his shoulders to support myself.

  He looked deep into my eyes and I held his focus.

  “Did I hurt you?” He whispers.

  In that moment, I’m curious why he would even care. He’s using me. Who cares if I’m hurt in any way? I’m here with him and not with Tommy. He wants to destroy my family. Of course he’s hurting me.

  “Does it look like I’m having a good time?” Stating to him, slightly annoyed.

  He doesn’t let me go. He keeps staring at me. He’s making me more and more uncomfortable. He finally opens his mouth to speak, slightly breathless.

  “I’m sorry I scared you. That wasn’t my intention at all. I just didn’t want a repeat of you fainting and if the door is locked I wouldn’t be able to get to you to quickly enough.” His words held pain.

  “Listen, I don’t know what you’re carrying around inside of you. Nor do I understand what’s going on between you and my dad, but I am stuck in your fucking house playing by your fucking rules and I have to live with that, but I need my privacy in the bathroom.”

  “Don’t lock the door again.” He helped me to my feet.

  “And what’s going to happen to me if I do?” I egged him on.

  Before I knew it I was in his arms up against the bathroom wall. Then he got close, too close. “Do you want me to show you or are you going to behave?” My lips slightly part, my breath hitches and I just stare into his eyes. I say nothing.

  “Good, now get ready for bed.” He grins and lowers me to my feet slowly before he releases me and leaves the room.

  I am so affected. Shit! That can’t happen again.

  I finish in the bathroom and go directly over to the couch to go to sleep. He comes over to me wearing just his sweatpants slung low and no shirt. Regardless of my current problems, Dominick is a hot man. He definitely works out. He has killer abs and the most defined Adonis Belt I’d ever seen. Not that I’d seen many, but still he must have women drooling all over him.

  “Sweet Dreams, Miss Medici.” He’s being sarcastic.

  He’s still a bastard.

  It’s early when I wake up the next morning, but not by my own doing. I’m being kissed all over my face and it doesn’t stop. Well, that’s happens when a dog is trying to get your attention. In this case I think he needs to go for a walk. Yes, I being woken up by a large black Lab. He’s beautiful. It surprises me that someone like Dominick would have a dog. He just doesn’t seem the dog type. I look around the room for a clock, being that Dominick was holding my phone hostage as well as me at the moment, I don’t know the time. I notice he isn’t in bed. It must be later than I originally thought. I pat the seat next to me so the dog would jump up and I could continue petting him. He looks at me and then lays down on the floor next to the couch. He’s so sweet.

  “How could you have such an asshole for an owner?”

  “Maybe he doesn’t think I’m an asshole, Miss Medici.”

  Oops. I cringe, not realizing Dominick entered the room. I stay there not moving, but then I know I better and I turn around to face him. To my surprise I’m greeted by Dominick standing there fresh from a shower. His hair dripping wet, the water droplets running down his chest and abs. He has a bath towel slung low on his hips. My insides get warm and tight.

  Rain get hold of yourself. He’s the enemy, remember?

  I was just about to say that I’m sorry for my rudeness, when he says that no apologies are necessary. I’m dying to know how he knows what I’m thinking. I can’t be that transparent. Can I?

  “Listen Miss Medici, I know you don’t like me and possibly you may very well hate me, but once my plan is in motion we’ll have become very close friends.”

  “Dominick, I definitely don’t like you. Hate is such a strong word. I don’t hate anything or anyone, but you and I will never be close. This, you have my guarantee on.”

  “Breakfast will be ready soon. Would you like to freshen up before we eat and move you out of here?”

  I jump up excited to know I wouldn’t be with him much longer. Finally he’s seeing the light. No sense in keeping me hostage. I run past him to the bathroom to get ready to leave. Capri here I come!

  Then he pulls me out of my fantasy.

  “Well, Miss Medici, if I’d known giving you your own room from the beginning would make you this amicable to my plight, I would have given you a suite from the very beginning.” He seems surprised.

  “WHAT! I thought you were taking me home.”

  “No, you’re getting your own suite. It will be very private, except for the guards and the monitors. Don’t worry, they aren’t visible to the naked eye. Oh, and they aren’t in the bathroom, so you will have complete privacy in there.”

  “How generous of you.” I was being sarcastic.

  “Yes, it is. I’m not worried. The bathroom doesn’t have a lock, nor does it have a window. So quoting you ‘what possible trouble could you get into in a bathroom anyway?’” He sounds so pleased with himself. He’s making me sick.

  I calm down, then ask. “Where is my room going to be?”

  “Just across the living room. There’s a suite almost identical to mine. The difference is that your room has French doors to the patio and no desk. Don’t get any ideas about escaping. All the doors have sensors. In addition, you’re being monitored 24/7.”

  He comes closer to me, still in his bath towel. My eyes lock on his. His are staring at the bruises on my arms that are exposed due to the short sleeves on my nightshirt. Hypnotized by them he speaks softly.

  “I will allow you on the patio if you wish and only if you behave. You will be locked in your room when I’m not home. There will be a guard posted outside your door at all times. I’m sure that this type of seclusion is something that you aren’t familiar with Miss Medici, but it’s a necessary part of my plan. Just remember you have no choice, get used to it.”

  “Yes, I understand.” I whispered.

  I looked down at my feet and closed my eyes, remembering all the years of isolation. It wasn’t nearly as bad as this. Although this could be a hell of a lot worse. It’s not like I’m in a cellar with rats and bugs and darkness. On some weird level I am grateful for the accommodations. When I was confined as a child my parents thought they were keeping me safe and I did have Tommy as a welcomed distraction. I didn’t get to go to public school. No one, but Tommy was allowed over the house much of the time
. We traveled back and forth from Capri to Manhattan. Raven was my only girlfriend. Yet, my parents never locked the doors or threatened me in any way. That situation was made from a parent’s love and fear. This situation was created out of one man’s selfishness. This isolation scared me. I’m definitely starting to feel that I’m in serious trouble with Dominick.

  I look up at the photograph over the fireplace. I had taken it several years ago in Capri. “Man in Contemplation” that’s the title. The man is standing on one of the many rocks near the famous Blue Grotto. He appeared lost in thought as I captured the shot. It was a beautifully clear yet breezy day in Capri. It’s one of my favorites. I wonder how Dominick came about owning it.

  He must have read my thoughts.

  “Do you like the ocean scene? My decorator had it at her office. The client who originally wanted it changed their mind and I jumped on the opportunity to own it.” He walks up to the mantle as if to admired it further.

  This makes me happy that he appreciates my work. Of course, I couldn’t tell him that. So I asked him out of curiosity, who photographed it? Waiting to see what his answer would be.

  “I don’t know who the photographer is. I don’t buy art for that reason. I only buy works for my personal enjoyment. So do you like it?”

  “Yes, I do, very much.” I smiled.

  “Dominick, I do have two other questions.” Hoping he will answer them.

  “They are?”

  “What’s your dog’s name?

  He smiles and says. “His name is Max and he seems to be quite taken with you.”


  “And what?” I ask.

  “You said you have two questions.”

  “Oh yeah. Right. Um … would it be okay if Max stays with me once in a while? So I’m not alone all the time.”

  “Miss Medici, Max can definitely visit with you, but remember you aren’t going to be in your room all of the time.”

  Averting my gaze from his. “Thank you.”

  “You’re most welcome.”

  His sincerity baffled me greatly. I don’t think it’s wise to cause an argument over it. Since things are going rather smoothly at this point I decide to leave well enough alone. Maybe it’s better to be less difficult. Tommy will be in Capri soon and this will all be behind me. At that moment I decide to be the most cooperative hostage I could be, within reason.

  “Raven! Are you listening to me?” He jars me out of my thoughts.

  “Sorry, what did you say?”

  “I said you can use the bathroom and by the time you’re done breakfast should be ready.”

  “We’re not eating in here?”

  “No, we’re eating in the kitchen.”

  I used the bathroom, got dressed, and followed Dominick to the kitchen. It’s a very bright room. All white cabinets with nickel handles and pulls. The floor is black hardwood. Possibly bamboo. There’s a center island with six stools, three on one side, and three on the other. At the far end of the kitchen is a seating area with another large sectional in black and a built in wall unit with an extremely large flat screen T.V. and stereo system. Over all very casual.

  Anna is making omelets. They smell delicious. I ask if I could help, to get my mind of things, but she refuses and tells me that I’m the guest and to relax and enjoy myself. The guest? Enjoy myself? Well, not really but I accepted her kindness. Wow, Dominick could use some lessons in social graces from her. Once we finished eating and cleaned up our plates, Dominick brings me to the small hall opposite his bedroom hallway, in the living room. He’s right, the suite is very similar. Cream walls, white crown molding, huge bed with an oversized fireplace, walk in closet and bathroom (no window, no locks). Then I notice the French doors leading out to the patio by the pool. I’m also able to see the ocean from here. There are two overstuffed chairs sharing one very large ottoman at the front of the doors. All together, the room is very tranquil. Again, what choice do I have?

  Dominick sits down in one of the chairs, leaning forward with his elbows on his thighs, looking down at the floor. He’s contemplating something. This isn’t going to be good.

  “Miss Medici, I won’t be home this evening. I have a dinner date. I’d like to know if you want to eat dinner with Anna and Joseph. You’re not obligated, but Anna asked me if it would be okay. Would you like to?” He finally looks up at me bracing himself for my response.

  “Yes, Dominick, I would love to eat with them.” Sounding excited that I wouldn’t be isolated in here all night long.

  His response sounds somewhat relieved. “Good, it’s settled then. Dinner will be at 7. I’ll come back and collect you then. Do you have any questions?”

  Collect me? What am I garbage?

  “Not really a question.”

  “What then?” He seemed intrigued.

  “You have a date.” I teased.

  “It’s not that hard to believe that I have a date. Is it?”

  “With what?” I grimace.

  “Don’t you mean with whom?”

  “No, but okay, I’ll bite. With whom do you have a date?” This is fun.

  “My home decorator, Darian Mann.” He states her name like a business agreement, not a sexual interlude.

  “Really. I’ve heard of her. So she decorated this place?”

  “Yes, and my townhouse in Manhattan. She’s very talented.” He sounds so proud.

  “I’ll bet she is.” I bite my lip, trying to keep from laughing.

  “You seem amused, Miss Medici.” He smiles back.

  “Well, Dominick, I didn’t think you’d have a romantic bone in your body.” I say turning away to head to the bathroom.

  Before I reached the door Dominick grabs me and pulls me to him.

  “Living with me like you are, Raven, you’ll learn that I’m extremely romantic and much, much more.” His voice was sexy and heated. Then he lets go of my arm and walks to the door. Turning around, he repeats “Don’t forget, I’ll return for you at 7.” Then he disappears through the door, locking it behind him.

  I realized I had stopped breathing.

  There’s a fantastic bookcase in my room that I hadn’t noticed earlier. I decide I’d start a new book. I have plenty of time on my hands, so why not? I settle on Night Gardening by E.L. Swann. I’ve read this book before, but it was a long time ago. It’s romantic and I’ve always loved it, so I think I’m making a good choice. I really can use a distraction while I’m stuck here. I settle in one of the chairs by the French doors. I’m so caught up in the story that I didn’t realize it’s almost 5:30. We would be having dinner at 7. I need to freshen up.

  When my shower is complete I step out and rummage through my bags to find my make-up. Mema always says to get showered, dressed and put on your face no matter what the situation. She believes it makes everything just a little bit better. She may be right. I do feel slightly better. Inside of my bag is my watch. Underneath all the make-up is my passport and I.D. Dominick’s goons really didn’t do a very thorough job of searching through my stuff. Where did he find these guys? I place the information back in the case so Dominick can’t discover them. He probably won’t if he hasn’t found them by now.

  Now to choose what to wear, I decide on a long maxi dress with a halter-top. It’s pale turquoise blue and covered in starfish. I have matching flip-flops to go with the dress. I put on some light make-up. Bronzer, mascara and lip-gloss will do the trick. I used a hairdryer that was in one of the vanity drawers to blow out my hair. When I flip my hair over after I finish, there leaning in the doorway is Dominick. He looks absolutely amazing. He has on a black suit with a Tuxedo style jacket. No tie and his dress shirt is opened in a casual, sexy manner. It appears he is going all out for Darian Mann this evening.

  It’s not hard to imagine how Dominick and Darian came together. At breakfast he explained that he is an attorney. Which slightly explains why he is in a feud with my dad. I’ve never heard of him but that doesn’t mean anything. I hate all of that corporate
bullshit my family deals with, so I tune much of it out.

  Darian is a very successful business woman. Her interior design company is known all across the United States. She’s very beautiful. She’s tall and lean with long red wavy hair. She’s polished and extremely sophisticated. I became aware of her through some commission work I had done for the company several years ago. She wanted quite a few ocean-themed scenes for a home in the Hampton's. I have to say she was a bit demanding but her vision was excellent. Men like Dominick seem to gravitate towards woman like her. I do respect her work. I really don’t understand why this relationship between them is bothering me. I also don’t want to explore it any further. I just want to get through dinner and possibly find out more information about Dominick that could help me to get released sooner. I’m broken from my daydream remembering that he is still standing there.

  “Don’t you ever knock?” Acting disgusted and rolling my eyes.

  “I did several times, but with that thing running, I guess you couldn’t hear me.” He is smiling.

  “Why are you smiling like that?” I ask.

  “Because of you.”

  “Me? Why?”

  “You look better. Healthier. Very Beautiful.”

  I take a deep breath. I’m doing that a lot lately. “Thanks, I feel a lot better.” I ignore the ‘very beautiful’ observation.

  “Ready for tonight?” He asks.


  He puts out one of his arms, so that I could be escorted to the kitchen.

  I grimace. “Don’t even think about it.”

  He laughs, a real laugh. “After you, Miss Medici.”

  This might may turn out to be a good night. All things considered.

  We walk through the living room. I don’t see any guards. That doesn’t mean they aren’t there. It’s warm out, but cool enough for the French doors to be wide open exposing the pool and patio area. The space is lovely. It has lounge chairs, a living area complete with rattan seating and a full kitchen. Anna is outside at the counter cleaning fish. Joseph is getting the grill started. What a beautiful evening to spend outdoors. I can’t believe Dominick is allowing this. His motive is unclear to me but I’ll make it my business to find out. I don’t want any more surprises. I don’t like being caught off guard.


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