Book Read Free

Miss Taken

Page 8

by Cleo Scornavacca

  “Well, yes, that’s true. I hope that won’t cause you any extra work or trouble.”

  “Nonsense, Anna and I are thrilled you’re here. As we told you before you bring life to this house and if Dominick wants you with him, that’s all that matters.” Joseph was firm in his reaction.

  Oh boy.

  “Where is Dominick?”

  “He’s out by the pool.” Joseph opens the back door from the kitchen to reveal a stone path that leads to the patio and the pool.

  I followed it around. Dominick is staring out at the ocean. He has on jeans and a white dress shirt un-tucked from his pants. He’s barefoot once again. He’s holding a martini glass in his hand. Dominick has a strong presence and a very hot body. Something clinches deep inside me. Something I need to get a handle on if I’m to resist his charm and seduction. He knows I’m there and turns towards me.

  “Would you like at martini?”

  I nod.

  “Do you like them dirty?” He’s grinning, teasing me but his eyes reveal something much sexier.

  “Very.” I whisper. He’s amused by my answer. Two can play at this game Mr. Kane.

  Dominick pours me the concoction and raises his glass. “I propose a toast. To new friendships and getting what we both want.”

  Our glasses touch in the normal tradition. I begin to wonder what Dominick really wants.

  Dominick takes my free hand and walks me to the edge of the patio so we can enjoy the view of the Atlantic Ocean. The waves are crashing hard into the shore. There’s a slight breeze coming in off the water. I start to feel a chill. At that moment Anna comes outside and wraps her shawl around my shoulders. I smile at her gratefully.

  “It’s cooling down. You’ll be needing this tonight.” She then goes back into the house to put the finishing touches on dinner. Dominick turns to me.

  “Tell me about your tattoo.” It is more a demand than a request.

  “One summer, when I was in Italy, I noticed this beautiful rose vine in my mother’s garden. She was always planting flowers along the wall that surrounded our home. I think she did it mainly so that I could step out on my bedroom balcony and always see something special. The roses were black as night, but the edges had a purple tinge to them. Even the foliage was a brighter green than I’d ever seen before. It was different. That’s what made it special.”

  “So why the tattoo?” He seems confused.

  “I always wanted a tattoo. It had to mean something though. I just wasn’t going to get one to say I had one. I was going to get it for me. I would always know why it was there.”

  “Conte took you, I presume.” It comes across slightly jealous.

  “Yes. Tommy knew this great tattoo artist in Rome, so one weekend we decided to go. Actually your father was there, so it made it easier for me to get away. He was always convincing my mother that everything would be fine. We went to Rome and I had it done.”

  “Did you tell your mother you got it?”

  “Are you crazy? Of course not, she would have flipped. I have a blood disorder and she would have feared that I would get an infection and die. She never found out. When she became ill and passed away I went back to the artist and had the blood droplets and the thorns done. Those were for my mom. It represented all she had put herself through with my disease. She constantly feared the disease would take me even though I was through the worst of it. I was in my twenties at the time. I was fine. She never accepted that and she died that way. The blood drops symbolizes the disease, but it’s also about all the unnecessary tears that were shed.”

  Dominick is silent for a moment. I think he’s starting to see the real me. Maybe he’s feeling guilty for taking me. He’s truly speechless.

  Anna and Joseph come out to place the food on the table. We sit down to eat. Everything is delicious. I’m really starting to relax and I think Dominick is as well, until this new line of questioning.

  “Is Conte your boyfriend?” Focusing on his plate.


  “What are your feelings towards him then?”

  I smile, which annoys Mr. Kane. Describing my relationship with Tommy is hard. You really have to see us together to understand.

  “C’mon Rain, it can’t be that difficult.” Dominick is becoming slightly impatient. Good.

  “Tommy and I have been together forever. We love each other deeply. It’s not a brother/sister thing. It’s not a sexual thing either. It’s something more than all of that put together. I can’t breathe without Tommy. We grew up together. Went to college in Italy together. Now we have a business together. I trust him more than anyone. I’ll do anything for him.

  “So you took this deal because of Tommy. So he’ll never be out of your life.”

  “Yes, that’s partly true. Mainly though, I need my control. I need my freedom, my life. Now let’s discuss my demands.”

  “I knew this was coming.” He’s amused.

  “I need Tommy. He has to be allowed to come and go as he pleases or this won’t work. I want the locks and the guards gone.”

  “No way.”


  “Tommy yes. He can visit you anytime he likes. But I can’t let you roam as you please. You’ll leave me.” He sounds wounded.

  “Dominick I won’t leave you. I made a promise and I always keep my promises. You can’t keep me locked up. I’ll start to resent you and then this will all come crashing down around us. You have to trust me.” I whispered to him.

  “No locks. But the guards stay and that’s final, Rain!”

  “Fine, but I want my phone back and a computer. I have a show at the beginning of the year and I’m way behind. I need to be able to email my family as well.”

  “Done. But don’t get any smartass ideas because I’m monitoring everything you do.”

  “Clearly you don’t trust me, but I have to trust you, right.” Time to be difficult.

  “Listen, I’m not a patient man. In trying my patience most people don’t like the outcome.”

  “Are you threatening me?” I stand up to walk away.

  He comes around the table and stands uncomfortably close. God he smells good. “No, I’m just stating the facts. You get Conte, the phone, the computer, and no locks. Now, what do I get?”

  He smiles at me.

  “You’re getting me to pretend I like you and in turn hopefully it will get you your inheritance and my freedom.”

  “Good, then I’m getting everything I want. What more could a man ask for?” He is looking deeply into my eyes. I don’t move. I also think he is asking for more.

  Rain you are in deep shit.

  When dinner is done. He walks me back to my room. He noticed I put the rose he gave me earlier in water and set it on the table between the two chairs by the French doors. He turns to me, placing his hands on my cheeks. I hold his wrists, afraid of what he’s about to do.

  “You put the rose I gave you in water.” He whispers.

  “I’d never destroy something so beautiful and delicate.” I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Something warm was building inside of me.

  “I’m glad you feel that way, Rain. Something beautiful and delicate should always be treated with care.” He leans in and brushes his lips against mine. My insides tightened. Then he kisses me. I let him. I don’t pull back. It’s soft and warm. Not threatening.

  He pulls away first. He rest his forehead against mine.

  “Goodnight, Rain.”


  I exhale deeply, not realizing that I had been holding my breath, again.

  In the morning I find my IPhone and a new MacBook on my dresser with a note from Dominick.


  I’m sorry I couldn’t be here this morning to have breakfast with you, but I have an early case in the city. If you are reading this letter then you know I have left your phone and a computer for you. I have to work all day but would love to eat a late dinner with you this evening. I will be home around 9. I’ll pick up a piz
za on the way. Oh and I programmed my numbers in your phone, should you need me.

  See you later


  For some odd reason I was happy to know I would be having dinner with Dominick tonight. He was slightly pushy by putting his contact numbers in my phone, but I’m sure at some point I may need to get in touch with him. Well, now is a good a time as any. So I decide to text him.

  ME: Hope your morning is going well. I’m assuming that since you’re having a case in the city, you’re in some fierce court battle. I hope you win. Pizza sounds great, but I get to pick a movie to go with it. Let me know.

  He writes right back.

  KANE: The case isn’t quite that dramatic, but it’s still a pain in the ass. Thanks for the support. What movie?

  ME: That’s a surprise. Thank you for my phone and the computer.

  KANE: My pleasure, Rain. Oh and you can set up the movie in my room. I have a Blu-ray player hooked up in there.

  How convenient to have me set up the movie in his bedroom. I go and search through the wall unit to see what he has. All Blue-Ray, of course. To my surprise he has French Kiss. I love that movie. Perfect. Then I clean off the table and take the papers to his desk. When I dropped the papers down it started the computer and revealed a screen showing my blood disorder. I wonder why Dominick would be interested in that. I decided not to give it another thought for now and set the coffee table for dinner.

  I went back to my room to call Tommy. He picked up immediately.

  “Hey baby, heard you got your phone back. Kane called me. How are you holding up?”

  “I’m fine Tommy. Stop worrying. Are you home yet?”

  “Getting ready to go back to New York today.”

  “Call me when you get in.”

  “Baby, I’ll do better than that, I’m coming down to stay with you tomorrow. Kane said you needed me.”

  “He did? He never mentioned it?”

  “Rain this will all be over soon. Then we’ll head back to Italy together.”

  “Okay, but remember you can’t tell my family what’s going on.”

  “Don’t worry, Rain. I won’t say anything, but if that fucker so much as looks at you the wrong way, all bets are off.”

  “Safe trip home.”

  “Love you, Rain.”

  “I love you back”

  Back out in the living room, Gerard is standing there petting Max. The guards stay.

  “Rain, is there anything I can do for you? Do you need to run any errands today?” He’s very polite, but cautious not knowing how I would react to him, being he was part of the kidnapping plan.

  “No thanks, Gerard, I’m just going to hang around the house today, but later I would like to sit by the pool.”

  “Just let me know when you’re ready.”

  I walk into the kitchen and found a note from Anna and Joseph.


  Dominick has given us the day off. We have several errands to run and then we’re heading to Philadelphia for dinner and a show. We’ll return in the morning. You’ll find plenty of food in the house. Please make yourself at home. We’ll see you tomorrow. Oh yes Dominick programmed our numbers into your phone so don’t hesitate to call if you have any difficulties.

  Anna & Joseph xo

  Well, it seems Dominick was very busy with the electronics this morning. I grab an apple and head back to my room to work on the boring task of trying to choose a venue for my photography show. I still have to pick a date and hire the caterers. Then I need to go over the shots. I don’t have nearly enough, and with Gerard ruining the film that was in the camera, I know there’s a lot more work to be done. I work on it all morning. Then I tell Gerard that I’m going to stretch out on the patio with a book. I really am enjoying the peace and quiet.

  The sun is starting to go down and I notice a light coming from Dominick’s room. Just as I’m about to check who is in there Dominick comes outside with Max. He’s wearing a black suit with a crisp white collard shit. His mint green tie has been loosened.

  He smiles at me, walks around the pool, and takes both my hands in his.

  “How did today go, Rain?”

  “It was fine. I went through some slides, but I don’t have nearly enough for the show, since my film was destroyed. I’m sure your day must have been much more exciting as a hotshot attorney.” I’m teasing him.

  “I wish it were as exciting as you describe, but unfortunately it wasn’t. I’m so glad to be home.” He yawns.

  “I see that you’re tired. We can do dinner and movie another time perhaps.” I start to pull away.

  “Hey, not a chance. I’ve been waiting all day to spend time with you. Besides the dinner is already on the table. C’mon.”

  He pulls me inside and tells me to make myself comfortable. He goes into the bathroom to get changed. When he comes out, he has on my favorite sweats that hang low on his waist, hinting at his perfect V. He’s also wearing a long sleeve tee shirt. The nights down here are starting to get chilly. Reminding us that summer is coming sadly to an end.

  He sits on the couch very close to me. He asks: “Okay, so now will you tell me what movie we’re watching?”

  I hold up the box with the Blu-ray that I picked.

  “French Kiss, huh?” He raised his eyebrow and gives me a small smile.

  “I love this movie. Besides, we need to lighten things up around here.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  As we eat and watch TV, I turn to him and ask: “Why were you researching my blood disorder?”

  He turns his focus to me. He isn’t at all angry, but more curious as to how I discovered what he was doing.

  “I wasn’t snooping, but I cleaned off the coffee table to make room for dinner and I placed your papers on the desk. The computer fired up to the page about my blood disease.”

  “Rain, the other day I said I didn’t want to deal with someone that was sick. I know I apologized for my actions, but it was still wrong. It’s my obligation to keep you safe and healthy.”

  He leans in closer and puts his hands softly around my neck. I felt it in places I shouldn’t have.

  “I don’t want anything to happen to you. I won’t let anyone or anything hurt you.”

  My breath hitches and my insides tightened further. “I’ll do whatever it takes to get back to you what’s yours.”

  He smiles, kisses my forehead, and says: “Eat your pizza.”

  I do just that. Then I begin to feel cold. Dominick noticed, he takes a throw from his bed, tucks it around me, and draws me into his arms. I sit up immediately.

  “This is not a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  “I can’t let you seduce me.”

  “That’s not what I’m doing. I’m just keeping you warm while we finish watching the movie.”

  There was a slight twinge of disappointment that went through me. I’m all over the place. I don’t want to sleep with him, but I want him near me. The credits rolled up and I notice Dominick is staring at me.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Maybe this is the first time I’m really seeing you. You are so beautiful, Rain.”

  I look away because he’s making me very uneasy. He’s so close and then he puts his arms around me and pulling me into his lap. This time I let him.

  “Baby, you’re so cold.” His voice held concern. “Did you take your shot today?”

  “Um I forgot.” Looking up at him through my lashes.

  He smiles. “Well, then, it’s a good thing you have me here to remind you.”

  I went to get up to get the shot, but he wouldn’t let go.

  “Dominick, I have to go get the syringe.” Getting slightly annoyed.

  “No, you don’t. I stopped on the way home and picked up your refill. I have them right here.” He holds up a bag with my medication.

  I inject the shot routinely as I normally do. I turn to him and say: “Thank you for taking care of me.”

/>   “I told you, you have nothing to worry about as long as you’re here with me.” His words held an unspoken promise, but I couldn’t take a chance on my heart being broke.

  “I have a surprise for you.” He has a sly smile playing on his face.

  “What kind of surprise?”

  Just then he picks me up and carries me to the bed in my room.

  “Close your eyes, Rain, and put out your hands.”

  I do as he asks.

  He places a box in my hands.

  “Open your eyes.”

  When I open my eyes there’s a beautifully wrapped box with a small card attached in Dominick’s handwriting. It reads:

  ‘I hope this makes you smile.’

  My eyes lock on his.

  “Open it.” He tilts his chin up prompting me to reveal what’s inside the box.

  To my surprise it’s my camera. The lens is no longer cracked. It’s as good as new. Tears fill my eyes. He remembered the camera and how important it is to me. My chest starts to hurt. I don’t know what to say. I look up at him and my chest feels tighter.

  “Thank you so much.” My voice is barely audible.

  He hugs me to him and begins rubbing my back. I freeze slightly.

  He moves his lips to my ear. “Time for bed, Rain.”

  He covers me up, kisses my forehead, then heads for the door, and shuts off the light switch.

  “Sweet Dreams, Angel.” Then he was gone.

  Angel …

  Wednesday morning arrives and I’m so excited that Tommy is coming down to see me. I jump up and walk into the kitchen to grab some coffee.

  “Good Morning Anna, Joseph." Greeting the pair with a smile.

  “Good Morning, Rain.” Joseph replies.

  “Good Morning, my dear. Why are you up so early?”

  “My best friend, Tommy, is back from Capri. He’s driving down today. I can’t wait to see him.” After I state this fact, Anna and Joseph give each other a concerned look.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Rain, can you do me a favor? Dominick is working from home today. He’s spread out all over the dining room table. Can you bring him a cup of coffee? He’s about due for another one right now.”

  “Sure, I’d be glad to.” Accepting the coffee cup she has prepared, I head out of the kitchen to give it to Dominick.


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