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The Last Vampyre Prophecy

Page 4

by Ezell Wilson, April

  Well fuck.

  I yank open the next one and it is a mirror of the first. By the time I discard both and run my finger along the third one my heart is racing. I pray for good news.

  With shaky fingers I slide the white flap open and pull out the form letter. But this isn’t a standard letter at all.

  Miss Kostas,

  Your presence is eagerly requested to interview for the intern position offered at Garai Enterprises.

  Your anticipated response is valued highly and we offer any assistance to further your decision.


  Amanda Strickling

  P/A to Mr. Khai Garai

  Holy shit! My heart breaks into a sprint. Garai Enterprises is the largest conglomerate in Manhattan and an internship would open any door out there. I jump up and down screaming before I tear up the steps to my apartment.

  I barely lay down my purse before I reach for the phone and dial the number on her attached business card.

  It rings twice. “Mr. Garai’s office, Amanda Strickling speaking.” Her tone is clipped and to the point, efficient.

  “Uh, yes, Miss Strickland… this is Adonia Kostas and I—”

  “Yes, Miss Kostas, I have been waiting for your call. I trust you received your correspondence?” Her tone much more warm and cheerful.

  “Ah, yes ma’am, I received it today.”

  “Well then, will we receive the pleasure of your company in an interview for the position?”

  “Yes ma’am,” I croak then clear my throat, “Yes, I would be honored.”

  “Very well, our offices are located in mid-town, the address is included in your letter. Your interview time is at 9AM sharp tomorrow.”

  “I’ll be there, thank you very much.”

  “Good day, Miss Kostas.”

  I stare at the alien contraption in my hand like it holds the answers to the universe. My head is spinning. Holy fucking shit! I have an interview with the most exclusive company in America. This just can’t be real. I don’t even remember applying there.

  I slump down on the sofa and stare at the window trying to get my garbled thoughts to become coherent.

  When it finally sinks in I jump from the sofa and dance around the room. The thought of making enough money to maybe get out of this old apartment and get something with heat and working appliances makes me want to scream from the rooftop.

  I jog to the fridge and yank out the wine bottle. I am going to celebrate. As I pull it out of the tray I freeze in my tracks. He is here; I feel it. I whip my head around searching for his beautiful face.

  My eyes catch a blur out the window and I walk over peering through the blinds. But I immediately scold myself—how silly! What do I think; he is just hanging outside my fourth story window. HA! I’ve been watching too many freaking supernatural movies.

  I walk back to the wine bottle and pour a huge glass leaning against the counter with the stupidest grin on my face. For the first time in my life I feel hope.

  I toss and turn all night unable to sleep with excitement and wracked nerves. When the digital numbers hit 6AM I jump out of bed and pull on my running clothes. The dawn is just breaking as I run along side the river. It casts amber and purple streaks across the ripples in the water. I stop for a moment just to appreciate the beauty.

  That familiar tingle up my spine causes me to look around for his face. I can feel him again. My body is just attuned to his presence. I scour the dock and the rows of buildings but there is no movement. I am the only one around, which immediately has me moving along because this isn’t the area you ever want to find yourself alone and most certainly female.

  I pull my jacket closer and sprint toward the sunrise still reveling in my awesome news.

  By the time I get home it is nearly 7:30 so I peel off my sweaty clothes and shake with the artic air of the apartment. The tepid water from the shower just chills me further, to the bone. I rush the shampoo through my hair and scrub as quickly as possible.

  Five minutes later I am dry and thoroughly moisturized.

  Mom bought me two nice suits from a consignment store on Long Island just for days like today.

  I manicure my hair and eyebrows then swipe mascara and gloss across my lips and head for the coffee pot.

  The stale taste of the double percolated coffee burns my throat as I gulp and ready my bag.

  The tingle up my back and through my hair has me breathing heavy and looking over my shoulder for the man I am all too familiar with.

  Again, I see nothing just that pull deep within my stomach. I take a moment to miss him and then steal a deep breath and grab my bag as I run through the door.

  The cab pulls out front of Garai Enterprises and I gape at the ornate site. The polished glass doors scream opulence as I make my way through. A security guard takes my name and brandishes a plastic VISITOR nametag that I attach to my lapel.

  People are scurrying to the elevators. I wait patiently for the metal box to invite me in. When the bell sounds for the fortieth-floor I step out and walk straight to the massive welcome desk.

  It is built with light maple wood and has a brilliant shine with accents of stainless steel that bare ‘Garai Enterprises’ in bold letters.

  I smile wide and approach the attractive blonde.

  “Hi. I have a 9:00. My name is Adonia Kostas.”

  She beams at my introduction. “Yes, Miss Kostas. He will be right with you. Would you like coffee, tea, water?”

  I smile. “No thank you.”

  She motions me to the plush chairs outside a massive set of double doors. I sink into the supple leather and fist my leather bag.

  Staring at the beautiful people and their immaculate clothes I feel shy and unworthy under the lights. There isn’t one person that has less than a five hundred dollar wardrobe.

  They are polished to the nines and I am sporting a less than spectacular second hand suit.

  I sigh and stare at my scuffed shoes. I’d always been happy with what I had but in this environment I felt lacking and a bit useless.

  I try to keep those feelings at bay because I don’t want them to affect my general mood during my interview.

  This is the most important thing that has ever happened to me and I don’t want to screw it up.

  A few minutes later a girl appears in front of me. “Miss Kostas?”

  I smile.

  “Please follow me, Mr. Garai will see you now.”

  I stand and straighten my dress then follow the gorgeous woman to the huge double doors. She grips each handle and slowly opens the enormous doors.

  The room is breathtaking. Several conversation areas are set up sporadically. The furniture is minimalist and streamlined in muted colors. The artwork is contemporary and the flow is airy.

  I take a moment to appreciate every aspect. I notice a tall lean man leaning against a column, a cell phone resting against his ear as he carries a conversation in fluent and impeccable French.

  The beautiful blonde leads me to a chair across from a staggering marble desk. It must be ten foot in length.

  I wait on his call to end while my heart thumps wildly in my chest. Finally I hear his clipped tone ending the call and I train my eyes toward his chair not watching his approach.

  Ten seconds later a lean form fills his chair and when our eyes connect I think my stomach plummets from my body.

  It’s him—Khai.

  The beautiful stranger that has paralyzed me for years in my dreams—the man that holds my heart in his hands.

  He smiles timidly and offers his hand. “Miss Kostas? I am Khai Garai.”

  My ability to form words leaves my body and I am a quivering blob of idiocy. I just stare at him, my mouth gapping open and my breathing embarrassingly ragged.

  His lips twitch and form a wry smile. “May I offer you a drink, Miss Kostas?”

  I continue to stare at the beauty of a man in front of me and I still can’t formulate a response all I utter is, “Huh.”

chuckles and leans in resting his elbows on the desk and steeples his fingers under his chin. “Would you like to get started Miss Kostas?” He pulls a manila folder from the pile of papers on his desk and scans the contents. “I see you have an exemplary GPA and glowing recommendations from your professors and advisors.”

  His eyes are burning bright with curiosity and amusement. I swallow loudly and avert my gaze to the lines in the marble. “Y-yes sir. Thank you, sir.” I stumble, “I really love what I do, sir…” my voice is a whisper and cracks as I continue, “It’s all I’ve ever known.” I finish with a whisper.

  Silence fills the room and I finally steal a glance at his face and nearly falter at the look of longing and desire that shines back at me.

  He seems to recover quickly and regains his authoritative stance. “Well. Miss Kostas, we provide an optimal environment to flourish here, but only to the deserving.”

  I flinch at his words and sit back against the chair. But the words of my mother ring in my ear, “Fight, Adonia. Fight for what you want because someone else will scoop it up and you will be left with nothing.”

  I square my shoulders. “Yes, Sir. I understand and I promise if you give me the opportunity I will make your proud, sir.”

  His eyes soften and he smiles a big, bright, genuine smile.

  Moments later the beautiful blonde opens the door. “Excuse me Mr. Garai. Your next appointment is here, sir.”

  I stand and he follows. I feel foolish as I fumble for my bag. He hovers close to my frame as I collect my things. When I finally look up his eyes are boring into me, seeking something.

  I can’t speak. Everything is frozen. We just stand there drinking each other in for several moments. The atmosphere is charging all around, it feels like I have my finger plugged to an electrical outlet.

  My hair prickles on my scalp and a tight clenching sensation fills my belly. Then another muted knock at the door tears me from my reverie and I close my eyes quickly then raise my hand. “Thank you, sir. It’s been an honor and a pleasure.”

  He purses his lips then curves them into a smile. “That it has, Miss Kostas.” He shakes my hand and I feel a jolt of pure hot ecstasy shoot through my veins. He leans closer and whispers, “Soon.”

  There is so much promise laced in that one word. I blink several times then turn for the door. Just as I reach the two pieces of massive maple they open and I stumble head on into a tall solid figure. Mortified I look up to render my apologies and nearly pool to the floor when I realize it is Donald fucking Trump.

  He chuckles. “Whoa there, steady.” He grips the sides of my arm. “Got it?” he asks smiling broadly.

  I nod jerkily. “I’m so sorry, sir.” My face takes on the properties of a cherry at that moment.

  He bends his head back laughing then tilts it in my direction, his eyes dancing with amusement. “I must say, it’s been quite some time since I’ve had such a boisterous introduction.”

  I try and fail miserably to hide my horror. I drop my head to the ground and nod as I step past him and walk briskly to the elevators praying the entire way that the earth will open up and swallow me whole.

  I don’t dare look back but I catch more laughter just before the giant doors seal shut.

  Once I’m out in the cold winter air the events of the past forty-five minutes slam themselves into my cerebral cortex.

  His touch, his eyes, the way he says my name, all of it sends me into hyper overload. I walk several blocks before I decide the chill in the air is too much and hail a cab.

  He stops in front of my building and I pass some cash through the divider. The feeling of dread and disappointment loom over me as I stalk up the stairs. There are three new messages.

  Two from my brothers and one from my mom each are wishing me well today. I smile then frown at the utter disaster I’ve turned it into.

  So much has happened in the past three days. I graduated from college then interviewed with the biggest company on the east coast.

  I smile as I think about the graduation ceremony…

  “Adonia, you have to stand still or this is going to poke you.” Mom said as she pinned my dress underneath my gown.

  I huffed. “I hate dresses.”

  “Well, you should get used to them because you will be wearing them a lot more in the business world. People don’t flit around all day in jeans and flannel, Adonia.” She scolded.

  I sighed and decided not to retort. Arguing with her is like going toe-to-toe with Bill Maher. You’ll never win.

  Finally I was presentable and I made my way through the house. Ryan was lounging back in the recliner drinking a beer while Sport’s Center droned on in the background.

  He whistled. “Well, look at you all dressed up. What happened to our lil’ Andie?”

  I flipped him the bird and he chuckled but mom smacked my arm as she passed by. “Watch yourself little lady.” She warned.

  I turned back and he smirked at me taking another long pull from his beer. Dean walked in from the garage, no doubt working on his crappy motorbike and punched me hard in the arm. “What’s up college girl?”

  I rubbed the sting on my arm then balled my fist and gave him one right back. He grinned, which pulled a smile to my lips. Man those two annoyed the shit out of me.

  Mom placed the plates on the table and laid the bacon and eggs in the center. Dad trotted in and kissed her on the cheek before he opened the fridge and pulled out a beer twisting the top and taking a long chug. “Are you excited, Andie? This is a big day for the Kostas’s?”

  I smiled at him. “Bring it on.”

  “That’s my girl.” He said walking over to me and kissing my forehead. “Now, let’s eat so we can get to the university. I want to get a good parking spot.”

  I groaned. “Oh dad, we have like four hours.”

  He shook his head at me. “Traffic will be murder and I want to see my only daughter graduate.”

  I sighed and pulled my chair at the table. We ate and I listened to Dean tell stories about a current case they were working on at the station. He had made detective last year and was one of the youngest ever in his division. He’s sort of a bad ass. But he and Ryan bicker constantly and swap whose is bigger stories between Ryan’s job at the firehouse and Dean’s at the station.

  The arguments get pretty colorful and Sunday dinners are always lively.

  Dad scrapped his chair across the linoleum floor. “Boys clear the table. We’re leaving in ten.”

  They each groaned and stood carrying plates and glasses to the sink. Mom filled the steel tub with warm soapy water and began scrubbing the plates then handing them to Ryan for rinse.

  Dad reached into the fridge and handed me a beer. “Today is your day, drink up and watch your brothers work.”

  I smirked and tilted the bottle back enjoying the hell out of it. Just as I drained the last of my beer dad clapped me on the back and shoved me to the door pulling our jackets off the rack.

  I opted to ride with Dean in the cruiser because the heat worked and I didn’t want to spend my graduation a solid block of ice. We made it two hours early and I was surprised to see how crowded it already was.

  Dad found seats fairly close and I sat with them until I noticed some of my fellow classmates congregating below. I kissed mom’s cheek and waved goodbye as I walked down the stairs to join my friends.

  I heard my name shriek across the crowded room and I giggled. Tiffany came barreling through the mass of people and nearly mowed me down with a bear hug.

  I chuckled. “Whoa! Easy there, I’m not Iron Man, I can break.”

  She laughed. “Can you believe it? We’re officially grown-ups!”

  I rolled my eyes. “You’re so lame.”

  “Come on. Let’s go over here.” She began pulling me through the crowd when an arm jutted out and stopped me. “Adonia! Hey.” Benton said.

  I winced thinking about the weak excuse I gave him for bailing on studying the other week. “Hey!” I said pulling Tif
fany back.

  He smiled wide. “So, what are you doing after?”

  “Probably go home and get out of this stupid dress.”

  “No way! Hey, a few of us are going to O’Malley’s to celebrate, you should come with us.” He said inching his eyebrows up in anticipation.

  I grinned at him. “Maybe. That sounds fun.”

  He beamed and I smiled back as Tiffany yanked me back through the crowd.

  Finally it was time to take our seats and I left her with a big hug and walked to my row. I was stuck between two blubbering idiots. These girls cried and gushed and cried some more.

  It was all I could do not to smack them both. The hour turned into two when my name was finally called and I walked wobbly across the stage and gripped my degree. Just like that, it was finished. Four years of blood sweat and tears.

  Tiffany was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs and we walked back to our seats. Another hour later and the sky was filled with a mass of black caps raining over the ground.

  We ended up at O’Malley’s and Benton’s face nearly split in two smiling when he saw me. He pulled a chair beside him and we sat down. Tiffany was already hot in conversation with a cute fellow grad.

  Over the next three hours we drank beer after beer and I took his money on the pool table.

  Finally I was dead on my feet in the ridiculous heels and decided to call it a night. Benton asked to walk me home but I told him Tiffany was coming with me. I hated lying to him but I just wasn’t into taking any next steps.

  He kissed my cheek and promised to call me soon for a real date. I smiled and pulled an unwilling Tiffany from the bar. She sulked the entire cab ride. I hugged her when we pulled in front of her building and watched her walk inside.

  Fifteen minutes later I was peeling off my dress and taking a near-cold shower. Then I padded down the hall and poured a glass of wine and stood by the window wondering what the beautiful stranger was doing at that moment…


  Graduation had been one of the best days of my life. And the other best day of my life had been a little mortifying. I just palm my face thinking about how stupid I must have looked just sitting there staring at him the whole time. It just couldn’t have gotten any worse then I plowed into one of the richest men in Manhattan to boot.


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