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Too Far Gone: A Grey Justice Novel

Page 16

by Christy Reece

  The energy and enthusiasm in Luis’s voice made the man sound like a teenager showing off a new sports car. Vanity and pride were etched on his face, while his eyes gleamed with avarice. Luis showing off his treasures with a childlike glee was in its own way amusing. The man really had no idea how ridiculous he appeared.

  “This is an Egyptian vase from the eighth century. It once belonged to the Emperor of Japan. I purchased it two years ago last March for 60.2 million American dollars. My appraisers have assured me it’s worth almost twice that amount now.”

  Rudolph grunted his acknowledgment. He could appreciate a bargain as much as the next man. If someone was insane enough to spend that kind of money for an ugly vase with a crack in it, that was their problem.

  “And over here…” Luis pointed to a lighted alcove where a large painting hung of an old sheep farmer and a couple of goat-like creatures on a hillside. “This is an original Steinhardt. He painted it right after his wife died, and many think that—”

  “Enough, Luis.” Rudolph’s weak lungs no longer allowed him to shout, but he could still put enough emphasis in his voice to let others know of his displeasure.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I haven’t the slightest amount of interest in your so-called treasures. So far, you have done nothing other than try to impress me with food too rich for my belly, wine too expensive for my taste, and a tour of your useless baubles. I came here for one reason only.”

  Offense stamped an ugly meanness on Luis’s face. “You insult me with your words while you hold my treasure for ransom. How dare you?”

  “I dare because I have what you want. If you would stop playing with your silly toys and find your granddaughter, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. Now tell me what’s going on. Are you close to finding the girl or not?”

  The gleam didn’t leave his eyes, but Luis answered with more civility than Rudolph had expected. “We have gotten close twice. Whoever has her knows what they’re doing. However, it’s only a matter of time before we find them. Next time, we won’t lose them.”

  “I’ve told you before. You gave the girl too much freedom.”

  “Her travels were important. As hostess for my parties, she was required to talk about a variety of things. She needed to be able to converse intelligently.”

  “From the moment the girl was conceived, she only had one real purpose. You should’ve seen to that.”

  “She was at the doctor’s office, getting the procedure, when she was taken. I fulfilled my part of the bargain.”

  “Not yet you haven’t. The girl is still missing. You should’ve had her under lock and key until she did her duty.”

  “If your grandson had not committed his crimes, this would not have been necessary. It could have been done and over with.”

  “My grandson can’t help the way he is. His doctors have told me he’s a sick young man. None of this is his fault. Besides, if you really want to place blame, you should look in the mirror. You’re the one who brought this on yourself. Not me.”

  “You old buzzard. You have what doesn’t belong to you. It belongs to me.”

  “It was given to me in exchange for what you took from me. It’s rightfully mine, and you know it.”

  Luis drew in a breath. They were bickering like two children fighting over a toy. If he didn’t get himself under control, he would pick up one of his priceless treasures and slam it into Rudolph’s head. One misery would cease, but the ache for what he wanted most would never end.

  “This argument is getting us nowhere. We each have what the other wants. If we work together, we can still make an exchange.”

  “Fine. I’ll concede that without your cooperation I can’t have what I want, so I’ll agree to work with you up to a point. However, when the girl is found, she will come live with me in Rome. No more traveling or social engagements until I have what I want from her.

  “And before you tell me no, old friend, listen well. The reason the girl is gone is because she initiated the entire thing. Your grandson was taken in exchange for giving the girl her freedom. Mark my words, she is behind this all.”

  “Who told you that?”

  “No one. If you would get your head out of your ass, or your mind off your silly artifacts, you would see that clearly. Somehow, somewhere, she was able to negotiate this entire event. Therefore, when she is found, she’s mine until I get my payment. Is that understood?”

  This wasn’t the first time it had been mentioned to him that Gabriella had instigated her own abduction, along with Carlos’s arrest. The idea was so far-fetched and unrealistic, Luis had always ignored that theory. Rudolph’s words made him rethink his opinion. Was the girl bright enough to have done something like that behind his back? She had been watched like a hawk every moment of every day. Who did she know who would have helped her? She had no friends. With the exception of him and Rudolph, not one single person cared if she lived or died.

  Luis shook off his disquiet. The idea was still ludicrous, but there was no point in arguing the point with Bianchi.

  “Very well. Once she is found, she can stay with you until her promise is fulfilled. But once she’s delivered to you, that means I receive immediate payment.”


  Triumph sparkled in Rudolph’s watery eyes, and Luis wondered if he hadn’t been too easy in his agreement. What was the old crone up to now?

  Chapter Twenty-four


  Grey arrived the next morning with a box of pastries and an agenda of getting to know Gabriella better. He had some preliminary suggestions on her next move, but he hadn’t made any definitive plans for her yet. Creating a new life for someone wasn’t the hard part. He had the money and contacts, plus a whole slew of experts who could make it happen. What he did need to know was what kind of life she wanted.

  Rarely did he get so deeply involved in a relocation. There were dozens of people in his employ who could have come here and interviewed Gabby. For a couple of reasons, he was taking a hands-on approach. For one, Gabriella Mendoza had done him a great favor. Not only had she provided the opportunity to bring Carlos to justice, she had provided incredible intel that would put a stop to some very bad people. It might not completely destroy Luis Mendoza…time would tell. However, the information would damn well put a crater-like hole in his illegal activities, along with those of several of Mendoza’s associates. Gabby deserved preferential treatment.

  Another reason was because of the man he’d assigned to protect her. Jonah had been on the edge for so long. Last night, Grey had given him news that might just tip him over that edge into an abyss from which he might never return.

  Jonah had been living for vengeance. Now that the chance was gone, his world could go dark again. Grey didn’t intend that to happen. Assigning him to a new, dangerous job would give him the adrenaline rush he craved. Grey knew better than anyone that being in the line of danger kept the demons at bay. It was also a way to get yourself dead. When you stopped caring about life, death was an attractive alternative.

  Few people knew that he’d once been in the very same place as Jonah. Living only for vengeance was a cold, barren place to reside. It had taken years to overcome the need. In truth, there were still dregs that popped up occasionally and corrupted his thinking. This was something Irelyn knew far too well.

  Grey took a swallow from his mug and eyed the couple through the steam of the coffee. “Did you both sleep well?”

  “Yes, thank you,” Gabriella said politely.

  Jonah grunted a yes.

  They were both lying. Gabriella looked more exhausted this morning than she had last night. The grim man sitting next to her looked as though he’d swallowed a tub of cement. His face was carved in granite.

  Grey hadn’t expected cheerfulness from either one of them, but their expressions told him something had happened after he’d left last night. They both looked miserable. And that made him want to smile.

  “I thought, o
ver breakfast, we’d talk about your future.”

  Gabby cut her eyes over to the too-silent man sitting beside her. Was he even remotely interested in her future? He had barely even glanced at her this morning. Was what happened last night so terrible? Admittedly, she wasn’t well schooled on the rules of this type of thing, but had it been that wrong? A kiss between two hurting people, each giving comfort in their own way. Okay, yes…it got a little heated. Okay, a lot heated, but still, was it a crime?

  He certainly hadn’t complained while it was happening. In fact, he’d participated quite eagerly. Her hands hadn’t been the ones to pull up her nightgown and roam all over her body. It hadn’t been her mouth that had bruised her lips, licked her neck, or suckled her—

  Blushing to the roots of her hair, she ripped her thoughts back to the present. Remembering what had happened while Grey Justice sat in front of her, his keen eyes assessing, was not the appropriate time or place.

  “Jonah said you’ve been making a list?”

  A list? Her brain scrambled to get back on point. They were talking about the future. Her future. Get with it, Gabby!

  The chair beside her squealed as Jonah pushed it back and stood. “Since this doesn’t concern me, I’ll go chop some firewood.”

  Ignoring Gabby’s hurt eyes and Justice’s angry glare, Jonah headed toward the door. Grabbing the ax leaning against the wall, he walked out.

  After last night, he needed to get the hell out of here as soon as possible. Once Justice and Gabby discussed her future, he would have his own discussion with the man. There had to be a job coming up where his skills could be put to use. He’d done the job here, and it was time to leave.

  Gabby had barely looked at him this morning. Not that he could blame her. What he had done last night was unconscionable. She had been offering him a gesture of solace, of comfort, and he’d turned it into something else. Didn’t matter that she’d responded. Didn’t matter that after a second, she had seemed to want more. That she had wrapped her arms around him and practically melted into him. It’d been a stupid-assed thing to do. And it could not happen again.

  No use trying to deny something else that was eating at him. Only an hour after learning that the man who murdered Teri was dead, he had been kissing another woman. Just what kind of low-class sleaze did that make him? He had sworn he’d bring her killer to justice. And what had he done? Nothing. Exactly nothing. The bastard had escaped Jonah’s vengeance. Instead of mourning that outcome, he had kissed another woman.

  Lifting a log from the stack, he placed it on the chopping block and swung. The slam made a satisfying noise, echoing through the small canyon. Grabbing another log, Jonah swung again. He repeated the motions over and over, working up a good, solid sweat but only slightly easing the ache in his chest.

  An hour later, he had a stack of wood before him and a satisfying burn in his shoulders. Wiping the sweat from his brow with his forearm, Jonah turned to find a pissed-off man standing behind him. Only, Grey Justice didn’t show his anger in a normal way. The man was too controlled for that. But the icy blue glare left no doubt to his real feelings.

  Jonah turned back to his pile of wood. “You and Gabriella get things worked out?”

  Justice’s silence was as loud as another man’s screaming rage. Yeah, he was pissed. Well, so the hell what?

  Turning, he glared at his boss. “You got a problem?”

  “No, you do.”

  Jonah wasn’t even going to pretend he didn’t know what the man meant. “What do you expect me to do? My part is over. She’s ready to move on. I need to do the same.”

  “I do have a new job for you.”

  “Good. Where and when do I leave?”

  “You don’t have to leave. The job’s here.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? This job is over. She—”

  “Is still being hunted. And depending on the results of the test she’s going to have to take, she may need even more protection.”

  Jonah whirled around and hurled the ax, getting no satisfaction when the blade landed in a fallen tree several feet away, deeply embedded. Turning back to face Justice, he said, “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “We got word that Bianchi showed up at Mendoza’s estate yesterday.”

  “The man never leaves his home. Why the hell would he risk it?”

  “Could be nothing more than two megalomaniacs having a friendly get-together. Based on what they planned for Gabby, I’d say the reasons for a meeting were quite clear.”

  “Yeah,” Jonah said. “Nothing messed up about that at all.”

  The tension in Grey’s muscles eased a little. Jonah might not be happy that his job here was being extended, but he saw the seriousness of the situation. Until they knew exactly what the two equally evil and powerful men were up to, Gabriella needed to stay hidden away. Jonah could protect her better than anyone right now. She trusted him, and considering what she had gone through, that was a miracle in itself.

  “Okay, you’re right. I need to stay here. Hell, we’ll bake cookies and watch movies.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you both can find something more productive to keep you occupied.”

  Jonah’s expression went darker. “But first I have to tell her.”

  “Yes.” Grey sighed. There was no easy way to do that. “Do you want me to stay?”

  “No. I figure once I tell her, she’ll either rip my head off or burn the place down. Best if only one of us is around.”

  “Just make sure she understands she’s got friends. People who are here for her. She’s not alone in this.”

  “I will. So where are you off to now?”


  “What’s in Morocco?”

  “Not what. Who.”

  “Irelyn’s in Morocco? What’s she doing there?”

  “Other than pretending that I don’t exist or that she ever knew me?” Grey shrugged. “Who the hell knows? Irelyn Raine is an enigma even to herself.”

  “If you find her, tell her...”

  Jonah didn’t finish the sentence, and Grey was glad of it. Yes, he had a right to be furious, but having anyone hurl insults at Irelyn, no matter the reason, would never sit well with him. He ignored the little voice that reminded him of all the times he’d hurt her himself. Their story was a complicated one that few, if anyone, would understand. They’d hurt each other as badly as could be done, but they always found their way back to one another. Eventually. It’d just been too damn long this time.

  “I’ll give her your regards.”

  “Yeah, you do that.”

  “I’ll talk to you soon.” Grey turned away. Both he and Jonah had a hard task before them. Jonah’s was going to possibly destroy a woman who’d done nothing to deserve the pain she had coming. And Grey’s job? To find the one woman he couldn’t let go of or forget. In his heart, he knew that if he didn’t find her soon, it was going to be too late for both of them.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Gabby watched from the window as Jonah and Grey talked. She couldn’t hear what was being said, but neither of them seemed pleased with the other. After Jonah had walked out, making it obvious that her future wasn’t his concern, Grey had apologized for his rudeness. When she had explained that there was no need to apologize, that she knew why Jonah was so upset, she’d seen complete shock in his eyes.

  “What do you know?”

  “That Teri Burke was his fiancée, and Mathias Slater hired a hitman to kill her. And since his release from prison, Jonah’s been hunting her assassin. I know that Peter Tinsley, the man who murdered Teri, is dead.”

  “Do you also know that Jonah hasn’t shared that kind of information with anyone? Ever?”

  “Maybe he needed to tell someone who’s an outsider.”

  “Maybe.” His gaze had darted toward the door Jonah had walked out of, and then a speculative look had come over his face.

  They’d gone on to talk about her future and her interests, but she got
the impression that ideas and thoughts were being developed outside their immediate conversation. She was quickly learning that Grey Justice was a man of many layers.

  She watched as Grey and Jonah continued their conversation. She noted that Grey gave Jonah a hard look and nodded toward the cabin. After a couple more minutes, both men’s shoulders relaxed, and then Grey got into his SUV and drove away. The fact that he was leaving to begin the arrangements of creating her new life should have caused some sort of angst or at least excitement. Instead, her mind was focused on the brooding man standing beside the large woodpile, looking so alone. She wanted to comfort him.

  With an abrupt movement, he went to retrieve the ax embedded in a fallen tree and then headed back to the cabin. Gabby jumped away from the window and looked around for something to do. She raced to the kitchen and pulled open the refrigerator door.

  “What are you looking for?”

  Gabby whirled around and tried to act like she knew what she was doing. “I was just looking for something to prepare for lunch.”

  Surprised he didn’t call her out on the obvious lie, since she knew less about cooking than a toddler, she added, “Um… Maybe a sandwich or something easy?”

  “We’ll worry about that in a little while. Right now, I need to talk with you.”

  She followed him into the living room. “What is it? Has something happened?”

  “I need to go into town for a few things. I don’t feel comfortable taking you with me. You should be safe here.”

  “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  “You told Kingston you can handle a gun.” He placed a Glock and a box of shells on the coffee table. “Show me.”

  “You want me to shoot you?”

  A spark of humor hit his eyes. “That won’t be necessary.”

  She picked up the weapon and, with the ease of someone who’d performed the task hundreds of times, released the magazine and then pulled the slide back to check the chamber. She loaded the magazine with fifteen rounds, inserted it into the slot, loaded the chamber with another round, and slid it closed. She placed the weapon back on the table.


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