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Voidhawk - the White Lady

Page 6

by Jason Halstead

Her other eyebrow joined the first. “She’s always been full of surprises.”

  Bailynn blushed. “You said the smaller moon wasn’t natural. Logan finally let me help him prove it.”

  Logan nodded, his own smile finally fading. “Yes, when the other moon rises we dare not try this.”

  Bailynn squeezed his hand and said, “By the time that rises I’ll have you turning your curse into a blessing and it won’t matter.”

  His first instinct was to shake his head but something about the way Bailynn looked at him stopped him. She believed in what she said. More so, she believed in him. He gave her hand a squeeze in return and said, “I should know better by now, anything is possible with people like you around.”

  Chapter 5

  “It looks different ahead!” Bailynn opined. They’d walked several hours the following day and now even the shortest of their group could note the change in terrain before them.

  “The marshes are ahead,” Haley said. By squinting Logan could see how the golden brown of the grasses grew greener ahead. “I’ll leave you there.”

  “You could come with us,” Bekka offered.

  Haley turned to look at her. She smiled and shook her head. “Look at me. I wouldn’t be welcome amongst your kind.”

  “My kind?” Bekka laughed. “My kind accepts everyone! We’ve been enslaved, abused, segregated, and spurned.”

  Haley shook her head. “No, not your race, I mean the civilized worlds you speak of. I’m not a housewife or a farm girl anymore. I’ll bear no more children.”

  “We’re not exactly traditional,” Bekka pointed out.

  Haley shook her head. “I’m alone among the gajrin. Other slaves come and go but none survive like I have. None have done so well. One day I’ll be able to learn no more, then I will have my vengeance. After that nothing matters, if I die — I die.”

  “That’s a horrible way to live,” Bekka breathed.

  Haley shrugged her shoulders. “It’s how I survive as well as I do.”

  “Ragnar seems an intelligent leader,” Logan mused aloud. “I wonder, does he often send you out on your own?”

  “He’s done so before, yes. Sometimes even amongst other humans.”

  “Like this?” Bekka asked, gesturing at Haley’s virtually nude body.

  Haley smirked. “No, that was a different kind of hunt. I always dress for the hunt.”

  Logan fought down his chuckle before asking, “So you’ve had a chance to escape but never did. Are you afraid of being hunted?”

  “I was once. Now this is my way of life. I don’t know anything else.”

  Logan nodded. “I learned a lesson years ago being a priest that travels the void. Forcing my beliefs on someone else is the best way to start a war.”

  Bekka turned to gape at him. “You’re just turning your back on her?”

  Logan shook his head. “I’ll never condone slavery, if it were up to me I’d try to help her. Knowing that she chooses this way of life I can only say that I’ve seen the gajrin in action and if Haley has gained a position of respect among them, then she’d be a welcome addition. That’s her decision to make, not ours. Our only question is whether all of us would welcome her.”

  Bailynn scowled as Logan directed the unseen question her way. “How can you even ask? Of course!”

  “Well there you have it,” Logan said. “Haley, I think Ragnar sent you with us knowing that you wouldn’t return. What more is there amongst the gajrin for you?”

  Haley looked ahead to the wetlands still some distance away. “We’ll reach the marshes in two hours or less. This border region is dangerous, no more talking.”

  Bailynn shared a look with Logan that communicated their thoughts on the abrupt topic shift. He took Haley’s advice, granting that she knew the world and the region better. The others followed his lead, keeping their peace while Haley led them through the greener grasses until the ground began to slant downwards.

  The grasses gave way to occasion clumps of cattails growing from the increasingly spongy ground. Tall trees rich with leaves and drooping branches marked the beginning of the marshes. Haley guided them to the edge of the water and looked around.

  “The waters seem shallow but the bottom is filled with a sucking mud. Further in it grows deeper and is host to many dangerous things,” Haley explained.

  “Of course it is,” Bailynn mumbled.

  Logan ignored her and stared at the water. “We need a raft.”

  “There are islands and stretches of land that rise above the water. You can go without, but you will need to cross patches of water. Some will require swimming.”

  “We spend our time up there,” Logan pointed to the sky. “We sail on magical ships through the void between worlds. There’s not a lot of extra water up there, not enough for most of us to know how to swim.”

  “You need a raft,” Haley said with a twist of her lips.

  “Gather as much wood as you can,” Bekka said. She turned and surveyed the surroundings.

  “I’ve got my rope,” Logan offered.

  “Good, now let’s get to work,” Bekka instructed. “We’ve got most of the day left. I’m hoping Willa showed me enough about working with wood that I can do this.”

  They set off immediately, Haley and Bekka heading off in one direction while Logan and Bailynn went in the other. Bailynn used her spear to hack at the branches while Logan pulled and carried them to the growing pile of lumber. For each log he delivered Haley brought twice as many. She saw him frowning and flashed her hand axe at him, showing she had a superior tool for the task at hand.

  Several hours later Bekka had fashioned a raft out of interlocking branches. Logan’s rope went unused, thanks to Bekka’s use of cross beams that she’d managed to interlock with the larger branches using her dagger and magic. She backed away, dirty and sweating, and stared down at it. Her outer shirt had been removed some time ago and the tight fitting layered shirt she wore beneath was loosened to allow as much air flow as possible.

  Logan kept his eyes away from Bekka as much as possible. Most of her time was spent on hands and knees or bent over and the way her loosened shirt shifted offered countless opportunities for a scandalous glance. He felt the rush of warmth to his cheeks when Bailynn glowered at him at one point.

  They pushed the raft onto the murky water. Aside from some bobbing from the movement, it floated. Bekka let out a yelp of delight, then gasped when Haley stepped onto the collection of timbers. “Are you coming with us?”

  “I’ll see you safe through the marshes. I know something of them. Beyond them, when you reach the deep forest of the Fayer, I’m no help.”

  Bekka’s smile caused Logan to meet Bailynn’s gaze. They shared a smile that said more than words could have. Logan was also pleased to note that Bailynn’s earlier scowl was forgotten.

  “The day’s wasting, let’s be off,” Logan advised. He glanced to the north and saw the small moon against the light blue sky of Kelios. It was near to setting on its second cycle through the twenty four hour day.

  Using a straight branch and Bailynn’s spear they pushed the raft free and moved through the fens. Haley called out directions and pointed out threats along the way. The passed a small cove with several giant frogs that had glands poisonous to the touch. Further on they saw a ripple in the water passing in the distance. She pointed as the ripple reached a small island and a reptilian creature emerged with sex legs and jaws like an alligator. It was easily a dozen feet long and not something any of them wanted to tangle with.

  With Haley guiding them they avoided the predators in the swamp but there was no escape from the insects. Fighting the stinging and sucking pests quickly proved too. Haley ignored them, though Logan noticed they seemed to leave her alone for the most part.

  “Why aren’t you getting eaten up?” Logan asked her at one point.

  She glanced at herself, turning just enough to display her bare chest in an accidental yet provocative pose. Logan looked away. Rather than
getting accustomed to her nudity he’d only figured out how to ignore her. When she was only a guide he’d considered her little more than a diversion or an obstacle. Now that Haley had shown more of herself, emotionally speaking, she’d become more of a person and someone of interest again.

  Bekka, of course, was even more interested. It was obvious, yet Haley showed no sign she was aware of the sorceress’ desires. Bailynn snorted softly beside him. Logan dared a look, assuming she was disgusted with him again. He noticed that Bailynn’s tunic had been loosened as well, in spite of the bugs that swarmed around them. He yanked his eyes free and shook his head. What was wrong with him?

  “I’ve been in the marshes before. They bothered me the first time, but after a week or so I adapted and they left me alone. The worst part about these wetlands to me isn’t the bugs, snakes, or predators, it’s the lack of wind.”

  “Wind!” Bekka gasped. She raised her hands and chanted some words into the buzzing air. A breeze sprung around them, soft and gentle but a breeze nonetheless. It circled the raft, blowing the insects away and refreshing them. She lowered her arms and the breeze died away.

  “Thank you.” Haley grinned. Bekka returned the grin complete with a dash of red to her cheeks.

  Bailynn and Logan’s eyes met again. Bailynn rolled her eyes and forced Logan to bite down on a chuckle. Floating through a humid swamp with a horde of biting insects returning, the priest couldn’t imagine anywhere he’d rather be.

  * * * *

  Logan had just drifted off to sleep when he was nudged back to consciousness. He looked over to see Bailynn staring intently at him. “Haley spotted something, she wants us to be ready,” she whispered.

  Logan nodded and started to get up. Bailynn’s hand squeezing his shoulder kept him from rising. She was laying on the ground as well. He dared to roll his head and look around but the only thing he noticed was the moonlight filtering through the drooping canopy of the swamp trees above the small island they’d camped on. He smiled, distracted by the realization that the light came from both the full small moon and the half full larger moon.

  A faint splash reminded him of the threat Bailynn had hinted at. From his limited vantage point he could see nothing but Bailynn beside him. “Now!” Hailey shouted.

  Logan lurched into motion. Haley had sprung from the ground to her feet already, her weapons in hand. His mace was still in his pack so he grabbed up a length of a branch they’d not yet tossed into their small fire. The fire was between him and the water, ruining his night vision. He turned to put his back to it and began to make out shapes in the darkness of small canoes and skiffs in the water. Each had two or three silhouettes of what looked like children in them.

  Light flared up above them in a handful of rotating balls of soft light. He glanced over and saw Bekka guiding the balls with her hands, directing them as they floated through the air. He returned his attention to the figures approaching and saw them better. They were humanoid, but far from human. Black eyes glittered in the darkness, reflecting Bekka’s magical lights. Their faces were mottled green and brown, complete with large mouths and slits where a nose should have been.

  One of them called out, breaking the nocturnal silence. The creatures in the bow of each boat raised tubs made of reeds and put them in their mouths. Logan heard a series of soft pops, then felt several pricks about his body. It changed to a burning sensation briefly, then faded altogether. He looked down and saw several crude darts stuck in his clothing and skin.

  Bekka cried out, the lights waving erratically for a moment then going out. Bailynn cursed, the called for Logan. The Priest plucked out the darts as fast as he could, but already his tongue felt thicker in his mouth. He turned to see Bailynn stumble towards him. She caught herself then fell to her knees and one hand.

  Logan saw Bekka was on the ground as well. Haley was yanking the darts out at a furious pace. A second wave hit both of them, causing his already impaired sense of balance to fail him. He fell near Bailynn and watched as she grew fuzzier with each passing heartbeat until the world dissolved into a shade of grey.

  * * * *

  When the disjointed sounds and experiences began to sort themselves out, Logan found himself bound to a large timber set in the ground. His eyes ached and his vision was fuzzy no matter how many times he blinked. He shook his head and tasted something strange and metallic in his mouth.

  The others were with him, each of them tied to their own stake. He had trouble distinguishing them, the poison in his system combined with the flickering firelight to chase demonic shadows across their faces. He felt something growl in his stomach but paid it no mind. Indigestion was the least of his concerns.


  Logan snapped his head up, realizing he’d let his focus slip and even drooled a little on himself. He glanced over and, after squinting enough to be certain, saw a bound and nude Bailynn staring at him. He tried to speak but found little more than a grunt came out of his parched lips. The thickness of his tongue and throat prompted him to cough until it became painful for him. The pain, at least, cleared away a little of the fog still clinging to his mind.

  “Logan, they’re going to eat us!”

  He jerked at her words and looked to the center of the island they were on. The campfire was more than just that. The peak of the flames had gone down and now the short monsters were tending it to provide hot coals for cooking. The realization sent his heart racing and cleared his mind a little more. He glanced down and confirmed that his clothing was also gone.

  “Bekka! Can’t you use your magic?” Logan called out. He drew the attention of a couple of the swamp dwellers. They croaked and hissed at one another for a moment before one walked over to Logan and punched him in the face.

  Logan’s head snapped back and bounced off the wooden pole he was bound to. His vision swam worse than before but the acute pain served to focus his thoughts. He felt the rumbling inside of him and realized it had nothing to do with his last meal, it was the beast. He’d dared to think he might be gaining control of it, but now he knew he’d let himself be fooled.

  Logan spat blood on the ground, then looked up at the diminutive swamp dweller. He bit down hard to control his rising desire to snap at him. “Can you understand me?” Logan’s voice was tightly contained. Their only hope was to speak to someone in command and convince them they weren’t a threat.

  His answer was another blow to the side of his head. It jarred him and knocked him senseless for a moment. As small as the creatures were they were every bit as strong as a full grown man. When his ears stopped ringing and all Logan could see was a red film of rage he heard Bailynn cry out.

  She followed the cry with a plea. “Use it! Use it to control the beast. Let it out, my gloves are gone! You’re our only hope!”

  His spine lurched, forcing him to arch his back against the pole. He shook his head, fighting it even as he weighed Bailynn’s words. It wanted out. He wanted to let it out, he just had to let go. Logan found himself breathing fast through his nose, then his teeth parted and he was gasping for breath. Bailynn screamed again, this time it was a wordless cry.

  Logan snapped his head to the side and saw one of the swamp dwellers yank a crude wooden spear free of her belly. Logan stared in shock, the rage and the beast a secondary thing. Bailynn stared down at the blood that fell from her belly, then her head tilted up to stare at Logan.

  Seeing the fear and sadness dancing in Bailynn’s eyes caused something to snap inside of Logan. “No!” He growled.

  The change came faster than ever before. Even as the creature before him stepped forward to strike him again Logan sank his nails into the ropes binding his hands together and to the pole. He flexed his hirsute arms and snapped the tough fibers. His arms completed their movement by slamming into the swamp dweller before him.

  Logan could smell death. The ropes fell away and he lurched forward, landing on all fours. He shook his head and turned to the wide eyed runt that had stabbed Bailynn. H
e leapt, landing on him and bearing him to the ground. When he looked up again he could taste the blood in his mouth and it caused him to raise his head to the moon to let loose a howl of exultation.

  The other swamp dwellers rushed forward. Logan met them, ignoring their poisoned darts that now seemed useless against him. He growled when a spear, club, or a stone bounced off of his hide. The pain was there but it drove him on. He knew it was only temporary. All that mattered was hurting as many of them as he could. His claws rent skin and broke bones while his teeth tore flesh and crushed the life from the dimunitive creatures.

  He stood breathing hard, his hurts many but ignored. Bailynn was behind him, tied to a post as her life’s blood dripped from her stomach. He snarled at any who approached, sending them scurrying back. He wanted to kill them all. He needed to, in fact. Only the constant reminder of the person he needed to protect kept him from leaping into their midst, regardless of how many spears and knives they held.

  “You’re beautiful,” Bailynn whispered behind him.

  Logan’s ears twitched. He raised his head up and looked back at her, then snapped back around when he heard the excited pitch of the swamp dwellers. A commotion amongst them preceded a barely taller version of the pygmies emerging from the crowd to stand before Logan. He bore a headpiece fitted with feathers and half dead flowers from the swamp. He wore a cloak that had the ridged appearance of the skin that belonged to the six legged reptiles that swam through the swamp looking for food.

  “Let us go and we’ll let you live!” Bekka called out.

  Logan growled. He understood her perfectly. He didn’t want them to live. He wanted to crush the life out of each and every one of them. Only his worry for Bailynn kept him from continuing the process.

  The chief gave orders to his people and three came forward. Each went to a tree but Logan was quick to snap at the one that came for Bailynn. The small creature trembled before him and held up its hands in supplication. Logan found himself sniffing them and tried to shake his head in denial. The movement scared the dweller so badly it scrambled away from him.


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