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Completion (Cambria University Series Book 3)

Page 33

by Sadie T. Williams

  She smiles softly and tries to look down to where little man is nestled into her side.

  Staley returns with a glass of water, a straw and a boatload of doctors and nurses. They’re all stunned to see her awake.

  Staley holds the straw to Stanzy’s mouth and she drinks, eagerly.

  After a minute she clears her throat, “Sutton… Blake.”

  “You’re second word after being in a coma is my best friend’s name?”

  Should I be angry? I just don’t understand. Did I miss something between Stanzy and Blake?

  “Sutton Blake,” she whispers. Using most of her energy to get the words out.

  “You want to name Little Man, Sutton Blake?” Staley asks. Twin lingo is tight with these two.

  She nods slightly.

  “It’s perfect.”

  Nestled in his mama’s arm, Sutton is sound asleep and not too long after she wakes up, Stanzy is asleep again.

  The family I've always yearned for is complete. We're here. We made it. My heart is full.


  Another Six Years Later

  “Boom!” I shout and slam my card down on the table. It’s almost Christmas and I should probably let my six-year-old son win, but nah. He beats me in plenty of things. I’m going to win at Uno as long as I still can.

  I retired from the NFL a year ago and I love living the dad life. Sutton has grown into quite the competitor, just like his parents apparently, and I’m not about to let him keep winning all the time.

  “Daaaaaad, you can’t win on a wild card,” Sutton whines.

  “Yes, you can. We read the rules together, remember?”

  I turn to my left and ask, “Right, Delaney?”

  She tilts her head to the side as if to say “really” and rolls her eyes, her dark auburn hair falling over her shoulder as she does.

  “Yeah, sorry, Sut, he’s right and he wins. Yet again.” She rolls her big ocean, teenage eyes at me and it makes me chuckle. This girl has given me so much grief, but I actually enjoy it. She reminds me so much of Stanzy with her attitude and strength.

  “That’s my girl,” I say as I pick up her hand and give it a kiss. She give me a slight smile, but I know she secretly loves it when I call her that.

  “Fine!” Sutton shouts, “get on your skates old man!” He storms out as Delaney and I both start laughing. He’s so feisty for a six-year-old.

  Last winter I constructed an ice rink in our backyard for him. The kid is gifted in all areas, but hockey. Damn. He’s a prodigy. The ice like his second home.

  “Oh dear, what did I just walk into?” Stanzy asks as she rounds the corner and comes into the kitchen where we were playing Uno on the table.

  The love of my life, who I almost lost. I can practically feel my heart race when she enters the room. It happens every time. She takes my breath away and somedays I still can’t believe she’s mine.

  She’s had some minor complications since her recovery, but she’s a fighter. She returned to work about a year after Sutton was born and three years after that she became a partner in the clinic with Dr. Colletti when one of the other doctors retired. She really loves her job and she’s really good at it. I call her my Sugar Mama since I’m not technically working anymore. She just rolls her eyes at me and laughs.

  With Dr. Stanzy Rhodes returning to work, I get to be stay-at-home dad and it’s so fucking amazing. Even after everything I’ve been through, I can confidently say, I’m very blessed.

  “Sutton is threatening to take Jess out to the ice rink again,” Delaney replies as she grabs her phone, focuses her attention to TikTok and starts giggling. Teenagers. Oy.

  “Sut!” Stanzy shouts. “Dad can’t go outside right now.”

  “But why?” his voice whines again as he returns to the kitchen. He’s fully dressed in his pads, breezers and jersey. He was seriously going to whoop my ass on the ice for beating him in Uno.

  “Because,” Stanzy begins, but Sutton cuts her off.

  “It’s the only thing he can’t beat me at, Mama!” He looks like someone just told him they stopped making strawberry PopTarts - his favorite food.

  Every time I win whether it’s Uno, Battleship, Monopoly, his response is to take my ass out on the ice and dominate me in a game of one on one. Don’t get me wrong, I can skate. But Sutton can skate backwards as fast as I can skate forwards. It’s not even a competition for him anymore.

  “Because we have to give Delaney her surprise,” Stanzy tells him as she pulls him into her for a hug.

  “Oh, right, the surprise,” Sutton replies with a wink and wraps his arms around Stanzy’s waist.

  They both sit at the table. I’m sitting at the head, Stanzy and Sutton to my left and Delaney to my right. I could reach out and touch my entire world right now. They’re sitting right in front of me.

  “What surprise?” Delaney lifts her eyes from her phone and glances skeptically at each of us.

  After everything that occurred with Sutton’s birth, almost losing him and Stanzy, we decided we weren’t ever going to try to have another baby. Instead, we talked with friends about fostering to adopt. They had adopted three children in a similar fashion after they found out they were unable to conceive.

  After many discussions, Stanzy and I decided to do it. Considering my upbringing, I could have, and probably should have, been in the foster system in Atlanta. Prior to us getting the call that a child was looking for a home, Delaney had been in foster care since she was removed from her mother’s care at the age of four. She was bounced around to several homes and returned to her mother once before CPS officially began the process of terminating her mother’s rights.

  At the time she was placed with us, Delaney was nine. She had seen horrendous things before Child Protective Services removed her and it affected her deeply that she was bounced around from home to home. Being in a similar situation I empathized with her and we immediately bonded on a deeper level than Stanzy and Sutton could fully understand.

  There were many sleepless nights as she battled some nightmares and there was a lot of push back when we tried to parent, but over time, Delaney realized we were family and she was safe.

  She’s been a wonderful addition to our home and Sutton adores her. He was two when Delaney first came to live with us and they’ve grown so close you would never know that they’re not biological siblings. While Sutton looks exactly like me, Delaney is fair skinned with auburn hair and bright blue eyes. They’re not brother and sister by blood, but they are at heart. He doesn’t remember a time when Delaney wasn’t here.

  “Delaney, we have loved having you become part of our family these last four years. We’ve grown together and we can’t picture our lives without you,” Stanzy begins but immediately gets choked up.

  Delaney is looking at us with tears threatening to escape from those blue eyes.

  “What we’re trying to say is –“ Sutton cuts me off as I start talking.

  “Be my for real sister!” he exclaims.

  “For real, for real?” she asks, tears rolling down her cheeks.

  I nod. “Your biological mother’s rights were officially terminated last summer and we immediately began the adoption process.” I slide a piece of paper over to her.

  “What’s this?” she asks as she reads it.

  “That’s the official document, we’re going to sign it.”

  “Delaney Rae Rhodes,” she reads. “That’s me?”

  “It is,” Stanzy says with a sniffle. “My middle name is Rae too. Do you like it?”

  “I love it,” Delaney pauses. “Mom. Mom and Dad,” she repeats. “I love you both, so much.”

  And at that moment I think I can hear Stanzy’s heart beat out of her chest.

  “We love you too, sweet girl,” Stanzy replies and stands up. “Come here.”

  “Family hug!” Sutton shouts.

  We all stand and embrace.

  “You’re stuck with me now, Goober,” Delaney says and ruffles Sutton’
s curly hair.

  “Good, cuz I love you too,” he says with a grin that shows off where he lost his top tooth.

  This is my reality now. From where I started, through a long winding road, I’m back where I belong. With the first and only person I’ve ever truly loved. I’m complete. Finally.


  First and foremost, I need to thank you, for reading my book! Without you my words are just sitting on a page and my characters are never brought to life. With all the amazing choices I’m so grateful you chose to read this and I appreciate your feedback, so please leave a review.

  A huge thank you to my beta-reader and BFF. Life would be boring without you and my books wouldn’t be nearly as good without your input.

  To my ARC readers. You ladies are the best! Thank you for your feedback and reviews. I'm so happy you're on this journey with me.

  To my hubby. The most important man in my life who didn’t think I was insane when I decided to start writing novels this late in life.

  Thank you again!

  Much Love,


  About The Author

  Sadie T. Williams

  Sadie T. Williams is a wife, mother (human and fur), and lover of all things books, sports, and family.

  Sadie writes new adult, college-aged, sports romance with drama, heat, and some comedic relief.

  The Cambria University Series (three books) is about steamy, hot football players and the ladies who win their hearts.

  Praise For Author

  My favorite type of books are college jocks romance, and this is the best one I have read hands down!!!!! I loved Kiernan, aka KK; she is everything you want in a heroine. She and Brooks are such a great a couple; I felt like I was in their relationship. The supporting characters in this book were excellent as well; I loved each character's group dynamic. I especially loved the public banters and getting everything out in the open!!!

  It's the first book I read from Sadie T. Williams, and it won't be the last. I'm excited about the second book!!!

  - Donny, Amazon Review of Exception

  Redemption pulled on my heart strings, just like the first book.

  First, I gave it a 4.8, because of how much Blake needed his redemption after all has been said and done in this book. He just needed to be toned down a notch, and I am glad that in the end Maisy brought out a side of him that didn't require him to be so much of an a-hole all the time.

  Donovan, even though everything is just a game to him, makes up for it in the end. He learns to love and care for Maisy, to a point where he is fighting for her through and through. You learn to love him.

  As for Maisy, well I loved her character from the very beginning. I just saw a young girl, trying her best to survive the situation she was dealt with. Just a reminder to other readers, Maisy is young, she is a genius that had to grow up faster than most. Expect her to not be mature ALL the time, she's learning, and finding her way to the person she wants to become, just like us when we were her age.

  With that being said, there is drama, there is love, there is laughter, and there is something for everyone to get sucked into this Cambria University world.....This is a book you don't want to miss out on. Already so excited for the third book.

  - Mae, Amazon Review of Redemption

  "You're it for me."

  New author with tons of talent! And, lucky me, she writes exactly my kind of story: deliciously messy, coming of age, new adult romance.

  Plot in a nutshell: Brooks McCarthy is happy with his life as the 'big man on campus'. He's the full package - star athlete, charming, confident, hot as hell - and he knows it. He's never met a challenge he couldn't conquer . . . until Kiernan Kelly.

  The girl has me tweaked.

  Kiernan is an elite athlete in her own right, one who's got just as much going for her as Brooks . . . but she doesn't date.

  I am not one to swoon, get trapped in lust-filled thoughts, or even spend time concerning myself with boys. I don't lose my head or my focus.

  She has goals and none of them include getting involved with a man who, if not at man-whore status, is close . . .

  Oh, you guys, I SO enjoyed the push and pull between these two. Kiernan proving impervious to Brooks' charm left a huge smile on my face. Then, watching them bend their rules for each other was a joy even when the consequences were heart-wrenching.

  Because that's what growing up is all about, right?

  Despite the STEEP learning curve, or more probably, because of it, I enjoyed every second of Kiernan and Brooks' journey.

  Life is a series of moments. Some of those moments are so impactful that you can pinpoint an exact instant that your life changed.

  And the romance? What a swoon-fest!

  "She's the most important thing in the world to me. I would give all this up for her in a heartbeat."

  Plus, as an added bonus, the author definitely knows her sports. And I appreciated how that knowledge was presented in a way that enhanced the story instead of bogging it down.

  So why am I not handing out 5 stars?

  I thought perhaps the author took the dual point of view too far. There was just too much overlap in the scenes. Though I sometimes appreciated getting both characters' impressions, I found myself skimming to get to 'new' events. But that's just me.

  If you're a fan of sports romances set against the backdrop of college life - with all its homework, BFF's, frat parties, man-whores and jersey chasers - I highly recommend!

  I'm off to read book 2...

  - Melanie A, Goodreads Review of Exception

  Kiernan "KK" Kelly and Brooks "Mac" McCarthy have possibly the sweetest sports romance I've read in quite a while.

  Brooks, a future NFL legacy and current college all-star QB, has rules. Rules that were drilled into him by his NFL MVP father all his life, and they work to keep his head in the game and him in the zone. Rules like don't sleep with a girl in your own bed, always use protection, and never, ever fall in love. And he's never, ever broken a rule. Until her.

  KK is a superstar on the softball field in her own right, but she's used to the spotlight as the daughter of another NFL legend herself. KK is well acquainted with three "Fs" in her life - football where her heart lies, fame where her father thrives, and the friend zone where she chooses to firmly plant herself. Until him.

  This story was sweet, and there's no other word for it. Kiernan is level headed and authentic, and Brooks is patient and dreamy, and I was rooting for them every step of the way!

  If you're looking for a feel-good, steamy sweet sports romance to keep your attention and squeeze your heart, look no further than The Exception!

  - Stephanie, Amazon Review of Exception

  Inspite of having a dark past, Jessup Rhodes has achieved all his goals except for one, her. She is now engaged to someone else. But life has given them a second chance. He will not let her go now, he will win her back.

  Author Sadie Williams has come with another peachy keen, second chance romance novel that will make the readers emotional with each chapter. The story is well written, entails a lot of drama, with a little angst and adorable characters that will make the readers swoon. The book is unputdownable. It is a highly recommended book for readers who like this genre.

  Personal take:

  I didn't expect to like Rhodes' story this much. I couldn't put this book down. Right from his childhood till the end I was a bundle of emotions with this book. I am highly anticipating the author's next book.

  - Booksaddict2020, Goodreads Review of Completion

  Books In This Series

  Cambris University Series

  Cambria University is located right outside of Boston, MA. It is home to the Golden Knights football team which includes quarterback, Brooks McCarthy, linebacker, Donovan Blake, and running back Jessup Rhodes.

  There's drama, heat, and some comedic relief throughout.

  Exception (Cambria University Series, Book 1)

  Exception is t
he first book in the Cambria University Series and Sadie's first published novel. It is a standalone contemporary sports romance novel.

  Kiernan Kelly and Brooks McCarthy were each born into football royalty. One fateful meeting changes the course of both their lives.

  Everyone at Cambria University knows that the most popular, handsome and talented guy at the school is destined for the National Football League - alone. His father, Rhett, not only passed on his DNA, work ethic and love for the game, but a set of rules to keep his son unattainable.

  Kiernan on the other hand tries to hide her famous lineage as she dazzles everyone with her skill on the softball field. As the daughter of Hall of Fame quarterback, John Kelly, she inherited his athleticism, but not his lust for the spotlight or the public persona he works so hard to protect. She has a plan for her life that does not include falling in love. Love makes you weak. Weak like her mother. But fate has other plans for the stunning athlete.

  Will Kiernan finally not let fear control her? Has Brooks finally met the exception to his rules? Do their families really have their best interest at heart? If their love can survive the first year then it can survive anything.

  Redemption (Cambria University Series, Book 2)

  Redemption is the second novel in the Cambria University by author Sadie T. Williams. This is a standalone sports romance. The first book in the series is Exception.


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