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Second Chances

Page 25

by Younker, Tracy

  “Parker!” I shout right in face, hoping to get past his drugged out haze. “LET ME GO!”

  He just smiles at me. Why the hell is he smiling?! He wrestles my hands away from his chest while keeping me pinned with his hips. I squirm and try to kick, but he gets my hands behind my back and holds onto them with just one of his hands. I feel one of his legs drive in between mine and my blood suddenly runs cold. My heart is like a jackhammer inside my chest. This isn't the Parker I know.

  My eyes are wide with horror as he leans in and puts his mouth on mine. I'm screaming and trying to push him away, but he's just swallowing my screams. I am officially terrified now. He isn't in control of himself anymore, and I don't know how to get the real Parker's attention. No one knows where I am, and I feel completely helpless. His mouth tastes like the smoke I smell on his hair and clothes, and I'm gagging in revulsion. Somehow I think this just spurs him on.

  I have no idea what to do. I never thought a friend would do this to me. I trusted Parker, and he's taking advantage of that. Tears begin to slide down my cheeks.

  He finally stops kissing me, and I'm panting from all the screaming and struggling. His face is right beside mine as he whispers, “I'll gag you if you scream again.” With one hand still holding my wrists behind me and his other hand on my bicep, he begins to pull me farther down the hallway.

  “NO!” I scream, not even thinking about what he told me. I'm dragging my feet, but these heels are useless for that, sliding along the concrete floor, giving little or no resistance. I'm pulling against him, trying to break free and make a run for it. The hall is darker the further we go and we reach a doorway that he kicks open so that he won't have to let go of me with either hand. I do not want to be inside a room with a door! My adrenaline level hits a new high and my struggles become harder for him to manage. I can see on his face that he is having difficulty now.

  “Parker, NO!” I say through gritted teeth when we are almost through the doorway. I think about trying to kick him, but I can't get the thought out of my head that this is Parker, my friend, who will wake up tomorrow morning and wonder why he remembers me kicking him. I know it's irrational, but it's there in my head anyway.

  I try my damndest, but we are now inside the dark room, and he has kicked the door closed behind him. This can't be happening. I'm starting to hyperventilate, and that isn't going to help me at all. I look around quickly in the dark trying to figure out where we even are. It looks like some sort of barely-used storage room of some kind. There are a few boxes in view and a folding chair, but that's all I can see.

  “Parker, it's me, Haylee. Why are you doing this?” I gasp out as he struggles with something behind me while still holding my wrists together. Maybe I can get him to talk to me while I try in vain to get my breathing to settle down.

  “Because it's you, Haylee,” he says with a low chuckle.

  When he is standing in front of me again I try to reason with him. “You don't want to do this,” I stammer, but the look in his eyes says otherwise. I do the first thing that comes to my mind and I spit in his face. I am scared to death, and without even thinking about his warnings, I let out an ear-piercing scream.

  This just makes him even angrier. Before it registers in my mind that he is moving, he brings his fist up into the side of my face, causing me to drop backward so hard that I land with a grunt on my backside. He's on top of me before I even have the thought to stand up and make a run for it. His weight is now pressing me against the cold cement floor, and he's kissing me again. There are tears streaming from my eyes. This is bad. What have I ever done to him?

  “You never even gave me a chance, Haylee,” he hisses between nasty, wet kisses all along my face and neck. He traps my arms together above my head with one of his hands and I feel his other hand traveling down the length of my torso and onto my thigh. I whimper in protest, but he pays no attention. I hate this skirt. Why did I let Brynn talk me into this? “You always told me that you weren't interested in a relationship, but that was nothing but lies!”

  “No,” I try to tell him but his mouth is covering mine again. I'm sobbing now, so heavily that my chest is lifting him up with each staccato breath.

  I feel his fingertip tracing firmly along my leg and onto my inner thigh. I cringe. This can't be happening to me! Not with Parker! I buck my hips upward and bring my knee up into his groin. He groans slightly, but I wasn't able to get much momentum so it was a weak blow. His hand leaves my thigh though and is now around my throat. ”Stop fighting me,” he says through clenched teeth. My eyes go wide as my airflow begins to restrict. What the hell is he thinking?

  “Parker. . .please. . .don't. . .do. . .this,” I gasp out as tears pour down my face.

  “You weren't interested in a relationship, but you spread your legs for Chase as soon as he got back here,” Parker shouts at me and I am crying even harder now. “I just wasn't good enough for you.”

  I'm trying to shake my head from side to side to argue with him but his hand clamped against my throat prevents that. My eyes are throbbing with pressure from the restriction of blood flow his hand is causing. What he is saying isn't the case at all, but he's obviously beyond reason. I actually find myself praying that I will just die of asphyxiation instead of having to live through what my 'friend' is about to do to me. My skirt is pushed way up on my thighs, and I hear a tear as he tries to lift up the emerald green shirt that Brynn lent me. His fingers dent my flesh, his tongue is in my mouth, his body is covering mine, and I don't want any of it. And I am powerless to stop it.

  Brynn. We just got back to being friends again. Just as suddenly as that thought appears, I think of Griff. He's been my steadfast friend through it all. Now I am about to leave him too. It's pitch black now and I'm not sure how long it has been since I've been able to pull a breath into my lungs. And Chase. Oh God! I've just gotten him back and we've screwed things up so badly. He walked away from me because I treated him poorly tonight. I'll never get the chance to tell him that I do believe him! He walked away too soon to hear it, to hear that I'm sorry. I love him with all my heart. The tears continue, but there is no more sobbing because I am out of air and all I can think of is how much I wish I could see him just once more and tell him. My vision begins to blur as I stare at the lone chair in the room. Anything but the man on top of me.

  I feel lighter all of sudden, like I'm floating, and able to take in tiny, gasping breaths. I don't realize what's going on right away. I force my eyes to blink, but can't lift my head up. Parker is no longer on top of me and his hand is finally off my throat. That's why I can breathe a little bit again, but it's still painful. I try to clear my eyes of tears, afraid that Parker has just taken a break and will be coming back for more. I hear a scuffling sound and a voice, but not Parker's voice. . .

  I hear a grunt, followed by a smacking sound, and then someone is kneeling beside me again. I squeeze my eyes closed and bring my hands up over my face to shield myself from him. It's all I have the strength left to do. My whole body is shaking so powerfully it hurts.

  “Haylee,” I hear a pained voice gasp. My vision is still blurred and I am confused about who is speaking now. It sounds almost like Chase. I must be dead, or dreaming.

  “Chase?” I manage to cough out. I blink my eyes rapidly but can't clear the blur from them and it's dark in here anyway. Is he really here or am I imagining this in order to retain my sanity?

  “It's okay now, Haylee. I've got you,” Chase's voice says, and then I really am floating. I feel his arms under my back and legs, and he's carrying me out of the dark room. Chase really is here? My head keeps lolling from side to side and I can't tell where we are. Suddenly, I feel cooler air, I'm able to take in a little bit of a deeper breath, and the light is brighter. Everything still looks kind of cloudy and hazy. I feel something rough under my bottom, and I can tell that he has set me down and propped my back up against a wall.

  Chase is right in my face, and I can make him out a little more clearly. �
��Haylee. . .oh my God. . .Haylee. . .how did this. . .did he. . .?” his voice cracks and he drops his head into my lap as he asks.

  “No,” I manage to whisper. I know he is asking if Parker actually raped me. I have no doubt that he had been about to, but Chase saved me. How did he know where I was? I am desperate to tell him that I love him, that I'm sorry, but my throat won't cooperate. This is the second chance that I had been praying for. I can feel him sobbing in my lap, and then he abruptly picks his head up and starts looking at me more closely.

  His fingers touch the corner of my mouth and I wince back slightly. He closes his eyes for a moment and then when he opens them again, his fingers lift my chin to look at my throat. “Holy shit,” he hisses. “Are you okay? What hurts, Haylee? Tell me what hurts.” His reaction scares me. He's absolutely terrified for me, and I am just so thankful that he showed up when he did. How awful do I look? How badly am I injured? I'm just so bone tired that I can't tell exactly. . . my throat hurts. . .

  “I'm okay now,” I rasp but the words sear my throat. It's becoming easier to breathe again. I can't tear my eyes away from Chase. He's so perfect. He scoops me up into his arms again and I realize that we must be outside behind the club. I don't know where he's taking me, but I finally feel safe in his arms and I keep nodding off or blacking out or something because I look up and things look different. I'm aware of his scent surrounding me and the steady beat of his heart beneath my ear.

  I'm vaguely aware of him sliding me onto the seat of Griff's truck and buckling me in. He is beside me behind the wheel in no time. I slide down the back of the seat too exhausted to keep myself upright. My head settles on his thigh. I hear his voice talking to me and feel his fingers sliding softly through my hair as I drift in and out of consciousness. I'm shivering even though I can feel the warm air coming out of the vents. I want to say so many different things to him, but I'm too tired to make my mouth work.

  “I'll never walk away from you again, Hayles.” I hear him say softly and then everything goes quiet and dark.

  Chapter 29 - Chase

  I have walked all over the club looking for Haylee. She isn't on the dance floor or by the pool tables or the bar. I've gone back to the table to retrieve Brynn so she can check in the ladies' room for me, but Haylee isn't in there either. Parker is also nowhere to be found. I know that even though Haylee had probably been upset, she wouldn't go anywhere without at least letting Brynn or Griff know.

  “I'll check out front. Maybe she just needed fresh air,” Brynn tells me, and I nod absently.

  I'm starting to get frantic. My palms are sweating, my stomach feels queasy, and I just have this bad feeling. I stand still for a minute just outside the hallway for the restrooms and let my eyes travel around the place again. This isn't like Haylee. I just want to find her and apologize for overreacting the way I did. We've both been so emotional the last couple of days that I guess we are just ready to snap.

  “Looking for something?” comes a voice and I close my eyes and clench my teeth together.

  “No, Lexi, get out of my face,” I tell her, glancing right over her head to keep watching for any sign of Haylee.

  “Why search around when what you really want is right here in front of you?” she asks, putting her hand on my chest. I take a deep breath and remove her hand, still not looking at her. “We could just slip in the ladies' room and. . .”

  “Go to HELL, Lexi!” I shout, and she actually jumps backward a bit. Good. Maybe she'll finally get the idea. I don't usually lose my temper like that but I mean, seriously, how many times do I have to tell her she's got no chance? My nerves are fried and I still don't see Haylee anywhere. I pull out my phone to check for messages again, and I sense that Lexi has finally moved on. There's a text from Brynn:

  Not out front….getting worried

  How long has it actually been since any of us has seen her? Max was the last to see her on the dance floor talking with Parker. No one has seen either of them since then and I glance down at my watch. It's been maybe ten or fifteen minutes. I'm starting to worry about two different scenarios that make me sick. She might be somewhere with Parker getting it on. I clench my teeth tight just thinking about that. I don't really think Haylee feels that way about Parker, but if she's drunk and upset. . . Or the other possibility is something has happened to her. I need to start looking a little more carefully.

  I can't control my breathing anymore. I'm entering into full flight or fight mode and I'm ready to fight. I check in each of the bathrooms myself, looking in each stall. This earns me a slap and few shrieks, but I don't care. No Haylee or Parker here. I head further back down that hallway and come to a few closed doors and see the exit up ahead. I run to the exit door and push it open roughly. I lean out and look around, listen. . . nothing. I come back in, the exit door clicking shut behind me. Nothing could happen to Haylee. I wouldn't survive it.

  I open the next door I come to and find an office of sorts, but it's dark and quiet inside. I take a deep breath and open the only other door in the hallway. Before the door is even open all the way, I can hear Haylee sobbing, and I look down to find Parker on top of her on the floor. It's dark, but I recognize those legs and the heels she'd been wearing. I pause for just the briefest of seconds, wondering if this is consensual. Then I see his hand on her throat and see her legs kicking and sliding beneath him. There's a bright white flash in front of my eyes as I lean over and grab that fucker by the back of his shirt and pick him up. He's shocked and higher than a kite by the looks of it. He stands unsteadily in front of me, his jeans unzipped.

  “I told you I'd kill you if you ever put your hands on her again.” I shout and wind up, delivering a powerful right hook to the side of his head. He goes down in a heap and I drop to my knees beside Haylee. She has to be all right. . .

  I can see her chest rising and falling in short, shaky spurts and she's trying to clear her eyes and look around.

  “Haylee,” I gasp. I've never been more afraid of anything than this moment, looking down at her, battered and shaking on the cold, hard floor. Her skirt is shoved up around her waist and her top is ripped open on one side.

  “Chase?” she whispers out my name like it's a question. Can she not see?

  “It's okay now, Haylee. I've got you,” I assure her, but my voice is unsteady, betraying the calm I'm trying to convey. I cover her up with her ripped clothing as much as I can before I lift her into my arms. She's shaking so badly that I'm afraid she might slip right out of my arms. I have to get her to a hospital. I carry her out the exit door I found and set her down briefly against the building so I can see her in the dim streetlights at least.

  “Haylee. . .oh my God. . .Haylee. . . how did this. . . .did he. . .?” I 'm shaking now too and can hardly form words. I'm so angry and scared and disappointed. The corner of her lip is split and bleeding. Her left eye is swollen and starting to darken in color. But my biggest fear, I can't even say it to her. Did he do what he obviously intended? Was I too late?

  “No,” she whispers. Her voice is strained and hoarse from his hand on her throat. She knows what I couldn't say. A relief so strong washes over me then that I start to cry and drop my head down into her lap. I made it just in time. If I'd been a few seconds longer, if Lexi had distracted me any longer. . .I lift my head back up again because I feel like I'm going to get sick. I can't think about all of that right now. I need to know if she's okay.

  I reach my hand out slowly and touch it softly to her split lip and she flinches at the unexpected pain. With my hand, I gently tilt her chin up and I gasp at what I see. “Holy shit,” I hiss. “Are you okay? What hurts, Haylee? Tell me what hurts.” Her throat is a deep purple and I can already see the outline from his fingers on her skin. I want to run back in there and finish that bastard off.

  “I'm okay now,” she whispers, pulling me back from those thoughts. Haylee is more important and she needs me right now. I scoop her up carefully in my arms again and she can hardly hold her head up
on her own. Luckily I grabbed Griff's keys earlier to check if Haylee had gone out to his truck and they are still in my pocket. Someone is watching out for her tonight. I carefully put her in the seat of the truck and buckle the belt around her torso. Once she's in, I race around the front of the truck while taking in a huge, shaky breath.

  “Everything's gonna be okay now,” I assure her as I start up the truck and back out of the space. She's so weak and tired that she slides down the seat until her head is resting in my lap. My heart wrenches at the sight of her vulnerable form. She's here with me and she's going to be all right. I call Griff and very briefly fill him in, explaining that I'm in his truck taking Haylee to the emergency room. I don't want them all freaking out and then trying to drive to the hospital. He said he'd get everyone else and meet me there. I look down at her tiny, tattered body in my lap, and ever so carefully smooth her hair back away from her face and just keep the motion up as I drive.

  “I'll never walk away from you again, Hayles,” I tell her as she sleeps, hoping she can hear me. Tears pool in my eyes as I think about what I'd seen and I blink them away quickly, focusing on the road. It's about a twenty-minute ride, but if feels more like two hours. I can't stop thinking about the what-ifs. What if I hadn't come back to Wake Forest? Would this still have happened? What if I'd come back a day later and she'd gone out with everyone and Parker tried this when I wasn't there to find her? What if Lexi hadn't come up to me in the club while I was looking for Haylee? Could I have found her any sooner? What if I had gotten to that room just one minute later than I had?

  This train of thought is just making me furious. What kind of animal does this to someone else? To someone who thinks of them as a friend?! There's no doubt that Parker was high, but that's no excuse for what he did. I hope I never see him again but I know that's unlikely. I just have no idea how I'll react. Haylee is the kindest person I have ever known. She doesn't do things to hurt people and she certainly doesn't deserve what Parker has done to her.


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