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The Riss Enemies: Book VI (The Riss Series 6)

Page 8

by C. R. Daems

  "Iglis, send the following message to Admiral Zhu."

  To: Fleet Admiral Zhu

  I believe aliens called the Ecitoni are invading the SAS's southern quadrant. Not much is known about the Ecitoni except unlike the previous Aliens, they are destroying the planets they invade. I would like to meet with you, but the SAS has invaded Freeland, so I can't leave. We have the situation contained, so I am not invoking the MSA.

  Signed: Leader Reese

  Nothing happened for several days. Admiral Faletti appeared content to wait for orders from Yorke, and chatter on Eden was routine. The third day a message arrived from Butler.

  To Leader Reese

  You were right. The scout ship sent to Ossicwater found a desolate planet. It hadn't been destroyed with missiles, since the buildings and structures were still standing, but no human or animal life remained. The scout to Port Lost hasn't returned.

  Signed: Vice Admiral Butler

  And the next day, a message from Admiral Yorke.

  To: Vice Admiral Faletti

  Destroy the Freeland factories and return with all squadrons to Eden immediately.

  Signed: Secretary of Defense Yorke

  "Should I send this message to Admiral Faletti?" Iglis asked, looking concerned.

  "No. Send the following message to Admiral Yorke."

  To Secretary of Defense Yorke

  I am sorry, but Admiral Faletti cannot comply with your order without losing the majority of his fleet, which I believe you will need to combat the aliens threatening the SAS. Because the SAS has declared war on the Riss, we have him contained. If he attempts to leave without Riss permission, he will not return to Eden with more than five cruisers. That would be unfortunate, since I doubt you can defend the SAS with your current three small fleets, nor Eden with two.

  Signed: Leader Reese

  "Copy the SAS Council and attach all of Yorke's messages to Faletti and Faletti's messages to Yorke. Send the same package to Butler."

  "What's your strategy?" Terril asked after Iglis had cut the connection.

  "I don't have one. I'm trying to get inside their heads. It's unlikely the SAS Council is aware of the alien invasion or the status of Second Fleet, so copying them should freeze Yorke's knee jerk reaction to send Home and First fleets to crush Freeland. Don't forget we are at war with the SAS, and we can't and shouldn't ignore the issue."

  Iglis reported two days later. "Captain, Admiral Butler says the Council has called a special session with Admiral Yorke to discuss the current situation. They weren't happy when they found out he hadn't informed them of the aliens—and they were even less pleased to hear the Riss had destroyed all of Second Fleet's fighters and had the fleet stymied."

  Over the following several days, multiple messages flew between the SAS and the Riss:

  To: Leader Reese

  We demand you release the Second Fleet or there will be drastic consequences for the Riss.

  Signed: Trostel, President, SAS United Council

  My response an hour later:

  To: Trostel, President, SAS United Council

  The Second Fleet is a casualty of the war you declared on the Riss. If you send another fleet, you will have two fleets as casualties of war. If you also send the Home Fleet, you might secure Freeland space but will be lucky to have one functional fleet to fight the aliens, who I believe vastly outnumber your current three fleets.

  Signed: Leader Reese

  Then eight hours later:

  To: Leader Reese

  The Council has agreed to rescind the Articles of War with the Riss if you release Second Fleet.

  Signed: Trostel, President, SAS United Council

  If the situation weren't so serious, it would be amusing. The great SAS having to bargain with the tiny Riss Nation. I could just imagine the chaos in the Council—wanting to crush the upstart Riss but terrified of the oncoming aliens.

  To: Trostel, President, SAS United Council

  The Riss doesn't trust the SAS Council not to declare war again if you survive the aliens. Continuing the war appears in our best interest. After the aliens consume the SAS, the Riss and the UFN will honor our MSA and unite to defeat the aliens.

  Signed: Leader Reese

  Iglis gasped when she read my response. "You don't mean that, do you?"

  "Both statements are true. We can no longer trust the SAS, and their defeat by the aliens would solve our problem. The Riss however do not wish the SAS harm, only to be left in peace. Of course, the aliens will not stop with the SAS. They will over time migrate into the UFN, JPU, and sooner or later Freeland. But I don't trust the SAS to come up with a winning solution. Admiral Yorke has to go, and the Council has to relinquish control of the military, since they will want to run the war with the aliens like they did with the JPU."

  * * *

  A day later, Iglis reported that she had heard from Butler. He confirmed they had lost contact with Sparrow’s Nest and that the Council was in chaos. The southern planets, including Eden, were demanding protection—many outraged over the Riss response, and many others demanding the Council negotiate with the Riss for Second Fleet. With the conflicting demands, the Council was deadlocked.

  "Anake says she's glad a human is the Riss leader. Humans are illogical and unpredictable," Terril said. "And the rest of the Riss-humans and I are glad it's you. My first instinct would have been to demolish Second Fleet. I now see you are looking for a solution where we band together rather than aid the aliens in our own destruction."

  "I prefer a solution that confines the SAS rather than destroying it," I said, having concluded that the SAS and the Riss Nation would always be adversaries.

  Terril laughed. "You plan to quarantine the SAS."

  "The idea has merit."

  The next day two messages arrived.

  To: Leader Reese

  The council is willing to negotiate a treaty with the Riss to stop the war. State your terms.

  Signed: Trostel, President, SAS United Council

  I decided a realistic solution would depend on whether the hate of the Riss and the Freelanders exceeded their fear of the invading aliens.

  To: Trostel, President, SAS United Council

  The Riss will agree to a cessation of the war with the SAS and the release of the Second Fleet if the Council will declare Martial Law and place Plimson as the Secretary of Defense and the head of the government until he feels the threat no longer exists. I remind the Council that last time you tried to manage the military, the JPU would have defeated the SAS if you hadn't allowed Plimson to run the war.

  Signed: Leader Reese

  Several hours later I had a response.

  To: Leader Reese

  The Council is willing to make Plimson the new Secretary of Defense and let him run the war but not to declare Martial Law.

  Signed: Trostel, President, SAS United Council

  My reply:

  To: Trostel, President, SAS United Council

  This is not a negotiation. Those are the Riss' terms to end the war between the SAS and the Riss. The Council started the war by placing Admiral Yorke in charge of the military knowing he intended to make war on the Riss. Consequently, the Riss does not trust the Council. If Plimson isn't in complete control, the Riss would rather be at war with the SAS. At least then, the Riss will know where they stand.

  Signed: Leader Reese

  While I waited, I received a message from Admiral Zhu.

  To: Leader Reese

  I understand the SAS declared war on the Riss. I almost feel sorry for them. If the UFN can be of assistance or help expedite a solution, we stand ready to help and to honor our MSA with the Riss.

  Signed: Fleet Admiral Zhu

  I responded to Zhu while awaiting the SAS response.

  To: Fleet Admiral Zhu

  Thank you for your support. The issue needs to be resolved soon, because aliens called the Ecitoni are invading the SAS. They are very dangerous. If the SAS won't capitulate to my terms, you an
d I will have to find a way to meet and develop a separate strategy. The SAS won't survive on their own.

  Signed: Leader Reese

  Two days later the SAS responded.

  To: Leader Reese

  The Council has conceded to your terms. They appointed me as the Secretary of Defense, declared Martial Law, and appointed me the head of the government. I hope you know what you are doing, because I don't. In the meantime, I have reinstated several retired generals: Gebauer, Wattson, and others. I would like to meet with you as soon as possible.

  Signed: Admiral Plimson

  "What now?" Terril asked. "You got what you wanted."

  "And now what do I do with it?" I said, not sure. I had stopped the attack on Freeland, but the aliens were a much bigger problem, judging from the picture I had seen when I visited the Red Dwarf system.

  "You're joking."

  "What would you do now?" I asked, hoping she had an idea.

  "Tell everyone what had happened and hope someone had a good suggestion." She grinned.

  "I like that idea." I clicked on Iglis's number and she appeared instantly, like she had been waiting for the call. "Iglis, send the following messages."

  To: Admiral Plimson

  Congratulations. I would like you to direct the Second Fleet back to Eden. They currently await orders from Yorke. They will need to be resupplied and assigned new fighters. Then I would like to meet with you and whoever else you want on Hayjar in six days to develop a plan.

  Signed: Leader Reese

  Message two:

  To: Fleet Admiral Zhu

  Admiral Plimson is in charge of the SAS. I would like to meet with you and him on Hayjar in six days to develop a plan. Bring whoever you want.

  Signed: Leader Reese

  I cut the connection



  One hour later a message was received from Admiral Plimson, explaining Martial Law had been proclaimed, and as the head of the government, he was recalling Second Fleet. They were to cease all action against the Riss, proceed immediately to Eden, and report on arrival to Admiral Gebauer for orders.


  A meeting of friends

  "Good morning." I had invited the elders to my staff meeting to avoid having to tell the story multiple times. "When Admiral Faletti invaded Freeland space, he had orders from Admiral Yorke to subdue the Riss, transport them to the planet, and quarantine Freeland by destroying our ships. I assume his first priority was to get the Riss Navy to surrender, and when we didn't, he thought to find us with his ghost fighters and destroy us."

  "That's funny. They were only invisible to each other…sorry, Captain," Byer said, but he didn't lose his smile.

  "Our dybbuk is in their minds. Who would have thought a year ago the SAS would attack Freeland?" Da'Maass raised his glass to me, and I heard cheering from around the room.

  "Captain Pavao had the right of it years ago when she noted that sharing the Riss weapons with everyone was opening Pandora's Box. My hope has been to keep our technology from being used against us. Anyway, after failing to find us…" I continued to recount what had happened, which produced a variety of spontaneous comments and laughs.

  "So you think the Ecitoni caused the loss of contact with the southern planets?" Zhang asked, concerned about the proximity to the UFN.

  "It's a supposition based on the information r-Saga's team learned at the Red Institute of Discovery."

  "What next?" Da'Maass asked. "They sound like a nasty bunch."

  "We don't know enough to formulate a strategy, and there are too many people on even the smallest planet to evacuate."

  "Why Martial Law?" Pavao asked.

  "So the Council can't interfere with Plimson. If we survive, I hope Plimson and I can come to some reasonable solution that will prevent the SAS from ever attacking the Riss again."

  "Quarantine?" Sheva asked.

  "Something has to be done, because Plimson will not live more than thirty years and the SAS will blame the Riss for the Ecitoni invasion." I saw reluctant nods of agreement from the previous SAS citizens and enthusiastic comments and nods from the rest. "The meeting is set for five days from today. Who should go?"

  After a lengthy discussion, Zhang, Pavao, Sheva, and the three Cerberus cruisers were chosen to accompany me to Hayjar.

  "Da'Maass," I said, reverting to his Freeland pronunciation as there was no longer a need to placate the SAS. "You're the Leader on Freeland. Keep the factories going night and day. I think this will be a short and nasty war, because a long one would mean the destruction of billions of people and the collapse of life as we know it."

  * * *

  On Hayjar five days later, Plimson, Zhu, and I met on the Mnemosyne. We agreed for our first meeting to restrict the participants to a leader, two advisors, and one unarmed guard for each person—unarmed didn't mean they weren't lethal.

  Admiral Zhu's shuttle was the first to arrive and to my surprise the Emperor Okuda was first to exit after a dragon master—identified by the double red dragons on his collar—checked the bay from the doorway. Zhu exited second along with Dragon Master Yu and Admiral Iwata with his security. I stood waiting as the six exited the shuttle.

  "Welcome aboard the Mnemosyne, Emperor Okuda." I gave the emperor a bow of respect before turning to Zhu. "Fleet Admiral Zhu. I'm glad to see they haven't decided to retire you."

  "Thanks to you, I am held in high esteem by my emperor."

  "Although I trust Fleet Admiral Zhu completely, he has convinced me this meeting will require decisions that only I can make. I agree with his concern," Okuda said. "As Leader, you speak for the Riss Nation, and Admiral Plimson, having authority under Martial Law, speaks for the SAS. Therefore, it suggests the person representing the UFN must be able to speak for the nation, not just the military."

  "I'm glad you chose to attend, Emperor Okuda. Admiral Zhu was wise to solicit your presence," I said. "Our meeting will be on the third level. If you have no objections, I'll let the Cobras show you the way as I wait for Admiral Plimson and his party to arrive."

  Okuda nodded, and then he and his delegation followed the two Cobras out of the bay.

  Fifteen minutes later, Admiral Plimson's shuttle arrived. He exited with Master Wei at his side followed by Admirals Wattson and Gleason, and two Si'jin eight-knot masters.

  Terril grinned.


  Thalia sent an image of me and Terril twice as big as Wei, Yu, and the others, and our arms, chests, and legs bulging with muscles.

  "Welcome, Admiral Plimson, it's good to see you back in command."

  "Thanks to you and your persuasive ways. I now know what you must feel having to make decisions for a nation. It's worse than the decisions you used to ask me to make, which I thought difficult at the time." He laughed, his gaze far off. "You know Admirals Wattson and Gleason."

  "Welcome, gentlemen. If you will follow me, Emperor Okuda and his advisors are on the third level waiting."

  "The Council agreed because they had no choice. They hate you and won't forget that you made them relinquish their power," Wattson said as we rode the elevator to the third level.

  "And I won't forget they declared war on the Riss Nation."

  The group remained silent as we made our way to the emperor's party, which sat on a grassy area only a few meters from a gentle stream that meandered into a small pond. After they exchanged greetings, I began.

  "Thank you for coming. The last we heard from Admiral Butler, the SAS had lost contact with three SAS planets: Ossicwater, Port Lost, and Sparrow’s Nest. I believe it's another invasion by aliens—not civilized ones like the robots, who only wanted to confine us to our planets, but by predators who destroy everything
in their path. The scout that returned from Ossicwater confirmed the planet lifeless—devoid of all animal and human life."

  "How do you know they're aliens?" Wattson asked. "Could be humans."

  "Our robot invaders left behind documents which indicate there are other life forms inhabiting this galaxy—including another nation of humans. I suspect the aliens attacking the SAS are another intelligent space-traveling nation similar in appearance and nature to army-ants on old Earth. They are called the Ecitoni."

  The UFN delegation sat quiet with eyes closed while the SAS delegation huddled, talking in whispered tones.

  "You suspect they will destroy the SAS, UFN, and JPU unless stopped," Zhu said when he opened his eyes a few minutes later. Okuda's eyes remained closed.

  "What about the Riss Nation?" Wattson asked.

  "I suspect Leader Reese will have a solution before the…Ecitoni reach Freeland," Zhu said, nodding in my direction. "She's just trying to save her friends."

  I queried Thalia in disbelief.

  A tingling sensation of amusement followed. I was too speechless to answer.

  Zhu interrupted my thoughts. "I understand the SAS declared war on the Riss when you have only three fifty-cruiser fleets?" he said, speaking to Plimson.

  "We, as a nation, have trouble distinguishing friend from foe, but if we survive, I will help Leader Reese ensure it doesn't happen again."

  "Well, Leader Reese, I hope you aren't waiting for us to devise a solution." Zhu gave a short laugh. "With the emperor's permission, the UFN has three small fifty-cruiser fleets to add to the coalition, but I'm at a loss as to a solution. I leave it to you to see the future."

  Okuda gave Zhu an almost imperceptible nod.

  "I tend to agree with Admiral Zhu. You understand the situation better than the rest of us. We have three fleets—" Plimson began, but Gleason interrupted.

  "Two. We need one to defend Eden—"

  "No," I said, shaking my head. "The solution must be to stop the Ecitoni, not to defend any one planet. That will restrict our options."


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