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The Riss Enemies: Book VI (The Riss Series 6)

Page 19

by C. R. Daems

  I sent to Thalia.



  Thalia sent an image of an old fortune-telling tent with a sign engraved with Leader. I hated to concede her the point, but maybe that was the leader’s job—to force people to look beyond today, the obvious, tradition.

  The shuttle light going green and Terril waiting in the doorway jarred me out of my musing. I rose and exited—to a very formal honor guard greeting. After a crisp salute and welcome, Kishi stepped forward.

  "Tradition must be observed, or we will all be equal," he gave a short laugh. "They are waiting in the conference room."

  When we entered, a lieutenant shouted attention and everyone rose.

  "At ease." Kishi waved me to an empty chair at the head of the table. As I sat, a corporal set a cup of tea down in front of me and Colonel Ayaka rose.

  "Colonel Seng and I have discussed many options with our senior people, looking to maximize our odds of obtaining useful information while we minimize our losses." He gave me a small bow. "We considered a diversion, but believe they have too many people inside for that to work—they could send a thousand people to twenty or more areas. We would like another attack on the weakened area to open it as much as possible. Right afterward, we intend to land four combat shuttles in the opening with four patrols of ten each: first group UFN, second Kraits, third UFN, and fourth Kraits. The fourth group would lay explosives to cover the three units’ escape…"

  The briefing went on for two hours and was very thorough, including the type of equipment the commandos would be wearing and carrying.

  * * *

  The next morning the Mnemosyne and Elpis exploded two Dusters in the area of attack, then jumped to within ten kilometers of the area, accompanied by two UFN cruisers. Each cruiser released a combat shuttle and waited as the Mnemosyne and Elpis each released two red-Wraiths and two fighters to control them. Then all four cruisers skipped two light-seconds away.

  The fighter pilots maneuvered to within a thousand meters and one by one released their red-Wraiths into the crater produced by the previous attack, then left to join the cruisers. As the red-Wraiths exploded, the combat shuttles raced for the crater.


  Earthol - The Belly of the Beast

  Lasers assaulted the shuttles seconds after they left the cloud of chaff from the Dusters. Fortunately, the distance was less than a hundred meters, because the cloud had expanded towards the Mother ship. Even so, the number three shuttle was heavily damaged. Two of the UFN commandos were killed and two injured. The senior sergeants decided to make that number four group rather than number one group—the one that would set explosives to cover their retreat. Number two group, Kraits, moved up to number one, number three, UFN, to number two, and finally number four, Kraits, to number three. With Gunny Rhett leading the way, the Kraits charged into the crater, which was open for a hundred meters. The floor was littered with debris, which slowed the group. The cavern looked like it might have been a shuttle bay, judging by how large and open it was. At the end, it narrowed into three tunnels large enough for six men to walk side by side. Two looked to have been connected before the missiles destroyed the walls, one going right and one left. The third one went straight ahead.

  Rhett decided to take the one going into the ship. The walls and ceiling were black, but a strip of illuminated tubing on both sides gave plenty of light. He couldn't help stopping near a gouged-out area—because the wall appeared to be moving. No, on closer examination, it was growing to fill the hole in the wall. It looked and felt like rubber, which explained the lack of noise as they ran, and the soft feel. "Dumbass recruit," he said to berate himself for stopping to gape, then took off running with his troops following. He had gone only fifty meters when he came to another five tunnel entrances: straight ahead, left, right, up, and down. No stairs, just fifteen-degree slopes.

  "Gunny Jordi, stay and cover these entrances. We are going…straight," he said into his communication unit, thinking one direction was as good as any, then raced forward. They hadn't gone forty steps when he heard gunfire behind them, and another ten when he saw Ecitoni five abreast, moving toward them like cheetahs chasing prey. As he dropped to one knee and began firing explosive rounds, his detail joined him. Blood and body parts were hitting the walls and ceiling, but they kept coming, jumping over dead bodies like gazelles. When the avalanche of bodies flowed closer, he realized they weren't carrying weapons, unless you ignored their pincer-like mouths and super-strong arms and legs that could kill and disable like a kick from a horse. But they kept coming, literally bounding over the bodies of the dead and flying toward his group.

  One large Ecitoni came flying at him. He reflexively shot him in the air, the charge separating the abdomen and four legs from the upper body, which landed on him. As he struggled to push the body off him, he hoped some of this detail had managed to retreat, but he knew they had stayed shoulder to shoulder with him. While still struggling to get free, he suddenly realized the gunfire had stopped. Were they all dead, he wondered as he stood and wiped the blood and gore from his face plate.

  "Gunny, you look dressed for Halloween," Corporal Hayes said with a laugh. Rhett looked at his group and was surprised to find them all alive, although a few looked to need medical attention.

  "Well, let's go see what they don't want us to see." Rhett waved them forward.

  The going was difficult, because the floor was solid bodies and body parts soaked with blood and slime. The good news, he couldn't see any more Ecitoni. Another seventy meters and the tunnel ended in a large cavern. He snapped several pictures, then ran right into the only tunnel entrance which didn't require crossing the cavern, where thousands of Ecitoni were doing something. He ran for several minutes before reaching another open cavern with thousands of Ants. Again he took pictures, then waved his detail into a tunnel entrance to his right, hoping this would lead him back to where they had left Gunny Jordi at the intersection, if he could find another tunnel going right. He knew their time was limited in these tunnels. As they ran, he could hear explosive charges going off behind them. He wanted to keep on running, but knew they weren't going to outrun the Ecitoni.

  He held up his arm for everyone to stop, turned his detail around, and took up firing positions. Seconds later, the UFN troops came running towards them, firing behind them as they ran. Closing fast were hundreds of Ecitoni. The nightmare went on for a lifetime—sixteen rifles shooting explosive shells at a rate of five per second at a wall of advancing bodies coming at the speed of race horses. When they finally stopped coming, three Kraits and three UFN commandos were dead. He found the tunnel to the right he had wanted ten minutes later, and another cavern which he managed to capture on camera. He was moving slower now since they were carrying their dead and several of the group had injuries. Fifteen minutes later, He knew he had returned to the first intersection when we had to climb over bodies and the walls were lined with gore.

  "Jordi," he shouted as soon as he saw the intersection, "it's Rhett. Don't shoot."

  "About time, Rhett. We had just about decided you accepted an invitation for lunch," Jordi said. Looking around, Rhett noticed that every tunnel entrance had explosive charges set.

  "I think we should leave, before we’re on the menu." Rhett waved the troops into the tunnel leading back to the shuttles. He turned back as he heard the charges explode. To his surprise, black matter blew out of the wall but nothing caved in as he would have expected.

  They made it back to the shuttles without incident, but had a rough exit because the Ecitoni lasers had a clearer shot. Several Dusters exploded around them and minutes later cruisers were there to pick up the fifty percent that had survived.

  * * *

  "Ingenious," Commander Byer said. "When under attack, they reduce the ship's pressure to near zero, which reduces the damage from missiles—no oxygen means no depressurization, fires, or secondary explosion
s. Their smart rubber-like walls absorb much of the impact, and its ability to repair itself means the damage is temporary. Well, we've discovered why missiles have so little effect."

  "The pictures Gunnies Rhett and Jordi and Senior Sergeant Chow took in the caverns showed what Iglis thinks are breathing stations," I said, having talked with Iglis prior to the meeting. "Her analysts think the Ecitoni can store oxygen like whales, and can therefore work for sustained periods without masks. Explains the slow security response. I wouldn't be surprised if nonessential Ecitoni were hibernating, like the Riss. That would account for the fact they weren't wearing breathing equipment."

  "Throwaway death squads," Seng said. "Store enough oxygen to meet the enemy in a win-or-lose engagement. Surviving is not a consideration."

  "I'd like to thank the units of Blue Kraits and Dragon commandos who volunteered to enter the Earthol Dragon. Their bravery and sacrifice has provided us with the information we need to eventually kill the beasts," I said, wondering if I should design awards for the men and women serving on Riss cruisers. The Riss didn't have medals, but the humans did. Something to consider for tomorrow. "Colonel Sing, Colonel Ayaka, I'd like a list of their names."

  I asked Thalia.

  An image of a group of commandos looking up at other commandos on an elevated platform with a ribbon engraved with the word HEROES.

  "Admiral Kishi, I recommend that a Riss cruiser and two or three UFN squadrons remain on Earthol until the Mother ship dies, which will take time—maybe as much as a year or more."

  "I concur, Leader Reese. They are making shuttles and cruisers because they know they will need them eventually when their food reserves run out. We need ships here to destroy any such vessels as soon as they appear."

  * * *

  I left Cerberus-2 and detoured to Sparrow’s Nest. Much like at Earthol, the Mother ship had gone quiet. I convened a meeting of the Riss-humans, Admiral Iwata, his senior captains, and his staff.

  "I just returned from Earthol, where two squads of UFN and Krait commandos entered the Earthol Mother ship—" I had to stop when multiple conversations erupted. I couldn't blame them for being excited. "Although they encountered several hundred armed Ecitoni, they were able to confirm what we suspected—the Mother ship isn't dead or dying, just recuperating. So we can expect another attempt at resupplying their ship. I'm recommending one Riss cruiser and two to three UFN squadrons remain in system until we can verify the Sparrow’s Nest Mother ship is dead." I spent the next hour sharing what the commandos had found.

  "The Riss leave tomorrow for Eden," I said, ending the meeting. "Captain Bradshaw, if you would stay, I'm leaving you on Sparrow’s Nest for now and would like to discuss your responsibilities," I said, and heard snorts and coughs from the Riss-humans as everyone rose to leave.

  "You could take me along," Sean said as we made our way to my quarters.

  "I'd love to, but I've decided to leave the Cerberuses to support the UFN squadrons, while the rest of the fleet organizes and implements the Military Free Zone. You and the others will get relief as soon as I can free up some cruisers."

  "The mission is to ensure no shuttles return to the Mother ship," Sean said.

  "And no Riss die," I said as we undressed. "Nor any Riss-humans," I added as I wrapped my arms around his neck and melted into him.

  * * *

  "Have a good night's sleep?" Terril asked as we made our way to the Bridge after seeing Bradshaw's shuttle leave.

  "Yes to the first part and no to the second." I felt like a new bride—loved and happy.

  Terril laughed. "Good, yes, and sleep, no. I'd suggest a workout, but you’re too distracted and tired to beat a four knot practitioner."

  "The very reason I couldn't have Sean on the same ship. Bad enough he's on the same planet some of the time." I sighed, knowing this was not the right time for us to settle down and have children. A wonderful dream that I hoped would someday come true.



  Image of me in the captain's chair with grey hair and with three little children crawling around the Bridge. I laughed.

  During the five day trip to Eden, I taught a few Si'jin classes, had several matches with Terril, and walked around the various departments talking with friends and comrades.

  **Exiting the Wave in one minute,** r-Galene's voice box announced over the loud speakers, and the text scrolled across SIDs as an emergency override.

  The transition was smooth and routine, and the VTH showed no unusual activity. In fact, space looked quiet except for the four Riss cruisers accompanying the Mnemosyne.

  r-Galene sent, and my SID lit with the text:

  Welcome home, Leader Reese. Dinner on the Dynasty, if you aren't otherwise engaged.

  I sent after looking at the chronometer and estimating six hours to reach the Dynasty and a two hour cushion. I decided to have a nap and freshen up, as I suspected it would be a long night.

  When I woke, I just had time to shower, dress, and check in on the Bridge in case something exciting had happened. Of course, nothing had or I would have been notified. Terril and I were quiet on the way over. As I exited the shuttle, I received the bugle reception I hated but had come to accept as tradition. Kyu was there to meet me like he would a dignitary.

  "It is good to see you back safe," he said when he stepped forward after the captain of the Dynasty greeted me formally.

  "A necessary trip with no surprises," I said, not wanting to say anything that could create rumors. It was for Kyu to decide what to tell his fleet admirals and their captains. As usual, Kyu ignored work over dinner, which made it a relaxing affair. Only when we had finished dessert and had tea served did he mention my trip.

  "You brought all but two Riss cruisers back with you," he stated as a fact, but it was really a question—why?

  "We sent four squads of commandos into the Earthol Mother ship. I'm loath to say it was worth it, since half the commandos died, but they did confirm what we suspected—the Mother ships are far from dead or dying." I went on to explain exactly what we found and my conclusions.

  "You are correct. We will have to monitor them for a long time to ensure they cannot replenish their food supplies. I will commit three squadrons each at Earthol and Sparrow’s Nest and four here until we can confirm the Mother ships are dead."

  "Thank you, Zhu. I will commit two Riss cruisers on Eden and one each on Earthol and Sparrow’s Nest."

  Zhu smiled. "Are you planning on implementing the MFZ…treaty soon?"

  "I don't trust the SAS. Unless I'm wrong, they are already planning the destruction of Freeland and the Riss for untold treacheries against the SAS—destroying their three fleets, bringing the Ecitoni into this system, and directing them to Eden instead of Saipha."

  "Why? Oh, because there are Riss on Saipha." He nodded sagely.

  "It wouldn't surprise me if they eventually offered you a deal to partner with them against the Riss." I was feeling really paranoid about the SAS after recent events.

  "I'm comfortable that the Riss don't seek power, and that their Leader can see the future." He bowed in my direction, which confused me until I saw the slight smile. Zhu might have been slow to speak, but he wasn't slow witted. He somehow knew I'd outlive him and that the technology we shared not only couldn't be used against the Riss, but would put the UFN at a serious disadvantage. "As partners, the UFN will help you implement the MFZ. Although the SAS probably doesn't hate us as much as you, it is in our best interest to have peaceful neighbors. And without warships, they should be very peaceful." He raised his glass to me and I raised mine and touched it to his.

  * * *

  "Iglis, can you get ahold of Admiral Butler?" I asked, not sure what communication was currently available.

  "If he's alive, I think so. The Intelligence community�
�s main facility is well out of Eden and it's well fortified."

  "Try. I'd like to talk to him, no one else." I cut the connection.


  r-Galene sent, and the monitor displayed each of their faces.

  "Da'Maass and Katlin, I'd like you to stay in Eden to support the UFN presence here. Captain Zhang, I'd like you to go to Hayjar and establish a place for SAS merchants to get their ships authorized. Freeland will register its own merchants, as will the UFN, but all authorized SAS merchants will be listed in the Hayjar registry. Merchants not listed in the registry will be destroyed, as will any merchant ships with missiles or military grade lasers. Pavao, I'd like you to leave for Freeland with Sheva, Elissa, and Jaelle. There, the priority is production of Eirises and delivery to every SAS system, then to the JPU systems without one. In the process of delivering the Eirises, you are to set up patrols. No second chances for violators. For now, we will only destroy the merchant's ship, but the systems should understand that arming merchants can result in the destruction of their ship-building factories—and quarantine. Oh, and we should ensure the Riss cruisers have full loads of missiles."

  "You aren't wasting any time," Pavao said, concern in her voice. "Shouldn't the Ecitoni be the priority?"

  "The Ecitoni are contained, but the SAS isn't. Right now, I'll wager their factories are working non-stop to build cruisers and armed merchants. The Riss, Admiral Zhu, and I want peace. The Council of the Gods understood that there is only one path to peace—restrict access to ships. Not peace on the planets, but at least peace between systems and empires. I'm willing to ease that restriction and allow trade between systems, but only given the ships are registered, do not have military grade weapons, and subject themselves to inspections by Riss and UFN cruisers."


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