The Realms Unite (Realms Gate)

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The Realms Unite (Realms Gate) Page 3

by Juliet Anderson


  “So what’s he like?” Erin could not resist asking Jasper.

  “Who? Valkarin?”

  “No, Father Christmas,” she rolled her eyes.

  “He looks quite similar to Heinrekh.”

  “When did you meet him? I thought you never did field trips.”

  “Heinrekh was seen quite often in Frejboren. Valkarin has the same long blonde hair and pale complexion.”

  “On a scale of one to ten, with ten being the highest, how evil do you rate him?”

  Jasper laughed. “He is our Lord. Of course he is a twelve.”

  “For real?”

  “No. To be honest, I’ve not seen a great deal of him since he regenerated.”

  “I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t ask, but I’m curious to find out what I’m up against. In fact I’m surprised you wanted to come back here, knowing you’d be slap bang in the middle of a war zone.”

  Jasper looked quite embarrassed. “After the mayhem of this house, anywhere else is just dull. But you are right in that I feel somewhat conflicted. My family has served Valkarin for millennia, however you saved Lars’ life and gave me a chance at one, so I feel I should stand in your corner too.”

  “How about we agree on just talking about training? I won’t question you on Valkarin’s and the Vokteren’s plans for world domination, and you won’t ask about what I’m up to.”

  “That sounds fair to me. So how has training been going with Magnus?”

  “Terrible. My concentration has gone to hell.”

  “Hmm, I wonder why that is,” he mused with a twinkle in his eye. “No matter, I will give you a couple of exercises that will sort you out.”

  “Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to enjoy them,” she grunted.

  “Have faith,” he smiled.

  Erin stood up and stretched, as she did her ankle ached. Perhaps now was the opportune time to ask Jasper about her possible assassins.

  “Forgive me for breaking the rules no sooner than we’ve set them, but I have to ask you one thing. I injured my ankle in a recent, and to be truthful quite unexpected, attempt on my life. The men in question were dressed in black, but did not look like your average Vokteren. Has an order been given to eliminate me?”

  Jasper looked positively shocked. “No. On the contrary, Valkarin is rather keen to meet you. Apparently his path has crossed with the McLomards before.”

  “Really?” Erin was intrigued.

  “Yes. So I cannot imagine any Vokteren would go against his wishes.”

  “Thank you. I now have to work out who else would want to terminate me.”

  “King Olav?” Jasper suggested.

  “Unlikely. You’re forgetting he needs me to take on Heinrekh and Valkarin.”

  “Do you have any other enemies?”

  “Not that I can think of. Heinrekh certainly wouldn’t hire anyone, he’d do it himself if he wanted to.”

  “You have many great artefacts in your house, like a certain book. Perhaps someone is trying to get rid of you to access them.”

  Erin smiled. “If that is a subtle way of asking if you can see the Book of Gateways, I’ll get it for you. But yes, there are some items in this house that maybe people will kill for.” Aria’s bracelet sprung to mind. Now more than ever did they need to find the other two artefacts to go with it. Then they might stand a chance at defeating Valkarin. Perhaps another road trip with the intrepid air-sick Viking was in order.

  “Then there is no time like the present to get to practice. You need to get control of your powers and quickly.”

  “No rest for the wicked,” Erin groaned. “But if I destroy any part of the house, be it on your head.”

  “You won’t, if you follow my instruction.”

  Back in the training room, Erin did her best to clear her mind, but every time she tried to do that, Wilhelm kept popping in. What was he doing? Was he missing her as much as she missed him? Had he reverted to his Vikings ways of old?

  After she blasted a mirror to a thousand pieces with Loxhadrin, Jasper admitted defeat. “I suggest you visit Wilhelm and get him out your system.”

  “Easier said than done. I’m not overly welcome in Lokranor.”

  “You have the power to make yourself invisible. You can ride straight through the gate. And if anyone tries to challenge you, use your symbology to move them aside.”

  “Last time I tried that, I totalled the gazebo,” she winced.

  “You should be pleased it’s not your house you’ll be totalling then,” he looked pointedly at the shards of glass on the floor. “Now I suggest we hide the evidence before Birdie sees it.”

  “Sees what?” Birdie’s voice filled the room.

  “It’s his fault,” Erin retorted running out the room. Jasper could face her aunt.

  Sasha was curled up next to Heinrekh in front of the fire, his hand gently resting on her abdomen.

  “Can you feel anything yet?”

  “No, it’s a bit early yet. Perhaps in a few weeks’ time.”

  “I never thought I would be a father,” he kissed the side of her neck. “But there is one issue I have a problem with.”

  “Which is?” Sasha felt her body respond to his touch.

  “I am old fashioned. I believe children should be born within wedlock.”

  “So what are you proposing?” she murmured, falling back into the soft carpet and pulling him with her.

  “Marriage,” he trailed his mouth down further.

  Sasha gasped and sat up, his words suddenly hitting home. “You’re asking me to marry you?” her voice was extraordinarily highly pitched.

  “Yes, my dear. Why do you sound so shocked?”

  “I don’t know, it’s not something I thought you would do.”

  “Am I going to get an answer?” His light blue eyes seemed to burrow deep into her soul.

  “I…I’m not sure it’s what I want. I might carry your child, but we still barely know each other.”

  “I love you, Sasha. And I believe you feel the same. Do we need any other reason?”

  “Yes. No.” She let out a frustrated howl. “I’m still trying to get used to the fact I’m pregnant. Please don’t add the pressure of marriage on top.” She got to her feet and stomped around. Her hormones were doing a major dance.

  “Is this to do with Valkarin?”

  “Partly. I still don’t understand how I could be carrying his heir when it is your child.”

  “It is to do with bloodlines. Valkarin’s has crossed with your family’s in the past.”

  “We are also from two different Realms. I want my child to grow up here with all that the First Realm has to offer.”

  “And not some Norse backwater,” Heinrekh responded sourly.

  “Don’t put words into my mouth,” Sasha snapped.

  “It’s what you think, nonetheless.” He paced up and down angrily for a moment. “After Brigid was killed, I never thought I would love someone again, let alone ask them to marry me. So when I did, I never thought I would have it throw back at me.”

  “I’m so confused at the moment, I don’t know which way is up,” she retorted heatedly. “You’re trying to railroad me down a route I’m not sure about.”

  “I’m so sorry if wanting the women I love permanently by my side makes you uncomfortable.” He flung the door open and came face to face with Lars.

  “Is everything alright, Sasha?” Lars looked beyond Heinrekh to an emotional Sasha.


  “What the hell is he doing here?” Heinrekh barked.

  “He’s my Vokteren guard.”

  Heinrekh slammed the door on Lars and turned back to Sasha. “I don’t want him here. He is my enemy and will not have your best interests at heart.”

  “I don’t give a damn what you want. Lars is assigned to this house.”

  “He cannot be trusted.”

  “I carry Valkarin’s heir. Of course he won’t harm me.”

��I know that. But his interest in you is not purely professional.”

  “So now I’m going to be jumping into bed with him as well? My, I am a busy bee,” she responded scathingly. “I just hope the sex is up to par.” She tried to push by Heinrekh but he grabbed her arm in a vice like grip.

  “If you so much as look at him, I’ll….,” he paused trying to find the right words.

  “You’ll what? Turn us both to dust? Lars said you would kill your own child to achieve your goals, perhaps I should listen to him.” She tried to snatch her arm free.

  “You truly think me capable of that?” Heinrekh’s voice was very low.

  “You are the evil sorcerer,” Sasha snapped. “Now let go my bloody arm.”

  The door swung open. “I do believe the lady asked you to release her.” Lars’ voice was full of threat.

  Heinrekh turned around, irritated by the interruption. His eyes focused on the metal barrel pointing at his head.

  “You dare threaten me?”

  “Yes. Drop Sasha’s arm before I put a bullet in your head.”

  Heinrekh wisely did as instructed.

  “Lower your weapon,” Sasha ordered. “Heinrekh is just leaving.”

  Those icy blue eyes glared at her for a few seconds, before he stormed out the house. Sasha sank back to the floor, she was even more mixed up now than earlier. Why could she not have a simple conversation with Heinrekh without bawling him out? He had openly declared his love for her and she had thrown it back at him. What did that say about her? Did she love him herself? She was becoming a horrible bitch, something she’d never been. Was Valkarin’s heir turning her nature black?

  Her head snapped up as she felt Lars’ hands on her shoulder. “Are you alright?” his voice seemed so tender.

  “I’m fine,” she sniffed. “It’s just my hormones.”

  “I think it is more than that.” He lifted her up and put her on the sofa. “A pregnant woman should not lie so close to the fire. You do not want that baby to overheat.”

  “And what do you know about pregnancy?” Sasha raised an eyebrow.

  “I’ve done my research,” he shrugged. “I needed to know what to expect.”

  “And did this research give you any great advice?”

  “Yeah, two major pieces. Never let a pregnant woman go hungry or you’ll see the incredible hulk take over.”

  Sasha laughed despite herself. “And the other nugget of wisdom?”

  “When a pregnant woman’s temper is flaring, hide.”

  “It’s the hormonal imbalance I’m having problems with. Not only has my entire life been turned upside down, but I’m acting like a complete basket case at times.”

  “That is normal, so I am led to believe. The mood swings do pass.”


  “Can I get you something?”

  “No. I’m still capable of walking.”

  “But you are tired.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “There are shadows under your eyes that are not usually there.”

  Sasha was impressed he was so perceptive. “You’re right. Add dreadful fatigue to the list of joys of pregnancy.”

  “In a few weeks’ time, you should be feeling much better.”

  “Says the man who does not have his body altered from within.”

  “We’d be useless,” he admitted. “Women were chosen to carry children because they can bear the rigours of childbirth.”

  “You just get the fun bit.”

  “Is that an invitation?” his eyes twinkled.

  “Yuk, stop making me nauseous,” she threw a dark look at him and got to her feet. “I need to sleep.”

  Lars watched her leave with amusement. He was finding the whole situation positively surreal. Having been a prisoner in Heinrekh’s dungeons the past few months, it was bizarre standing in front of him a free man. He did however get great satisfaction out of holding a gun to his head; it was a shame he did not get to pull the trigger.

  He felt for Sasha, she was really struggling to come to terms with her situation. All he longed to do was take her far from all this madness. If he was being truthful, his concern was for her and not the child she carried. Although he was kind of envious it was not his. There was something about that fiery redhead that he found irresistible.


  Wilhelm was back to doing what he did best, arguing with his father.

  “Damn it, Father. Valkarin will be breathing down our necks shortly. Are you so addled in your old age that you’re going to sit by and watch him take your kingdom?” Wilhelm shouted angrily at Olav.

  “I see no threat from Valkarin. If he does come near our borders, Lodraill will contain him.”

  “Lodraill does not have the power to match Valkarin. Not even Heinrekh does.”

  “Nonsense. This kingdom has always been protected by the High Priestess.”

  “No High Priestess has gone up against Valkarin for millennia. They no longer possess the sheer power needed.”

  “I will not take the kingdom to war based on your unease.”

  “I am not asking you to go to war. Just to be prepared for what will most certainly come our way.”

  “No. I will not worry the citizens because my son is having a panic attack.”

  Wilhelm let out a frustrated howl. “When did you go from being such a wise leader to a blind fool?”

  “Don’t think I won’t banish you again,” Olav rose to his feet furiously. “You are only here because the citizens demanded your return. I personally would let you languish in exile for your treason.”

  “Since when did saving the kingdom from war count as treason,” Wilhelm snorted. “And you are forgetting that with my return, I brought your wife and Lodraill back.”

  “Your mother is dead to me,” Olav grunted. “She died the day she followed you into exile.”

  “You are even more of a fool than I thought for saying such a thing.” Wilhelm headed to the door. If he did not leave now, he would end up challenging his father. Not that he wanted the crown, he just could not handle his father’s inactivity and ill humour any longer. “Just don’t come looking to me for help when you’ve lost the kingdom to Valkarin.”

  A guard caught up with him just outside his father’s study. “My lord, the High Priestess has asked that you call by the temple. She has news regarding Erin.”

  Wilhelm flew into panic mode. Had something happened to Erin? Perhaps Valkarin had had her eliminated. So many thoughts flooded into his mind as he rushed over to the temple, none of them good.

  “Lodraill, you have news of Erin?”

  Lodraill gave him a beautiful smile. “Thank you for dropping by so quickly. Please head into the back, I will be with you shortly.”

  Wilhelm thought she looked too relaxed to be delivering bad news. He did as instructed. The back room of the temple had a good fire roaring in the pit in the middle. As he stood staring at the red flames, he felt the cool hand run down his cheek. His pulse doubled in speed.


  Her mouth brushed across his. “Does anyone else run their hand down your cheek?” she teased.

  “Well, now you mention it…,” he started to respond. Her mouth stopped him going any further.

  It was strange kissing someone you couldn’t actually see. He shut his eyes and wrapped his arms around her and he kissed her back fiercely. He hated being apart from her. When he reopened his eyes, she had dropped her shield and he could see her. He sunk his hands into her blonde curls as he pulled her closer to him.

  “I have missed you,” he groaned in her ear.

  “Likewise,” she murmured. “I only have Jacques to snuggle up to now.”

  “Are you likening me to a slobbering St Bernard?” Wilhelm said sourly.

  “Well, now you mention it…,” she repeated his words of earlier.

  He kissed her once more, suddenly wishing they were back in the South Tower. In his bedroom to be precise, where he could do what his
body was screaming to do. He eventually surfaced for air. “What are you doing here? It is dangerous for you.”


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