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The Realms Unite (Realms Gate)

Page 11

by Juliet Anderson

  “How did they know we’re here?”

  “We have a traitor in our midst.”

  “You’re not suggesting Jasper?” Birdie sounded quite affronted at the thought.

  “No. It’s Angus McBride.”

  “Does Sasha know?”

  “No. And I’d rather she didn’t find it out from us.”

  “You should get some rest now. It’s been a long day.” Birdie kissed her forehead. “I’ll be in later.”

  Erin was pleased to slip into the warm bed, her body was aching, as was her head. It had been quite an emotional day and she needed to sleep.

  Erin woke with a start in the early hours of the morning.

  “What is it, Erin?” Birdie opened a sleepy eye.

  “I think I just had a message from mum.”

  “What did she want?”

  “If I interpreted it right, Lokranor has fallen.” Erin was already out of bed, packing up her bag.

  “Valkarin has taken Lokranor?”

  “I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Heinrekh.”

  “Can’t you be any clearer?”

  “Sorry, mum’s message was rather garbled. I think she was under a bit of stress at the time,” Erin snapped. “I’ll wake the others, we need to leave as soon as dawn breaks.”


  Valkarin descended the castle steps to the courtyard below, his long black cloak flowing behind him. Isafor was waiting for him.

  “Is everything set?” he asked pulling on his gloves.

  “Yes, my lord.” Isafor was feeling elated. They were making their move to take Lokranor. For the first time in their history, Valkarin would take the throne. “Heinrekh has given us permission to ride through Vasmaar and to take half his troops.”

  “That is generous of him,” Valkarin snorted. As if Heinrekh actually had a choice. But he had fathered his heir, so would give him the courtesy of not taking Vasmaar from him. Not that he wanted that territory back anyway. There was a far greater prize waiting for him.

  Valkarin followed Isafor into the tunnel that led to the gateway. The Vokteren and their horses were waiting for them on the other side. In a few hours’ time they would be in Lokranor, then the first part of his mission was complete. It was a blessing that over the last few millennia the Priestesses of Lokranor had become so ineffective. And it certainly worked in his favour that the current incumbent was Erin’s mother.

  They stopped as Vasmaar Castle to collect the extra troops. Valkarin also needed a brief update from Heinrekh.

  “How is my heir progressing?”

  “Well,” Heinrekh replied. He was not overly thrilled at having Valkarin in his home but it seemed unwise to upset him. He had to at least give the impression he favoured his rule.

  “Sasha is preparing to live in Lokranor?”

  “Give her time. She is stubborn but I believe I am slowing changing her mind about living in this realm.”

  “I pander to no woman. She will be residing in Lokranor Castle within the next few days else I will bring her back myself,” he responded angrily.

  Heinrekh actually wanted to see him try. Sasha had a fiery temper at the best of times, mix that with pregnancy hormones and she really could go up like a volcano. “I wish you good fortune with Lokranor. My troops are ready to leave and I have appointed General Selvig to lead them on your behalf.”

  “Selvig?” Valkarin raised a perfect eyebrow. “Is he any relation to the one who guards the McLomard child?”

  “His is Magnus’ father. They sit on opposite sides of the battlefield.”

  “Interesting,” Valkarin nodded. It was fairly rare for families to split so dramatically like that. “I need to get on my way. I will send for you when I require you.”

  Heinrekh contained his snort. This guy was really getting under his skin. It was starting to become glaringly obvious that two sorcerers could not possibly live in the same realm.

  The ride seemed to take forever and Valkarin felt a little breathless when Lokranor came into view. After two millennia of waiting, it would finally be his. Word of their coming had obviously reached the King as Olav was waiting for them on the plains in front of the city. He would have expected nothing less.

  He halted his troops and advanced with Isafor. Olav followed suit.

  Valkarin was surprised how much Olav reminded him of Brimir. It was the same self-assured expression. The difference was this king was about to lose his crown. “Surrender and your army and citizens will remain unscathed,” Valkarin barked his terms.

  “Lokranor does not surrender,” Olav replied coldly.

  Scanning the line behind Olav, Valkarin could not see anyone who looked like the prince. “Does Prince Wilhelm not control the army? Let me discuss terms with him.”

  “My son is not here. And I rule the city, not he.”

  “And where is your son? Out seducing a fair maiden perhaps?” He smiled to himself, Erin had said she had a relationship with Wilhelm.

  “I do not keep track of what my son does,” Olav spat. “Now I would advise you to retreat back to Vasmaar.”

  “The trouble is I have no interest in Vasmaar. I only want the Lokranor throne,” Valkarin yawned looking bored.

  “That you cannot have.”

  “I think you will find it will be mine in a very short space of time.”

  “Many have tried before, including you, and failed,” Olav looked at him a though he was nothing more than an irritant.

  “This time it is different, you have no-one to defend your city.”

  “My army will keep us safe.”

  “You do not have Prince Wilhelm here to lead the army.”

  “I am King and more than capable of leading these men.”

  “Really?” Valkarin taunted. “It seems it is not only the Priestesses who have become ineffective, the Kings of Lokranor appear to suffer the same malady.”

  “I will enjoy removing your head from your body,” Olav glowered.

  “I would be sincerely impressed if you could,” Valkarin laughed. No regular weapon could kill him. Again.

  Olav turned and rode back to his troops. Valkarin was pleased, he liked a good fight. Not that this would really be much of one. He was just annoyed that Wilhelm was not here. He desperately needed to dispatch the current heir to take his place legitimately.

  “Enjoy the moment,” Valkarin spoke to his troops. “This is the day Lokranor finally falls. But remember, the King dies by my hand alone.”

  He could have completely decimated the field with blue energy, but he wanted the troops to have their enjoyment. Even millennia later, there was nothing a Viking liked more than fighting. He did however put a fair dent in their numbers to guarantee their victory.

  It was bloody and brutal, those Lokranor troops who did not flee, were killed. The only one left standing was Olav; he had made sure that the King could not leave the battlefield. “I will ask you once again, surrender the city,” Valkarin’s tone was ice cold.

  “Never,” Olav spat.

  “Tell me where your son is and I will make your passing swift,” Valkarin instructed as he dismounted.

  “Go to hell,” was Olav’s response.

  “I like hell,” Valkarin grinned. “It’s a damn sight warmer than this frozen land.” He hit Olav with a bolt of blue energy and wound it around his neck. “I will ask one final time, where is Prince Wilhelm?”

  “Beyond your reach.”

  “Hmmm. Nothing is beyond my reach. I am sure the Prince will be back to challenge me so whilst I await his return, I will enjoy your Queen. I understand she is still a very desirable woman.”

  “The Queen is a traitor and not worthy to wear her crown,” Olav hissed.

  “My, we are a little tetchy today. What did the fair lady do to upset you?” Valkarin was intrigued.

  Isafor stepped forward and whispered something in his ear. “Ah, now I understand, it is your pride that has been dented. The Queen it seems does actually possess some intelligence, unlike her
husband. That is good, I enjoy lying with a woman with brains, it makes the whole experience much more enjoyable.”

  Valkarin released Olav only long enough to draw his sword. “I hope the lady will be pleased to hear she is a widow.”

  “She would rather kill herself than let a murderer like you touch her,” Olav responded hotly.

  “I can be rather persuasive,” he gave an evil smile before lifting his sword and plunging it into Olav’s chest. “Do enjoy Valhalla.” He held the blade in front of a nearby Vokteren. “Clean that.”

  He remounted and spoke to the Vokteren and Heinrekh’s troops. “Having decimated the army, we will go easy on the citizens. It is not their fault they had an imbecile for a king. There will be no raping, pillaging or plundering as of old. Anyone who does will die by my hand. I want my rule to go undisputed.”

  Valkarin rode towards the city, the Vokteren flanking him. It was a good day, a very good day indeed. The streets were deserted, the citizens hiding behind closed doors as they rode through the streets. Valkarin’s eyes were firmly on the Castle.

  He recognised the temple as he rode by. “Have the Priestess brought to me at the Castle,” he instructed a Vokteren. Having Lodraill captive would be a good bargaining tool for when he met Erin McLomard again.

  His excitement was palpable as he strode up the steps and into the Great Hall. It has been rebuilt a few times since he was last in it. At the far end sat a woman alone on one of the seats. He took her to be the Queen. She looked up at him as he approached, her face stained with tears. But the rumours had been correct, she was still a very striking looking woman.

  “Would you be good enough to confirm that I am indeed a widow?” she asked in a soft voice.

  “You are, madam.” Valkarin, for some strange reason, felt a tinge of pity for the woman. She appeared to carry herself with such grace. How a fool like Olav ever managed to keep such a woman was beyond him.

  She rose and took the gold band from around her head and placed it on the chair she had just vacated. “I will leave this for the next incumbent. Now if you wish me to join the King, then please see to my passing quickly. If not, I will depart shortly for my former homeland.”

  “I wish neither, madam.” Valkarin picked up her crown.

  “Excuse me?” she looked up at him a little confused.

  “You will not be joining your former husband nor will I let you leave.” He glanced over his shoulder at Isafor. “Secure the castle. I will adjourn to the Royal Quarters.” He looked back at the Queen. “Would you be good enough to escort me there whilst I discuss my proposal?”

  “Very well, follow me.”

  “The citizens are very fond of you, so I would like you to stay by my side as Queen. My heir will be born in a few months and he could benefit from having a grandmother in his life.”

  “Would I be Queen just in name only?” she asked cautiously.

  Valkarin gave her his best smile. “You are still a very beautiful woman, my lady. I have no interest in finding a young, inexperienced wife. I want a proper woman to keep me warm at night and you are perfectly suited to that role.”

  “Do I have any time to think about this? It might not have escaped your notice, but I was very recently widowed. And I need to know first that we can suffer each other’s company.”

  He adored her honesty. “I will give you three days to make your decision if you tell me the whereabouts of your son.”

  She gave him a beautifully enigmatic smile. “Wilhelm is in the First Realm. He spends most of his time there with Erin McLomard. Have you met her?”

  Valkarin snorted in response. Just the mention of that irritating brat’s name got him riled up. “Yes. I have met the child. I also understand her mother is High Priestess here in Lokranor.”

  “Yes, Lodraill is. But I believe she is also visiting the First Realm currently.”

  An oath escaped from Valkarin’s lips. “It is no matter.”

  Gudrun opened two large doors. The guards had vanished. “These are the Royal Quarters.”

  They were impressive. Valkarin was particularly pleased with the view from the terrace over the city. It gave him sight of most of the city. He knew he had to get back to the Great Hall, but he also had to get the Queen on his side.

  “I am needed downstairs, madam.” He took her hand and kissed it. “I hope you will decide to sit by my side. A man as cold as myself needs a woman of warmth and compassion.”

  “I will consider your generous offer, my lord.” Gudrun dropped her head. “And if you are not aware, my name is Gudrun.”

  After Valkarin had left her, Gudrun headed into her bedroom unable to stem the flow of tears. Her husband was dead. Although they had not patched up their differences over Wilhelm’s temporary exile, she still had feelings for Olav. She thanked Odin that Wilhelm was in the First Realm, safe from Valkarin’s blade. It seemed that her instructions to get Lodraill out the city had been carried out.

  She wiped the tears from her face. Whatever her personal feelings for Valkarin were, she had a job to do. She was still Queen. And the citizens of Lokranor needed her. Valkarin had said it himself, he was without compassion, but she was not. If she could soften him at all, it would benefit all of Lokranor. For that reason alone, she would stay. Then there was poor Sasha. If Valkarin was going to take control of her child, then she would stay and help raise the unfortunate boy.

  Her only stumbling block would be any physical relations Valkarin would want. She was not sure if she could let the man who killed her husband touch her. But then again it was the Viking way of old. How she envied the women in the First Realm who had complete control of their lives.

  At the back of her mind, was the hope that Erin would restore the kingdom to Wilhelm; it was the role she was born to play. Then again, she could not bear the thought of Erin losing her life either over Lokranor. There was no point contemplating the idea of trying to get rid of Valkarin herself. Aria had tried and failed despite having sorcery on her side as well. The only thing Gudrun could do would be to plunge a dagger through Valkarin’s heart as he slept, but she had a feeling not even that would kill him. He had been dead once before.


  Lodraill was waiting for them at the house. Erin hugged her mother. “We were in Greenland.”

  “Thank Odin you were.” Lodraill looked drained. She turned to face Wilhelm. “I’m so sorry, Wilhelm. Lokranor has fallen to Valkarin.”

  “My parents?” Wilhelm asked flatly.

  “Olav is dead, by Valkarin’s hand.”

  “Mother?” his voice was scarcely above a whisper.

  “I think she is alive. Valkarin has no reason to kill her. The people love her, so I believe he will keep her at the Castle.”

  “What happened?” Magnus asked.

  “To be honest, I’m not entirely sure. We received news that Valkarin had entered Vasmaar from the Third Realm and was on his way to Lokranor with his Vokteren army. The King and Lokranor troops rode out to meet him outside the city gates. Once we heard the news Olav had been killed, members of the palace guard descended on the temple and escorted me to the Realms Gate by order of the Queen.”

  “Mother had you removed?”

  “Yes.” Lodraill took hold of Wilhelm’s hands. “I am so sorry for your loss. Your father was a great king.”

  “This is nonsense,” Wilhelm snorted. “Valkarin was in the Third Realm when we left. He could not have invaded Lokranor in that time.”

  “If he rode across Vasmaar he could. And Heinrekh is not foolish enough to try and stop him,” Magnus sighed heavily. He too had lost his homeland. He was glad Ingrid was with him, but she herself must be worrying for her family; her father was Olav’s brother and a member of the High Council.

  “Lokranor would not fall so easily. The battle would last a long time, I trained the army so I should know.” Wilhelm was refusing to believe it.

  “You are forgetting Valkarin is a far greater sorcerer than Heinrekh. He could decimate
your army before they even had a chance to fight,” Erin touched his arm.

  Wilhelm turned to face Jasper. “This is all your doing,” he spat. “You deliberately had us running around Greenland when Valkarin was set to invade.” He reached for his sword. “A life for a life.”

  “Wilhelm,” Erin barked and raised a shield to protect Jasper. “He had nothing to do with this and you know it. He saved your life out at the Icefjord.”

  “Did he? More like he was aiming for me and missed,” Wilhelm hissed. He glanced around him. “In fact, I see nothing but traitors present.” He stopped in front of Magnus. “You, Selvig, have been working with your father all along.”


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