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Kissing Magic

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by Day Leitao

  Copyright © 2019 by Day Leitao

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Sparkly Wave, Montreal, 2019

  Cover illustration by Xilveroxas.

  Interior illustration by Panda Cappuccino.

  Ebook ISBN: 978-1-7750637-6-6

  Print ISBN: 978-1-7750637-7-3




  1. Thirst for adventure

  2. An invitation

  3. The Garden

  4. A guy where?

  5. Decisions

  6. Kyons

  7. The Tower

  8. The Village

  9. Siphoria

  10. The Junction

  11. Lights

  12. Nightmare

  13. Travel

  14. The Castle

  15. Darian and Cayla

  16. The Ball

  17. Floating Stars

  18. Unwrapping Secrets

  19. The Well

  20. The Lake

  21. Understanding

  22. The Other Castle

  23. Out

  24. Resist

  25. Storm

  26. The Lost People

  27. Memories

  28. Magic

  29. Light Gardens

  30. Let’s Talk

  31. Odd Request

  32. Brothers

  33. Towers

  34. Sian

  35. After the Fall


  About the Author


  Dear reader,

  Thanks for picking up Kissing Magic. This book is set one year and three months after the events in Step Into Magic, but you don’t need to have read the previous novel to understand what happens in this one. In fact, because the characters have aged, Kissing Magic has a different tone and themes from its predecessor, and not everyone who enjoys one book will enjoy the other.

  The only thing you need to know is that Karina first came to Whyland and got to know Cayla, Darian, and Sian in Step into Magic. The rest you’ll find out as you read.

  If you want to know more and don’t want to read book 1, there’s a spoiler-filled summary of Step Into Magic at .

  You can also get the intro novela The Spell Speakers on my website, . The intro novella is from Darian’s point-of-view, centers on his relationship with Sian and Cayla, and gives some background and insights on these characters.

  If you’re already familiar with Portals to Whyland, you are awesome! I hope you enjoy the new challenges the characters face and how they’ve grown. The summary on my website is also for you, in case you need to freshen up on the events of the previous novel.

  Hope you all enjoy your read!


  15 Months Before - Siphoria - Whyland

  Darian tasted victory all right, except that he could never before have imagined what its real taste was. There was something bitter and sour, perhaps incomplete. Yes, his insurgency had won. A new era was about to start in Whyland. And yet, his father… Gone forever. Gone was the chance to find any reconciliation, anything human in him. His brother had disappeared. Cayla… He’d have to talk to her.

  Darian opened his bag and arranged his belongings. His future was uncertain, but this would be his new home for now; a room in Siphoria's military complex, close to Whyland's castle.

  A sound at the window interrupted his thoughts. This room was on the seventh floor of the complex tower, so there shouldn’t be anyone or anything at the window, but it would be unwise to dismiss the disruption as wind. It had to be an intruder, and a very skilled one, to have climbed to that height.

  Darian could rush to the window, but the intruder probably expected that. Instead, he hid behind the bed and listened. As expected, someone entered his room. Before the intruder did anything, Darian jumped on the person and dropped him or her on the floor. It was a guy, based on his height and build, but before Darian could immobilize him, the intruder pulled Darian’s arm and rolled on top of him. It was Darian who ended up pinned on the floor. With his foot, Darian reached for a knife but soon realized that it wouldn’t be necessary, as he noticed familiar gleaming brown eyes in a face framed with wavy dark hair.

  It was his older brother Sian, grinning. “Little brother, I’m happy you’re finally showing me some love.”

  One would think Sian was on top of the world and had just won a war, not that all his plans had failed and that he was on the run. But at that moment, Darian was simply glad to see his brother alive and well. “You disappeared. I was worried.”

  Sian raised an eyebrow. “Worried you couldn’t arrest me?”

  “Worried about you. Can you let me go now?”

  Sian tilted his head. “You don’t like your brother’s hug? Not surprising.” He laughed and got up.

  Darian also got up. “Stop being funny. Or trying to. Do you know how many people are looking for you?”

  “Well, that’s the point, isn’t it? Not being caught. But I’m here because I wanted to talk to you.”

  Relief took over Darian’s chest. “Listen, I'm sure the insurgents will forgive you. I know them well. I could—”

  “No chance, brother,” Sian interrupted. “Too long I've lived by my father's shadow. I’m not gonna live under yours.”

  “That's not at all what I was saying. What I mean is—” Darian sighed. “You don’t need to run away.”

  Sian glared at him. “I don’t run away. I retreat. Regroup. Rethink.” He pointed at his head, then looked down, a bitter grin on his face. “I would have beaten you. I would have conquered the kingdom. But I didn't expect magic to make such a difference. My mistake, I recognize.” He stared at Darian with fiery fierce eyes. “But I learn from my mistakes.”

  “And you hope me to just let you go?”

  “I don't hope. I'm sure you will. There's certainly a bit of love buried deep within that chest.” Behind his brother's impenetrable grin there was something soft, real.

  “It's not buried. You'd do much better by my side, Sian. Think about it. With your knowledge, and your leadership—”

  “By your side is the part where it all sours.” Sian grimaced. “Not interested. Thank you, though. I guess.” He smirked then became serious. “But if you want to help me, there’s something you can do. You’re close to the princess, Cayla.”

  Darian was taken aback. He couldn’t imagine what his brother would want with her.

  Before Darian said anything, Sian continued, “She traveled with a girl, Karina. I promised I'd give her a book, and I'm counting on your fraternal love to fulfill my promise.” He took a large green book from a bag he had tied to his back.

  That was an odd request. “Why don't you give it in person?”

  “Not possible. I have to go.” Sian then spoke with an overly dramatic and hurt tone: “Are you going to refuse your brother’s last wish?”

  “You’re not dying.”

  Sian shrugged. “You don’t know if you’ll ever see me alive again.”

  “What's this about?”

  “A promise. I keep my word.” He smiled and looked up with an exaggerated dreamy expression. “Especially to pretty girls, you know? If you can, send it with all my love."

  Darian rolled his eyes. “If you didn't flirt with every girl you meet, you'd have a girlfriend by now.”

  “You assume too much, little brother. I'm just a loving person with a broad definition of love. Maybe one day, if I ever decide to get a girlfriend, I’ll do like you and obey
her like a puppy while she ignores me.”

  Darian clenched his fists. But no. Sian had meant to offend him. That's what he wanted. He wouldn’t give his brother that pleasure. Darian shrugged and put up his best smug smile. “Well, what can I say? At least it works.”

  Sian laughed. “Works wonders. I bet even you still haven’t realized how lucky you got. Well done.” He patted Darian’s back, then became serious and distant. “But that's not what I want right now. I still keep my word, though. My broad definition of love has nothing to do with it.”

  Darian took the book. He could ask Cayla, he didn't see much into it. In fact, that would be an excellent excuse to talk to her.

  Sian stared in his eyes. “Can you give me your word? That you’ll make sure Cayla’s friend gets the book?”

  Darian scoffed. “Sure. You come here, offend me, while you’re on the run, and I’m supposed to arrest you. Now I have to give you my word. Why again?”

  “I didn’t offend you. But I apologize if you felt that way. I just want to make sure the book reaches its destination.”

  It wasn’t a big deal, really. “I also keep my word. I said I’d give it; I will. The book. Not the empty words that come with it.”

  Sian waved a hand. “Oh, please, I sure don’t want you sending anyone any love.”

  Darian still wished he could convince his brother to stay. “Where are you going?”

  Sian raised his eyebrows and smiled. “I’m on the run, right? Why should I tell you?”

  “You can’t go anywhere from here. You’ll need to go downstairs, and—”

  Sian walked to the window. Of course, he wasn’t going to walk out the door.

  “By the time you climb down, I’ll have you surrounded.” He didn’t want to threaten his brother, but he would have to do something if given no choice.

  Sian laughed. “Your guards are lighting fast, then. I’ll be impressed.” He climbed on the windowsill.

  “Wait,” Darian pleaded.

  Sian stood up on the window and let his body fall. Cold emptiness was what was left in Darian’s chest. He ran and looked down.

  Instead of the body of his injured brother, he saw a flying machine, a lift, coming up, with his brother on top of it, climbing down to enter. Sian had planned to jump and to escape. How a private lift had gotten so close to the military tower, he had no idea. Darian wished his brother could have stayed, that they could have become friends, allies, but it wouldn’t be this time.

  He looked at the book. At least one bit of brotherly trust. There was still something there that could be salvaged between them. As much as it was no big deal, it meant a step towards reconciliation with his brother.


  Thirst for adventure

  Zoe laughed. “Who is the weirdo who would send their kids to learn forest survival with you? I mean, had it been real, chances are high you’d all die.”

  Karina rolled her eyes at her friend. “I’m just going to be a volunteer. I’m helping. And learning.”

  “You, nature, and forest. Doesn’t go together. You want to volunteer on a camp, why not science and technology camp or something?”

  “I work on my weaknesses.” Karina shrugged. “Plus, you never know.”

  Zoe narrowed her dark blue eyes. “Of course you do. You’ll never need to survive in a forest unless you go there in the first place.”

  “It’s also for adventure.”

  Zoe laughed and shook her head. “Fascinating. Can’t wait to see Karina the outdoor adventurer.” She stopped laughing and stared at Karina. “And what about the science project? What do we need to do?”

  “It’s almost done. It’s for Monday.”

  “That’s why I’m here.”

  Karina took a closer look at her friend. She was dressed up, with her hair done, and wore a lot of smoky eye shadow. With her dyed black hair contrasting with her eyes, she looked like a model ready for a photo shoot for a makeup company, not someone who came to study. Well, of course! It was Saturday, and Zoe was one of those normal human beings for whom Saturday evening meant something more special than books, streaming, or science projects.

  “And where are you going afterward?” Karina asked.

  Zoe smiled. “Samy. We’re going out.”

  “That’s why you’re dressed up?”

  Zoe had a cheeky smile. “Uh, kind of. You see, Samy said he prefers when I look natural: no makeup. But he needs to know who gets to make decisions about my face.”

  “So you are putting makeup for a guy.”

  Zoe glared. “Don’t be so insufferable.”

  “I don’t even know what that means.”

  Zoe laughed. “You could come with us. Maybe not tonight, but some other day. Josh asked about you.”

  Samy’s friend. Boring jock. Not ugly, not good looking. Not smart, not dumb. Not interesting, not annoying, not, not… Karina’s stomach knotted.

  Zoe noticed. “What’s this face? Lot’s of girls are into him, you know?”

  “That’s great,” Karina said. “He should pick one of them.”

  “I’m not asking you to date him.” Zoe tossed her hair. Perhaps she was so used to doing the hair thing to be convincing that sometimes she forgot Karina was a girl. She then stared directly at Karina. “Or even to make out with him” She smiled. “Unless you want to. Just, you know, give it a try. No guy is perfect.”

  “You’re saying this just cause you want Josh to leave you and Samy alone.”

  “No, I’m saying it cause he’s nice, you’re nice, and, I don’t know, you could be nice together.”

  Karina snorted. “When you put it that way, it’s hard to resist.”

  Zoe laughed. “C’mon, he’s cute.”

  Karina rolled her eyes. Zoe thought every guy who seemed to be slightly interested in Karina was cute.

  Zoe continued, “You could come with us to Samy’s cabin next weekend. It would be so much fun.” She winked. “Just think about it.”

  Karina shivered with dread, then said, “You know, since you’re going out with Samy, you don’t need to stay and work on the project. I can take care of it.”

  “But it’s still early.”

  “You helped me a lot with English and French this year. I can take care of the project. Maybe you can meet Samy earlier.”

  “Well, I trust you. You’re a genius. But are you sure?”

  Karina laughed. “Positive. Go.” She hoped it didn’t sound like she was sending her friend away.

  Zoe grinned. “Well, thanks!” She then cast a guilty look. “Next time we can plan and go all together.”

  That meant going with Josh. Karina wanted to say nah, I’m good, but instead, she said, “We’ll see.”

  Karina sat down and looked at her tentative robot. The thing just rolled around and was useless. Well, they would get a decent bonus grade for physics. Not that she needed it.

  She took a deep breath. Maybe there was a tiny part of her that would have liked to go with Zoe, except that going with Josh wasn’t anything she’d ever wanted. And she had the suspicion that he wasn’t even interested in her, so it would make her even sadder to know that they were getting together just to please their friends. Getting together. Don’t get ahead of yourself, Karina. But she wasn’t getting ahead. The prospect was dreadful. She would be interested if it had been a guy more… more… She didn’t know.

  But it was true that she had just turned sixteen and still had never been kissed. Awkward. It was as if she’d couldn’t get a basic achievement on a game. But then, did she really want to kiss a guy just to get “achievement unlocked”?

  Maybe she was a little sad that her friends were moving to another phase in life while she was stuck home alone with science and reading efforts. More and more her friends slipped away from her, mind and time busy with their boyfriends. Tori had completely disappeared. It was almost as if they were crossing some barrier Karina couldn’t follow.

  As for Karina, she’d had some of these “opportunities”
before. One would think that hanging out with the prettiest girl in school would be a liability, but it was the opposite. Some spillover attention went to Karina. But yeah, that was the problem: spillover. Was it even about her? Karina thought she looked pretty decent, not gorgeous, granted, but nice enough in her regular brown hair and eyes. But she wanted more than someone interested in her just because she looked nice enough.

  Unable to concentrate, she decided to leave the robot as it was. A stupid rolling machine that did nothing. Well, a 10-dollar remote control car would have been similar. She didn’t even need the grade. Her mind turned to summer, nature, survival. Maybe it was there that something exciting would happen. While it was true that kissing someone would be nice, what she most craved was adventure, discovery, new experiences. She wanted to swallow the world all at once but knew it was impossible. She would go on with tiny drops, taking a bit here and there, swallowing, absorbing and becoming someone new.

  She decided to read a book. Work on your weaknesses. Her reading had gotten much better. She walked to her bookshelf and passed her hands through the spines. A huge book with a green leather cover caught her attention. A knot formed in her stomach. Adventure. Discovery. Bravery. The book contained maps and pictures of a land that was lost to her forever, a place where she had made a difference, a place where she had magic. No point thinking about it. She had promised herself she would forget it. But lately, more and more her thoughts returned to that land long gone. But longing was useless. Karina didn’t want to spend her time in thoughts on her past when she could focus on the present and the future. She looked at the spine of her other books. She could maybe pick up a difficult one. Work on your weaknesses.


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