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Mine to Protect

Page 20

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “Ms. Roy, I’m glad you are here. Mr. King has something he would like to say to you.” The Dean said as he motioned for me to come and sit near Ryan.

  I looked at both men in confusion. I wasn’t quite sure what was going on. What did Ryan have to apologize to me about?

  I faced Ryan and tried desperately not to look at his ocean blue eyes. It was difficult though. I could feel him looking at me and I had to fight the urge not to look at the ground. But if there was one thing Ryan had taught me so far, it was to be confident.

  I slowly raised my eyes and met with his magnificent piercing blue eyes. I tried to pretend like I had confidence.

  Confidence had always been an issue for me. I was always a grade ahead of people in school and sometimes two or three grades as I got older. It was impossible to make friends. I was too young to have anything in common with the people in my classes and none of my old friends wanted to hang out with the girl who was skipped up a grade.

  It could have been a worse childhood, I knew this but it still greatly affected my ability to have confidence. Especially around an extremely gorgeous man like Ryan.

  “Ms. Roy, I’m horribly sorry for yelling at you like I did. It was uncalled for and due to the stress of my new client’s case. I would greatly love to continue working with you and, in fact, would like to invite you to work side by side with me on this case.”

  I looked over at the Dean. Was he seriously buying this shit! Did the Dean think I asked for a new supervisor because Ryan yelled at me? I wasn’t a toddler.

  “See Ms. Roy, I knew this must be a misunderstanding. Mr. King, that was very nice of you to own up to your mistake. I think the two of you will be able to continue and grow in your partnership now.”

  The Dean stood up without another word and walked to his door. He opened it and motioned for the two of us to leave his office.

  “Close your mouth or I’ll fill it up with something that’s hard,” Ryan said as we stood up from the chairs.

  I was in shock. Not only from what the Dean had just done, but also from Ryan and his crude language right there in the Dean’s office. As soon as we were a little way down the hall I hauled off and hit Ryan with my bag.

  “Jesus Christ you jerk! Why do you want me to work with you so bad?”

  Ryan grabbed me and pressed me up against the wall. His hands pinned mine against my side.

  “Because I want you to be mine and no one else.”

  I looked up and down the hallway to make sure no one was coming. But Ryan didn’t seem to care. We were only steps away from the Dean’s office and he let his lips meet mine. Softly he kissed me, and I kissed him back.

  What are you doing Jennifer!

  I tried to reason with myself, but there was no logic to my behavior at all. My body had a mind all its own.

  Ryan stepped back from me and looked at me. He appeared especially fixated on the skirt I was wearing.

  I had put it on before reading the e-mail about being denied my change in supervisors. I did not put it on for him!

  “Come with me. We are going to go meet the client.” Ryan said as he started to walk out of the building.

  “I can’t. I have class.” I said as I ran after him.

  “Who is class with?”

  “Mr. Simmons.”

  Ryan reached into his pocket and pulled his phone out and dialed a number.

  “Michael! Hey, it’s Ryan. I am supervising one of your students, a Miss Roy. I need her to help me interview a client up in Sheldon Prison. Just a heads up she’ll miss class.”

  Ryan laughed into the phone at something the other professor said. Then winked at me.

  “Don’t wink at me,” I whispered.

  Then Ryan grabbed me and pulled me into the little bathroom that was next to us. He was still on the phone with the other professor, but he started kissing me. I could hear Mr. Simmons saying something about Ryan’s client, but I couldn’t make out what it was.

  Ryan lifted up my shirt and pulled my breasts out from the denim bra I was wearing. I watched as he kept the phone to his ear and put his lips on my nipple. With his other hand, he squeezed my free nipple hard.

  “Ouch,” I let out as the pain pulsed through my body.

  Professor Simmons must have heard something because Ryan stopped sucking to talk to him again.

  “Yes, sorry it’s noisy in here. I’ll talk to you later, alright.”

  Ryan hung up on the professor and tried to go right back to kissing my nipples, but I stopped him.

  “So I’m going with you to prison to meet a criminal? You don’t think you should have asked me first?”

  “Oh, you’ll be fine. You will be surrounded by guards with guns.”

  “When are we going?”


  Ryan grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bathroom. I had to hurry and pull my shirt back down before we were out of the small room. We walked quickly to his Ranger Rover and Ryan stopped to open my door.

  It struck me as odd that a man who could be so brazen would stop to open a woman’s door when she got into a car.

  The drive was awkwardly silent and I could feel my body tensing up with nerves. I had no idea who we were going to prison to meet, but they were probably there for murder if Ryan was their lawyer. I could feel my heart beating fast and I tried to take some deep breaths to calm myself.

  “You have to calm your nerves. The way you look now the client is going to think you work for the police or something. He’ll never talk to us then. You can’t look nervous at all when you meet him.”

  “I am trying. But I can’t calm down. My adrenaline is making me feel all wired.”

  “Fine,” Ryan said and abruptly pulled off the road and down a wooded dirt road.

  “What are you doing?” I said as we got farther into the woods.

  He stopped the car and got out. He opened my door and motioned for me to get out of the vehicle also.

  Chapter 6


  I didn’t know if he was going to leave me in the woods or what, but I followed his orders and got out of the vehicle.

  He grabbed my hand and walked me into the woods about one hundred feet from the vehicle. I was shaking from the adrenaline now and he squeezed my hand to try and calm me.

  “Bend over,” Ryan said when he found a tree that had fallen.

  “What?” I said trying to figure out why he said that.

  “You can’t be so nervous when we meet this client. I’m going to fuck you now to help you get the adrenaline out of your system.”

  I laughed hysterically.

  “Oh you will find any reason to fuck me, now won’t you?”

  Ryan smiled and turned me around. He gently took my panties off and tucked them into his coat pocket.

  He licked his fingers and started to play with me as he pressed me against the fallen tree.

  “I’m going to fuck you now.”

  I didn’t respond. I’m sure I could have said no. But I was so turned on I couldn’t help but want to feel him inside of me again.

  The rough bark of the tree dug into my stomach as I leaned over.

  Ryan spit on his cock and then pressed it up against me. I was wet from my desire for him and he easily slid into me. His movements were soft and caring at first.

  “How is this supposed to help anything,” I laughed.

  It was the wrong thing to do. I looked back and saw a fire in his eyes.

  Ryan grabbed my hair and pulled me back up toward him as he thrust hard inside of me. I let out a moan that echoed through he woods.

  “Let it out baby. Scream your fucking brains out.” He said as he kissed the back of my neck.

  Every nerve in my body was going crazy. I could feel the cool air of the woods blowing against me. I could feel the thrusts of his cock deep inside of me. I gave into the moment and let my body scream out with delight as he moved inside of me.

  Harder and harder he thrust and I moaned louder than I ever
thought possible. I had never had sex outside before and certainly never felt free enough to make the noises I really wanted to. It was so freeing, so liberating. I was enjoying every moment.

  “Do you like this?” He asked as he thrust as hard as he could inside of me.

  I moaned with pleasure, but I didn’t respond.

  “Answer me!” He said loudly. “Tell me if you like it.”

  “Yes, I…um…I like it. I like when you’re inside of me.”

  “Come with me,” Ryan said as he stopped abruptly and we went back to the car.

  He got in the passenger’s seat and reclined it and pulled me in on top of him. I slid down the hard welcoming shaft of his cock and enjoyed the feeling as it filled me up.

  I liked this better. I liked being able to see him. I liked being in control also. It wasn’t something that I would ever tell Ryan, but I liked being in control even more than I liked when he took control.

  I moved up and down on his cock until I could feel myself about to explode. I tried to stop myself, but I couldn’t hold it back. Very quickly, I was cumming on him. My juices dripping down his hardness, right there in the middle of the woods.

  Ryan moved over to the driver’s seat when we were done and we continued our drive out to the prison.

  “You were right,” I said with a smile on my face.

  “About what?”

  “I’m calmer now.”

  I sat there exhausted and calm as could be. In fact, I was a bit sleepy now. There was no energy left to be nervous.

  Ryan smiled and turned the music up. It was a symphony, but nothing I had ever heard before. I sat back and looked out the window, taking in the beautiful countryside. The music was whimsical and hypnotic. I started to think I might have calmed down by simply listening to the music.

  As we pulled up to the gate of the prison, I felt a slight twinge of nervousness come back into my body. Luckily I was too exhausted to let that feeling make it very far.

  I looked in the mirror and straightened my hair a little. This was going to be interesting.

  “Who are we meeting?”

  “Roberto Calvertino,” Ryan said nonchalantly.

  I took a deep breath and tried to calm my ever growing nerves.

  “The Mob boss?”

  “Yes, he was convicted of murdering twenty-two people.”

  Ryan grabbed my hand and we walked into the prison building.


  I wasn’t about to let her switch to another lawyer in our school. They were all a bunch of nitwits. She is a smart girl, smarter than I ever was at her age. I need her. I need to get out of this mess I got myself in and she is the person to help me.

  I intended to stop fucking her, I tried.

  Watching her lie on my table and squirt in ecstasy was too much for even me to resist. She was so eager, so willing to try anything. I need that in my life right now.

  Her fiery red hair was so delightful and unique; when I’m around her, I can’t help but wonder what she’ll look like laying on my emerald green satin sheets. The divinity of her perfect curves and red tresses filled my thoughts on many nights.

  I know she was mad as hell that I wouldn’t let her switch to a different supervisor.

  Her anger was delightful though.

  Now I’m sorry but I have to use her with Calvertino, she is exactly his type and her innocence will charm him.

  I need him charmed for my plan to work and I need Jennifer to be committed to making me happy.

  She doesn’t know what she’s getting herself into, but it doesn’t matter now. She is mine and I will get my way.

  Hopefully, she lasts through her interaction with Calvertino though, I’m afraid he will eat her alive.

  Chapter 7


  Fucking her in the woods was a great idea. I love it when I come up with shit like that. She did finally look relaxed. But I’m sure I could have given her a Xanax and got the same result. Not nearly as much fun for me though.

  I like having fun with this girl. She drives a fire inside of me that just doesn’t go out. I want to fuck her every single time I see her. It’s impossible not to think about being inside off her when I get this close to her.

  Her bare ass leaning over that tree, I’m going to cum to that memory for years. Her delicate pale skin in contrast with the rough bark of the tree was delightful. And those screams, I could fucking listen to those all day long and never get tired of them.

  She was going to be a fun toy to play with for the next few weeks. I had not had a regular girl for quite some time. I certainly had not had a girl as enticing as Jennifer was. Her innocence was and willingness combined to for the perfect partner for fun.

  Looking at her ass as she walked into the prison, all I could think about was how bad the men were going to want to fuck her. Surely they would see her hips moving from side to side and her short little white skirt and they would think she was teasing them.

  Calvertino better like her, I’m trusting she will be able to put on a good show for him and get him to fall for her.

  She is so innocent and sweet, it might be too much for him. He might not want to corrupt such a pure little flower. But she’s not pure, I’ve fucked her a few times now and I’ve got her purity locked far away from her.

  When we walked into the prison, I could see every officer looking over Jennifer. Their eyes pillaged her body with a desire that would only be rivaled by the inmates.

  “She’s coming with you?” The admitting officer asked me.

  I smiled and looked him square in the eyes, shaking my head in affirmation.

  “She’s my assistant.”

  The guard looked at me with a touch of admiration. He knew I was banging that hot piece of ass and he was jealous as fuck that he couldn’t have her.

  “This way, Miss please stay as far to the right as possible.”

  I knew why he wanted her to stay away from the bars. These men were in maximum security, they had nothing to lose. Grabbing onto her sweet little body would be worth the punishment if they could have just a few seconds of feeling her delightful skin.

  I could have been a gentleman and walked next to her to block the men from seeing her. But then I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy the look on their face as she walked by.

  The men in the first cells let the rest of the pod know she was there by their howling. By the time we reached the end of the pod, the men were standing at the end of their cells with their cocks in their hands and jerking off to the sight of Jennifer.

  It was delightful to watch. The power she had was intense, yet she didn’t even know she had it.


  I had never been to a jail before and certainly I would have dressed more appropriately if I had been given time to plan. It was disgusting to watch these old men with their cocks hanging out and trying to get me to look at them.

  I felt my heart beating fast and my face turning red as we moved quickly down the hall. By the time we were halfway through the hallway I felt like my whole world was getting smaller and I was about to pass out.

  I did glance over at a few of the inmates though; it was so weird to see how fast they got excited about seeing a woman. How fast they were touching themselves trying to feel a sense of pleasure. It was actually quite sad.

  “Ok, listen to me. I need you to lick your lips a lot to distract him. Also, if you could cross and uncross your legs that would be great.” Ryan said as we walked into the interview room.

  He didn’t even give me a chance to ask him why he wanted me to do these things. It seemed like torture to do them to a man that had been in prison for several years already. I didn’t want to do it. I wasn’t good at flirting with people; it just wasn’t something that I knew how to do. Most likely because I hardly ever flirted on my own.

  Roberto Calvertino was convicted of killing twenty-two people. That was a lot of people. I really didn’t want to get on his bad side. On the other hand, I probably didn’t want to get
on his good side either. It seemed that many people who were on his good side still ended up dead.

  As we entered the room, there were two guards standing behind Calvertino. Ryan pulled my chair out a little so I was in more of a direct line of sight to Calvertino. I could feel his eyes burning into me, but I could also feel the eyes of the guards. They seemed just as interested in what I was doing as the prisoners they guarded were.

  I sat down and instantly crossed my legs, not because Ryan told me to. I crossed them because I was trying to prevent anyone from getting too much of a view. It wasn’t until I sat down on the cold metal of the chair that I realized I didn’t have any panties on. Ryan had taken them off in the woods and still had them in his coat pocket.

  I moved uncomfortably in the metal chair and I thought I saw a look of pleasure from Ryan, but I wasn’t sure.

  “Mr. Calvertino, this is my assistant Jennifer Roy. I’m required to have her with me as she is training through the school I work for. Don’t worry, she won’t say much and certainly won’t need to be involved in much of your case.”

  “Miss Roy, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Calvertino said as he bowed his head.

  He was shackled to his chair or I’m sure he would have shaken my hand and brought it to his lips for a kiss. He seemed like the kind of guy who liked to treat his women well. He really seemed like a nice guy.

  I know that seems odd to be describing a murderer in such a way. When in the room with him I felt like he was a kind and nice man. Certainly, I was not doing anything to make him angry and that may have been the extent of his nice guy behavior. If he was angry it was entirely possible that he turned into a different person.

  “Guards, we are fine from here. Please give us our thirty minutes.”

  Ryan looked at the guards and they left the room. Calvertino remained shackled, but at least Ryan and he could have a good conversation about his case.

  “Miss Roy, you look young to be a law student. How old are you?” Calvertino asked as his eyes drilling into mine.


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