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Mine to Protect

Page 25

by Sarah J. Brooks

  Calvertino pulled his finger out from my while he stood to address the judge.

  “Yes, sir. I will understand whatever your decision is.”

  He sat back down and I watched as he put that finger to his mouth and licked it. The shock on my face was evident as I turned to Ryan and my eyes got big. He looked at me and Calvertino and I thought he might have figure out what had happened, but I wasn’t sure.

  The judge looked down at his papers and seemed to be considering what his decision would be.

  “I’m going to take a five-minute recess to make my decision.” The judge pounded his gavel and exited to his chambers.

  Ryan went right around me to stand by Calvertino and he shook his hand. Ryan gripped Calvertino’s hand with both of his and Calvertino returned the greeting by adding his second hand as well.

  The two men whispered to one another and I just stood there. I didn’t know what was going on, but both men seemed pretty happy about the way the hearing had gone. I watched as Calvertino again brought his finger up to his face, this time he smelled it.

  Ryan looked at me and I looked straight down at the ground. I couldn’t bear to look at him after what had just happened.

  When the judge came back into the chambers, we all sat down. This time, Calvertino left his hands on top of the table.

  “As much as I would like to keep Mr. Calvertino locked away, I do believe this new evidence is worthy of a new trial. I also think considering the length of his incarceration and the positive role model he has been while in prison, I will grant him a release during this new trial. But, and this is a huge but… Mr. King, you will need to agree to have Mr. Calvertino remanded to your care.”

  The judge looked at Ryan and then over to Calvertino.

  “Yes sir, I can agree to that,” Ryan said as he stood up.

  “And Mr. Calvertino, you will need to surrender your passport and still pay a ten million dollar bond.”

  “Yes, sir,” Calvertino said.

  “Alright, if all parties are in agreement; I official am releasing Mr. Roberto Calvertino to the remand of Ryan King while preparations take place for the new trial. The tentative court date is set for thirty days from today. Court adjourned.”

  Ryan came over to Calvertino and hugged him. The two men were caught up in a jovial celebration as I stood there trying to figure out what had just happened. Had the judge seriously just let Roberto Calvertino out of jail on a technicality?

  Roberto came close to me and leaned in for a kiss. It was a celebratory kiss at first, but then he grabbed me and let his tongue slide into my mouth. I pulled away but then gave in to him. He was a powerful man, in more ways than just his muscular strength. I didn’t want to get on his bad side.

  When Calvertino released me, I searched the room to find Ryan. He stood near the exit and watched as Calvertino released me.

  “Mr. Calvertino, we do need to take you back for some out processing if you don’t mind.” The bailiff said as he pointed to the side door.

  This time, Calvertino was not in handcuffs and walked freely to the back room with the bailiff.

  I walked over to Ryan to try and explain what had happened. I didn’t want him to think that I had done something to led Calvertino on.

  “Isn’t this fucking exciting! He got out!” Ryan said as he hugged me.

  “Yes, it is. Great job. I’m sorry about…”

  “Thanks for all of your help. I couldn’t have done it without you. You can head home now if you’d like.” Ryan said as he opened the door.

  “Ryan, I’m sorry…”

  Ryan cut me off again and proceeded to act like absolutely nothing had happened.

  “I’ll see you in supervision tomorrow.”


  My blood boiled at the thought of Calvertino touching Jennifer. I didn’t want his murderous hands anywhere near her sweet skin. There was nothing I could do about it though.

  Roberto Calvertino had made it perfectly clear to me, either I did exactly what he asked of me or he would leave the country and leave me holding the proverbial bag.

  If he skipped out on this trial, I would lose everything. After he had forced me to take that damn trip to Russia, now there would be no doubt that I had helped him if he decided to flee.

  My only hope was to get him off on his charges because of the evidence. If at any point he thought I wasn’t listening to him or following his orders he wouldn’t hesitate to flee the country. Or worse… he could do much worse if I did something that upset him too much.

  I knew he wanted sweet Jennifer, I just didn’t think he would try to take her so quickly. My plan to use her and then let her go to him seemed easy enough, except when I watched him smell her sweet taste on his finger.

  The rage that filled me was so intense I could have murdered Calvertino right there. He didn’t deserve the sweetness of this girl. But I didn’t know how to stop him. He go this way all the time, there wasn’t much I could say or do that could make him give up on Jennifer.

  It would be torture to watch him take her though.

  Chapter 14


  “Roberto, things have changed with the girl. I’ve been enjoying her company myself. Can I find you another young thing?”

  “Sure Ryan, see what else you can find.”

  “We will be to my house soon, I’ll have Salina get you settled into your suite. Andrew will come see you and ask what foods you would like the Chef to make during your stay.”

  “Thank you, Ryan; I appreciate your kindness and hard work.”

  “Certainly. You know my only goal is to ensure your freedom and comfort.”

  Roberto Calvertino smirked at me. We both knew that my only goal was to stay alive and not have him murder me like he had done with his last lawyer.

  Roberto had spent the last several years in prison after being convicted of 22 counts of murder. The freak turn of events that ended with me as his lawyer will never fully leave my mind. I will always regret those choices.

  I did have to clear up the situation with Jennifer though; I wasn’t going to give her up to this thug. He didn’t deserve her. Hopefully, now he understood that she was mine and he would keep his hands off her.

  That milky white skin of hers shouldn’t be touched by the hands of a man who had caused so much harm to so many people.

  Just the thought of my hands on her skin had my cock hard as a rock. Her sweetness didn’t need anyone else but me. It would be me who she fucked at night. It would be my name that she screamed when she came. Nothing about Calvertino would please her that I was sure about.

  When we pulled into my driveway, I noticed a look of admiration from Roberto. This was exactly why he had plotted to get me as his lawyer. He knew I was good. I was beyond good. My clients didn’t pay a high retainer fee for no reason at all. They gladly paid these fees and kept me in this lifestyle because I was good. So good I could, in fact, get a murderer off on charges that he really did commit.

  Roberto knew my desire for bigger and better and he knew I would be lured by his money. Once into his trap, I was now stuck. Even my wealth couldn’t save me now. Murder or career ruin, those were the only way out of this, if I didn’t get Roberto Calvertino’s conviction reversed at the new trial.


  I dreamt about Roberto Calvertino. My mind couldn’t stop seeing the desire he had for me. It was more than even my sleeping body could take and I had woken up soaked with desire for him.

  I didn’t want to desire this man. I knew what he had been convicted of. I wanted Ryan, everything in my body wanted more and more of him. I wanted to dream about him, not Calvertino. I hated that my mind had wasted such a night of delicious dreams on such a hateful man.

  I wanted to dream about Ryan’s fingers inside me during a court hearing. I wanted to feel his lips on mine as he thrust inside of me. My mind played a horrible trick on me by making me dream about Calvertino. I hoped it wouldn’t happen again.

  Now that Calv
ertino would be free and awaiting his new hearing, I didn’t want to go anywhere near Ryan’s house. I would just stick to seeing him at school, that would have to be all for now. As soon as the whole hearing was over, then I would let Ryan take me back to his house again.

  I found myself getting dressed for school and all my thoughts were on Ryan. I wanted to entice him with my smell, my clothes, and my whole body.

  I rubbed vanilla lotion all over my skin and found a flowing little mini skirt to tease him with. I struggled with the thought of whether I should wear panties or not and finally decided I had to; the skirt just blew around too much and I didn’t want some other student getting a show. I paired my flowing navy skirt with one of the silk blouses I knew he liked so much. The sheer fabric pulled at my breasts and teased him, which I loved.

  For shoes, I slipped on a pair of entirely inappropriate heels. No one wore stuff like that to school, but I wasn’t dressing for school; I was dressing for Ryan.

  When I arrived at supervision, I knocked and then went into the room and took my normal seat at the conference table. I made sure to sit at the edge so I knew that Ryan could see me cross and uncross my legs.

  His eyes were on my legs instantly when I sat down. He wanted me. I loved that look in his eyes. I was never quite prepared for it, but boy did I love it.

  “Ryan, I want to talk about what happened with Calvertino at court,” I said in all seriousness.

  “There is nothing to talk about. I know how he is. You handled yourself perfectly. I’m proud of you.”

  I didn’t know if he fully understood what all had happened, but I didn’t want to keep talking about Calvertino and the incident. I wanted to move on.

  “Alright. So what’s next?”

  “We have to get ready for his new trial. We have people to re-interview and we need to continue to go over all the old case notes from the first trail.”

  Ryan seemed intent on getting Roberto Calvertino off on his murder charges. It was admirable how much he threw himself into each case. This was probably why people paid so much money to hire him. They knew that their money could indeed buy them freedom.

  “Sounds good. What would you like me to do?”

  Ryan got up from his desk and made his way over to me. I felt my body tense with excitement. I wanted him to just throw me down on the table and fuck me. I wanted him to do that thing with his fingers and make me squirt all over the floor. Anything, I just wanted anything and everything he could do to me.

  I bit my lip as he stood right next to me.

  His hand moved down to the top button on my blouse that was pulled tight and looked like it wanted to explode off my top. He flicked it with his finger. He teased the button and flicked it again. He wanted it to pop off. He wanted to see my breasts.

  “I want you to open this,” Ryan said as his other hand presented me with a light blue box.

  I looked up at him with surprise. A gift was the last thing I had expected from Ryan. In fact, he didn’t really seem like the gift giving type.

  “What? Why? What is this Ryan? You didn’t have to get me a gift.”

  I couldn’t stop smiling though. No one really bought me gifts anymore. Well, of course, my friends bought me silly fun things for my birthday and stuff like that. But I hadn’t received an actual gift, wrapped in a bow, in a very long time.

  “I want you to have something to show my appreciation for all you have done to help me with this project. I know dealing with Calvertino was not easy and I appreciate you.” Ryan said as he leaned against the conference table.

  He slid the light blue box over to me and I looked at it with eyes as wide as they could be. I knew what this box was, it was from Tiffany and Company. Every woman in the world knew what this box was. I took a deep breath and pulled on the white ribbon that held the box together. Slowly I pulled the top of the box up and inside I found a pair of the biggest diamond earrings I had ever seen. They looked like they were two karats each. My heart pounded with excitement.

  “Ryan! They are so beautiful.”

  I felt tears form, I wasn’t quite sure why. I was excited. I had never received such a lavish gift. I had never had someone in my life who would willingly buy me something like this to show me how much they appreciated me.

  I jumped up from my chair and threw myself around Ryan. He stood up with my arms around his neck and my legs around his body.

  “I see you like them,” he said with a smile.

  Our lips were only a few inches apart and it was inevitable that he moved in to kiss me. I closed my eyes and took in every second of his lips on mine. I wanted to remember this moment tonight when I slept. I wanted to have fantasies about this man. He had started to lighten up and not be so serious all the time. He seemed to actually have a soul lately, it was getting harder and harder to resist him.

  His hand moved around and held my ass to support me as I stayed wrapped around him. I felt his fingers as they moved in close and felt the fabric of my panties.

  As our mouths continued to play and explore, Ryan sat me gently onto the table. I felt his hands move to his belt, and then the zipper of his pants. He used his fingers to move my panties out of the way and then slid inside of me. My legs are still wrapped around his body and my arms still wrapped around his neck.

  Slowly he pressed into me as we continued to kiss. It was more like love making than the fucking I was used to with Ryan. He was sweet and gentle as he moved inside of me. I didn’t let go. I couldn’t let go, I wanted Ryan like this always. It was exciting to see him like this, it made me feel special and I wanted to remember it for as long as possible.

  I let out a small moan as he thrust harder and harder. I felt his excitement as it built up and soon I was moaning with pleasure with each of his thrusts. His cock throbbed hard inside of me and I felt my juices as they soaked him. I felt my body release with delight as he delivered a final thrust and released his own pleasure.

  As he finished, Ryan didn’t move away from me like he usually did. He wrapped his arms around me and held onto me. I felt like I was in heaven. His big hard arms made me feel warm and welcomed. I laid my head on his shoulder and enjoyed the moment.

  “What are you doing tonight?” Ryan asked as we gathered our things and prepared for the rest of the day.

  “Nothing really. I have class until three, why?”

  “There is a new restaurant downtown and I’d like to try it. Do you want to come with me?”

  I stood still as I looked at him. Did he just ask me on a date? I didn’t know for sure. Perhaps he was just hungry and wanted someone to join him to eat. But it sounded an awful lot like a date. I froze.

  He must have seen the confusion on my face because he moved close to me and grabbed my hand.

  Ryan brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it.

  “Is that a yes? I’ll pick you up at six o’clock.” He said with a smirk.

  “Yes,” I said.

  As I left his office, I couldn’t help but jump up and down in the hallway. It was a date. Ryan King had just asked me on an official date. I hadn’t realized just how much I wanted him to ask me on a date until that very moment.

  I had been content to play and be his sex buddy, but deep down I did want more. I wanted to know Ryan. I wanted him to know me.

  Chapter 15


  “Wow, did King give you those earrings?” Rose asked as she watched me putting them on.

  I didn’t want to lie to Rose, I couldn’t lie to her. She was my best friend and I relied on her. On the other hand, it was a lot to try and explain to Rose. I knew she wouldn’t care, in fact, she already knew some of the stories. She already knew Ryan and I were fucking. But she didn’t know the extent of our relationship.

  “Yes, and we are going on a date tonight,” I said. Unable to keep in my excitement about it all.

  “What? Oh my god Jen! This is getting serious!”

  “Oh, it’s nothing. He’s a billionaire Rose, whatever thes
e earrings cost was equal to what we spend on a Starbucks drink.” I said as I tried to minimize how frigging awesome I felt that he had bought me the earrings.

  “Jen, this guy isn’t the type who buys gifts. He doesn’t need to. Women fuck him and stay with him without presents. There is not benefit to him if he buys shit. He likes you! Just face it.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. I felt like he liked me. It was nice to get a second opinion from Rose that it looked that way to her also.

  “Ok, well let’s move on. What am I going to wear tonight? He’s taking me to that new restaurant downtown.”

  “I’ve got the perfect thing,” Rose said as she went to her room and brought me a black lace dress.

  It was sophisticated but sexy as hell. I slipped it on and felt the lace hug all my curves. Then I looked down and realized the dress was totally see-through.

  “Do you have a black slip to go under it?” I asked as I saw my bra and panties through the lace.

  “Oh, if you insist,” Rose said as she pulled a tiny black slip out of her closet.

  It barely covered my ass and was so tight on my breasts that it forced them up and made them look two sizes bigger than they were.

  “Um, this makes me look like a hoochie,” I said as I shook my boobs at Rose.

  “Nah, you look sweet and sexy, the perfect combination.”

  I decided to go with it and finished doing my hair and makeup. It was almost six o’clock and I found myself looking out the window waiting for Ryan to arrive.

  At six o’clock on the dot, he arrived in a sleek black Tesla. I had never seen one of these electric cars and I was excited to get to ride in one. I watched out my window as he walked up to the front of our apartment building and made his way up to our apartment.

  “He’s here Rose, I’ll see you later,” I said as I made my way to the front door.

  But Rose rushed in front of me and opened the door on Ryan’s first knock. I was mortified and quickly retreated so Ryan didn’t see that we were both standing right there at the door waiting for him.


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