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Mine to Protect

Page 30

by Sarah J. Brooks

  When Jennifer returned, she looked impressed when she saw Leonard Odom sitting across from my desk. She flirted with him and I watched as she fidgeted with her skirt and blouse. If I had not rushed him out the door, I was positive he would have gotten her number and been calling her by the end of the day. Leonard didn’t discriminate at all; if he could fuck the person that was all that mattered to him. His wife filed for divorce after finding him with one person, but she had no idea of the dozens and dozens of other people he had slept with before getting caught. Certainly not any type of person I would allow Jennifer to sleep with.

  The reality was, after seeing her with Calvertino, I didn’t think I wanted to have another threesome ever again. His dirty old man body was disgusting as he fucked her. It did look hot when she held onto me while we both thrust inside of her. I liked having her that close to me and I loved having her arms wrapped around my neck when she orgasmed.

  She was mine, I didn’t need to share her and I wouldn’t allow her to be shared again. The memory of our threesome was steamy and strong in my mind but that’s where it would stay. No more threesomes with her.


  It was the first time I had knocked on his door in a long time, but I heard voices in his office and that was unusual for nine o’clock in the morning. It sounded like Ryan was talking to a man and I didn’t recognize the other voice at all. It was a relief that it wasn’t Calvertino, because I certainly would recognize his voice if I heard it.

  After Ryan had sent me away from his office, I took the time to actually get caught up on my homework. Surprisingly I had all my work done for classes, even though I was spending most of my days and nights with Ryan. It baffled me how some of my friends were so far behind on their projects when they didn’t spend nearly as much time with their advisor as I did.

  Advisor, I laughed at the thought of calling him that.

  It was really weird to think of Ryan as my advisor, at this point I felt like he was my boyfriend and our relationship was much more casual. But I figured while at school I should try to think of him as my advisor so I didn’t accidently mess up and say something wrong around other people.

  When I returned to his office and he let me in, the first thing I saw was the tall, dark and handsome face of Leonard Odom. I wasn’t a basketball fan at all, but I certainly knew who he was. His face was all over sporting goods store advertisements and he had one of the most beautiful wife’s I had ever seen.

  The look Leonard Odom gave to me was enticing as I sat down in the second chair across from Ryan. His big brown eyes looked at my thighs as he licked his lips. I was instantly soaked with a desire for the man. His celebrity made me want him; I really knew nothing else about the man. But I didn’t care.

  I couldn’t sit still as my body reacted to the desire to have Leonard touch me. But I wasn’t in the habit of chasing after married men, so I pulled myself together and sat there as Ryan and Leonard said their goodbyes.

  My mind couldn’t help but wonder why Leonard had hired Ryan. No matter what it was, if they didn’t want people to know about it; I would never know. Keeping secrets was one thing that Ryan was certainly very good at. He could keep a secret without even batting his eye at it. I was much worse at keeping secrets.

  When Ryan closed his office door after Leonard left, I felt the heat from his body as his eyes stared at me. His desire to have me was evident, but I wasn’t in the mood. My whole body was still sore from taking on Ryan and Roberto Calvertino in our threesome event. I needed a break.

  Quite frankly, Ryan needed a break also. He needed to know that I wasn’t going to just bow down to him every time he wanted to fuck me. Ryan was so used to being rich and powerful; he had forgotten what it was like when he couldn’t get his own way.

  “Come here,” Ryan said as he leaned up against the conference table.

  My mind raced back to all the times we had fucked on that table. He certainly knew just how to make me scream and his office was in the perfect location for all my screaming. I liked the feeling of having Ryan on the conference table; I just didn’t feel like I should give into my desires just yet.

  Ryan’s office was one of the largest on campus and was far away from the other teachers in the hallway. I wondered if Ryan had strategically asked for this office. It certainly wasn’t the nicest; in fact it was in a part of the building that still had not been updated.

  “I should get going,” I said as I grabbed my bag.

  I didn’t really need to go anywhere; I had just gotten into his office. But I saw the look in his eyes and I knew if I didn’t leave now I would end up fucking him on that conference table. My willpower was very poor when it came to Ryan.

  In general, throughout my life, my willpower had always been very bad. I couldn’t even avoid getting into trouble when I very clearly knew the rules while growing up. Now as an adult I didn’t have to worry about willpower most of time because I could just do whatever I wanted to do.

  Ryan didn’t like my attempt to leave and he moved in toward me. His faced showed his disappointment in me and how I had tried to take control over him. Ryan didn’t like any type of control being taken away from him.

  I took a deep breath; slowly I tried to calm my nerves. It always happened when Ryan had me alone, his desire for me got my heart pumping fast and I never could say no to him. I looked down at the ground to try and avoid eye contact with him. If I didn’t look into his deep brown eyes, then I would be able to resist; or so I thought.

  “Jennifer, you aren’t going anywhere.”

  “Yes, I forgot I need to get a paper done for class.”

  “No, you will be staying here,” he stood in front of me and his hand moved down my face gently.

  I continued to look at the ground, but it got harder and harder to avoid him. I had to leave right at that moment or I knew I would never have the willpower.

  “I’m sorry, I have to leave.”

  I moved away from Ryan and grabbed my bag and headed to his door. Just as I reached the door and had opened it, Ryan pushed the door closed. His body pressed up against mine and I felt the power of his desire as his cock pulsed against me.

  My red hair dangled down around my breasts and Ryan pressed it out of his way so his lips could kiss me. His lips were like little pillows attached to his face and I wanted more and more of him.

  When his lips touched my skin, I sighed deeply as I tried to contain my desire. I still wanted him, I could say yes at a moment’s notice. But I didn’t want him to have that power over me. I didn’t want him to be in control all the time, I had to resist him.

  “Ryan, I have to go. When do you need me back to prepare for the trial?”

  I used a firm tone and tried to keep my body as tight as possible. I didn’t touch him and I didn’t soften my gaze at all. Finally, he caved in and realized I really was going to leave.

  “Tomorrow afternoon would be fine. We can go over the statements we have so far and get our game plan together. We only have a few more days before the trial so we need to make sure we also prep Roberto.”

  “Alright, I’ll come to your office tomorrow after classes. Goodbye.”

  I leaned up and let my lips touch his, and then I turned and left his office. I walked quickly down the hall and outside. Then I made my way back to my car and slumped into the driver's seat out of exhaustion.

  Ryan was so direct in what he wanted all the time; it was exhausting to be around him. It was so hard not to cave into his desire for me. I could see why he had such a reputation with the women; there is no way a woman could refuse him once he decided he wanted her. Beyond his money, Ryan King was a very persuasive man who always got what he wanted. Well except on that day, I had just barely escaped him.

  Chapter 22


  The next day I returned to Ryan’s office much more prepared to avoid his advances. My day away from him had built up my determination to let things cool off a little between us. Not because I didn’t like
him, just because the threesome had been so intense. I needed a break from both Ryan and Roberto. I needed to figure out what I really wanted out of all this.

  Certainly Ryan didn’t want a relationship and Roberto was just a one-time thing. So why would I keep sleeping with Ryan when he didn’t want the same thing as I did? Because I wanted a relationship. I wanted a man to get to know and build our future together. Ryan wasn’t that type of man that was for sure.

  As I walked into his office I saw the look in Ryan’s face, it was a mix of humor and amusement. I didn’t care, though; I wanted him to feel like he was out of place. I wanted Ryan and I didn’t mind spending the day together. I just wasn’t going to sleep with him during our day together.

  Ryan was a good man and he certainly knew how to have a good time. But he didn’t do a very good job communicating with the people in his life. Or at the very least; Ryan did not communicative well with the people he worked with.

  “What are you wearing?”

  “What? This is just how I dress when I’m at home.”

  Ryan let out a laugh as he stepped close to me. He grabbed me and carried me over to the conference table.

  “I like it,” he said as he kissed me.

  I was caught off guard by his reaction and totally unprepared.

  My sweatpants and t-shirt outfit was supposed to have turned him off. It was my plan to keep him from trying to fuck me, but he didn’t seem to care. My body reacted and I kissed Ryan back, I just couldn’t stop myself.

  As our lips moved and our tongues intertwined, I finally came back to my senses and pulled away. I stood there and looked at Ryan as I felt my desire for him build. I knew I had to get back to work, but it was impossibly hard to do when I was so distracted by him and his body.

  “I think we have work to do,” I said as I smiled at him.

  “Oh, that’s why you’re dressed like a hot homeless person.”

  “What! These are my best sweatpants,” I laughed.

  Ryan let me slide off the table and I moved around to the spot I normally sit at when we actually do work. Which was admittedly not very often, since most of our supervision time was spend making out or fucking.

  “Should we actually get some work done? I think you have a criminal you need to get off.”

  Ryan held his finger up to his mouth again and it reminded me that his office could be bugged and it was possible Roberto would get a report back on what we were talking about.

  “I’m pretty sure you were the one getting Roberto off the other night,” Ryan said as he winked at me and squeezed my hand.

  It was a sign to me that I should just go with it. I really didn’t want to talk about what had happened with our threesome, but I didn’t want Roberto to think we were out to get him either. He had to trust us if we were going to have any chance of getting him off on his charges.

  “I had a lot of fun the other night,” I said awkwardly.

  “I liked watching your orgasm. It was so fucking hot.” Ryan leaned in close to my ear and whispered, “I’ll never share you again. I want you to myself.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. That was what I wanted to hear. I wasn’t sure if he said that just for my benefit or if it was something he really thought. It was hard to tell with Ryan, he always seemed to be playing some sort of game with me.

  “Alright, alright, should we get to work on the case?” I said.

  “I’d prefer to get to work on you,” he said with a smile.

  Oh that smile of his, it was one of my weaknesses. I really would do almost anything he asked if he asked for it with a smile like that.

  “Ok, we need to organize the witnesses’ right?” I said as I tried to keep us on track.

  “Yes, go through this file and split them up into three groups. Those that will help us, those that will hurt us, and all the middle range witnesses.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  I got started on the witnesses and Ryan worked on the facts that he wanted to include in his opening statements. The opening statement was one of the most crucial parts of the hearing because it established the first time the jury would see everyone. First impressions were indeed the most important thing. If a jury decided they didn’t like you, it really didn’t matter what else you had to say. The jury had to like you in order to win.

  I knew the jury was going to like Ryan. He had a natural charismatic way about him. But I saw how hard he worked to prepare for this court hearing and I knew he was a better lawyer than I had given him credit for.

  Being able to take big name cases for a lot of money didn’t make him a good lawyer and I knew that. I wanted to see the passion in him for a case and I finally saw it. I still didn’t know why he was really working so hard for Roberto Calvertino, but whatever the reason way; Ryan wanted to help the man.

  It seemed to be more than just wanting to help him over money, or even over some sort of blackmail. There was some kind of long-standing relationship between the two men, I felt it during our threesome. I just didn’t know what it was.

  Perhaps Ryan had been involved in Calvertino’s business before he became a lawyer. Or perhaps Ryan had hired Calvertino to kill his first business partner? I wasn’t sure, but something bonded the men.

  The night dragged on and before we knew it there was no sun left and we were in the midst of a late night. I was exhausted and had only made it about halfway through the witnesses and their statements. It would take another day to finished deciding which witnesses we would really want to talk to. As of right now, Mrs. Anderson would be our most damaging; but only if she told what she really saw. After our last meeting with her I really didn’t know if she would lie just out of fear, she certainly seemed very afraid of Calvertino when we visited her.

  “Let’s eat, does that sound good to you?”

  “Oh yes,” I said. “I’m starving. Let’s go get something delicious.”

  “Well delicious is out, it is almost midnight. How about some Chinese food delivered? Then we can wrap stuff up while we wait for them.”

  “Yes, perfect.”

  We finished organizing our files and locked away all the files in Ryan’s safe. Ryan was a little paranoid about people going through his stuff and always had dozens of files that he kept in his safe. I guess if I were one of his clients, I would feel very comfortable that he was protecting my secret information.

  As he shut the safe, Ryan grabbed me and bent me over his desk. He slid my sweatpants down and left my ass exposed. I didn’t fight him. I didn’t say a thing. It was so hard to resist him.

  Ryan let his hand linger on my ass and then pulled it back and slapped my skin. He had never slapped me during sex and it startled me. I thought there had to be some sort of understanding about what was happening. I certainly didn’t know we were slapping each other’s asses whenever we wanted to. I had to remember to talk about the ass slapping the next time I was around Ryan.


  “Shh, you’ve been a bad girl. I’ve wanted to fuck you all night long and you wouldn’t let me.”

  His fingers slid up and down my ass and dipped into my wetness. He let them linger in the warmth of my wet pussy before he slid both fingers up and down my ass again. He wanted to fuck my ass, I could tell by the look in his eyes. But I was done with that. Threesomes were too much for me. If anything, I wanted to get back to my old self who just deal with the chaos I had going on in my own life.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I said with a smile.

  “Mmm, I’m going to fuck you until you remember not to tease me like this again.”

  I heard his zipper as he pulled it down. The anticipation inside me grew. I wanted to feel the pleasure of his hard throbbing cock inside of me. I couldn’t wait to feel the sweet release of orgasm as he thrust harder and harder.

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  The Chinese food was at his door. I could smell it all the way over on the other side of the room. I had to go get the door, there was
no way I could resist. I loved Chinese food and we both needed a break to just eat and relax for a little bit.

  There was a moment of hesitation where I think Ryan was trying to decide if he was going to leave the poor guy at the door and not answer in. He wanted to be inside me so bad he was willing to give up the only food either of us would have eaten all day.

  I stood up and yanked my sweat pants up, then quickly made my way over to the door.

  I didn’t wait to see if Ryan had zipped back up or not, this was the perfect excuse to make him suffer even more from his desire to have me.

  The joy I felt from denying Ryan again was hard to contain. It felt so good to not let him be in charge. He was always in charge, Ryan always got his way, maybe it was time for me to start getting my way.

  I knew that was a very bold statement and I didn’t know if I would make the right choices for me when I was around him. Ryan was a powerful man who was use to getting what he wanted exactly when he wanted it. For me to even try to deny him for one day, it was probably very weird for Ryan.

  Ryan had been a top lawyer for years and making several million dollars each year. In his world he probably always got what he wanted and never had to wait or worry about things that were out of his control.


  Eventually, we had to call it a night and I did a vanishing act while Ryan was in the restroom. I made a quick getaway to my vehicle and drove straight home. I knew it just had to of killed Ryan that I had left him without fucking him again.

  The next day we again set out to prepare for Calvertino’s trial. But this time we decided to get a small conference room in the library. It wouldn’t be bugged and we could talk freely about the case. Ryan had me leave my purse in his office and we just carried the paperwork we needed to review.


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