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Bad Coach (An Alpha Male Bad Boy Romance) (Forbidden Romance)

Page 57

by Claire Adams

  “We have lots of room.”

  “I think you should go, Natalie, you seem pretty freaked out. I'm going to go back to our place though. I would feel more comfortable doing that,” Julie said.

  I looked at Natalie, and she just nodded. She must have been freaked out, because I was shocked that she would agree to go with me alone back to my place. Every time I saw the blood on her face, though, anger surged through me all over again.

  “Okay, let me get you a cab then, Julie. I'm not leaving you here alone.”


  I turned toward the street to hail a cab. It wasn't long before one came down the street. The later it got, the more cabs arrived to bring all the drunks home. A cab pulled up to the sidewalk and I tugged the side door open for Julie. I handed the driver a bunch of bills and gave him Julie's address.

  “Thanks, Jet, I appreciate your help.”

  “No problem. Take care of yourself.”

  “I'll see you tomorrow, Natalie!” she yelled from the cab. Natalie only waved. I watched the cab pull away and I looked to flag down another. I glanced over my shoulder to make sure Natalie was still there, and I smiled at her, hoping it eased her stress.

  Another cab drove up, and I opened the side door once again. I motioned for her to come to me, and I let her get in the cab first. I followed in after her, and we sat side by side on the middle seat of the van. I gave the driver my address, and the cab pulled away from the sidewalk. I wrapped my arm around her. I was surprised when her body shook with sobs that she must have been holding in until that moment.

  I held her as tightly as I could, and watched the city pass by through the window of the cab. I kissed her on the top of the head before realizing what I was doing. She didn't pull away. Instead, she snuggled deeper into my chest.

  Chapter Thirteen


  We walked into Jet's place; it was quiet for the time being, since his roommate was still at the club trying to find a girl. He had a really nice place, a lot nicer than my cramped apartment that I shared with Julie. The decorations were a little tacky, but what could you expect from an apartment full of guys? I walked into the living room, and sat on the couch. When I looked up I was surprised to see my drawing hanging on the wall. It brought a smile to my face. I really had thought that he had thrown it out―that he only paid for it to get in my pants. I didn't expect that he had hung it up already, but it hung proudly on the wall, and the fact that it was there touched me deeply.

  “I told you I kept it.” He came over and sat with me on the couch. He smiled at me and I remembered what a nice smile he had.

  “It looks nice up there.”

  “Yeah, I thought it was time to get rid of all the hockey posters. Maybe I will get a few more pieces from you.”

  I just nodded.

  He got up and went into the kitchen. He poured us a drink, whiskey and Coke, just the way he knew I liked it. He brought over the glasses, and gave me one. “It will help calm you down.”

  “Thank you.” I drank half the glass before I set it down, causing him to chuckle.

  He got up again, and went into the bathroom. I heard the tap running, and it wasn't long before he came back out. He was holding a wet cloth. He sat back down, and leaned into me. He grabbed my chin in his hand, and turned my face to him. His gentleness surprised me, and tears sprang up in my eyes once again. He took the cloth and dabbed at my lip, cleaning the blood away from the cut.

  “It's not deep, so you don't need stitches.”

  I smiled. “That's good.”

  He continued to clean me up, and then he allowed me to drink the rest of the whiskey out of my glass.

  “I love whiskey, it's delicious.”

  He laughed, “I noticed and I would have to agree.” I looked into his eyes and I couldn't help but start crying again. The mugger had terrified me. I had never experienced anything like that in my life. He was so rough that I wasn't sure if I was going to be raped or killed. I couldn't have been more grateful to see Jet show up, and get a hold of the guy. Even if he did bring the blonde tramp with him.

  “Thank you for being there. For catching the guy, for saving me.”

  “God, Natalie, of course. I saw red as soon as I realized you had been hurt. Guys like that need to be wiped off the face of the planet. He'll think twice about hurting another girl. I broke a few of his ribs.”

  “Did you?”

  “Yeah, and he's lucky that's all I did to him.” He brushed the hair out of my eyes and touched my cheek softly.

  “How about you go take a shower and freshen up? I’ll get you something to wear to bed. You should probably get some rest.”

  “That sounds nice, thank you.”

  I followed him to the bathroom. He showed me where the towels were, and turned on the shower for me.

  “Adjust the temperature the way you like it. I’ll be right back.”

  I went to the shower and felt the temperature. It was a little hot, so I turned the temperature down before I went into the closet, and pulled out a towel. I put it close to the shower so it would be right there when I got out.

  Jet came back into the bathroom and handed me some clothes. “Here's a pair of boxers and a t-shirt of mine. Hopefully they will do for the night.”

  “They’re fine. Thanks.”

  He left the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I undressed quickly and hopped into the shower. I just wanted to rinse off a bit, and get the feeling of the guy’s hands off of me. I hated feeling his touch on my body; it gave me the creeps. I just stood under the showerhead, allowing the water to cascade down my body. The heat felt wonderful against my skin, and I began to feel normal once again.

  I turned the water off, and pulled open the curtains. I stepped out of the shower and grabbed the towel. Water droplets disappeared as I dried off with the towel and then I looked at myself in his bathroom mirror. I surveyed the damage to my lip, and willed myself not to cry again.

  I looked around for a brush, and only found a comb in a drawer but it would do. I quickly brushed my hair and dried off the remaining droplets. I dressed in the clothes Jet had brought me, and hung up the towel on the shower rod. I left the bathroom and went to look for Jet. I found him on the couch drinking another glass of whiskey.

  “Do you want to have another drink?”

  I shook my head and then said, “No, I think I'm ready for bed, if you don't mind.”

  “Of course not.”

  “Should I sleep on the couch?”

  “No, you can sleep with me.”

  “What? No, I don't think so.”

  “Don't be silly. I will keep my distance. I just don't want you out of my sight right now.”

  I nodded. I watched as he downed his drink and then I followed him down the hall and into his bedroom. He pulled back the covers of the bed and put a few pillows down the middle.

  “See, there is something in between us. You don't have to worry about me putting the moves on you.”

  I laughed for the first time that evening.

  “Sorry I ruined your hookup.” It was the first time I brought up the blonde he was leaving the club with. He looked a little embarrassed at my mentioning it.

  “Naw, you probably did me a favor. Besides, I would much rather you be here.”

  I crawled into bed and drew the covers up around me. I lay my head down on the pillow and Jet did the same. We faced each other and I smiled to lighten the butterflies that were in my stomach causing a stir.

  “Can we talk about the kiss?”

  He nodded. “It was a pretty great kiss.”

  I laughed, “Yes it was. I'm sorry I sent you away, it kind of scared me. I just didn't handle it well.”

  “You did fine. I'm just an idiot. I should know when to take things slow. You're not like other girls.”

  “You know what you handled badly? The next day.”

  By the look on his face, he knew that I knew about the lie.

  “Yeah, like I said,
I'm an idiot. If it makes you feel better, I didn't expect it to go beyond this apartment. Believe me, Kyle got a beating when I found it went public.”

  “But why did you say it to begin with? Why would you tell him something like that when it wasn't true?”

  “I don't know. I thought you blew me off. I was hurt and angry, and when I got back home, Kyle was already sure we had slept together, and I just didn't want to look like a fool for not having sealed the deal.”

  “Why? What's the big deal that we didn't?”

  “It's just the way guys are, Natalie. We consider that shit important for some reason. It was never my intention to hurt you, and I was pretty devastated when I found out most people knew. If I could take it all back, I would.”

  I stared at him for a moment or two before saying, “I forgive you. As long as you promise me you will never do anything like that again.”

  “You have my word.” I smiled, feeling the anxiety of the evening drifting out of my body. “You know, I don't always have it together, ya know. I may seem cool and collected, but I'm messed up myself, and that's probably why I say and do things that I shouldn't. I used to be real scared when I was a kid. It's no excuse for my behavior, but I just want you to know I really am sorry.”

  “I know.” I paused before I asked, “Why were you scared as a kid?”

  He smiled softly and had a sad look on his face. “You should get some rest, beautiful. Tomorrow is another day.”

  Confused, I decided to let it go for the time being. As my eyelids fluttered closed, it wasn't long before I fell into a deep sleep.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I rolled over in bed to see the most beautiful creature beside me. Sunlight shone through the window and caressed her face. I didn’t want to wake her; I just wanted to watch her while she slept. She was peaceful and beautiful, and when she opened her eyes, the spell was broken. Her eyes fluttered open and closed repeatedly as she full awakened.

  “Hi,” she whispered.

  “How did you sleep?”

  “Like a baby. You have a nice bed.”

  I laughed. “The parental units spared no expense.”

  “Must be nice.”

  “It's alright. Doesn't matter to me what kind of bed I sleep in.”

  “Yeah, you say that until you sleep in a bad bed and wake up sore.”

  I smiled. “Maybe.”

  She rubbed her eyes, and brushed her hand through her hair. She wasn't self-conscious at all; there was no rush to get to the bathroom to put on makeup. Her movements were from habit, not out of insecurities. She rolled over on her back and stared at the ceiling. I wondered what went through her head; l wished I knew.

  “Would you like some breakfast?” I asked.

  She turned her head to me and grinned. “I would love some.”

  “Okay, I will meet you in the kitchen. Feel free to use the bathroom to freshen up.”


  I rolled out of bed and waited until she got out and went into the bathroom. I changed out of my flannel pants and put on some clothes. I exited the bedroom and headed to the kitchen. Kyle was up, and already playing video games.

  “Hey, man, what time did you get in?”

  Kyle looked up and answered, “Like, 4:00 a.m. You left the bar pretty quickly. You found a girl real quick, right?”

  “Something like that.”

  “What time did she leave?”

  “She didn't. She's still here, so behave yourself.”

  “You let her sleep over? Seriously? When have you ever done that?”

  I went into the kitchen and started to put some coffee on. I grabbed a filter and put it in the coffee machine. I added a scoop of coffee and then filled the pot with water. Once I emptied it into the machine, I turned it on. I loved the smell of coffee in the morning because it always reminded me of possibilities, of a fresh start to take over the world.

  I opened the fridge and pulled out some cream. I assessed the rest of the fridge to determine what there would be for breakfast. It looked like it was going to be bacon and eggs. I turned on the stove, and started to put slices of bacon in a pan. I waited to hear the sizzling of the bacon cooking. I pulled out the eggs as well, but they would have to wait.

  When I turned around, Natalie was behind me, and Kyle's jaw was on the floor. Yes, I would have some explaining to do later. However, for the time being, it was sort of amusing that Kyle was so shocked that it was the artist I had brought home from the bar.

  “Kyle, this is Natalie. Natalie ... Kyle. Kyle is my roommate and teammate.”

  “Hi,” she said tentatively.

  “Hey, what's up? Nice to meet you.”

  I could tell by Natalie's expression that she realized that Kyle was the one who told everyone we had slept together. She held herself together pretty well, though, not giving anything away.

  I turned back to the bacon, and started flipping the pieces while she moved up beside me and smiled.

  “Bacon. How healthy.”

  I laughed, “Please tell me you're not on a diet.”

  “No, but aren't you supposed to eat properly?”

  “I do, for the most part. But I also indulge. My body burns food up like fuel since I train a lot. I am careful when I'm preparing for a fight, because I may need to cut weight; but if I'm not training, then I have a little more leeway.”

  She just nodded.

  With the bacon well underway, I fried us up some eggs.

  “Would you like some coffee?”

  “Yes, absolutely.”

  I poured her a cup of coffee. “Would do you like in it?”

  “I can make my own, thank you.”

  I watched as she opened drawers until she found the silverware. She plucked out a spoon and proceeded to add cream and sugar to her coffee. I watched her stir it, mesmerized by the swirling in her cup. I smiled as she looked up at me.

  “Have a seat,” I told her.

  She carried her cup over to our small kitchen table. I prepared some plates with bacon and eggs and brought them over and sat them down.

  “So I was thinking that maybe I could help you out today.”

  “Help me again? I think you’re already doing that with my school assignment.”

  “Yeah, well. Good thing I like you.”

  She blushed, and I liked how the crimson went across her cheeks. “So how are you going to help me?”

  “By teaching you some self-defense. That way, if you ever find yourself in a situation like yesterday, you will be able to defend yourself.”

  She thought about it for a moment and then nodded. “I guess so.”

  “Great. Let’s get going then.”

  We quickly finished our breakfast before heading to the gym.

  “Okay, self-defense is really simple. The movements are basic, and they will ensure your safety the next time some guy gets in your face.”

  I saw her shudder as she remembered what happened to her the night before. I went through some movements with her on how to get out of a choke hold, as well as a defensive hold. I showed her how to use her car keys as a weapon, and how to throw a punch.

  “Okay, let's try an attack. I'll come up from behind you and put my arms around you, and you try to break the hold.”

  She made a face, and then said, “Sure, let's give it a try.”

  I went up behind her nice and close, wrapped my arms around her shoulders, and pulled tight. It was then that I realized her hair smelled like strawberries. My heart began to beat hard, and having her there in such close proximity aroused me the hell out of me.


  I hadn't realized I dazed out for a bit. I pulled her in tighter, trying to concentrate on the movement, and then told her to go for it.

  In one fluid movement, she elbowed me in the stomach, which loosened my grip on her. She moved quickly, grabbing my arm and twisting it around so that I was forced to let go. She spun around, and only then did she let me go. She was blushing ha
rd, and it made me think she knew why I was in such a daze. Oh boy.

  “Well that's probably good for today, you got some basics down, and at least you can throw a clean punch.”

  “Yup and next time a guy tries to mug me he’ll wish he didn’t.”

  I wrapped my arm around her neck and held her for a second before letting her go.

  “Well, let’s hope it never comes to that.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  My phone began to ring and it was my friend Benny. “Hey, what’s up?”

  “Not a lot. Want to go out with me tonight?”

  “Of course. I have been dying to go out all week. Since my incident, I have been sort of freaked out, but I think I’m ready.”

  Benny also happened to be on the MMA team, though we never discussed Jet at all, oddly enough. Probably because when we hung out, we never really discussed fighting. Benny was an awesome friend, and we had a lot of fun together; we just never discussed sports, as he knew I wasn't into athletics that much.

  “Meet me at my house.”

  “Okay. Cya then.”


  I hadn't seen Jet all day, which was sort of weird, since I had been staying at his apartment all week. It wasn't what you think―we were still just friends, but I was still so freaked out over the mugging, that I had a hard time staying in my apartment with Julie, or even really going out at all. He had offered for me to stay at his place, and I agreed, as long as the pillows remained between us. He had practice that day at the gym, and never came home afterwards. It didn't really matter to me, it's not like he was my boyfriend, so he could do whatever he wanted.

  I did want to remain respectful, however, so I left him a note letting him know I would be out for the night with Benny, and that I would talk to him later. I then went into the bathroom to get ready. Once I had brushed and straightened my hair, I applied makeup. Now I needed to find an outfit.

  I had brought some things from my apartment back to his place and I remember Julie shaking her head when I did so. I was aware that I was acting sort of like a pussy, but I didn't care. Everyone seemed a little perplexed as to what kind of relationship Jet and I had. Kyle was the most perplexed of everyone. Every time he returned home and I was still there, his confusion grew. I preferred not to analyze it, however.


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